Der Akku-Thread zum Samsung Galaxy S3: Akkulaufzeiten, -Probleme und mehr

  • 8.480 Antworten
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S13gfried schrieb:
Naja, das muss es dir Wert sein. Machen wir doch alle so :D

0,2%/h geht eigentlich nicht. Schaff ich nicht mal mit Display aus und Flugzeugmodus :D
Ich glaube, da kam ich mal auf 0,3%/a

Bin mir relarltiv sicher, dass ich das mal hatte... ist ja auch egal. Wenn ihr sagt, dass 1% pro Stunde gut ist - ich bin eben viel Besseres gewohnt, und scheinbar gehtnesbauxh besser, so wie die erste Seite hier aussieht (ich lese von unter 1%).

Werde mir morgen mal das Ergebnis von BBS anschauen und ggf hier posten :)
Jo, lass mal über Nacht mehrere Stunden laufen, starte vorher neu und zieh 5Minuten später den Stecker...

Wie gesagt, da bin ich auf 0,5%/h gekommen, mit eigener bearbeiteter Stock, mit OmegaRom (Stock basierend) und mit AOSP (SlimRom).

ich werd verrückt mit dem Media Scanner:
Also ich habe gestern ein Tool laufen lassen, h2...irgendwas, schreibt SDCard voll und liest dann nach Fehler. War nichts gewesen. Habe außerdem nochmal Fat32 formatiert und Windows ScanDisk. Heute habe ich schon mehrmals das SD Karten Symbol gesehen..dass sie unerwartet entfernt wurde.
Werd mir Notgedrungen eine neue bestellen, dann halt 16GB Sanddisk. Aber ich denke wieder class10, weil Daten schieben ist echt so schon langsam :D

Trotzdem, aber ggf. auch deswegen, läuft mein MediaScanner wieder, trotz "Rescan media app" auf disable...
Das ist ja das eigentliche Problem.
Zu oft :D

Ich brauch nicht zählen, um zu wissen das hier was falsch läuft. Umtausch geht von statten, statt sanDisk bekomme ich ne 32Gb class 10 von Samsung.
Ich hab noch mal bei mir in die Logs geschaut, größtenteils wird mein S3 geweckt für Standortdienste u.ä.
Macht es sich spürbar bemerkbar wenn ich die Standortdienste/Google Now/Drahtlosnetzwerke verwenden usw. deaktiviere?

"Standort- und Google Suche" ist das rein zur Einblendung ortsbezogener Suchergebnisse oder hängt da mehr dran? Wenn ich das ausschalte, werden dann lediglich die Suchergebnisse neutral, oder verändert sich sonst noch was?
Spawnie, lies bitte mal das zweite Posting auf der ersten Seite dieses Threads, besonders Punkt 3.1.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Herby3, Spawnie112 und Ikonengolf
Hi könnte mir vielleicht einer helfen?
Habe ein S3 aus England von meinem onkel geschickt bekommen
noch verschweißt nicht geöffnet bin seit 3 stolzer besitzer davon doch das negative daran ist der akku schnell leer ging.
Da hab ich in google gelesen das man einfach auf werkseinstellung zurück setzen sollte.
Das hab ich dann auch gemacht doch der akku ist schlechter als vorher :-(
Das handy war beim 1 einschalten auf JB.
Ich danke jedem der mir helfen kann

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:51 Uhr wurde um 20:53 Uhr ergänzt:

Upps seit 3 tagen
XD wie bekifft hab ich des formuliert
tag schrieb:
Spawnie, lies bitte mal das zweite Posting auf der ersten Seite dieses Threads, besonders Punkt 3.1.

OK, das wäre geklärt. Ich hab vielleicht auch doof gefragt. Mir gings eher um die nicht so offensichtlichen Folgen wenn man X oder Y deaktiviert.
Ja, es ist Android Generationen her, war unter 2.x, aber dort hatte ich mal irgendein dieser Häkchen weggenommen und von da an weigerte sich die Navigation per Google eine GPS Position zu empfangen.
Vom reinen Text her war das alles andere als logisch, und hat - da zeitlich versetzt - etwas Suchen verursacht.
Um diese nicht offensichtlichen Punkte ging es mir vor allem.
Es sind ja nicht so viele Optionen, 3 x Standorteinstellungen, Google Now inkl. Standortverlauf und (ich glaube) 2 x in Maps drinne.
Sind da irgendwelche Ostereier versteckt, auf die man nicht direkt kommen würde?
ochin1 schrieb:
Habe ein S3 aus England

Liegt genau daran. Ist in dem Land so vorgeschrieben, dass ein Akku IRGENDWANN mal leer wird.
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe ist der Akku irgendwann nach 3 Tagen mal leer gegangen. An sich ne gute Zahl. Viele von uns laden nach 1 Tag neu auf. Welche Firmware war nach dem zweiten Mal einschalten drauf?

