Samsung galaxy mega (gt-i9205 & gt-i9200) unofficial roms

  • 752 Antworten
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Which dpi would you like roms set to by default?

  • 233

    Stimmen: 6 17,6%
  • 240

    Stimmen: 20 58,8%
  • 270

    Stimmen: 8 23,5%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
Resurrection Remix 5.4.4 uploading. For some stupid reason i am not able to edit the first post on this thread so for those looking for it here is the link to Droidphils permissive kernels. He has given me permission to share them but as i say i cannot edit the first post.

Resurrection Remix 5.4.4 uploading. For some stupid reason i am not able to edit the first post on this thread so for those looking for it here is the link to Droidphils permissive kernels. Er hat mir die Erlaubnis gegeben, sie zu teilen, aber wie ich sage, ich kann den ersten Beitrag nicht bearbeiten.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Berlino, Don_Pedro und MegaHolic
cm-12.0 uploaded

cm-12.0 hochgeladen
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Reaktionen: aldav, sicfallacy, MegaHolic und 3 andere
Want to thank for your RR. Runs great.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mikel75, MegaHolic und Wopema71
From RR 5.4.3 to 5.4.4 I only have to wipe the cache or is it necessary to do a fullwipe?
Ich habe versucht das RR 5.4.4 über das 5.4.3 mit kleiner wipe zu
flashen, geht leider nicht.

I have test with cache wipe the RR 5.4.4 over the 5.4.3 to flash,
it not run
blubenow schrieb:
Ich habe versucht das RR 5.4.4 über das 5.4.3 mit kleiner wipe zu
flashen, geht leider nicht.

I have test with cache wipe the RR 5.4.4 over the 5.4.3 to flash,
it not run

If you were coming from previous rr why were you wiping anything?

Wenn Sie wurden von früheren rr kommt, warum wurden Sie wischte etwas?
I have test to flash without wipe, come from RR 5.4.3, after
flash i looked into the phone information, its not RR 5.4.4,
then i flashed with cache and dalvic wipe, it is the same problem.
At last i flashed the RR 5.4.4 with Full-Wipe, no RR 5.4.4 is after
flash, it is RR 5.4.3 from 29.04.15. not from 6.5.15
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es wird die alte Rom-Version angezeigt (auch nach Flash mit Fullwipe), da im Rom vom 06.05. noch die alte build.prop von RR 5.4.3 mit drin ist. Zusätzlich habe ich mal ins Updater-Script vom geschaut...die System-Partition wird NICHT automatisch gewiped.
The old rom-version is shown (even with fullwipe), because in latest build from 6th may the build.prop of RR 5.4.3 is included. Furthermore I had a look into the updater-script of the and found that system-partition won't be wiped automatically.

Please check the md5. There is a mismatch...toggled off md5-check in twrp and flash went through.
Die md5-Summen stimmen nicht überein. Wenn man den md5-Check im TWRP abschaltet, wird das Rom geflasht.
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Reaktionen: mikel75, blubenow und Don_Pedro
@Wopema71 so I'm really confused , why are you updating the CM12 although its super stable ?

Is there anything new with the new build , I mean should I update my cm12 with the new cm12 you uploaded ?:confused2:

@ Wopema71 so bin ich wirklich verwirrt, warum Sie die Aktualisierung der CM12 obwohl seine super stabil?

Gibt es etwas Neues mit dem Neubau, Ich meine, soll ich meine CM12 mit dem neuen CM12 bearbeiten Sie hochgeladen ?
Hi Samarasx, as far as i can tell from the changelogs cm-12.0 is still being updated so i am continuing to build. There is no real need to update if you dont want to, im not seeing major changes, i think most changes are small under the hood ones.

Hallo Samarasx, soweit ich kann aus den Changelogs cm-12.0 wird noch aktualisiert, so bin ich weiter bauen zu erzählen. Es gibt keine wirkliche Notwendigkeit zu aktualisieren, wenn Sie möchten, im nicht sehen große Veränderungen nicht, ich glaube, die meisten Änderungen unter der Motorhaube sind klein.
Yes, stability CM12 is very good, I found in the module may be XPOSED, DISABLE Proximity sensor to solve the problem of black CM12 call, but the module will be made operational in CM12.1 in FC phenomenon! This phenomenon up to now have not been solved.:sad:

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 15:55 Uhr wurde um 15:58 Uhr ergänzt:

Yes, stability CM12 is very good, I found in the module may be XPOSED, DISABLE Proximity sensor to solve the problem of black CM12 call, but the module will be made operational in CM12.1 in FC phenomenon! This phenomenon up to now have not been solved.
can you build new build of PARANOID ANDROID its the only rom that hasn't problem with headset in call it work or take a look on it and found a solution for other rom...

können Sie neue Build von PARANOID ANDROID sein die einzige, die nicht rom Problem mit Kopfhörer im Call funktioniert oder werfen Sie einen Blick auf sie und fand eine Lösung für andere rom hat errichten
I try to go home,thank you very mush
Update to cm-12.1 temasek uploading. To answer a question asked earlier; the reason the build number doesn't always update is because i was being lazy in compiling. I have made sure to do a wipe before each compile now so that shouldn't happen again, its just it takes longer this way. Shouldn't happen again guys :) Enjoy temaseks new rom when it is online!

