[ROM] InsertCoin 8.1-3 | Stable | Tweaks (ROM Kontrol) | Performance | Sense 5.5

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GTalk wurde ja durch Hangouts ersetzt, wie bekomm ich wieder GTalk auf die ROM?
Such die apk und ersetze sie .

Update auf 3.0-6

3.0-6 – you DO NOT need to perform a full wipe!
- updated Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox
- updated aroma preselection; fixed google+ removeable if selected
- updated Louder Optional (should fix bass distorsion)
- added optional CRT OFF animation – props mwilky and hero
- added optional darkblue icons mod – props razer1224
- added fstrim /data and /cache to init.d. it will be performed on boot.
- improved init.d script.
- changed fullwipe script
- general rom cleanup
- replaced HtcClock widget with the butterfly one. has 1 extra clock (3×2 widget) which is transparent
- fixed Google+ Location bugs – props o0rebelious0o for letting me know about it and the workaround
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
android31 schrieb:
Such die apk und ersetze sie .

APK einfach ersetzen bei GTalk funktioniert nicht, aber es funktioniert die GApps zu flashen, dazu einfach beim Flashen vom ROM alle Googledinge abwählen und im Nachgang die GApps wieder flashen:

Google Apps - RootzWiki
Heyho, werden die Boxen des One mit der ROM wieder richtig laut ? Kann das jemand bestätigen ?

Ist on!

- added 3 dot menu inside AROMA wizard
- updated flash player, kids mod, tune-in player, es file explorer
- moved G+ back to /data
- increased jpeg quality to 100, increased video recording to max 30 mbps
- made default longpress home as menu, more logging disabled
- reverted to 4.2.2 Google Play store. new one causes issues if you perform full wipe
- added Camera Mod optional – props to Matt @ xda
- enabled development settings by default, disabled show me, quick tips and help
- made Chinese dictionary and Handwriting optional
- stability and performance improvements
Update auf 3.0-8

3.0-8 – you DO NOT need to perform a full wipe!
- updated busybox to 1.2.1
- updated talkback
- updated hangouts to 1.1.1
- updated google play to 4.2.9
- modded default browser: unlocked unlimited tabs, enabled debug mode, hw accelerated (mwilky)
- added more windows animations speed options in settings – developer – window animation (mwilky)
- added option to disable fast dormancy. saves battery if your carrier doesn’t have FD or has FD but it’s crap.
- added optional 30 steps volume mod
- tweaked ondemand governor, should improve battery a bit by not ramping CPU so fast.
- fixed photo grid remove mod. Now it removes the grid even when you are called
- fixed some smali code
- fixed the Message.apk FC. this was only happening again if enhanced option was selected in AROMA. sadly if you don’t full wipe you’ll have to wipe Message data with TB again.
- cleaned and updated build.prop / init.post-boot.sh / gps.conf
- whatever I forgot, just download is better than the old one :D .
3.0-9 online

- added MIUI weather icons optional – props basil3
- fixed rare cases where Settings was FCing (and remove the extra window transition animations speed)
- fixed rare cases where users couldn’t purchase from Play Store through Carrier billing
- fixed when selection Chinese keyboard it didn’t also add Chinese Handwriting
- updated arabic (naskh) font (sherifbmw)
- updated AOSP window transition animation optional
- removed some obsolete files
- reverted stock browser to un-modded one. the modded one with unlimited tabs and enabled debug mode is optional now (users behind the great firewall should use un-modded version)
- other cleanups
Update auf 3.0-10

3.0-10 – you DO NOT need to perform a full wipe!

- 2 louder sound optionals.One is at 73 db the other at 76 db (default is 67)
- callrecording it is now as default in ROM
- changed autobrightness values, no need for an optinal now
- added more widgets to remove if “Remove Sense Option is selected”
- removed all the themeing options. they are now avaiable in InsertCoin Kustomizer
- “project butter” everything is smoother now. will make even the iphone cry :D
- updated default font w/ android 4.3 one
- other cleanups
Man ist das jetzt alles weich! Hammer..
Das ROM läuft in Verbindung mit dem EX und dem neuesten Radio wirklich extrem gut :smile: Tolle Arbeit :thumbup:
Finde ich auch!

So Version 3.0-11 is up

3.0-11 – you DO NOT need to perform a full wipe!

- remove loud options. they only increase aux and not what we need (speakers). see xdathreadunder addons for a mod.
- moved optionals “center clock” and “remove battery icon” to htchacks menu. for rest of the stuff you have Kustomizer
- removed % battery icon option. find it in Kustomizer
- fixed blue text % battery (only happened if you removed Sense and used 3rd launcher)
- added HTC Share to remove list
- updated AROMA preselections (please see what is checked and make sure it is what you want)
- fixed glitches if ATT device or ATT signal hack was used.
- other fixes and modifications.
Achtung! Es gibt ein repack von der 3.0-11 Version!
Donnervogel123 schrieb:
Das ROM läuft in Verbindung mit dem EX und dem neuesten Radio wirklich extrem gut :smile: Tolle Arbeit :thumbup:

Welche neueste Radio meinst Du? Hättest Du vielleicht nen Link für mich? Danke!
Auch haben will bitte!
InsertCoin war auf meinem HOX mein erstes Custom ROM und da ich auf Flashentzug bin, war ich Vorgestern dann auch mal so frei :D
Läuft wirklich sehr, sehr gut. Besonders der Akku bringt mich zum staunen. Über 4,5 Stunden Display an bei Gesamtlaufzeit von über 32 Stunden. Hab ich bisher mit keinem anderen ROM geschafft. Und das nach der ersten vollen Ladung. :thumbup:


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Update auf 3.0-12 aka 3.0-11-Repack

3.0-11-Repack- – you DO NOT need to perform a full wipe!

- This new build is fastdormancy related!
A little story before: By default for european (international ) HTCs fastdormancy is undefined. This means I don’t know when and if it is enabled or disabled.Starting with 3.0-7 i forced FD ON by default with the option to disable it via install. Since most of you didn’t know what to choose on or off,I reverted to the default unknow state, and optional to disable it. (having fd enabled on a non-fd network gives bad battery and vice-versa).So if you are 100% sure your carrier doesn’t have FD, choose to disable, if you don’t know leave it default!
- build.prop clean up
- changes to ondemand governor
Use only Kustomizer 1.0-5-Repack
Hat jemand von euch schon mal die Google Edition getestet?
Die aktuelle nicht. Bin generell ein Fan von Stock-Android, aber mir würden mittlerweile die sehr gute HTC Mail-App, der Dialer etc. fehlen. Klar, es gibt Alternative Apps, aber ich will nicht immer zusätzliches Zeug suchen und installieren müssen.
Wozu muss ich die 2.24 firmeware flashen?

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