So, genug der SCHLECHTEN Witze (nicht böse sein bitte).
Lies mal Post 1 und 2 (direkt am Anfang) und pack dir BBS aufs Handy. Mit dem Log können wir dir dann helfen.
Wenn das Handy aber neu ist bzw. du nen kompletten Reset gemacht hast, dann vermute ich erstmal, dass du dich daran gewöhnen musst.
Hey Leute,

ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Das ist das S3 von meiner Freundin und es verbraucht ungeheuer viel Akku. Das ist passiert seit dem ich einen Update gemacht habe und die ganzen Apps aktualisiert habe, da sie sich um so etwas nicht kümmert. Jetzt wollte ich eigentlich einen Factory Reset machen, aber dass möchte sie nicht :lol:.

Ich habe das S3 voll geladen und es über Nacht nicht benutzt, damit man vielleicht ein besseres Ergebnis erzielen kann.
Mir ist bewusst, dass das S3 nicht in den DeepSleep kommt, aber warum?

Hier einmal das Dumpfile
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-04-20 12:58:01
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 11 h 29 m 35 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.31-742798
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9300XXELLA:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: false
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4268-3840) [37,2%/h]
Other Usage
Awake (): 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
Screen On (): 2 m 35 s  (155 s) Ratio: 0,4%
Wifi On (): 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
Wifi Running (): 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
No Data Connection (): 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
No or Unknown Signal (): 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
Screen dark (): 2 m 35 s  (155 s) Ratio: 0,4%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 2 m 26 s  (146 s) Count:959 0,4%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 1 m 38 s  (98 s) Count:19 0,2%
SignalCollector.ScannerThread ( 1 m 22 s  (82 s) Count:149 0,2%
SignalCollector.Scanner ( 1 m 19 s  (79 s) Count:377 0,2%
RILS ( 24 s  (24 s) Count:5 0,1%
NetworkLocationActiveCollector ( 19 s  (19 s) Count:150 0,0%
NetworkLocationLocator ( 17 s  (17 s) Count:5 0,0%
NetworkLocationPassiveCollector ( 11 s  (11 s) Count:104 0,0%
AsyncCollectorListener ( 7 s  (7 s) Count:329 0,0%
fullsync (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 5 s  (5 s) Count:21 0,0%
NetworkLocationCallbackRunner ( 4 s  (4 s) Count:101 0,0%
*sync* {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} ( Kalender synchronisieren): 3 s  (3 s) Count:3 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 3 s  (3 s) Count:29 0,0%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:2 0,0%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 2 s  (2 s) Count:283 0,0%
AlarmManager ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:469 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 2 s  (2 s) Count:105 0,0%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 2 s  (2 s) Count:48 0,0%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): 2 s  (2 s) Count:10 0,0%
GTALK_CONN (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:189 0,0%
AlarmManager (Telefon): 1 s  (1 s) Count:116 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:27 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 1 s  (1 s) Count:20 0,0%
EM/android_talkc9d1a5e53389 (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:30 0,0%
PhoneWindowManager.mBroadcastWakeLock (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:52 0,0%
*sync* {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:34 0,0%
RILJ (Telefon): 1 s  (1 s) Count:129 0,0%
sleep_broadcast (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:72 0,0%
*sync* {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:7 0,0%
*sync* {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:6 0,0%
*sync*_subscribedfeeds_Account {name=6b3f729aaa8832335b356e69756ebb7f,} (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:7 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks 
"wlan_ctrl_wake" (): 11 h 26 m 59 s  (41219 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)0/0/0 99,6%
"wlan_wake" (): 48 m 38 s  (2918 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1787565/0/0 7,1%
"wlan_rx_wake" (): 10 m 19 s  (619 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)581/0/580 1,5%
"PowerManagerService" (): 7 m 31 s  (451 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1389/0/0 1,1%
"battery-monitor" (): 4 m 56 s  (296 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)289/0/289 0,7%
"GPS" (): 1 m 2 s  (62 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0,2%
"alarm" (): 25 s  (25 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1271/0/0 0,1%
"AudioOutLock" (): 22 s  (22 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/0 0,1%
"umts_rfs0" (): 8 s  (8 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/3 0,0%
"umts_ipc0" (): 4 s  (4 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)17/0/17 0,0%
"l2_hsic" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/19 0,0%
"radio-interface" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7/0/0 0,0%
"rpm_hsic" (): 2 s  (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)19/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)292/0/0 0,0%
"efsd-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%
"tx_hsic" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)35/0/0 0,0%
"secril_rfs-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2534/0/0 0,0%
"secril_fmt-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)37/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0,0%
"client-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0%
Alarms (requires root)
Network (requires root)
CPU States
1,4 GHz (): 1 m 17 s  0,2%
1,3 GHz (): 3 s  0,0%
1,2 GHz (): 1 s  0,0%
1,1 GHz (): 10 s  0,0%
1 GHz (): 6 s  0,0%
900 MHz ():  0,0%
800 MHz (): 1 m 24 s  0,2%
700 MHz (): 11 s  0,0%
600 MHz (): 7 s  0,0%
500 MHz (): 7 m 11 s  1,0%
400 MHz (): 5 m 23 s  0,8%
200 MHz (): 11 h 13 m 39 s  97,7%
Reference overview
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
ref_custom: Reference ref_custom created 11 d 16 h 3 m 49 s  (Wl: 30 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 16 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 11 d 16 h 4 m 35 s  (Wl: 31 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 16 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
Und hier das Logcat, falls man das auch braucht.
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
04-20 12:55:27.875 D/dalvikvm(10849): Late-enabling CheckJNI
04-20 12:55:27.985 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnCreated called
04-20 12:55:28.080 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 139K, 9% free 12476K/13575K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 28ms
04-20 12:55:28.080 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 4ms
04-20 12:55:28.090 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:55:28.165 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 84K, 8% free 12832K/13895K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 16ms
04-20 12:55:28.170 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.170 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:55:28.170 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:55:28.170 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.170 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.195 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.215 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 11 d 4 h 35 m 26 s  (Wl: 2 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.215 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 26 s  Bat.: 0% (100% to 100%) [---%/h]
04-20 12:55:28.225 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.225 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:55:28.225 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:55:28.225 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.225 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.260 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.305 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 396K, 10% free 12888K/14279K, paused 12ms+12ms, total 38ms
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 11 d 4 h 35 m 26 s  (Wl: 2 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.310 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 26681 -> 26650
04-20 12:55:28.320 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.320 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:55:28.320 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:55:28.320 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.320 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:55:28.395 I/EventDBHelper(10849): Reference store
