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Which ROMS should I build / Welche ROMS soll ich bauen ?


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Dunno about that. I just changed it since i remember someone mentioned that from the xda link i shared earlier. Let me try to change and see
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Ok. I uninstalled 2 apps.

And changed back selinux to default option

And when i go back to TiBu and try to restore, it just stay there without any progress


P/s: the apps are just small apps.
By the way, am still wondering. The greyed option is the one currently applying right.

Haha, never use selinux before. So a bit clueless.
P/s: if there's any developer who need more cloud storage. Ask them to PM me. I can provide Google Drive account with 30gb storage for free. If they need more than 30gb, i can give more than 1 account.

Dont worry about login credential, because i'll only set initial password and they can change it and i wont be able to know the password.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sileshn
I have flashed the new temasek v 3.8, thanks for the good work, the room runs very good
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet und sileshn
It works on bliss ROM too. Check the video. So there's something wrong from your end.

BTW, selinux changer is provided only if you want to try xposed. It is not required for any thing else.

• @ Silesh

I am highly delighted about your decision to include " CrDroid MM " in your active development ... the latter of which by no doubt is a giant story of success :)
Both thumbs u↑↑p, Silesh ... And a great thx for all your sustaining effort to " monsterize " our mid-range Megas to beasty devices ... :)

One question, please: Does the CrDroid you've compiled include the SuperSu or the " superuser thing " coming with CM and Temasek ?

Telling you " I do love Slimrom and XenonHD and Bliss " lets you anticipate which answer I'd like to receive, doesn't it ? ;)

• @ Silesh

ich bin hocherfreut über deine Entscheidung, " CrDroid " ( MM ) in deine aktive Entwicklungsarbeit einzubeziehen ... wobei letztere zweifelsohne eine Riesen-Erfolgsgeschichte ist :)
Beide Daumen ho↑↑ch, Silesh ... und ein grosses Danke für deine beständiges Bemühen, unsere Mittelklasse-Megas zu bestialischen Geräten zu " monsterisieren " ... :)

Eine Frage, bitte: Enthält das von dir zusammengekochte CrDroid das/den SuperSu oder das " superuser-Zeug " das mit CM and Temasek daherkommt ?

Wenn ich dir sage " ich liebe Slimrom ubd XenonHD und Bliss " lässt dich das vermuten, welche Antwort ich gerne hätte, nicht wahr ? ;)
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet
No SuperSU in crdroid.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet
• @ Silesh

:( ... I'm out then ... But, thx for quickly answering :)

• @ Silesh

:( ... Dann bin ich draussen ... Aber, Danke für's schnelle Antworten :)
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Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet
Then is crdroid a not rooted rom, correct? Or can i install supersu later?
No. Comes with cm root.
And Need then no supersu More, correct, but all rooted Apps Run correct?and which gapps i Must Flash?
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Slim or opengapps
  • Danke
Reaktionen: blubenow
Gonna play with crdroid for a while.
Now i have flashed the crdroid Rom.
With open gapps. The apps i have
With TB restored. The Rom run very good,
no problems in the Moment.except that you
can not move from the internal memory to the SD card
apps, as it was in all other androidversions

Slim zero gapps link not run
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Reaktionen: sicfallacy
• @ all

Hi everybody :)
Usually I am not acting as anyones' MEGAphone but ... this time I can't resist:
On his MEGA upload folder, Silesh has provided a new TWRP, i.e. 3.0., for our MEGAs :)
I am telling you because I reckon only a few do scan the recovery section as regularly as they do with the rom section ... ;)
Huge thx to Silesh for the said update :)
★ don't miss to read the TWRP3.0-read.me text ★

• @ alle

Hallo zusammen :)
Normalerweise handle ich nicht als irgendjemand's MEGAfon aber ... diesmal kann ich nicht widerstehen:
Silesh hat auf seinem MEGAuploadordner eine neues TWRP, d.h. 3.0., für unsere MEGAs bereitgestellt :)
Ich sage euch das weil ich vermute, dass nur wenige den recovery-Teil so regelmässig scannen wie den rom-Teil.
Grosses Danke an Silesh für das besagte update :)
★ Versäumt nicht, den TWRP3.0-read.me-Text zu lesen ★
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Reaktionen: Tafty, blubenow und sileshn
What are the feateres of the New twrp?
• @ blubenow

At present, I can report on ONE feature only: Speed of backup ...
amazingly fast, backup of my entire rom lasted around 50 seconds only ( with the previous TWRP, it took around 7 minutes ).
I haven't tested the restore process as yet.

• @ blubenow

Ich kann derzeit lediglich über EIN feature berichten: Backup-Geschwindigkeit ...
erstaunlich schnell, das backup meiner gesamten rom dauerte nur ca. 50 Sekunden ( bei der zuvorigen TWRP dauerte es etwa 7 Minuten ).
Bislang habe ich den Wiederherstellungsvorgang noch nicht getestet.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: blubenow, sicfallacy und Mr. Obsolet
I have flashed it with flashify yesterday
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sileshn

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