Der Akku-Thread zum Samsung Galaxy S3: Akkulaufzeiten, -Probleme und mehr


hier mein BBS log.
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-02-02 10:19:08
Statistic Type: (3) Since Unplugged
Since 18 h 27 m 37 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.31-hells-Core-b2.7
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9300XXEMA2:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: 30 Bat.: 30% (100% to 70%) [1,6%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: 404 (4280-3876)
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 16 h 13 m 5 s  (58385 s) Ratio: 87,9%
No Data Connection (): 17 h 44 m 4 s  (63844 s) Ratio: 96,1%
No or Unknown Signal (): 17 h 44 m 4 s  (63844 s) Ratio: 96,1%
Wifi On (): 11 h 12 m 29 s  (40349 s) Ratio: 60,7%
Wifi Running (): 11 h 12 m 24 s  (40344 s) Ratio: 60,7%
Awake (): 2 h 14 m 32 s  (8072 s) Ratio: 12,1%
Bluetooth On (): 1 h 1 m 39 s  (3699 s) Ratio: 5,6%
Screen On (): 56 m 46 s  (3406 s) Ratio: 5,1%
Moderate Signal (): 42 m 48 s  (2568 s) Ratio: 3,9%
Good Signal (): 1 s  (1 s) Ratio: 0,0%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 19 m 34 s  (1174 s) Count:1472 1,8%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 15 m 11 s  (911 s) Count:32 1,4%
AlarmManager ( 6 m 51 s  (411 s) Count:9 0,6%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 3 m 23 s  (203 s) Count:553 0,3%
C2DM_LIB (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2 m 56 s  (176 s) Count:37 0,3%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 2 m 35 s  (155 s) Count:50 0,2%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2 m 14 s  (134 s) Count:75 0,2%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 2 m 3 s  (123 s) Count:1475 0,2%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android-System): 1 m 45 s  (105 s) Count:1832 0,2%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google-Dienste): 1 m 21 s  (81 s) Count:29 0,1%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 1 m 13 s  (73 s) Count:263 0,1%
*sync* {name=EM,} ( 1 m 13 s  (73 s) Count:9 0,1%
FaceDetectionService (Android-System): 55 s  (55 s) Count:608 0,1%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=EM,} ( 54 s  (54 s) Count:39 0,1%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 49 s  (49 s) Count:42 0,1%
AquaMail WakeLock (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 49 s  (49 s) Count:12 0,1%
sleep_broadcast (Android-System): 48 s  (48 s) Count:520 0,1%
GmailProviderProviderChangedBroadcastWakeLock ( 46 s  (46 s) Count:81 0,1%
GTALK_CONN (Google-Dienste): 33 s  (33 s) Count:402 0,0%
RILJ (Telefon): 27 s  (27 s) Count:564 0,0%
show keyguard (Android-System): 17 s  (17 s) Count:35 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.GO Weather EX): 15 s  (15 s) Count:22 0,0%
RILS ( 13 s  (13 s) Count:4 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 12 s  (12 s) Count:125 0,0%
PhoneWindowManager.mBroadcastWakeLock (Android-System): 11 s  (11 s) Count:307 0,0%
DHCP (Android-System): 10 s  (10 s) Count:533 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM, type=org.dmfs.icloud.calendar.account} (org.dmfs.caldav.icloud.SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar): 9 s  (9 s) Count:3 0,0%
DownloadManager (Medien): 8 s  (8 s) Count:6 0,0% (Google-Dienste): 8 s  (8 s) Count:445 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 7 s  (7 s) Count:133 0,0%
com.doubleTwist.podcast.PodcastUpdateService (com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer.doubleTwist): 6 s  (6 s) Count:57 0,0%
*backup* (Android-System): 6 s  (6 s) Count:644 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer.doubleTwist): 4 s  (4 s) Count:66 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 4 s  (4 s) Count:98 0,0%
StartingAlertService ( Planner): 3 s  (3 s) Count:12 0,0%
SCREEN_FROZEN (Android-System): 3 s  (3 s) Count:564 0,0%
RtcWakeLock (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): 3 s  (3 s) Count:6 0,0%
WifiStateMachine (Android-System): 3 s  (3 s) Count:650 0,0%
BluetoothEnable (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): 2 s  (2 s) Count:15 0,0%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:30 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:29 0,0%
class ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:36 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.gau.go.launcherex.GO Launcher EX): 2 s  (2 s) Count:24 0,0%
GOOGLE_C2DM (Google-Dienste): 2 s  (2 s) Count:96 0,0%
NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:90 0,0%
SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:376 0,0%
reset keyguard (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:554 0,0%
ActivityManager-Sleep (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:1504 0,0%
AlarmManager ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:15 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"deleted_wake_locks" (): 55 m 22 s  (3322 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)104100/0/2964 5,0%
"l2_hsic" (): 23 m 24 s  (1404 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2926/192/2926 2,1%
"PowerManagerService" (): 14 m 1 s  (841 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1872/0/0 1,3%
"alarm_rtc" (): 10 m 3 s  (603 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1483/84/66 0,9%
"battery-monitor" (): 9 m 21 s  (561 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2261/0/2261 0,8%
"umts_ipc0" (): 4 m 41 s  (281 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)795/0/795 0,4%
"alarm" (): 4 m 18 s  (258 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1057/2/0 0,4%
"radio-interface" (): 3 m 46 s  (226 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)325/0/0 0,3%
"multipdp" (): 2 m 6 s  (126 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)58/0/58 0,1%
"AudioOutLock" (): 1 m 15 s  (75 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)45/0/0 0,1%
"umts_rfs0" (): 29 s  (29 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/13 0,0%
"rpm_hsic" (): 27 s  (27 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)588/0/0 0,0%
"BT_bt_wake" (): 21 s  (21 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/2 0,3%
"tx_hsic" (): 11 s  (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4503/0/0 0,0%
"wlan_ctrl_wake" (): 10 s  (10 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/0/10 0,0%
"reactive_wake_lock" (): 7 s  (7 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/4 0,0%
"vib_present" (): 4 s  (4 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)84/0/0 0,0%
"mmc2_detect" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0,0%
"efsd-interface" (): 2 s  (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)26/0/0 0,0%
"wlan_wake" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-17907/183/0 0,0%
"secril_rfs-interface" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/0 0,0%
"secril_fmt-interface" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4160/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25745/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)41/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2322/195/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2419/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2419/0/0 0,0%
"ApmCommand" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)86/0/0 0,0%
hy muss nochmal was zum akku fragen ....unter einstellungen dann akku tauch ja als verbraucher auch das android system auf ....wen man da drauf klickt sieht man das in etwa 400 bytes an gesendete und empfangene daten entstehen...