04-20 12:55:28.395 I/EventDBHelper(10849): Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.395 I/EventDBHelper(10849): Reference ref_charged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.395 I/EventDBHelper(10849): Reference ref_current created 11 d 4 h 35 m 26 s  (Wl: 2 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.400 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnResume called
04-20 12:55:28.455 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 558K, 11% free 12836K/14343K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 26ms
04-20 12:55:28.465 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:55:28
04-20 12:55:28.465 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:55:28.495 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 54K, 11% free 12806K/14343K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
04-20 12:55:28.495 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.493MB for 64320-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:28.505 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 11% free 12868K/14407K, paused 11ms, total 11ms
04-20 12:55:28.510 D/libEGL  (10849): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-20 12:55:28.515 D/libEGL  (10849): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-20 12:55:28.515 D/libEGL  (10849): loaded /system/lib/egl/
04-20 12:55:28.520 D/        (10849): Device driver API match
04-20 12:55:28.520 D/        (10849): Device driver API version: 10
04-20 12:55:28.520 D/        (10849): User space API version: 10 
04-20 12:55:28.520 D/        (10849): mali: REVISION=Linux-r2p4-02rel0 BUILD_DATE=Tue Oct 16 15:37:13 KST 2012 
04-20 12:55:28.530 D/OpenGLRenderer(10849): Enabling debug mode 0
04-20 12:55:28.575 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:55:28.605 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 343K, 11% free 12899K/14407K, paused 22ms, total 22ms
04-20 12:55:28.630 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.635 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.665 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 94K, 11% free 12947K/14407K, paused 21ms, total 21ms
04-20 12:55:28.665 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.630MB for 64320-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:28.685 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7K, 11% free 13002K/14471K, paused 20ms, total 20ms
04-20 12:55:28.685 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.695 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.700 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.705 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 26 s  (26 s) in 26 s  (26 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.750 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 200K, 9% free 13300K/14471K, paused 11ms+12ms, total 37ms
04-20 12:55:28.760 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:55:28.785 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008132990000
04-20 12:55:28.785 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41236435
04-20 12:55:28.790 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.790 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.850 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 362K, 10% free 13370K/14727K, paused 1ms+13ms, total 29ms
04-20 12:55:28.890 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:28.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:28.965 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 27 m 12 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:55:28.980 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:28.990 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 53 s  (53 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 0,1%
04-20 12:55:29.000 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:29.010 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:29.045 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:29.065 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 568K, 11% free 13338K/14855K, paused 12ms+3ms, total 30ms
04-20 12:55:29.065 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:55:29.065 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:55:29.075 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:55:29.085 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen dark 53 s  (53 s) in 11 h 27 m 13 s  (41233 s) Ratio: 0,1%
04-20 12:55:29.120 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:55:29.175 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 415K, 10% free 13383K/14855K, paused 12ms+13ms, total 45ms
04-20 12:55:29.190 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008133396000
04-20 12:55:29.190 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41236813
04-20 12:55:29.195 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:55:29.210 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:55:29.215 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:55:29.220 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:55:29.220 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:55:29.220 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:55:29.220 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:29.220 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:55:29.265 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:55:29.270 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:55:29.285 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:55:29.290 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:55:29
04-20 12:55:29.325 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 403K, 10% free 13372K/14855K, paused 11ms+5ms, total 36ms
04-20 12:55:29.345 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:55:29
04-20 12:55:44.930 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:55:46.550 W/InputEventReceiver(10849): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
04-20 12:55:47.365 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:55:47.390 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 166K, 10% free 13507K/14855K, paused 16ms, total 16ms
04-20 12:55:47.420 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 239K, 11% free 13431K/14983K, paused 15ms, total 15ms
04-20 12:55:47.425 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:55:47.435 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.435 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.435 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.435 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.450 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 17K, 10% free 13503K/14983K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.450 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.125MB for 13392-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:47.465 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 11% free 13515K/15047K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.465 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:55:47.465 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@42431da8
04-20 12:55:47.480 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 23K, 11% free 13536K/15047K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.480 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.158MB for 13392-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:47.495 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 11% free 13549K/15111K, paused 13ms, total 13ms
04-20 12:55:47.510 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1e a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.510 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.510 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.535 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 9K, 10% free 13640K/15111K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.535 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.273MB for 28240-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:47.545 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 10% free 13665K/15175K, paused 13ms, total 13ms
04-20 12:55:47.560 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 31K, 10% free 13678K/15175K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.575 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 10% free 13693K/15175K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.575 I/dalvikvm-heap(10849): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.325MB for 28240-byte allocation
04-20 12:55:47.585 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 10% free 13721K/15239K, paused 12ms, total 12ms
04-20 12:55:47.600 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.600 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:55:47.625 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 43K, 10% free 13781K/15239K, paused 22ms, total 22ms
