[ROM][JB][CM10] Android 4.1.2 - CyanogenMod 10 (Nightlies + Exp.) [GT-P75XX]

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Wo wir schon bei Lebenszeichen von "pershoot" sind. Gibt ein weiteres Experimental der CM10 Version mit neuestem Kernel. Die Arbeit von "grzwolf" scheint wohl mit eingeflossen zu sein. Thx too u"grzwolf" und seiner Arbeit.:thumbup: Somit dürfte der DS wieder gut sein und der Batterydrain normal. Habe natürlich nicht getestet und kann dazu nix sagen, vielleicht hat ja einer noch Spaß an CM10 und Andorid 4.1.2.

Here are some UNOFFICIAL builds that were ran off this morning (6/17).
This is JellyBean 4.1.2 (JZ054K).
Changes from the last UNOFFICAL release (03/06):
wake_up_process() should be never used to wakeup a TASK_STOPPED/TRACED task
vt: synchronize_rcu() under spinlock is not nice…
mm: prevent mmap_cache race in find_vma()
sched: Convert BUG_ON()s in try_to_wake_up_local() to WARN_ON_ONCE()s
cgroup: fix an off-by-one bug which may trigger BUG_ON()
-Revert “block: introduce the BFQ-v6 I/O sched for 3.1″
-Revert “block: prepare I/O context code for BFQ-v6 for 3.1″
-Revert “block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v4-3.1″
block: prepare I/O context code for BFQ-v6r1 for 3.1
block: cgroups, kconfig, build bits for BFQ-v6r1-3.1
block: introduce the BFQ-v6r1 I/O sched for 3.1
block, bfq: add Early Queue Merge (EQM) to BFQ-v6r1 for 3.1.0
-wireless: move bcmdhd to bcmdhd_samsung
-wireless: bcmdhd: samsung: move everything to root
sched/debug: Limit sd->*_idx range on sysctl
sched/debug: Fix sd->*_idx limit range avoiding overflow
net: update wireless from google common 3.0
update BFQ to v6r2
Clear the head of descriptor for the endpoint of gser and acm port in…
drivers: modem_if: replace mif P4 with mif P5 to fix l2_hsic issue
Device specific:
-recovery: set ro flags after class_start (on boot)
-p4-common: disable render_dirty_regions
-wireless: update firmware from i9100
-p4-common: add WiFiDirectDemo
-system: update kernel
-system: update kernel
-system: update kernel
-system: update kernel
-system: update kernel
Vendor specific:
Rom Base:
Sync’d as of ~9.00PM (6/16), Eastern.
Built recovery (in the folder) is CWM
Local Build:
Update to Oracle JDK 1.6.0_45
-This build contains the current development kernel (3.1.10; 6/16).
-For P3: If you use GAPPS, then you must use a smaller gapps package. You can find one here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Today] Cyanogenmod 10.1 - Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) - NIGHTLY
-Do not update Search from Play (Market), otherwise Search/Google Now will crash.
Known Issues:
-Wallpaper will be shifted downward when applied (Trebuchet).
-WiFi direct is not fully operational.
-Android won’t signify when charging (only when charged), unless force_usb_charging is activated.
GT-P7100 (p3), GT-P7500 (p4), GT-P7510 (p4wifi), SCH-I905 (p4vzw) and SGH-T859 (p4tmo)
-Use the supplied recovery (in the folder (use Odin 1.85 to flash it)), if you are not on a compatible/recent recovery.
-For P4VZW: You must be on stock ICS (and it’s modem) before flashing to this build, for LTE functionality
-For P4WIFI UK: You must be on the US ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 inside the .zip in the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen
-For P4: You must be on the UK ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 from UK inside the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen.
-For P3: It is advised to be on P4′s ICS modem for best results.
-For P4*: You must be on the ICS modem for best results.
Installation Instructions:
-Flash CWM in Download Mode via Odin 1.85 (PDA field)
-Boot CWM
If you are coming from CM 10.1, from another OS/Rom or have a P3 and have had another GAPPS installed (then the one listed above):
-Format /system
-Flash rom
-If you use GAPPS (P4 only; P3 will use minimal GAPPS (above)), you can use 10/11 from goo.
If you are coming from CM 10.1 or another OS/Rom:
-Wipe in CWM
P4WIFI: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4wifi/
P4VZW: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4vzw/
P4TMO: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4tmo/
P4: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4/
P3: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p3/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gibt wieder ein neues Experimental Build von Pershoot.

