[ROM] GreenMod POX v1.4 [v1.4 RELEASED]

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who are we? we are the GreenMods! The GreenMods is team of 3 people:

-jazux, lead developer and founder of GM

-pauri, theme porter and founder of GM

-s3th.g3ck9, app developer

now we are not going to say our ROM is blazing fast, super fast, amazingly fast or something like that
test, try, cry --> (why? dont know it just sounds good
) and love our ROM

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


link to POX v.1.4 with fugumod 2.2 BE --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to POX v.1.4 with fugumod 2.2 non-OC --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to POX v.1.4 with fugumod 2.4 beta 3 800Mhz --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to GreenMods Theme file --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to 1.3 system update --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

LINK to 1.2 system update --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to v.1.1 with fugumod 2.2 BE --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to v.1.1 with fugumod 2.2 non-OC --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to v.1.1 with fugumod 2.4 alpha 14 --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to final v.1.0 with fugumod 2.2 BE --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to final v.1.0 with fugumod 2.4 alpha 14 --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to final v.1.0 with fugumod 2.2 non-OC --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to non-OC beta 2 --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

link to OC beta 2 --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

LINK to first beta --> Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

why should you flash POX? Well here are some of the feedbacks

Vishnu N S. => post

I just installed this ROM, coming from Kyrillos v4.0. First impressions :-

1) The ROM is very smooth, kudos to the devs !! There is none of the intermittent stuttering/freezing observed in Kyrillos v4.0 ROMs.
2) GPS seems to be working fine. I have SGS Tools installed anyway, so it doesnt matter.

@ Rudolf : This is a very simple ROM to use...None of the confusion in installing this compared to other ROMS . I already had my SD card partitioned using GParted and the ROM recognized the ext4 partition for data2sd. ANything specific you wanted to know about the ROM...?
werker123. => post

i love the pox themes changer when 1.0 is there i will flash it but what is the other suprise? I dont have wishes becouse this rom is amazing
hilcro. => post

I have been using ur rom since last night haven't had any problems haven't had a chance to test battery properly yet but so far its a big thumbs up from me a great stable fast rom...
haree. => post

i just flashed it today morning realy nice rom
I see 189MB of storage space really good and ur is the only rom i have used were i have program monitor present good job i have asked many devs to add this i usually add the same after flashing the ROM. I also see backup pro, setCPU and mini info already present in ur rom thanks as these are the apps i usually add

my feeling is good fast rom will give u feedback if i see any problems
thanks for this very nice rom buddy
silentneuville. => post

Thanks so much for this amazingly fast rom and smooth too , I used Kyrillos before but this is so much faster and no bugs too
ratnakar_choudhary. => post

Hi GreenMods,

I must say this is one of the great ROM. After arranging the folder structure as suggested in few post back, POX Themes are working really nice.

I am really liking this ROM. Only thing pending is the heptic feedback on the key press and system sounds are missing. I hope with new update today I will get those.

Also I had one question, do we need to make the SD card partition? I am asking this as we are not having Madteam app included.

Once again thanks for such a wonderful ROM.

more to come when we will get new feedbacks

IMPORTANT how to flash 1.2:

1. download the update.zip to your sd card

2. reboot into recovery from power menu

3. at the recovery choose "apply update.zip"

4. then choose "yes"

5. wait a moment and when its ready reboot your phone

7. enjoy POX v.1.2


-flash as one package with odin

-the GreenMods are not responsible if your device happens to explode, melt, transform to another object
, or you know if something happens

-bootloader is not included so if something happens just flash the ROM again or flash different ROM

-and if you decide flash, (please flash
) remember to tell me if you find new bugs

-have a nice day!


-how to use POX theme changer app:

-add GreenMods file to your SD-card and open POX Theme changer app

-you must have at least 8mb of free space on /system when you apply a theme, if you do not have 8mb of free space you will have soft brick.

-this app will not work in other ROMs, it will only force close
so dont try to add it to your ROM.