04-20 12:55:47.710 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 32K, 10% free 13886K/15303K, paused 16ms, total 16ms
04-20 12:55:47.915 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:55:47.915 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:55:54.225 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:55:54.405 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 93K, 8% free 14295K/15431K, paused 13ms+10ms, total 66ms
04-20 12:55:54.580 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:55:54.580 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:04.345 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:04.345 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:06.335 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:06.620 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:06.620 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:09.930 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:09.930 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:10.345 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnResume called
04-20 12:56:10.470 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 326K, 8% free 14732K/16007K, paused 1ms+5ms, total 26ms
04-20 12:56:10.475 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 17ms
04-20 12:56:10.490 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:56:10
04-20 12:56:10.490 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:56:10.510 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_PREFS_REFRESH' at 2013-04-20 12:56:10
04-20 12:56:10.600 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:10.620 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008174822000
04-20 12:56:10.620 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41278345
04-20 12:56:10.620 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.620 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.650 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1081K, 13% free 14553K/16583K, paused 1ms+7ms, total 31ms
04-20 12:56:10.650 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 13ms
04-20 12:56:10.655 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:10.655 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 15ms
04-20 12:56:10.655 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
04-20 12:56:10.660 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@424d3098
04-20 12:56:10.660 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:10.660 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@42405d38
04-20 12:56:10.665 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:10.665 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@42479660
04-20 12:56:10.710 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:10.710 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.740 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 27 m 54 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:10.740 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008174945000
04-20 12:56:10.740 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41278476
04-20 12:56:10.745 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.770 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:56:10.780 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1782K, 19% free 13562K/16583K, paused 12ms+18ms, total 59ms
04-20 12:56:10.785 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:10.800 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:10.810 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 1 m 35 s  (95 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 0,2%
04-20 12:56:10.820 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:10.835 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:10.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.855 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:10.870 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:10.910 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:56:10.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:10.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:56:10.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:10.920 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:56:10.965 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:10.975 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 392K, 19% free 13592K/16583K, paused 11ms+2ms, total 37ms
04-20 12:56:10.985 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:56:10.990 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:56:10
04-20 12:56:11.030 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:56:11
04-20 12:56:11.030 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:11.030 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:16.925 I/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:56:16
04-20 12:56:16.925 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:56:16.930 I/dalvikvm(10849): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
04-20 12:56:17.070 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 508K, 19% free 13596K/16583K, paused 12ms+5ms, total 41ms
04-20 12:56:17.070 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
04-20 12:56:17.105 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:17.125 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008181330000
04-20 12:56:17.125 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41284786
04-20 12:56:17.130 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_custom
04-20 12:56:17.130 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_custom
04-20 12:56:17.155 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:56:17.155 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:17.155 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:56:17.155 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:17.155 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:56:17.185 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 844K, 21% free 13239K/16583K, paused 12ms+13ms, total 48ms
04-20 12:56:17.240 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 325K, 20% free 13425K/16583K, paused 12ms+3ms, total 32ms
04-20 12:56:17.240 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 7ms
04-20 12:56:17.240 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 9ms
04-20 12:56:17.245 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
04-20 12:56:17.250 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:17.260 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_custom
04-20 12:56:17.275 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:17.275 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:56:17.290 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008181493000
04-20 12:56:17.290 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41284995
04-20 12:56:17.290 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:17.290 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:56:17.295 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:56:17.300 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:56:17.335 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 493K, 19% free 13436K/16583K, paused 12ms+3ms, total 31ms
04-20 12:56:17.345 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:17.365 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:17.380 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:56:17.380 E/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:56:17
04-20 12:56:17.400 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:56:17
04-20 12:56:18.865 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen dark 1 m 35 s  (95 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 0,2%
04-20 12:56:19.850 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 27 m 55 s  (41275 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:21.325 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:21.350 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 352K, 19% free 13590K/16583K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 18ms
04-20 12:56:21.350 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 7ms
04-20 12:56:21.355 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:21.360 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.360 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.360 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.360 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.375 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1e a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.375 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.380 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.405 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0xa a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.405 W/Resources(10849): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-20 12:56:21.410 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 147K, 17% free 13875K/16583K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 20ms