Here are some UNOFFICIAL builds that were ran off this morning (6/29).
This is JellyBean 4.1.2 (JZ054K).
Changes from the last UNOFFICIAL release (06/20):
Battery: Add support for devices which doesn’t report a valid battery status (jruesga; Gerrit Code Review)
-drivers: modem_if: bring back usb_modem_state for P4LTE
-drivers: modem_if: bring back change_modem_state for P4LTE
-wireless: bcmdhd: samsung: rename FW file to bcmdhd
-defconfig: jb: rename FW file to bcmdhd
Device specific:
-wireless: rename bcm4330 to bcmdhd and add mfg firmware
overlay: disable supportBatteryStatus
-wireless: add mfg firmware
-system: update kernel/wifi
-wireless: add mfg firmware
-system: update kernel/wifi
-wireless: add mfg firmware
-system: update kernel/wifi
-wireless: add mfg firmware
-system: update kernel/wifi
-system: update kernel/wifi
Vendor specific:
-wireless: add nvram_mfg
-wireless: add nvram_mfg
-wireless: add nvram_mfg
-wireless: add nvram_mfg
-wireless: add nvram_mfg
Rom Base:
Sync’d as of ~11.00PM (6/28), Eastern.
Built recovery (in the folder) is CWM
-This build contains the current development kernel (3.1.10; 6/28).
-For P3: If you use GAPPS, then you must use a smaller gapps package. You can find one here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Today] Cyanogenmod 10.1 - Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) - NIGHTLY
-Do not update Search from Play (Market), otherwise Search/Google Now will crash.
Known Issues:
-Wallpaper will be shifted downward when applied (Trebuchet).
-WiFi direct is not fully operational (i.e doesn’t appear to work with a n4 but has been reported to work with an n10).
GT-P7100 (p3), GT-P7500 (p4), GT-P7510 (p4wifi), SCH-I905 (p4vzw) and SGH-T859 (p4tmo)
-Use the supplied recovery (in the folder (use Odin 1.85 to flash it)), if you are not on a compatible/recent recovery.
-For P4VZW: You must be on stock ICS (and it’s modem) before flashing to this build, for LTE functionality
-For P4WIFI UK: You must be on the US ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 inside the .zip in the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen
-For P4: You must be on the UK ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 from UK inside the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen.
-For P3: It is advised to be on P4′s ICS modem for best results.
-For P4*: You must be on the ICS modem for best results.
Installation Instructions:
-Flash CWM in Download Mode via Odin 1.85 (PDA field)
-Boot CWM
If you are coming from CM 10.1, from another OS/Rom or have a P3 and have had another GAPPS installed (then the one listed above):
-Format /system
-Flash rom
-If you use GAPPS (P4 only; P3 will use minimal GAPPS (above)), you can use 10/11 from goo.
If you are coming from CM 10.1 or another OS/Rom:
-Wipe in CWM
P4WIFI: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4wifi/
P4VZW: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4vzw/
P4TMO: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4tmo/
P4: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4/
P3: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p3/

Hat eigentlich jemand Unterschiede bez. der Performance gegenüber der Infamous AOKP ausgemacht?
Ich glaube das CM10 wird kaum einer nutzen. Die CM10.1 Versionen sollen ja, laut einiger Aussagen, recht gut laufen mittlerweile.
udn wie wären da die Unterschiede? Gibt es welche?
Ja, CM10=Android 4.1.2 / CM10.1=Android 4.2.2;)
Meinte gegenüber der i-AOKP...;-)

Oder tun die sich im Grunde nichts?
Ahh ohh.:blushing: Naja AOKP läuft von Natur aus immer etwas schlecher da zu viel Spielerei mit drin ist. Viele sagen aber die Infamous Version richtig gut laufen soll. Kann halt nur von meinen damaligen AOKP Versuchen berichten. Da lief CM10.X besser. Aber weniger Spielerei, muss man halt abwegen. Auf meinem Nexus 10 ists genauso. Wenngleich die AOKP ROMs mit Linaro ne Ecke runder laufen. Aber festhalten kann man, je schlanker ein System, umso besser sollte es laufen. Sollte deswegen, weil es immer auf die Implementierung ankommt. Aber im Grunde versteht CM sein Handwerk ja.
OK, das macht mich ein wenig unschlüssig....
Sorry, wollte dich nicht verunsichern. Mach doch nen Nandroid und spiel CM10.1 mal auf. Dann kannste direkt vergleichen. Wenns nicht passt, einfach das Backup wiederherstellen.;)
Ich hatte schon mal einen direkten Vergleich, weiß aber nicht mehr welche CM genau das was...also 10 oder 10.1...aber ich meine es war schon Multiuser dabei...also kann es nur die 4.2 gewesen sein...

