Portierung des CyangenMods 10.1 fürs SG5

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Aktueller CM10.1 Port von Psyke83.

CyanogenMod 10.1 Galaxy 5 Port [psyke83] [androidarmv6]
Current port status: release candidate - suitable for daily use, but you should read the ROM Status before deciding if you want to use this ROM.
Latest release: 20130411 [v0.3]
Latest Google Apps package: gapps-jb42-20121130-psyke83-v1 <--- only use this version, as the standard Google Apps packages will not fit on our device. Do not attempt to use any other version.

Want to help with development? Contribute Galaxy5Parts translations for your native language to be used in upcoming releases. See DSM_'s Galaxy5Parts thread for more details. Many thanks to DSM_ for his work, and thank you in advance for all who contribute.

Hey folks,

This is a port of CyanogenMod 10.1 [androidarmv6 fork], a community-developed Android ROM based on Jelly Bean 4.2.1, for the Samsung Galaxy 5 (GT-I5500/GT-I5500L/GT-I550M/GT-I5503/GT-I5508/Europa) series phones.

Visit the Basebands thread, and make sure that you are using a baseband that is compatible with CyanogenMod. If you are still using an Eclair ROM, you must update your baseband or you will experience boot loops.
Visit the ClockworkMod thread and install the latest ClockworkMod build via Odin.
[Optional] Install MAD Manager or GooManager from the Google Play store.
Download the latest release as well as the latest gapps-jb42 package from MAD Manager, GooManager or via PC using the links at the bottom of this post.
Once the files have been downloaded/transferred to your phone's SD card, reboot into recovery.
Important: if you are updating from a stock ROM, CM7, CM9, CM10 or any other ROM that is not my own CM10.1 build, you are recommended to perform a data wipe. I will not offer support or guarantee a stable ROM if you ignore this step.
Install the update package, followed by the Google Apps package, and then reboot.

Releases / changelog:
20130411 [v0.3]
md5: e43dd03da7c2ade0444636687f03f012
known issue: partitions formatted with ClockworkMod are no longer compatible with the new release. Make sure you are running at least version of CWM before upgrading.
known issue: Youtube HQ may fail to play if you manually switch during LQ video playback. To workaround, set HQ mode in general Youtube settings
known issue: ath6kl driver does not yet use the proper mac address exported by EFS/RIL
Updated CyanogenMod source
Updated to 3.0.31 kernel (based on jb_chocolate branch) - all hardware working correctly
Kernel: added snappy compression support to kernel & zram (compcache) driver
Switched back to older BlueZ Bluetooth stack (will be necessary for FM support in future release)
New FM radio app, "Effem", included in default installation (testing) [not ready yet]
Hardware vsync support enabled in kernel & framework (Butter UI), resulting in smoother graphical performance
Fixed touchscreen sensitivity - should now be the same as Gingerbread
Fixed intermittent bug in which the netd service would crash, causing 100% CPU use and battery drain
Switched to newest ath6kl wifi driver (from compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2)
Fixed WPA2 encryption for WiFi hotspot
Fixed Bluetooth tethering
Fixed Bluetooth wakelock issue - phone can now enter deep sleep while Bluetooth is enabled
Updated Galaxy5Parts to incorporate DSM_'s new changes and community translations. Thanks to DSM_ and everybody who contributed translations!
Switched from Apollo to AOSP Music with DSM_'s patch for Jellybean-style notifications; removed DSPManager due to memory starvation issues
Modified build system so that all applications/files omitted from the default installation will be included in the update zip, allowing users to manually install optional components
Various LDPI improvements
Various bugfixes
20130118 [v0.2]
md5: 1378619f9a6b7aee1624793047040025
note: Requires new Google Apps package. See post #1.
Updated CyanogenMod source
Added: Apollo (replaces Music), DSPManager, Email, Exchange, CM wallpapers and some new ringtones
Apollo: fix LDPI layout (misaligned listview for Genres/Playlists)
Apollo: rewrite image fetching & caching code for better performance
Audio: fixed audio routing for all headphones/headset types
Audio: fixed reboot on first incoming call bug
Audio: update to newest CodeAurora libaudio revision
Camera: fixed panorama mode
Galaxy5Parts: community translations for Spanish (cart00nero), Italian (Fra), Lithuanian (Džiugas), Polish (poohpiotrek), Brazilian Portuguese (mguim), Chinese (louisxu2012 & xiwo4525). Thanks everybody!
Galaxy5Parts: dynamic lowmemorykiller will enable properly if nEnd's internal swap script is in use
Galaxy5Parts: fixed fake-dual touch (was not enabling properly during boot)
Galaxy5Parts: interface code rewrite & improvements (second rewrite by DSM_ - thanks!)
General: display notification & icon when headset/headphone is connected
General: fixed LDPI layout for various system apps/widgets
General: OMX decoding improvements (extended extractor working - should now play DIVX formats and more)
General: reduce log spam caused by tracing, netlink, liblight
General: update proprietary files
GPS: fixed GPS
Kernel: fixed offline charging bug on certain GT-I550X regional models
Kernel: fixed potential deadlock in ashmem driver during low memory conditions
Kernel: fixed zram (compcache) driver
Kernel: rfkill improvements to reduce Bluetooth battery usage
Lockscreen: fixed clock layout
Phone: fixed missing dialer buttons (0, 1) for in-call dialpad
SystemUI: force transparent notification shade
Trebuchet: improved LDPI layout (larger fonts)