meine frage ist das bei euch auch so das da daten gesendet und empfangen werden? und welche daten werden da genau gesendet bzw empfangen ?
Ist normal
Zb googlekontoanmeldung und solche Sachen müssten das sein
Hallo zusammen,

ich hab kein Problem mit der Akkulaufzeit,aber ich verstehe die Akkuanzeige nicht ganz.Ne ganze Weile hat sich die Akkustatistik nach nem reboot bei mir immer zurück gesetzt.Habe dann nen Tipp bekommen,dass zu häufiges Laden dafür die Ursache sein könnte.Gut,habs dann mal 2 Tage vom Netz gelassen,und siehe da,nach nem reboot hat es weitergezählt.Hab dann gestern abend wieder geladen,von ca 30% auf 100%,und wieder dasselbe,nach reboot ist die Akkustatistik zurück gesetzt.Dann kam die Nacht,und heute Vormittag hab ichs wieder versucht,Statistik zählt weiter nach Neustart.Kann mir irgendjemand erklären was da vor sich geht?Dauert es nach einer Ladung eine gewisse Zeit dass zurücksetzen nach reboot nicht passiert?
Komplett laden setzt die Statistik zurück.
Das ist mir bekannt,aber die Frage war eher,warum es sich nach reboot zurücksetzt,aber eben nicht immer.
Hat sich mal ein Kundiger meine Werte angesehen ?

steka schrieb:

hier mein BBS log.
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-02-02 10:19:08
Statistic Type: (3) Since Unplugged
Since 18 h 27 m 37 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.31-hells-Core-b2.7
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9300XXEMA2:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: 30 Bat.: 30% (100% to 70%) [1,6%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: 404 (4280-3876)
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 16 h 13 m 5 s  (58385 s) Ratio: 87,9%
No Data Connection (): 17 h 44 m 4 s  (63844 s) Ratio: 96,1%
No or Unknown Signal (): 17 h 44 m 4 s  (63844 s) Ratio: 96,1%
Wifi On (): 11 h 12 m 29 s  (40349 s) Ratio: 60,7%
Wifi Running (): 11 h 12 m 24 s  (40344 s) Ratio: 60,7%
Awake (): 2 h 14 m 32 s  (8072 s) Ratio: 12,1%
Bluetooth On (): 1 h 1 m 39 s  (3699 s) Ratio: 5,6%
Screen On (): 56 m 46 s  (3406 s) Ratio: 5,1%
Moderate Signal (): 42 m 48 s  (2568 s) Ratio: 3,9%
Good Signal (): 1 s  (1 s) Ratio: 0,0%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 19 m 34 s  (1174 s) Count:1472 1,8%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 15 m 11 s  (911 s) Count:32 1,4%
AlarmManager ( 6 m 51 s  (411 s) Count:9 0,6%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 3 m 23 s  (203 s) Count:553 0,3%
C2DM_LIB (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2 m 56 s  (176 s) Count:37 0,3%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 2 m 35 s  (155 s) Count:50 0,2%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2 m 14 s  (134 s) Count:75 0,2%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 2 m 3 s  (123 s) Count:1475 0,2%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android-System): 1 m 45 s  (105 s) Count:1832 0,2%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google-Dienste): 1 m 21 s  (81 s) Count:29 0,1%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 1 m 13 s  (73 s) Count:263 0,1%
*sync* {name=EM,} ( 1 m 13 s  (73 s) Count:9 0,1%
FaceDetectionService (Android-System): 55 s  (55 s) Count:608 0,1%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=EM,} ( 54 s  (54 s) Count:39 0,1%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 49 s  (49 s) Count:42 0,1%
AquaMail WakeLock (org.kman.AquaMail.AquaMail): 49 s  (49 s) Count:12 0,1%
sleep_broadcast (Android-System): 48 s  (48 s) Count:520 0,1%
GmailProviderProviderChangedBroadcastWakeLock ( 46 s  (46 s) Count:81 0,1%
GTALK_CONN (Google-Dienste): 33 s  (33 s) Count:402 0,0%
RILJ (Telefon): 27 s  (27 s) Count:564 0,0%
show keyguard (Android-System): 17 s  (17 s) Count:35 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.GO Weather EX): 15 s  (15 s) Count:22 0,0%
RILS ( 13 s  (13 s) Count:4 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 12 s  (12 s) Count:125 0,0%
PhoneWindowManager.mBroadcastWakeLock (Android-System): 11 s  (11 s) Count:307 0,0%
DHCP (Android-System): 10 s  (10 s) Count:533 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM, type=org.dmfs.icloud.calendar.account} (org.dmfs.caldav.icloud.SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar): 9 s  (9 s) Count:3 0,0%
DownloadManager (Medien): 8 s  (8 s) Count:6 0,0% (Google-Dienste): 8 s  (8 s) Count:445 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 7 s  (7 s) Count:133 0,0%
com.doubleTwist.podcast.PodcastUpdateService (com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer.doubleTwist): 6 s  (6 s) Count:57 0,0%
*backup* (Android-System): 6 s  (6 s) Count:644 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer.doubleTwist): 4 s  (4 s) Count:66 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 4 s  (4 s) Count:98 0,0%
StartingAlertService ( Planner): 3 s  (3 s) Count:12 0,0%
SCREEN_FROZEN (Android-System): 3 s  (3 s) Count:564 0,0%
RtcWakeLock (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): 3 s  (3 s) Count:6 0,0%
WifiStateMachine (Android-System): 3 s  (3 s) Count:650 0,0%
BluetoothEnable (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): 2 s  (2 s) Count:15 0,0%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:30 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:29 0,0%
class ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:36 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.gau.go.launcherex.GO Launcher EX): 2 s  (2 s) Count:24 0,0%
GOOGLE_C2DM (Google-Dienste): 2 s  (2 s) Count:96 0,0%
NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:90 0,0%
SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:376 0,0%
reset keyguard (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:554 0,0%
ActivityManager-Sleep (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:1504 0,0%
AlarmManager ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:15 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"deleted_wake_locks" (): 55 m 22 s  (3322 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)104100/0/2964 5,0%
"l2_hsic" (): 23 m 24 s  (1404 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2926/192/2926 2,1%
"PowerManagerService" (): 14 m 1 s  (841 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1872/0/0 1,3%
"alarm_rtc" (): 10 m 3 s  (603 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1483/84/66 0,9%
"battery-monitor" (): 9 m 21 s  (561 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2261/0/2261 0,8%
"umts_ipc0" (): 4 m 41 s  (281 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)795/0/795 0,4%
"alarm" (): 4 m 18 s  (258 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1057/2/0 0,4%
"radio-interface" (): 3 m 46 s  (226 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)325/0/0 0,3%
"multipdp" (): 2 m 6 s  (126 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)58/0/58 0,1%
"AudioOutLock" (): 1 m 15 s  (75 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)45/0/0 0,1%
"umts_rfs0" (): 29 s  (29 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/13 0,0%
"rpm_hsic" (): 27 s  (27 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)588/0/0 0,0%
"BT_bt_wake" (): 21 s  (21 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/2 0,3%
"tx_hsic" (): 11 s  (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4503/0/0 0,0%
"wlan_ctrl_wake" (): 10 s  (10 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10/0/10 0,0%
"reactive_wake_lock" (): 7 s  (7 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4/0/4 0,0%
"vib_present" (): 4 s  (4 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)84/0/0 0,0%
"mmc2_detect" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0,0%
"efsd-interface" (): 2 s  (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)26/0/0 0,0%
"wlan_wake" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)-17907/183/0 0,0%
"secril_rfs-interface" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)13/0/0 0,0%
"secril_fmt-interface" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)4160/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)25745/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)41/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2322/195/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2419/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2419/0/0 0,0%
"ApmCommand" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)86/0/0 0,0%
Du hast dein Phone in dem Log aktiv genutzt daher ist es wertlos um den Standby Verbrauch zu analysieren.

Von meinem Samsung GT-I9300 getapatalkt
Guten Morgen zusammen!

Hier nochmal eine txt wo das S3 ein bischen länger lag.