Und im Grunde hab keine Unterschiede festgestellt...was aber nichts heisst...^^
Ich persönlich konnte keine großen Performance- Unterschiede beim Umstieg von CM10.1 auf AOKP MR1 (4.2.2) feststellen.
Dafür aber beim Wechsel CM10 -> CM10.1, da wurde es merklich schlechter. Demnach würde ich sagen, dass CM10 besser läuft als die 4.2- ROMs.

Ich werde demnächst (nächste Woche irgendwann) eh wieder CM10 flashen, einfach aus Interesse. Kann dann ja berichten, falls es jemand interessiert...
Gibt ein weiteres Experimental von CM10.

Here are some UNOFFICIAL builds that were ran off this evening (7/10).
This is JellyBean 4.1.2 (JZ054K).
Changes from the last UNOFFICIAL release (06/29):
-drivers: modem_if: don’t wait_enumeration in if_usb_disconnect for P4LTE
perf: Treat attr.config as u64 in perf_swevent_init()
Device specific:
-system: update kernel/wifi
-system: update kernel/wifi
-system: update kernel/wifi
-system: update kernel/wifi
-system: update kernel/wifi
Vendor specific:
Rom Base:
Sync’d as of ~11.00PM (7/10), Eastern.
Built recovery (in the folder) is CWM
-This build contains the current development kernel (3.1.10; 7/10).
-For P3: If you use GAPPS, then you must use a smaller gapps package. You can find one here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Today] Cyanogenmod 10.1 - Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) - NIGHTLY
-Do not update Search from Play (Market), otherwise Search/Google Now will crash.

-Use the supplied recovery (in the folder (use Odin 1.85 to flash it)), if you are not on a compatible/recent recovery.
-For P4VZW: You must be on stock ICS (and it’s modem) before flashing to this build, for LTE functionality
-For P4WIFI UK: You must be on the US ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 inside the .zip in the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen
-For P4: You must be on the UK ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 from UK inside the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen.
-For P3: It is advised to be on P4′s ICS modem for best results.
-For P4*: You must be on the ICS modem for best results.

Gibt wieder ein neues Experimental von CM10. Alles weitere im OP.
Kann den OP leider nicht bearbeiten. Habe meine Sitzungslänge gesprengt.:mad:Deswegen so.

Here are some UNOFFICIAL builds that were ran off this morning (8/25).
This is JellyBean 4.1.2 (JZ054K).
Changes from the last UNOFFICIAL release (08/25):
Local: Drop to 32bit Oracle JDK 1.6.0_45
cgroup: fix RCU accesses to task->cgroups
-build: kernel/module: modify optimization flags
Device specific:
-recovery: remove prefer tar (this has been made the default behavior)
-system: update kernel/modules
-system: update kernel/modules
-system: update kernel/modules
-system: update kernel/modules
-system: update kernel/modules
Vendor specific:
Rom Base:
Sync’d as of ~1.30AM (8/25), Eastern.
Built recovery (in the folder) is CWM
-This build contains the current development kernel (3.1.10; 7/14).
-For P3: If you use GAPPS, then you must use a smaller gapps package. You can find one here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Today] Cyanogenmod 10.1 - Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) - NIGHTLY
-Do not update Search from Play (Market), otherwise Search/Google Now will crash.
Known Issues:
-Wallpaper will be shifted downward when applied (Trebuchet).
-WiFi direct is not fully operational (i.e doesn’t appear to work with a n4 but has been reported to work with an n10).
GT-P7100 (p3), GT-P7500 (p4), GT-P7510 (p4wifi), SCH-I905 (p4vzw) and SGH-T859 (p4tmo)
-Use the supplied recovery (in the folder (use Odin 1.85 to flash it)), if you are not on a compatible/recent recovery.
-For P4VZW: You must be on stock ICS (and it’s modem) before flashing to this build, for LTE functionality
-For P4WIFI UK: You must be on the US ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 inside the .zip in the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen
-For P4: You must be on the UK ICS bootloader (odin .tar.md5 from UK inside the folder), otherwise you may incur a rolling screen.
-For P3: It is advised to be on P4′s ICS modem for best results.
-For P4*: You must be on the ICS modem for best results.
Installation Instructions:
-Flash CWM in Download Mode via Odin 1.85 (PDA field)
-Boot CWM
If you are coming from CM 10.1, from another OS/Rom or have a P3 and have had another GAPPS installed (then the one listed above):
-Format /system
-Flash rom
-If you use GAPPS (P4 only; P3 will use minimal GAPPS (above)), you can use 10/11 from goo.
If you are coming from CM 10.1 or another OS/Rom:
-Wipe in CWM
P4WIFI: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4wifi/
P4VZW: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4vzw/
P4TMO: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4tmo/
P4: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p4/
P3: Index of /galaxy/roms/cm10/p3/


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