Update auf cm-12.1 Temasek Hochladen. Um eine Frage gestellt früher zu beantworten; der Grund, die Build-Nummer muss nicht immer zu aktualisieren, ist, weil ich faul in der Zusammenstellung. Ich habe Sie sicher, dass zu tun, ein Tuch vor jedem Kompilieren jetzt so, dass sollte nicht noch einmal passieren, es ist nur so dauert es länger gemacht. Sollte nicht passieren wieder Jungs :) Genießen temaseks neue rom, wenn es online!

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 19:58 Uhr wurde um 20:41 Uhr ergänzt:

Its finished uploading

Sein fertigen uploading
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MegaHolic
Hello, dear Wopena 71,
thank you very much for your wonderfull help!

E 'possibile per voi di aggiungere nuovo la possibilità di decidere il tempo di accensione / spegnimento per la funzione di velivolo in modalità automatica?
Come sapete tutte le applicazioni hanno fatto ha fatto questa auto aereo non può ora operare in modalità automatica.
Penso thatthis funzione è molto molto importante e sarebbe distinguere e valorizzare il vostro duro lavoro.
grazie in anticipo.

[QUOTE = sicfallacy; 8859747] @ Wopema71 Posso suggerire che si inserisce questo link euroskank Into the 'Gapps - Download' su OP? . Questo è quello che io uso sempre e la sua adatto a qualsiasi rom Che hai compilato Grazie per aver reso le nostre vecchie Mega di aspetto più impressionante! _________________________________ Google Translate. Posso suggerire che nel link precedente 'Gapps - Scarica' Set List all'OP? Questo è quello che ho sempre e la sua adatto a qualsiasi ROM che avete messo insieme. Grazie nostro vecchio Megalook impressionante di più! [/ QUOTE]

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 23:06 Uhr wurde um 23:08 Uhr ergänzt:

Hello, thank you very much for your wonderfull help!

Is it possible for you add again the possibility to decide the time on/off for the airplane function in auto mode?
As you Know all the apps that did this auto airplane cannot now operate in auto mode.
I think that this function is very very important and would distinguish and valorize your hard work.
than kyou in advance.
Hi Leverone, I want to apologise if this is jot correct, I don't speak Italian and google translate is never very good. From what I understand you are asking for a custom feature. This is certainly something that is achievable but unlike compiling a ROM it would take significantly more time to implement and test. I'm happy to give it a go but I make no promises. Thanks.

German:Hallo Leverone möchte ich entschuldige mich, wenn dies richtig notieren, ich spreche kein Italienisch und Google Translate ist nie sehr gut. Von dem, was ich verstehe sie eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion zu fragen. Dies ist sicherlich etwas, das erreichbar ist, aber im Gegensatz Kompilieren eines ROM, es wäre deutlich mehr Zeit zur Umsetzung und Test zu machen ist. Ich bin glücklich, es auszuprobieren, aber ich mache keine Versprechungen. Vielen Dank.

Italian:Ciao Leverone, voglio scusarmi se questo è butto corretta, non parlo italiano e traduce il non è mai molto buono. Da quanto ho capito si sta chiedendo una funzione personalizzata. Questo è certamente qualcosa che è realizzabile, ma a differenza di compilare una ROM che ci sarebbe voluto molto più tempo per implementare e testare. Sono felice di dargli un andare, ma faccio promesse. Grazie.

'Setting' keep force closed on Cm-12.1 Temasek 20150511
I found a bug on both Temasek CM12 v9.4 from Silesh and Wopema: my phone always soft rebooted when press the screen pinning button in recent apps panel
Wopema71 schrieb:
Hi Leverone, I want to apologise if this is jot correct, I don't speak Italian and google translate is never very good. From what I understand you are asking for a custom feature. This is certainly something that is achievable but unlike compiling a ROM it would take significantly more time to implement and test. I'm happy to give it a go but I make no promises. Thanks.

German:Hallo Leverone möchte ich entschuldige mich, wenn dies richtig notieren, ich spreche kein Italienisch und Google Translate ist nie sehr gut. Von dem, was ich verstehe sie eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion zu fragen. Dies ist sicherlich etwas, das erreichbar ist, aber im Gegensatz Kompilieren eines ROM, es wäre deutlich mehr Zeit zur Umsetzung und Test zu machen ist. Ich bin glücklich, es auszuprobieren, aber ich mache keine Versprechungen. Vielen Dank.

Italian:Ciao Leverone, voglio scusarmi se questo è butto corretta, non parlo italiano e traduce il non è mai molto buono. Da quanto ho capito si sta chiedendo una funzione personalizzata. Questo è certamente qualcosa che è realizzabile, ma a differenza di compilare una ROM che ci sarebbe voluto molto più tempo per implementare e testare. Sono felice di dargli un andare, ma faccio promesse. Grazie.

Dear Wopemia71,
thank you very much for trying,
I hope you'll do this "miracle", the automatic airplane is very helpfull for me, my family and my android friends, but I understand that is also very very difficult to introduce it in the Rom.
Thank you very much anyway in any case.
leverone schrieb:
Dear Wopemia71,
thank you very much for trying,
I hope you'll do this "miracle", the automatic airplane is very helpfull for me, my family and my android friends, but I understand that is also very very difficult to introduce it in the Rom.
Thank you very much anyway in any case.

Lieber Wopemia71,
vielen Dank für den Versuch,
Ich hoffe, dass Sie diese "Wunder" zu tun, die automatische Flugzeug ist sehr hilfsbereit für mich, meine Familie und meine Freunde android, aber ich verstehe, dass ist auch sehr sehr schwierig, es in der Rom vorstellen.
Vielen Dank jedenfalls in jedem Fall

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