Würde mich über ein Echo freuen


General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-02-03 00:27:10
Statistic Type: (4) Custom Reference
Since 6 h 7 m 13 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.15-928452
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.0.4/IMM76D/I9300XXBLH3:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: -75
Voltage lost [mV]: -3979
Other Usage
No custom reference was set ():  (0 s) Ratio: 100,0%
AudioOut_1 (1013): 3 m 11 s  (191 s) Count:16 0,9%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 3 m 8 s  (188 s) Count:1464 0,9%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 41 s  (41 s) Count:8 0,2% ( 30 s  (30 s) Count:368 0,1%
LocationManagerService (Android-System): 28 s  (28 s) Count:254 0,1%
MediaScannerService (Medien): 27 s  (27 s) Count:8 0,1%
SignalCollector.ScannerThread ( 20 s  (20 s) Count:39 0,1%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google-Dienste): 20 s  (20 s) Count:552 0,1%
SignalCollector.Scanner ( 19 s  (19 s) Count:96 0,1%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 15 s  (15 s) Count:289 0,1%
EM/android_talkbcaff7e11061 (Google-Dienste): 13 s  (13 s) Count:657 0,1% (Google-Dienste): 9 s  (9 s) Count:660 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM,} ( Kalender synchronisieren): 6 s  (6 s) Count:2 0,0%
SCREEN_FROZEN (Android-System): 5 s  (5 s) Count:752 0,0%
RILS ( 4 s  (4 s) Count:4 0,0%
sleep_broadcast (Android-System): 4 s  (4 s) Count:735 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM,} (Google-Dienste): 4 s  (4 s) Count:559 0,0%
PhoneWindowManager.mBroadcastWakeLock (Android-System): 3 s  (3 s) Count:302 0,0%
Checkin Service (Google-Dienste): 3 s  (3 s) Count:675 0,0%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:1 0,0%
RILJ (Telefon): 2 s  (2 s) Count:69 0,0%
AsyncCollectorListener ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:83 0,0%
SMSDispatcher (Telefon): 2 s  (2 s) Count:1 0,0%
show keyguard (Android-System): 2 s  (2 s) Count:7 0,0%
CoreReceiver getWakeLock ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:24 0,0%
NetworkLocationCallbackRunner ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:28 0,0%
GpsLocationProvider (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:711 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:571 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
No custom reference was set ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/1/1 100,0%
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 4 s  (4 s) Us: 17 s  (17 s) Starts: 0
cloudtv.hdwidgets (cloudtv.hdwidgets.HD Widgets): Uid: 10159 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 7 s  (7 s) Starts: 2
sdcard (1023): Uid: 1023 Sys: 5 s  (5 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.anddoes.launcher (com.anddoes.launcher.Apex Launcher): Uid: 10218 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 2 s  (2 s) Starts: 2
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  (3 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 3 s  (3 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.rovio.angrybirdsHD (com.rovio.angrybirdsHD.Angry Birds HD): Uid: 10223 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 2 s  (2 s) Starts: 2 (Medien): Uid: 10031 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 3 ( Uid: 10032 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 2 s  (2 s) Starts: 1
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10138 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 1
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 1 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 3
mediaserver (1013): Uid: 1013 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.advancedprocessmanager (com.advancedprocessmanager.Android Assistant): Uid: 10213 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 1 (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 2
Alarms (requires root)
====================== (): Wakeups: 369
  Alarms: 367, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent: (): Wakeups: 29
  Alarms: 1, Intent:
  Alarms: 12, Intent:
  Alarms: 4, Intent: (): Wakeups: 28
  Alarms: 11, Intent:
  Alarms: 2, Intent:

android (): Wakeups: 8
  Alarms: 2, Intent:
  Alarms: 368, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
  Alarms: 12, Intent:
  Alarms: 36, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent:
  Alarms: 6, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 7
  Alarms: 1, Intent: ALARM_ROTATE_LOGS
  Alarms: 7, Intent: ALARM_ACTION
  Alarms: 5, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageService.RECONNECT (): Wakeups: 4
  Alarms: 4, Intent: (): Wakeups: 4
  Alarms: 4, Intent: (): Wakeups: 3
  Alarms: 3, Intent: (): Wakeups: 2 (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent: update_-1

com.kfactormedia.mycalendarmobile (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent: pollForNotifications_0 (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

com.urbandroid.sleep (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.DELAYED_BOOT_COMPLETED

Network (requires root)
-1 () (No custom reference was set): 1.0 Bytes 100,0%
CPU States
1 kHz ():  ---%
Reference overview
Custom: Reference custom_ref created 2013-02-02 18:19:38 (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since charged: Reference since_unplugged_ref created 2013-02-02 20:25:52 (Wl: 11 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 17 elements; Proc: null; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
Since screen off: Reference since_screen_off created 2013-02-02 18:19:38 (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since unplugged: Reference since_unplugged_ref created 2013-02-02 20:25:52 (Wl: 11 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 12 elements; Alrm: 17 elements; Proc: null; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
@ Riggo

aus deinem Log kann man leider nicht viel entnehmen, weil doch einige entscheidende Information fehlen (alles was z.B unterm Punkt Other Usage wäre)

  • No Data Connection ():
  • No or Unknown Signal ():
  • Deep Sleep ():
  • Wifi On ():
  • Wifi Running ():
  • Awake ():
  • Screen On ():
liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass du eine alte Version von BBS nutzt
BetterBatteryStats version:
aktuell ist die Version:

entweder über Playstore updaten oder hier downloaden

dann könnte man dein Log besser auswerten.