-apply 1% battery mod:

-to use 1% battery mod you have to activate the "circular battery" app, on app drawer.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: gueni9960, bra.ja, pidl und eine weitere Person
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

-Voodoo sound v8
-updated CWM recovery
-darkyy's RAMbooster tweak
-less lag :)
-base is JPM
-1% battery mod (works only on fugumod 2.4)
-fugumod kernel 2.2/2.4
-froyo snapshot fix
-live wallpapers
-ext4 data2sd
-worldwide APN list
-sd card reading speed fix
-Transition animations
-5 lockscreen mod
-custom bootanimation

APPS included

>POX theme changer app v.1.3
>my files
>video player
>task manager
>google search
>google voice
>MIUI weather, gallery, camera and music player
>and customized basic apps, like phone and sms


**all the same features from v.1.1 + these

-POX themes app v.1.3

-working timescape, SE arc launcher and some SE widgets

-MIUI gallery, camera and weather


-Voodoo sound v8
-CWM recovery
-darkyy's RAMbooster tweak
-lots of new themes (WP7, HTC, lucid, tangerine, AndrodenaTekGalaxy, neonGT, White Chrome, high voltage, Lickqiud Kuol, Erebos)
-better battery life, less lag :)
-base is JPM
-1% battery mod (works only on fugumod 2.4)
-system and data converted to ext4
-cache converted to ext2
-fugumod kernel 2.2/2.4
-froyo snapshot fix
-live wallpapers
-ext4 data2sd
-worldwide APN list
-sd card reading speed fix
-Transition animations
-5 lockscreen mod
-custom bootanimation

APPS included

>lp sense ui
>POX theme changer app v.1.1
>MIUI music player
>gps essentials
>my files
>video player
>task manager
>google search
>and customized basic apps, like phone and sms


-base rom JPM
-1% battery mod (works only on fugumod 2.4)
-system and data converted to ext4
-cache converted to ext2
-fugumod kernel 2.2/2.4
-neonGT theme v.3.1, AndrodenaTekGalaxy and White Chrome
-froyo snapshot fix
-live wallpapers
-ext4 data2sd
-worldwide APN list
-sd card reading speed fix
-Transition animations
-5 lockscreen mod
-custom bootanimation

APPS included

>POX theme changer app
>MADteam app2sd
>music player
>gps essentials
>my files
>video player
>task manager
>ThinkFree Office
>google search
>and customized basic apps, like phone and sms

v.1.0 beta 1 and 2

-base rom JPM
-system and data converted to ext4 *
-cache converted to ext2 *
-deodexed *
-fugumod kernel 2.2
-neonGT theme v.3.0 *
-froyo snapshot fix *
-live wallpapers
-ext4 data2sd
-worldwide APN list
-sd card reading speed fix
-Transition animations *
-5 lockscreen mod *
-bootanimation *

APPS included

>MADteam app2sd *
>music player
>gps essentials
>my files
>video player
>task manager
>ThinkFree Office
>calendar *
>calculator *
>adfree *
>email *
>gtalk *
>voice recorder *
>voice search *
>google search
>and customized basic apps, like phone and sms

*= not in v.1.0 beta 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

MIUI - Redefining android, on SG3

ok so if you already didnt know GreenMods are porting MIUI ROM to SG3! it will be based on android 2.3 and it will simply be awesome!!!



progress! akash.gpta (our porter) booted his phone ok with MIUI framework but its a little bit laggy :-/ hi is debugging it and hopefully it reduces the lag
BIG thanx to akash.gpta he has been a great help
oh and he booted the framework on froyo!

heres a list of what is done and who is porting/helping


-Theme is almost done [pauri]

-some apps [jazux]


-launcher [akash.gpta and anonymous]

-lockscreen [no porters yet]

if you want to help, just contact me
this is a huge project and the more porters we have the better it is
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WISHLIST suggest things you want

