- 5.279
Nightly schrieb:sieht nett aus, aber trotz 2 verschiedenen getesteten Root Kernels bekomme ich folgendes als Output:
No PERM ROOT Access! Aborting...
... merkwürden ...
Der Tool Dev umschreibt das wie folgt:
Originally Posted by lyriquidperfection
There is a bug in EFS Pro for everyone using CF-Root. The bug is caused by insecure kernel that CF-Root uses. This results in the No Perm Root Error. A temporary work around is to flash a secure kernel back to your device while using EFS Pro. You will still retain Root permissions but CWM Recovery will be lost. This can be restored by flashing back the CF-Root Kernel when you have finished using EFS Pro. I will get this bug fixed asap.
...warten wir also auf "asap"