04-20 12:56:21.410 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:21.410 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@426db930
04-20 12:56:21.635 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:21.635 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:30.420 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:30.485 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 90K, 14% free 14267K/16583K, paused 2ms+6ms, total 51ms
04-20 12:56:30.675 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:30.675 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:32.120 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:32.120 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:33.060 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnResume called
04-20 12:56:33.175 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 345K, 12% free 14640K/16583K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 21ms
04-20 12:56:33.175 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
04-20 12:56:33.200 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:56:33
04-20 12:56:33.205 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:56:33.215 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_PREFS_REFRESH' at 2013-04-20 12:56:33
04-20 12:56:33.235 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:33.250 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008197455000
04-20 12:56:33.250 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41300994
04-20 12:56:33.255 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.255 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.300 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1051K, 13% free 14433K/16583K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 41ms
04-20 12:56:33.305 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 12ms
04-20 12:56:33.305 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 12ms
04-20 12:56:33.320 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41297697 -> 41297688
04-20 12:56:33.325 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41297696 -> 41297688
04-20 12:56:33.330 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41297696 -> 41297688
04-20 12:56:33.330 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41297696 -> 41297688
04-20 12:56:33.330 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41297696 -> 41297688
04-20 12:56:33.340 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.340 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:33.370 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008197576000
04-20 12:56:33.370 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41301092
04-20 12:56:33.375 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.375 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 17 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:33.385 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:56:33.405 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 576K, 13% free 14582K/16583K, paused 12ms+16ms, total 55ms
04-20 12:56:33.405 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:33.405 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@424ce9a8
04-20 12:56:33.410 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:33.410 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@424f89c0
04-20 12:56:33.420 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:33.430 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 1 m 57 s  (117 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:56:33.435 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:33.445 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:33.450 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:33.450 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.460 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:33.465 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen dark 1 m 57 s  (117 s) in 11 h 28 m 17 s  (41297 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:56:33.505 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:33.510 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:56:33.540 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:33.560 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:56:33.560 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:56:33
04-20 12:56:33.600 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:56:33
04-20 12:56:33.600 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:33.600 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:40.900 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:44.550 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:44.560 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1509K, 17% free 13819K/16583K, paused 2ms+5ms, total 33ms
04-20 12:56:44.590 I/KernelWakelocksActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for raw stats
04-20 12:56:44.590 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:44.670 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep 6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:44.680 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 28 m 21 s  (41301 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 4,1%
04-20 12:56:44.685 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 2 m 1 s  (121 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:44.695 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 28 m 21 s  (41301 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 4,1%
04-20 12:56:44.705 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 28 m 21 s  (41301 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 4,1%
04-20 12:56:44.710 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 28 m 21 s  (41301 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 4,1%
04-20 12:56:44.720 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 28 m 21 s  (41301 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 4,1%
04-20 12:56:44.725 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen dark 2 m 1 s  (121 s) in 11 d 16 h 3 m 28 s  (1008208 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:44.860 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:44.860 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:46.980 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:47.745 W/InputEventReceiver(10849): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
04-20 12:56:48.260 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnResume called
04-20 12:56:48.375 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:56:48
04-20 12:56:48.380 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:56:48.475 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 628K, 18% free 13760K/16583K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 27ms
04-20 12:56:48.475 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:56:48.475 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:48.475 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@426250c0
04-20 12:56:48.475 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 18ms
04-20 12:56:48.530 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 568K, 18% free 13740K/16583K, paused 1ms+4ms, total 22ms
04-20 12:56:48.530 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:48.530 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 16ms
04-20 12:56:48.530 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@424359a8
04-20 12:56:48.530 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:48.530 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@425e8098
04-20 12:56:48.560 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:48.575 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008212777000
04-20 12:56:48.575 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41316308
04-20 12:56:48.575 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.575 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.620 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 862K, 20% free 13420K/16583K, paused 12ms+2ms, total 40ms
04-20 12:56:48.620 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
04-20 12:56:48.620 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 9ms
04-20 12:56:48.635 I/Misc    (10849): Fixed rounding difference: 41313011 -> 41313010
04-20 12:56:48.680 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 331K, 18% free 13601K/16583K, paused 12ms+4ms, total 43ms
04-20 12:56:48.680 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 2ms
04-20 12:56:48.680 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 6ms