Hier nochmal korrekt ausgeführt von mir

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-02-03 08:37:30
Statistic Type: (4) Custom Reference
Since 7 h 50 m 35 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.31-hells-Core-b2.7
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.1.2/JZO54K/I9300XXEMA2:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: 5 Bat.: 5% (38% to 33%) [0,6%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: 16 (3743-3727)
Other Usage
No Data Connection (): 7 h 50 m 35 s  (28235 s) Ratio: 100,0%
No or Unknown Signal (): 7 h 50 m 35 s  (28235 s) Ratio: 100,0%
Deep Sleep (): 7 h 29 m 25 s  (26965 s) Ratio: 95,5%
Wifi On (): 2 h 7 m 32 s  (7652 s) Ratio: 27,1%
Wifi Running (): 2 h 7 m 31 s  (7651 s) Ratio: 27,1%
Awake (): 21 m 10 s  (1270 s) Ratio: 4,5%
Screen On (): 55 s  (55 s) Ratio: 0,2%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 30 m 32 s  (1832 s) Count:242 6,5%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 58 s  (58 s) Count:243 0,2%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google-Dienste): 17 s  (17 s) Count:11 0,1%
*sync* {name=EM,} ( 9 s  (9 s) Count:2 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 4 s  (4 s) Count:27 0,0%
fullsync (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 3 s  (3 s) Count:28 0,0%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 3 s  (3 s) Count:1 0,0%
sleep_broadcast (Android-System): 2 s  (2 s) Count:39 0,0%
*backup* (Android-System): 2 s  (2 s) Count:282 0,0%
ColorNote (com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note.ColorNote): 2 s  (2 s) Count:1 0,0%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 2 s  (2 s) Count:3 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM, type=org.dmfs.icloud.calendar.account} (org.dmfs.caldav.icloud.SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar): 2 s  (2 s) Count:1 0,0%
DHCP (Android-System): 2 s  (2 s) Count:42 0,0%
backupdb (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 2 s  (2 s) Count:2 0,0%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=EM,} ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:1 0,0%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:98 0,0%
GmailProviderProviderChangedBroadcastWakeLock ( 1 s  (1 s) Count:3 0,0%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1 s  (1 s) Count:10 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1 s  (1 s) Count:40 0,0%
WifiStateMachine (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:46 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"wlan_rx_wake" (): 10 m 59 s  (659 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)566/0/566 1,1%
"l2_hsic" (): 6 m  (360 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)686/31/686 1,3%
"alarm_rtc" (): 3 m 1 s  (181 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)446/26/8 0,6%
"battery-monitor" (): 2 m 41 s  (161 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)641/0/641 0,6%
"PowerManagerService" (): 2 m 18 s  (138 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)260/0/0 0,5%
"wlan_wake" (): 1 m 36 s  (96 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10852/515/0 0,2%
"alarm" (): 1 m 10 s  (70 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)242/0/0 0,2%
"umts_ipc0" (): 55 s  (55 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)117/0/117 0,2%
"wlan_ctrl_wake" (): 28 s  (28 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/8 0,0%
"umts_rfs0" (): 8 s  (8 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/3 0,0%
"radio-interface" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0%
"rpm_hsic" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)26/0/0 0,0%
"mmc2_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2/0/2 0,0%
"efsd-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/0 0,0%
"secril_rfs-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)913/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)667/38/0 0,0%
"secril_fmt-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)174/0/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)672/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3/0/0 0,0%
"tx_hsic" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)58/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)672/0/0 0,0%
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us: 5 s  (5 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 ( Uid: 10072 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 2
dhd_dpc (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:20 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/u:22 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
/init (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10176 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): Uid: 10043 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.nuance.swype.input:SwypeConnect (com.nuance.swype.input.Swype Beta): Uid: 10173 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 ( Uid: 10112 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.kebab.Llama (com.kebab.Llama.Llama): Uid: 10006 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:3 (0): Uid: 0 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
android.process.acore (com.gau.go.launcherex.GO Launcher EX): Uid: 10161 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
surfaceflinger (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Google-Dienste): Uid: 10021 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Telefon): Uid: 1001 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 ( Uid: 10044 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer (com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer.doubleTwist): Uid: 10139 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 ( Uid: 10000 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Medien): Uid: 10031 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
sdcard (1023): Uid: 1023 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
Alarms (requires root)
android (): Wakeups: 25
  Alarms: 157, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
  Alarms: 15, Intent:
  Alarms: 31, Intent:
  Alarms: 2, Intent:
  Alarms: 3, Intent:
  Alarms: 15, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
  Alarms: 5, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM (): Wakeups: 25
  Alarms: 1, Intent:
  Alarms: 8, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

com.gau.go.launcherex (): Wakeups: 9
  Alarms: 8, Intent: com.jiubang.intent.action.ACTION_TIDY_DATA
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.jiubang.intent.action.AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE
  Alarms: 0, Intent: com.jiubang.intent.action.SCAN_APPS (): Wakeups: 9
  Alarms: 8, Intent:
  Alarms: 0, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

com.sec.spp.push (): Wakeups: 6
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.ALARM_TIMER_ACTION
  Alarms: 5, Intent: com.sec.spp.push.HEARTBEAT_ACTION

com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget (): Wakeups: 6
  Alarms: 0, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherex.statistics.action_upload
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.ACTION_GETJAR_HTTP_REQUEST
  Alarms: 0, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.ACTION_PREPARE_FORECASET_DATA
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.ACTION_CHECK_EXPIRED_EXTREME_WEATHER
  Alarms: 1, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.powersave.statistics.action_upload
  Alarms: 0, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.ACTION_FORECASET
  Alarms: 3, Intent: com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.ACTION_AUTO_UPDATE

com.kebab.Llama (): Wakeups: 3

org.dmfs.caldav.icloud (): Wakeups: 1

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ROTATE_LOGS
  Alarms: 8, Intent: ALARM_ACTION

com.socialnmobile.dictapps.notepad.color.note (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 0, Intent: note.socialnmobile.intent.action.DAY_REMINDER
  Alarms: 1, Intent: note.socialnmobile.intent.action.AUTO_SYNC (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