20130601 [v0.1]
md5: 0b1d6fae21f50928dd55f25fc078f7fa
ROM status: all hardware & major features working (see ROM Status post for more details)
ROM issues (unconfirmed): there may be a possibility of a bootloop on second reboot if you do not enable USB debugging. I need more time to verify. In the meantime, keep it enabled to be safe. Go to Settings -> About phone -> Build number (press repeatedly) to unlock the hidden developer menus.
ROM issues (minor): kernel USB driver uses product id for Galaxy S, which may cause some confusion in Windows applications; USB mass storage mode may be slower than before; zRam causes system instability and should not be used.
First build of CyanogenMod 10.1 (androidarmv6 fork)
Adapted galaxy5 source into shared Samsung repositories
Updated to kernel
Renamed EuropaParts to Galaxy5Parts and improved code
Lots of small fixes & optimizations (see github)
Thanks to [MADTeam crew]:
Motafoca - for general assistance & creating MadTeam.co
OuNao - for g5sensord, libsensors, fake dual-touch, resistive touchscreen calibration & general assistance
DSM_ - for helping with Galaxy5Parts code & general assistance
nend - for MAD Manager & general assistance
All other testers for your patience & support - thank you.

Thanks to [androidarmv6/CyanogenMod crew]:
CyanogenMod team

Source Code:
Kernel: https://github.com/androidarmv6/android_kernel_samsung_msm7x27
Device: https://github.com/androidarmv6/android_device_samsung_galaxy5

CyanogenMod 10.1 ROM Status - updated 11/04/2013 for v0.3

Should I use this ROM?
Consider the following:
Jelly Bean's minimum requirements are 512MB of RAM, a 256MB /system partition and an 800Mhz CPU. Our device has 256MB of RAM (181MB usable), a 175MB /system partition, and the CPU can only run up to 768Mhz (when overclocked) at most. You must accept that you are running a version of Android that has higher demands than your phone can satisfy (meaning: it can lag).
Due to the small /system size, some features of the ROM have been removed, including the Video Editor, Live Wallpapers, as well as some Jelly Bean ringtones, wallpapers and optional fonts. There is simply no space to accommodate everything on our device.
The ROM is still not well-tested and may have some odd bugs.
If you're willing to accept these issues, then this ROM may suit you well. Otherwise, I recommend that you stay with a lighter ROM, such as Gingerbread.

2D & 3D acceleration with triple-buffering (Butter UI) [note: vsync was not correctly implemented prior to v0.3]
Audio (attenuation & extamp support included, FM support not yet implemented)
Bluetooth tethering
Camera & camcorder
Fake dual-touch (optional)
Galaxy5Parts (Settings -> Device -> Advanced)
Hardware-accelerated video encoding/decoding (OMX)
Telephony (calling, mobiledata & messaging)
Touchscreen (fake dual-touch also available)
USB Mass Storage
USB tethering
WiFi hotspot

Partially working/minor issues:
[Should be fixed by v0.3 - need confirmation] Intermittent lag. If your phone starts to feel unresponsive and drains battery, you will be suffering from a netd bug in which it consumes 100% CPU constantly. This bug can occur at random times, and you can verify by looking at your logcat output to see if "Got a short RTM_NEWLINK message" constantly repeats in the system log. If you are experiencing the bug, you can temporarily fix the issue by opening the terminal, enabling root access (su), and running "stop netd; start netd" to restart the buggy service. I will try to solve this issue for the next release.
USB drivers: the kernel in this release uses backported 3.0 USB drivers from the Galaxy S. As a side effect, the phone will use Galaxy S drivers (but the device name shown as GT-I5500 correctly). I will try to see if this can be better solved later.

Not working:
No native FM radio app. Spirit FM from Google Play works fine.

Download: Goo.im Downloads - Browsing galaxy5
bzw:Goo.im Downloads - Browsing gapps
Orginal im Mad-Forum: [DEV] CyanogenMod 10.1 Galaxy5 Port [androidarmv6] - MADTeam Forum
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Jcarno

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