04-20 12:56:48.680 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.680 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:56:48.695 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 32 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:48.700 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:48.700 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008212905000
04-20 12:56:48.700 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41316416
04-20 12:56:48.705 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.715 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:48.715 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:56:48.725 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 2 m 13 s  (133 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:56:48.730 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:48.750 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:48.760 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:48.780 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.780 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 456K, 18% free 13653K/16583K, paused 12ms+14ms, total 51ms
04-20 12:56:48.785 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:48.835 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:56:48.845 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:56:48.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:48.905 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:56:48.910 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:56:48
04-20 12:56:48.955 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:56:48
04-20 12:56:48.955 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:48.955 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:56:51.350 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:53.375 I/StatsActivity(10849): Spinner from changed from ref_unplugged to ref_charged
04-20 12:56:53.405 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_charged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:53.485 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 11 d 16 h 3 m 32 s  (Wl: 30 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 16 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:56:53.490 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 32 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:53.505 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 406K, 18% free 13658K/16583K, paused 11ms+5ms, total 32ms
04-20 12:56:53.505 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:56:53.505 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@424a9060
04-20 12:56:53.535 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_charged to ref_current
04-20 12:56:53.615 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 554K, 19% free 13598K/16583K, paused 11ms+3ms, total 32ms
04-20 12:56:53.630 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 32 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:53.640 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:53.650 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:53.655 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 2 m 12 s  (132 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:56:53.660 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:53.665 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:53.675 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:53.680 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) in 11 h 28 m 32 s  (41312 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:55.970 W/InputEventReceiver(10849): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
04-20 12:56:57.195 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:56:57.910 I/StatsActivity(10849): Spinner from changed from ref_charged to ref_unplugged
04-20 12:56:57.975 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 32 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:58.015 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:56:58.090 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 451K, 19% free 13550K/16583K, paused 13ms+6ms, total 72ms
04-20 12:56:58.135 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 28 m 32 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:56:58.140 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:56:58.150 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:58.160 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 2 m 13 s  (133 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:56:58.165 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:58.185 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:58.200 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:56:58.220 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 344K, 18% free 13620K/16583K, paused 12ms+14ms, total 48ms
04-20 12:56:58.225 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:01.805 I/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:57:01
04-20 12:57:01.810 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:57:01.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 490K, 18% free 13642K/16583K, paused 3ms+9ms, total 48ms
04-20 12:57:01.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 27ms
04-20 12:57:01.910 D/AbsListView(10849): [unregisterDoubleTapMotionListener]
04-20 12:57:01.910 I/MotionRecognitionManager(10849):   .unregisterListener : / listener count = 0->0, listener=android.widget.AbsListView$4@42570500
04-20 12:57:01.940 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:01.955 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008226159000
04-20 12:57:01.955 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41329639
04-20 12:57:01.960 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_custom
04-20 12:57:01.960 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_custom
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:01.970 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:57:02.010 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 885K, 20% free 13269K/16583K, paused 12ms+4ms, total 41ms
04-20 12:57:02.010 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:57:02.010 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
04-20 12:57:02.010 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 10ms
04-20 12:57:02.020 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:57:02.065 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 271K, 19% free 13510K/16583K, paused 13ms+3ms, total 38ms
04-20 12:57:02.065 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 6ms
04-20 12:57:02.065 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:02.075 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:57:02.080 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:02.095 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008226299000
04-20 12:57:02.095 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41329802
04-20 12:57:02.095 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:57:02.100 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:57:02.105 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:02.105 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:57:02.140 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 556K, 19% free 13454K/16583K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 22ms
04-20 12:57:02.145 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:57:02.160 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:02.180 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:57:02.190 E/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:57:02
04-20 12:57:02.225 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:57:02
04-20 12:57:04.680 I/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:57:04
04-20 12:57:04.685 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:57:04.770 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 564K, 20% free 13402K/16583K, paused 3ms+6ms, total 37ms
04-20 12:57:04.770 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 23ms
04-20 12:57:04.800 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:04.815 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008229020000
04-20 12:57:04.815 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41332517
04-20 12:57:04.820 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_custom
04-20 12:57:04.820 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_custom
04-20 12:57:04.850 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 646K, 20% free 13267K/16583K, paused 11ms+3ms, total 30ms
04-20 12:57:04.850 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 9ms
04-20 12:57:04.850 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 9ms
04-20 12:57:04.855 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:04.855 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:57:04.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 281K, 19% free 13498K/16583K, paused 13ms+5ms, total 34ms
04-20 12:57:04.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 14ms
