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Which ROMS should I build / Welche ROMS soll ich bauen ?


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• @ Sileshn
I am running the Bliss MM rom that you've provided for download – I like it very much:
NO problems whatsoever, exceptionally smooth in look&feel as to screen procedures ( my personal impression ) !
Thank you very much for this rom :)

• @ Sileshn
Ich habe die/das Bliss MM rom, die/das du zum download gegeben hast, am Laufen – mir gefällt's sehr:
Keinerlei Probleme, aussergewöhnlich geschmeidige/s Ansicht&Gefühl bzgl. Displayvorgängen ( mein persönlicher Eindruck ) !
Dank dir für dies/e rom :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sileshn und sicfallacy
You'll have an update today. OTA app will notify you. SlimMM is not going to happen any time soon. No support for legacy devices yet.
• @ Sileshn

thx for letting me know about the BlissUpdate and SlimMM.
I guess you recalled that MegaHolic is a SlimaHolic too ;) ... made best experiences with it, without a single exception. So, please, do have an eye on keeping the Slim rom pulse for the Mega make " Beep Beep ... Beep Beep ... " ;)

Is there a PA version of MM available for compiling it for the GT-I9205 ?
I'll check the upcoming Bliss rom too :)

• @ Sileshn

Danke für den Hinweis auf das BlissUpdate und SlimMM.
Ich schätze du hast dich daran erinnert dass MegaHolic auch ein SlimaHolic ist ;) ...
beste Erfahrungen damit, ohne eine einzige Ausnahme. Also, bitte hab ein Auge darauf, den Slimrom-Puls für's Mega " Beep Beep ... Beep Beep ... " machen zu lassen ;)

Ist eine PA-Version von MM verfügbar zur Kompilierung für's GT-I9205 ?
Ich werde das anstehende BlissUpdate ebenfalls testen :)
PA is not being developed anymore. All their developers got hired by Oneplus.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MegaHolic, Mr. Obsolet und sicfallacy
• @ Silesh

As I announced it in my latest post, I did test the new version ( time stamp: Feb. 01 ) of Bliss meanwhile: No problems with flash of it, and good look&feel of it.
One thing got improved as compared to the previous Bliss:

In the previous Bliss, my attemps to uninstall system apps by use of " TitaniumBackup(pro) " failed to succeed – after reboot, the app(s) that shoud be uninstalled by TB did reappear !
As I could work around this by using GooglePlays' app " RootUninstaller (pro) " instead of TB, I concluded that TB was the cause of failure ( ? not being perfectly fitted to Android MM already ? ) and not Bliss rom.
N O W – with the latest version of Bliss – the said TB manages to uninstall system apps :) ... which implies that the former Bliss rom was the cause of the issue.
Thx a lot for the update :)

• @ Silesh

Wie in meinem zuvorigen post angekündigt, habe ich mittlerweile die neue Version ( Zeitstempel: 01. Feb. ) getestet: Kein Problem mit dessen flash, und gutes Erscheinungsbild&Gefühl.
Eine Sache wurde, verglichen mit der/m zuvorigen Bliss, verbessert:

In der/m zuvorigen Bliss scheiterten meine Versuche, systems apps mithilfe von " TitaniumBackup (pro) " zu deinstallieren – nach reboot erschienen die apps, die von TB deinstalliert sein sollten, erneut !
Da ich dies umgehen konnte durch Verwendung der GooglePlay-app " RootUninstaller (pro) " schlussfolgerte ich, dass TB die Ursache des Problems war ( ? noch nicht perfekt an Android MM angepasst ? ) und nicht Bliss.
N U N – mit der neuen Bliss-Version – schafft es die besagte TB, system apps zu deinstallieren :) woraus sich ergibt, dass die/der frühere Bliss rom problemursächlich war.
Besten Dank für das update :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet und sileshn
Got notification for update Temasek 3.8 but its only have v3.6

EDIT: Updating Temasek v3.8 .. All features working perfectly.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet und sileshn
I only see the version 3.6 of Temasek
Ich sehe nur die Version 3.6 der Temasek
Refresh the OTA app.
I'm currently running bliss 1st feb release. One thing i notice so far, i cant restore app using titanium backup, only can restore data. If i'm not mistaken, the same behavior previously with beanstalk and resurrection remix.

Care to share any solution or workaround?
did you change the source in titaninum backup to document provider and change the path to your individuell backup folder?
check comment #1551
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MegaHolic
Haha. Of course. If the path is wrong, how come i can restore data?
• @ eddymaguro

The answer you gave to Mr. Obsolets' approach of help inspires me to express myself in a hypothetic way as well:

" Haha. Of course. If you missed to backup user apps but, instead, managed to backup systems data only, how could your result be different from the one you reported ? "

Furthermore, I advice you check the web for ppl reporting on your problem – irrespective of the custom MM rom they use. I'm sure they'll broaden the spectrum of possible causes beyond the hypothetic one that I gave above :)

• @ eddymaguro

Die Antwort die du auf Mr. Obsolets' Hilfsansatz gabst, inspiriert mich, mich ebenfalls hypothetisch auszudrücken:

" Haha. Natürlich. Wenn du es versäumt hast Nutzer-apps zu sichern sondern, stattdessen, es lediglich hinbekommen hast, Systemdaten zu sichern, wie könnte dein Resultat anders sein als das von dir berichtete ? "

Darüberhinaus rate ich dir, im Netz nach Leuten zu suchen die zu deinem Problem berichten – ungeachtet deren verwendeter custom MM-rom. Ich bin sicher, dass sie das Spektrum möglicher Ursachen erweitern über die hypothetische, obig von mir benannte, hinaus :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet
I dont quite get what you meant.