-a beep in every 10 sec if there is incoming call and if my line is in use

-POX uptade app that notifies if theres an uptade



-The Dark Lestat: for helping out a lot

-marcellusbe: kernel

-armv-dev team: JIT

-mizch: ext4 data2sd

-vista2k7: 5 lock mod

-gaby02: for many themes

-arumncops: for many themes

-aarrun: for many themes

-peldax: for many themes

-TotorLeToreau: for many themes

-barqers: for theme

-and everybody else who helped

more names to be added
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die screens sehen eig. ganz gut aus, es wäre aber gut ein paar Infos zu kennen, man soll die Katze ja nicht im Sack kaufen ;-)

Edit: zu früh gepostet xD

Wäre sehr froh wenn du sie ausprobieren würdest ;)
Ich hab ja wie du weist erst vor kurzem kyrillos geflasht aber ich werde eure morgen äh heute mal ausprobieren^^


AAARW, immer diese Skins :(
Was ist so schlimm daran?


Ist eh ein theme changer dabei. Und was ist an dem skin so schlimm?

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Werde die ROM heute flashen, dauert aber noch ein bisschen da ich nur 1000er DSL hab ;)
Sehr gut aber bitte bugs und wuensche melden

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Mann,download bei 97% abgebrochen, werd dan wahrscheinlich erst Morgen berichten :/
blöd gelaufen ;) aber dann morgen berichten^^. aber wieso der download abbricht versteh ich nicht^^
Das lag an megaupload...


So, habs jetzt seit 4 Stunden drauf und fang mal mit dem positiven an:
-tolles design (nur wenn man LauncherPro benutzt und sms auf dem Homescreen hat, sieht das komische Grün echt hässlich aus^^ aber da die sms ja eh jeder im Dock hat egal...)
-Gute Apps vorinstalliert, alles unnötige ist draußen
-gut gemacht mit dem anpasen der Reiter beim MP3-Player, Kontakten usw. an das Design.

Also vom aussehen her passt alles.

-Ich hab andauernd freezes, in 4 Stunden in denen ich die ROM jetz drauf hab musste ich schon 8 mal durch herausnehmen des Akkus ausschalten, auch 2 factory resets haben nichts gebracht. Ich hab das Handy jetzt zwar nicht intensiv genutzt, konnte aber gerade mal eine App installieren, da sich entweder der Market oder der Launcher oder irgeneine andere App aufhängt. (Auch das extra Design für den Market finde ich cool)
-Das grüne Fenster im unteren Bildschirmteil in dem manchmal Benachrichtigungen stehen ist immer gleich groß, auch wenn en eine lange mitteilung ist bleibt er klein, sodass man manches nicht lesen kann...

Mehr weiß ich im mom. noch nicht, werd die ROM aber noch nen Tag drauflassen und mal schaun wie sich das entwickelt ;D

Funktioniert die ROM bei euch den ohne freezes? wenn ja werd ich Morgen nochmal neu flashen.

P.S. Bei den "Credits" beim Boot fehlt entweder Burak oder S3th.g3ck9


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danke schonmal fuer das feedback. Die bootanimation ist veraltet^^ in der final wird das anders aussehen. 8freezes in 4 stundn? Das kommt mir verdammt viel vor. Peobiers mit reflash. Vl gehts dann besser^^ aber wie gesagt. Werden in der final hoffentlich zu eurer zufriedenheit machen.

Gibt es sonst noch anregungen? Wuwnsche etc?

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Mich würde eine Flashanleitung sehr freuen. Könnt ihr bitte eine Reinstellen!
Es sind wirklich extremst viele Freezes, würde behaubten dass das Handy im Mom. fast unbrauchbar ist :/ Nach einem Reflash sind es etwas weniger freezes und ich kann durch langes drücken der Power-Tast rebooten :)

Was ich noch sagen wollte, das Design für den Market und auch für ein paar andere Objekte wie z.B. das Symbol wenn die SD-Karte gelesen wird, wird nur manchmal richtig Angezeigt, ca. jedes zweite mal kommt wieder das Originaldesign.


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