04-20 12:57:04.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 14ms
04-20 12:57:04.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 14ms
04-20 12:57:04.925 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:04.935 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:57:04.940 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:04.955 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:57:04.960 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008229162000
04-20 12:57:04.960 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41332671
04-20 12:57:04.960 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:57:04.965 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:57:04.990 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:57:05.000 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 552K, 19% free 13457K/16583K, paused 12ms+4ms, total 32ms
04-20 12:57:05.000 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:57:05.000 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 8ms
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:05.005 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:57:05.025 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:05.050 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:57:05.065 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:57:05.070 E/WriteCustomReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:57:05
04-20 12:57:05.085 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:57:05
04-20 12:57:05.825 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen dark 2 m 13 s  (133 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,3%
04-20 12:57:06.175 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 28 m 33 s  (41313 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:57:08.770 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10849): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
04-20 12:57:08.775 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10849): setComposingText on inactive InputConnection
04-20 12:57:08.775 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10849): getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
04-20 12:57:09.350 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10849): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
04-20 12:57:50.885 I/StatsActivity(10849): OnResume called
04-20 12:57:51.080 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 595K, 20% free 13350K/16583K, paused 19ms+8ms, total 79ms
04-20 12:57:51.095 I/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Called at 2013-04-20 12:57:51
04-20 12:57:51.095 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF aquired
04-20 12:57:51.175 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:57:51.175 E/SpannableStringBuilder(10849): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
04-20 12:57:51.440 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 408K, 20% free 13325K/16583K, paused 11ms+3ms, total 47ms
04-20 12:57:51.550 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 193K, 19% free 13536K/16583K, paused 14ms+13ms, total 48ms
04-20 12:57:51.565 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:51.585 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008275788000
04-20 12:57:51.585 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41379289
04-20 12:57:51.595 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.630 I/StatsActivity(10849): LoadStatData: refreshing display for stats ref_unplugged to ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.660 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 541K, 19% free 13507K/16583K, paused 15ms+3ms, total 45ms
04-20 12:57:51.660 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
04-20 12:57:51.660 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
04-20 12:57:51.660 D/dalvikvm(10849): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
04-20 12:57:51.740 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.745 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 328K, 18% free 13632K/16583K, paused 15ms+13ms, total 50ms
04-20 12:57:51.750 D/StatsProvider(10849): Added Deep sleep:6 d 18 h 43 m 7 s  (585787 s) Ratio: 58,1%
04-20 12:57:51.765 I/StatsProvider(10849): rawRealtime = 1008275968000
04-20 12:57:51.765 I/StatsProvider(10849): whichRealtime = 41379416
04-20 12:57:51.765 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Serializing reference ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.770 I/StatsActivity(10849): Since 11 h 29 m 35 s  Bat.: -44% (100% to 56%) [3,8%/h]
04-20 12:57:51.775 D/Globals (10849): Wakelock BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF released
04-20 12:57:51.780 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Deep Sleep  (0 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 0,0%
04-20 12:57:51.790 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Awake 11 h 29 m 35 s  (41375 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:51.795 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Screen On 2 m 35 s  (155 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 0,4%
04-20 12:57:51.830 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 444K, 18% free 13657K/16583K, paused 1ms+13ms, total 38ms
04-20 12:57:51.830 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi On 11 h 29 m 35 s  (41375 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:51.840 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Saved ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.840 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: Wifi Running 11 h 29 m 35 s  (41375 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:51.845 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No Data Connection 11 h 29 m 35 s  (41375 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:51.850 I/StatsAdapter(10849): Values: No or Unknown Signal 11 h 29 m 35 s  (41375 s) in 11 h 29 m 36 s  (41376 s) Ratio: 100,0%
04-20 12:57:51.870 I/StatsActivity(10849): Received broadcast, reference was updated:ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Populating cache
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_unplugged
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_charged
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_custom
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Added ref ref_current
04-20 12:57:51.880 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Finished populating cache
04-20 12:57:51.900 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_unplugged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:57:51.915 I/StatsActivity(10849): Reset spinner selections: from='ref_unplugged', to='ref_current'
04-20 12:57:51.920 E/WriteCurrentReferenceService(10849): Destroyed at2013-04-20 12:57:51
04-20 12:57:51.940 I/SmallWidgetProvider(10849): onReceive method called, action = 'BBS_WIDGET_UPDATE' at 2013-04-20 12:57:51
04-20 12:57:54.620 D/AbsListView(10849): Get MotionRecognitionManager
04-20 12:57:54.670 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 345K, 17% free 13782K/16583K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 22ms
04-20 12:58:01.160 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_current created 11 d 16 h 4 m 35 s  (Wl: 31 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 16 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:58:01.570 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 493K, 17% free 13766K/16583K, paused 13ms+7ms, total 64ms
04-20 12:58:01.765 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 568K, 18% free 13727K/16583K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 28ms
04-20 12:58:01.865 E/Process (10849): substractFromRef generated negative values (-1 - 585787977)
04-20 12:58:01.910 D/dalvikvm(10849): GC_CONCURRENT freed 401K, 17% free 13827K/16583K, paused 3ms+13ms, total 36ms
04-20 12:58:01.940 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_charged created 11 d 4 h 35 m  (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:58:01.965 I/ReferenceStore(10849): Retrieved reference from storage: Reference ref_custom created 11 d 16 h 3 m 49 s  (Wl: 30 elements; KWl: 34elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 16 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 13 elements)
04-20 12:58:02.005 I/Util    (10849): command: logcat -v time -d > /storage/sdcard0/logcat-2013-04-20_125801994.txt
So wie es aussieht hat dein wlan den Deepsleep verhindert. Irgendeine App war die ganze Zeit online. Wenn du root hast aktiviere es in BBS damit man sieht welche App viel lädt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Ja root habe ich leider nicht. Wie gesagt ist es nicht mein Handy sonst würde ich es rooten. Eine andere Möglichkeit gibt es nicht um das wieder in den griff zu bekommen?