Network (requires root)
10072 (Wifi) ( 267.0 KBytes 45,3%
10176 (Wifi) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 83.0 KBytes 14,2%
10198 (Wifi) ( 37.0 KBytes 6,3%
10044 (Wifi) ( 35.0 KBytes 6,1%
10021 (Wifi) (Google-Dienste): 35.0 KBytes 5,9%
0 (Wifi) (0): 20.0 KBytes 3,5%
10140 (Wifi) (org.dmfs.caldav.icloud.SmoothSync for Cloud Calendar): 18.0 KBytes 3,2%
10163 (Wifi) (com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget.GO Weather EX): 17.0 KBytes 2,9%
10173 (Wifi) (com.nuance.swype.input.Swype Beta): 16.0 KBytes 2,9%
10155 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 16.0 KBytes 2,8%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 13.0 KBytes 2,2%
10161 (Wifi) (com.gau.go.launcherex.GO Launcher EX): 9.0 KBytes 1,6%
10137 (Wifi) (com.lidroid.settings.AdvanceS): 6.0 KBytes 1,1%
10043 (Wifi) (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 4.0 KBytes 0,8%
10077 (Wifi) (com.sec.spp.push.Samsung Push Service): 4.0 KBytes 0,8%
1014 (Wifi) (1014): 1.0 KBytes 0,3%
0 (p2p0) (0): 384.0 Bytes 0,1%
CPU States
1,4 GHz (): 1 m 39 s  0,4%
1,3 GHz (): 5 s  0,0%
1,2 GHz (): 10 s  0,0%
1,1 GHz (): 11 s  0,0%
1 GHz (): 4 m 15 s  0,9%
900 MHz (): 24 s  0,1%
800 MHz (): 6 m 40 s  1,4%
700 MHz (): 15 s  0,1%
600 MHz (): 20 s  0,1%
500 MHz (): 23 s  0,1%
400 MHz (): 54 s  0,2%
300 MHz (): 1 s  0,0%
200 MHz (): 5 m 53 s  1,3%
Deep Sleep (): 7 h 29 m 25 s  95,5%
Active since: The time when the service was first made active, either by someone starting or binding to it.
Last activity: The time when there was last activity in the service (either explicit requests to start it or clients binding to it)
See (
  Active since: 18 s 
  Last activity: 18 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 18 s 
  Last activity: 18 s 
  Crash count:0
system (
  Active since: 25 s 
  Last activity: 25 s 
  Crash count:0
com.sec.spp.push (com.sec.spp.push.PushClientService)
  Active since: 14 h 33 m 40 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 2 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 28 s 
  Last activity: 28 s 
  Crash count:0
com.tomdryer.nobars (com.tomdryer.nobars.NoBarsService)
  Active since: 31 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 25 m 9 s 
  Crash count:0
com.antutu.CpuMasterFree:remote (com.antutu.CpuMaster.CMService)
  Active since: 36 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 21 m 28 s 
  Crash count:0
com.kebab.Llama (com.kebab.Llama.LlamaService)
  Active since: 32 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 25 m 14 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 12 s 
  Last activity: 12 s 
  Crash count:0
org.dmfs.caldav.icloud (org.dmfs.caldav.lib.CalendarObserverService)
  Active since: 31 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 8 s 
  Crash count:0
com.facebook.katana (
  Active since: 45 s 
  Last activity: 11 m 56 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 14 h 33 m 40 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 1 s 
  Crash count:0
android.process.acore (
  Active since: 18 s 
  Last activity: 25 s 
  Crash count:0
android.process.acore (com.gau.golauncherex.notification.service.NotificationService)
  Active since: 47 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 25 m 10 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 25 s 
  Last activity: 25 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 17 s 
  Last activity: 18 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 16 s 
  Last activity: 16 s 
  Crash count:0
com.doubleTwist.androidPlayer (com.doubleTwist.sync.SyncService)
  Active since: 14 h 33 m 39 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 1 s 
  Crash count:0 (org.chromium.content.browser.SandboxedProcessService1)
  Active since: 5 h 8 m 31 s 
  Last activity: 37 m 30 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 36 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 25 m 15 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 27 s 
  Last activity: 37 m 22 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 28 s 
  Last activity: 28 s 
  Crash count:0
com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget (
  Active since: 34 s 
  Last activity: 34 s 
  Crash count:0
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.service.MediaUploadService)
  Active since: 43 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 2 s 
  Crash count:0
com.nuance.swype.input:SwypeConnect (com.nuance.swype.connect.ConnectClient)
  Active since: 17 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 21 m 25 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 25 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 1 m 41 s 
  Crash count:0
com.nuance.swype.input (com.nuance.swype.input.IME)
  Active since: 16 s 
  Last activity: 37 m 22 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 16 s 
  Last activity: 16 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 12 s 
  Last activity: 18 s 
  Crash count:0
com.gau.go.launcherex.gowidget.weatherwidget (
  Active since: 33 s 
  Last activity: 24 m 41 s 
  Crash count:0
com.whatsapp (com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService)
  Active since: 30 s 
  Last activity: 34 m 18 s 
  Crash count:0
com.asksven.betterbatterystats (
  Active since: 35 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 25 m 10 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 17 s 
  Last activity: 17 s 
  Crash count:0
android.process.acore (com.jiubang.ggheart.billing.base.BillingService)
  Active since: 46 s 
  Last activity: 49 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 25 s 
  Last activity: 1 m 35 s 
  Crash count:0
system (
  Active since: 12 s 
  Last activity: 12 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 27 s 
  Last activity: 1 h 7 m 1 s 
  Crash count:0 (
  Active since: 13 s 
  Last activity: 13 s 
  Crash count:0
Reference overview
Custom: Reference custom_ref created 8 h 50 m 25 s  (Wl: 36 elements; KWl: 25elements; NetS: 26 elements; Alrm: 15 elements; Proc: 27 elements; Oth: 9 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
Since charged: Reference since_charged_ref created 0 s (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since screen off: Reference since_screen_off created 16 h 34 m 27 s  (Wl: 40 elements; KWl: 28elements; NetS: 26 elements; Alrm: 15 elements; Proc: 32 elements; Oth: 9 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
Since unplugged: Reference since_unplugged_ref created 0 s (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since boot: Reference since_boot created 52 s  (Wl: 5 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 11 elements; Alrm: 1 elements; Proc: 1 elements; Oth: 6 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
steka schrieb:
Hier nochmal korrekt ausgeführt von mir

8h Log, fast 96% Deep Sleep, Standby-Stromverbrauch von 0,6%/h.
=> TOP. Alles bestens.