TiBu works fine with cm13 and temasek. But apparently not in Bliss apparently at the moment. This is without having to change preferences in TiBu or what not.

In my original post, i did mention that the issue is to restore app but ok to restore data. Which indirectly tells us that no path issue there.

There was no error message, TiBu just stay trying to restore infinitely.

I've checked the post mentioned by Mr. Obsolet's by the way n confirm that it wasnt my case.

Sorry if my post earlier deemed to be rude or anything. I have no intention for that at all.

So, my guess to your answer is. If I only backup data, how come i can restore apps fine in cm13 and temasek?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mr. Obsolet
Could be something to do with SuperSU. CM and temasek come with cm's root implementation. Will take a look.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: eddymaguro
I found a solution.
Open terminal emulator. Type below

setenforce 0

Can restore apps now. But setenforce is not permanent. If u reboot phone, u need to run setenforce again to restore apps.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MegaHolic
eddymaguro schrieb:
I dont quite get what you meant.

1. TiBu works fine with cm13 and temasek. But apparently not in Bliss apparently at the moment. This is without having to change preferences in TiBu or what not.

2. In my original post, i did mention that the issue is to restore app but ok to restore data. Which indirectly tells us that no path issue ther.

3. There was no error message, TiBu just stay trying to restore infinitely.

4. [ a ] Sorry if my post earlier deemed to be rude or anything. [ b ] I have no intention for that at all.

5. So, my guess to your answer is. If I only backup data, how come i can restore apps fine in cm13 and temasek?

• @ eddymaguro

Let me respond quote-wise:

1. I reccommend you uninstall TB ( plus TB pro ) by way of GooglePlay app " RootUninstaller pro ", then reboot and reinstall a freshly downloaded version of TB ( plus pro ).

2. However, it " directly " left the possibilty that you've made a backup of systems data only, i.e. instead of including user apps.

3. Thank you for providing this description of the visual nature of the issue. It makes me repeat 1.

4. [ a ] Yes, indeed, your said response to Mr. Obsoletes' approach of help gave me a certain taste of " rude " ... In particular, it did so in light of the fact that in your request before you didn't spend any effort on describing the visual nature of the issue ... like ( 3 ), for instance.
[ b ] That's fine.

5. I didn't say – not even " indirectly " – that you backup only the ( systems )data, instead of user apps, in general. My hypothesis " directly " referred to your current issue and thus is meant to say:
" Maybe your current issue is due to having a backup of, soleley, the systems data. ".
Thus, your remark cited [ 5 ] involving previous backups with non-Bliss roms " derails ".

• @ eddymaguro

Lass mich Zitat-weise erwidern:

1. Ich empfehle, TB ( plus pro ) mittels der GooglePlay app " RootUninstaller pro " zu deinstallieren, dann reboot und Installation einer frisch-heruntergeladenen TB( plus pro )-Version.

2. Er liess allerdings " direkt " die Möglichkeit offen, dass du ein backup nur der Systemdaten gemacht hast, also ohne Einbeziehung der Nutzer-Apps.

3. Danke, dass du eine Beschreibung der sichtbaren Natur des Problems ablieferst. Sie veranlasst mich zur Wiederholung von 1.

4. [ a ] Ja, in der Tat, deine besagte Reaktion auf Mr. Obsoletes' Hilfsansatz gab mir einen gewissen Geschmack " ungehobelt " ... insbesondere angesichts der Tatsache, dass du dir in deiner davorigen Anfrage keinerlei Mühe machtest, die sichtbare Natur des Problems ( wie bsp.weise ( 3 )) zu beschreiben.
[ b ] Prima.

5. Ich habe nicht gesagt – nichtmals " indirekt " – dass du generell nur Systemdaten anstelle von Nutzer-Apps per backup sicherst. Meine Hypothese bezog sich " direkt " auf dein aktuelles Problem und soll daher wie folgt zu verstehen sein:
" Vielleicht liegt dein aktuelles Problem begründet in einem nur Systemdaten beinhaltenden backup. "
Daher entgleist deine mit [ 5 ] zitierte, auf frühere backups bei nicht-Bliss roms bezogene, Bemerkung
eddymaguro schrieb:
I found a solution.

• @ eddymaguro
That's fine, I'm happy to read that :) Congrats :)

• @ eddymaguro
Prima :), freut mich zu lesen :) Gratulation
Its the selinux . Need to set to permissive.
Using crdroid now. Apparently need to set to permissive as well.

Didnt bother to check or open selinux before
That's wrong. You don't need selinux to be permissive to restore apps.

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