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
Schau doch mal, welche App über Nacht (merklich) Traffic verursacht.
Das geht auch ohne Root. (Wenn auch nicht mit BBS ohne Root)

Meinst du damit unter Einstellungen-akku? Da wird mir Android OS angezeigt was am meisten verbraucht. Wach bleiben volle 13 Stunden. Gesendete Daten 978 Bytes.

EDIT: Kann es sein das allshare cast der übel Täter ist? Ich habe das jetzt mal deaktiviert und es scheint so das es wieder in den deepsleep kommt. Normalerweise schaltet es sich von selbst, wenn ich aus dem Menü gehe, aber es kann sein das bei einem update der app es nicht deaktiviert wurde.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Spawnie112 schrieb:
OK, das wäre geklärt. Ich hab vielleicht auch doof gefragt. Mir gings eher um die nicht so offensichtlichen Folgen wenn man X oder Y deaktiviert.[...]
Es sind ja nicht so viele Optionen, 3 x Standorteinstellungen, Google Now inkl. Standortverlauf und (ich glaube) 2 x in Maps drinne.
Sind da irgendwelche Ostereier versteckt, auf die man nicht direkt kommen würde?
Welcher der genannten Punkte war unter den 3 Links, die im zweiten Posting unter 3.1 zu finden sind, denn nicht zu finden? Mir klingt dein "OK, das wäre geklärt" ehrlich gesagt nicht so, als ob du es im Detail gelesen hättest. Sind diese Optionen dort nicht sogar ausdrücklich erläutert?
Soo, mein 3000mAh Akku hat sich eingependelt und ich denke, man kann damit sehr zufrieden sein:

Begleitumstände: Fast 8 Stunden kein Netz, stets 3G, Whatsapp, Hill Climb Racing und Bridge Constructor :)
Am Powerbutton für ein paar Sekunden
Ich habe mit dem S3 ein seltsames Akkuproblem. Wie man im Screenshot erkennen kann, zieht das Android OS und Google Maps(obwohl ich es gar nicht geöffnet habe) ungewöhnlich viel Akku. Seitdem ich dieses Problem habe geht auch der Akku viel schneller leer und ich hatte sogar eine Zeit lang das Problem, das sich das Gerät nur sehr langsam aufladen ließ. Ich habe mir einige Threads zu ähnlichen Problem durchgelesen, doch waren alle keine richtige Hilfe. Habt ihr vielleicht noch eine Idee ?


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