Tja wer alles glaubt was drauf steht. Habe nen 2750 mah da. Effektiv 1800 mah...


Mit freundlichen Grüßen....

Der Chris aus Franken
Bei mir funktioniert betterbatterystats nicht. Der zeigt einfach keine Stats an

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Benutz mal die tolle Anleitung von Robert. Damit klappts prima...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen....

Der Chris aus Franken
Laut Hersteller soll das S3 830 im Stand by aushalten.
Bei mir ist jedoch nach 1 Tag Stand by (wirklich ungenutzt!) der Accu leer.
1. Hat es einen großen Einfluss, wenn im Stan by-Modus WLAN, GPS etc. eingeschaltet ist?
2. Kann es sein, dass meine Batterie fehlerhaft ist? Wenn ja, was soll ich unternehmen? (das Gerät ist 4 Monate alt.

Danke für eure Hilfe
hawkie250 schrieb:
@ Riggo

aus deinem Log kann man leider nicht viel entnehmen, weil doch einige entscheidende Information fehlen (alles was z.B unterm Punkt Other Usage wäre)

  • No Data Connection ():
  • No or Unknown Signal ():
  • Deep Sleep ():
  • Wifi On ():
  • Wifi Running ():
  • Awake ():
  • Screen On ():
liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass du eine alte Version von BBS nutzt
aktuell ist die Version:

entweder über Playstore updaten oder hier downloaden

dann könnte man dein Log besser auswerten.


Erstmal danke für den Tipp

Hier nun meine neue TXT:

General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-02-03 19:41:55
Statistic Type: (3) Since Unplugged
Since 4 h 43 m 28 s 
BRAND: samsung
OS.VERSION: 3.0.15-928452
HARDWARE: smdk4x12
FINGERPRINT: samsung/m0xx/m0:4.0.4/IMM76D/I9300XXBLH3:user/release-keys
TAGS: release-keys
USER: se.infra
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: 8 Bat.: 8% (69% to 61%) [1,7%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: 113 (3961-3848)
Other Usage
Poor Signal (): 4 h 43 m 28 s  (17008 s) Ratio: 100,0%
Deep Sleep (): 3 h 58 m 11 s  (14291 s) Ratio: 82,7%
Awake (): 45 m 16 s  (2716 s) Ratio: 16,0%
Screen On (): 18 s  (18 s) Ratio: 0,1%
DownloadManager (Medien): 15 m 31 s  (931 s) Count:8 5,4%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 2 m 9 s  (129 s) Count:1095 0,8%
SignalCollector.ScannerThread ( 1 m 41 s  (101 s) Count:172 0,6%
SignalCollector.Scanner ( 1 m 38 s  (98 s) Count:457 0,6%
LocationManagerService (Android-System): 22 s  (22 s) Count:188 0,1% ( 21 s  (21 s) Count:289 0,1%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 16 s  (16 s) Count:3 0,1%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google-Dienste): 14 s  (14 s) Count:437 0,1%
AsyncCollectorListener ( 8 s  (8 s) Count:398 0,0%
*sync* {name=EM, type=com.facebook.auth.login} (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 7 s  (7 s) Count:7 0,0%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats_xdaedition.BetterBatteryStats): 6 s  (6 s) Count:4 0,0%
AudioOut_1 (1013): 5 s  (5 s) Count:2 0,0%
*sync* {name=micha.b_sch.voxer.1358896753099.61496633, type=com.voxer.account} (com.rebelvox.voxer.Voxer): 4 s  (4 s) Count:2 0,0%
NetworkLocationCallbackRunner ( 2 s  (2 s) Count:115 0,0%
GpsLocationProvider (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:553 0,0%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 1 s  (1 s) Count:15 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 1 s  (1 s) Count:451 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"multipdp" (): 26 m 18 s  (1578 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)66/0/66 9,1%
"PowerManagerService" (): 22 m 45 s  (1365 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)781/0/0 7,8%
"l2_hsic" (): 16 m 40 s  (1000 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2180/91/2180 5,7%
"battery-monitor" (): 8 m 31 s  (511 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)527/0/527 2,9%
"secril_fd-interface" (): 5 m 33 s  (333 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)102/0/0 1,9%
"alarm_rtc" (): 4 m 51 s  (291 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)458/0/49 1,7%
"rpm_hsic" (): 4 m 43 s  (283 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1646/0/0 1,6%
"alarm" (): 2 m 5 s  (125 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1043/3/0 0,7%
"umts_ipc0" (): 60 s  (60 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)182/0/182 0,3%
"umts_rfs0" (): 11 s  (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0,1%
"tx_hsic" (): 11 s  (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)3218/0/0 0,1%
"vib_present" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
"AudioOutLock" (): 3 s  (3 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)7/0/0 0,0%
"efsd-interface" (): 1 s  (1 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)12/0/0 0,0%
"secril_rfs-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)8/0/0 0,0%
"event1-2122" (system, com.touchtype.swiftkey):  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)5/1/0 0,0%
"power-supply" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)530/404/0 0,0%
"secril_fmt-interface" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)368/0/0 0,0%
"mmc1_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)560/0/0 0,0%
"sync_system" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1364/0/0 0,0%
"mmc0_detect" ():  (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)560/0/1 0,0%
system (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us: 10 s  (10 s) Starts: 0
cloudtv.hdwidgets (cloudtv.hdwidgets.HD Widgets): Uid: 10159 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 5 s  (5 s) Starts: 1
*wakelock* (Medien): Uid: 10031 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us: 4 s  (4 s) Starts: 0
com.anddoes.launcher (com.anddoes.launcher.Apex Launcher): Uid: 10218 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 2 s  (2 s) Starts: 1
kworker/0:1 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:4 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
kworker/0:0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 2 s  (2 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 ( Uid: 10042 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 3
kworker/0:2 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Android-System): Uid: 1000 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 1
com.facebook.katana (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): Uid: 10138 Sys:  (0 s) Us: 1 s  (1 s) Starts: 0
mmcqd/0 (0): Uid: 0 Sys: 1 s  (1 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
*wakelock* ( Uid: 10042 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0 (Medien): Uid: 10031 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 1
sdcard (1023): Uid: 1023 Sys:  (0 s) Us:  (0 s) Starts: 0
Alarms (requires root)
====================== (): Wakeups: 285
  Alarms: 284, Intent:
  Alarms: 0, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent: (): Wakeups: 65
  Alarms: 55, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent: (): Wakeups: 20
  Alarms: 0, Intent:
  Alarms: 9, Intent:
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

