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Which ROMS should I build / Welche ROMS soll ich bauen ?


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sileshn schrieb:
I think its a bug. Need to look into it.
Hi Silesh
You might remember I was having problems trying to load gapps on marshmallow(t emasek) Well I think I solved the problem!
I was using Philz and changed to TWRP. This worked. I am using Temasek 2.4 and open gapps. The ROM is great! 3 days and no problems.
Battery life is good. Just downloading 2.6 (fingers crossed!). Assume I just load over without wipe?
Anyway, thank you for all your excellent hard work.

{Google translate}
Hallo Silesh
Sie könnten daran erinnern, ich hatte Probleme versuchen, gapps auf Marshmallow zu laden (t emasek ) Nun, ich denke, dass ich das Problem gelöst !
Ich war mit Philz und geändert, um TWRP . Das funktionierte . Ich bin mit Temasek 2.4 und Open gapps . Das ROM ist großartig! 3 Tage und keine Probleme.
Die Batterielebensdauer ist gut. Nur das Herunterladen von 2.6 ( Daumen! ) . Gehe ich davon etwas mehr zu laden , ohne zu wischen ?
Wie auch immer, ich danke Ihnen für Ihre ausgezeichnete harte Arbeit.
Yup. Flash without wipe.
Hi !
I'm switching from my Mega to a Nexus 6, so , as I'm planing to sell it, I was wondering if someone knows where I could find a stock firmware, and how to remove the 2 red lines at startup. I think Silesh told me to flash a stock kernel but I'm not sure what does this really means ! BTW if someone is interested by buying my Mega, you can make an offer. It is inn good working condition, no scratch on screen (protected by tempered glass), rooted, TWRP,running Temasek CyanogeMod 12.1-20150914-UNOFFICIAL-meliusltexx.

Google Translate

Hallo !
Ich Umschalten von meinem Mega an einen Nexus 6, so, wie ich bin der Planung, es zu verkaufen, ich frage mich, ob jemand weiß, wo ich eine Aktie Firmware finden konnte, und wie man die 2 rote Linien beim Start zu entfernen. Ich denke, Silesh erzählte mir, um einen Standard-Kernel zu blinken, aber ich bin nicht sicher, was bedeutet das wirklich bedeutet! BTW, wenn jemand durch den Kauf meiner Mega interessiert, können Sie ein Angebot zu machen. Es ist inn gutem Zustand, keine Kratzer auf dem Bildschirm (von gehärtetem Glas geschützt), verwurzelt, TWRP, läuft Temasek CyanogenMod 12,1-20.150.914-UNOFFICIAL-meliusltexx.
Flash a stock ROM.
I have flashed the new temasek V 2.6, thank you for the work.
The rom run very good
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sileshn
sileshn schrieb:
Flash a stock ROM.
Thank you Silesh ! Do you have a link to where I could find one ?

Vielen Dank Silesh! Haben Sie einen Link zu, wo ich eine finden konnte?

Type in your device model and it will show you a list. Choose any one you want, preferably one for your country.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: kva73
It's a GT-I9205. 2 more questions: will it still be rooted ? And will the stock firmware come with knox ?
No root. Knox yes
So real stock !
No going back then ?
Can you please give me the link ?

You can flash custom ROMs but cannot go back to a Knox free stock free. Doing so will brick your device.
Even if there was no knox with the original firmware ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Temasek v2.6 hat kein Licht?
Temasek v2.6 has no light?
What for a light? Flashlight? The v 2.6 have Flash Light, no problem
That is,flashlight is not now on the menu down the curtain.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
You can load flashlight from the playstore
[QUOTE = "sileshn, post: 9479160, Members: 64259"] You can flash custom ROMs but can not go back to a free stock Knox free. Doing so will brick your device. [/ QUOTE]
[Doublepost = 1,452,523,658.1452522807] [/ double post] Dear Silesh,
Thanks for your wonderful TEMSEK ROM. Currently i am using v2.6.
I have some problem while using the ROM.
1) Flashlight is not available but i can see it in Edit Tiles. But i cant enable it.
2) When I call someone, the sound are like hearing in Speaker and Voice of opponent is like hearing through Speaker (but I have not turned on Speaker). I tried reducing the sounds but still i am facing the same.
3) When i connect my headset, even i reduce my volume to "Zero", while connecting a call, its heavy louder and i cant able to use headset only during the calls.
4) Battery - Its draining like anything. I dont know how. eventhough i charged 100% Battery Full, then immediately I Restarted to kill the background running apps, and switched on, its showing only 90% charged like that.
Kindly help me on this ....
Happy New Year Silesh ....
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Reaktionen: sileshn
Update to the latest version. Headset call volume issue is a bug.
[doublepost=1452746388,1452744818][/doublepost]A new beanstalk build is being uploaded. Note that you need to flash the latest twrp to get it to flash correctly. Older twrp versions will error out.

Also the navigation bar issue remains.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sankar.jith1985 und Mr. Obsolet
I have flashed the new v2.8 from Temasek, very good rom, thank you
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sileshn und Mr. Obsolet
Nice one!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sicfallacy

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