android (): Wakeups: 7
  Alarms: 290, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
  Alarms: 10, Intent:
  Alarms: 28, Intent:
  Alarms: 2, Intent:
  Alarms: 7, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM (): Wakeups: 4 (): Wakeups: 4
  Alarms: 4, Intent: (): Wakeups: 2
  Alarms: 2, Intent: (): Wakeups: 1
  Alarms: 1, Intent:

Network (requires root)
10070 (Mobile) ( Play Store): 5.0 MBytes 91,6%
10138 (Mobile) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 234.0 KBytes 4,1%
10158 (Mobile) ( 107.0 KBytes 1,9%
10169 (Mobile) ( 54.0 KBytes 1,0%
0 (Mobile) (0): 30.0 KBytes 0,5%
10159 (Mobile) (cloudtv.hdwidgets.HD Widgets): 14.0 KBytes 0,3%
10032 (Mobile) ( 9.0 KBytes 0,2%
10216 (Mobile) (com.rebelvox.voxer.Voxer): 8.0 KBytes 0,2%
10127 (Mobile) (com.vlingo.midas.S Voice): 8.0 KBytes 0,1%
10139 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 6.0 KBytes 0,1%
10021 (Mobile) (Google-Dienste): 4.0 KBytes 0,1%
10031 (Mobile) (Medien): 104.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
1,4 GHz ():  0,0%
1,3 GHz ():  0,0%
1,2 GHz ():  0,0%
1,1 GHz ():  0,0%
1 GHz (): 5 m 45 s  2,0%
900 MHz (): 19 s  0,1%
800 MHz (): 7 m 4 s  2,5%
700 MHz (): 6 s  0,0%
600 MHz (): 20 s  0,1%
500 MHz (): 4 m 56 s  1,7%
400 MHz ():  0,0%
300 MHz ():  0,0%
200 MHz (): 27 m 30 s  9,7%
Deep Sleep (): 3 h 58 m 12 s  83,8%
Reference overview
Custom: Reference custom_ref created 0 s (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since charged: Reference since_charged_ref created 0 s (Wl: null; KWl: null; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: null; Oth: null; CPU: null)
Since screen off: Reference since_screen_off created 6 m 8 s  (Wl: 10 elements; KWl: 3elements; NetS: 7 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 3 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
Since unplugged: Reference since_unplugged_ref created 6 m 2 s  (Wl: 9 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: 7 elements; Alrm: 8 elements; Proc: 3 elements; Oth: 5 elements; CPU: 14 elements)
Since boot: Reference since_boot created 43 s  (Wl: 3 elements; KWl: 0elements; NetS: null; Alrm: null; Proc: 1 elements; Oth: 4 elements; CPU: 14 elements)

Vielen Dank
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@ Riggo

Was mir zu mindestens auffällt ist

DownloadManager (Medien): 15 m 31 s (931 s) Count:8 5,4%

"multipdp" (): 26 m 18 s (1578 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)66/0/66 9,1%

10070 (Mobile) ( Play Store): 5.0 MBytes 91,6%
also hast du etwas Playstore runtergeladen oder wurde halt geupdatet, welches dein Handy wachgehalten hat

desweiteren ist (): Wakeups: 285
auffällig, Ebay-App ist bekannt dafür das S3 nicht richtig schlafen zu lassen, vielleicht mal zeitweise deinstallieren und beobachten. (vielleicht hilft auch ausloggen)

Danke schön!

.... hast recht mit Playstore, Frau war so nett mir ein app zu installieren als BBS lief.
ebay habe ich mal eingefroren, mal schauen wie es weiter geht.

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