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Alliance goes Lollipop!!!
ich habe heute mal eine ROM geflasht, getestet und für gut befunden und möchte meine Erfahrungen hier teilen.
Hier der Link zum XDA-Entwickler :
Recovery z. Bsp. Philz Touch:
ROM Features
Lollipop 5.0:
Alliance Custom Settings:
Color/Theme Options
Clock, Notification Panel, StatusBar, Toggles
Extended Power Menu Options
Phone Mods
LockScreen Mods
General Mods
Alles , was Ihr mit eurem Phone macht , geht auf eigene Gefahr
Happy Flashing!!
XDA-Thread :
[ROM][OH4][5.0]AllianceROM�v10 Lite Available - 18 Themes - Huge Customisation 13/10
ich habe heute mal eine ROM geflasht, getestet und für gut befunden und möchte meine Erfahrungen hier teilen.
Hier der Link zum XDA-Entwickler :
- Download
- Anleitung zum rooten
Recovery z. Bsp. Philz Touch:
ROM Features
Lollipop 5.0:
- Based on Samsung 5.0 G900FXXU1BNL9Samsung 5.0 G900FXXU1BNL9
- Rooted, Deodexed, BusyBox, Init.d, Sqlite3, Zipaligned
- Build.prop tweaks
- ROM Customizer with root browser, widgets
- OTA for ROM updates and link to alliance rom website Thanks Kryten2k35;
- Alliance Manager Theme/Backup Engine
- 18 Preset Styles to change theme in 1 click!
- Modified Toolbox to allow up to 10 shortcuts instead of 5
- Total toggle amount is 30
- Pull up in launcher to launch custom app @txr33 - Thanks fake_japanese_guy for posting the app to try in other roms which saved adding to our app picker
- Slide left in launcher to launch custom app @txr33
- Added About Alliance To about phone
- Added Custom Extended Power/Reboot Menu
- Added A ton of Open Source FlipFonts
- Added Cyanogenmods Torch
- Disabled Flipfont Verification Checks
- Disabled Signature Verification Checking
- Disabled Scrolling cache Systemwide
- Disabled Samsungs Secure Storage
- Enabled 9 Lockscreen effects
- Enabled app ops permission management
- Enabled Call/Message Blocking
- Enabled External Sd-Card Read/Write Functionality
- Enabled Bootanimation.zip functionality
- Enabled custom longpress options on samsung keyboardsamsung keyboard
- Enabled By Default Package Verifier OFF
- Enabled All disabled Settings widgets
- Enabled Launcher app menu list functionality
- Camera Lockscreen shortcut
- Increased message limit per hour
- Enabled Scheduled Messaging
- Enabled Scheduled Messaging
- Enabled Save Restore Messages (sms only)
- Enabled Group Conversation Messages
- Enabled Split View Option For Messaging When In Landscape
- Up to 200 contacts for messages
- Message sent time shown
- Increased sms-mms threshold
- General Battery and Performance Tweaks
- Updated Alliance Settings to new application with sliding tabs nav drawer and more;
- Option to link all color options toghether or color seperately
- Option to Set Color/transparency popups (e.g powermenu bg) with toggle - make your own tinted glass backgrounds!
- Option to Set Color popups text with toggle
- Option to Set Color/transparency list menu bg with toggle
- Option to Set Action bar text color with toggle
- Option to Set Actionbar bg color with toggle
- Option to Set System Background Color and/or Gradient Type for 2 or 3 colors
- Option to Set System Background Image and Transparency
- Option to Set StatusBar Color and/or Gradient Type
- Option to Set StatusBar Background Image and Transparency
- Option to Set Dropdown Header Color
- Option to Set Toggle Background Color and/or Gradient Type and Circle Type/Color
- Option to Set Brightness Slider Background Color
- Option to Set custom wallpaper on Notification Items with alpha slider
- Option to Set 3 color gradient for Notification Items
- Option to Set Clock Color, Dropdown Clock Color, Date Color
- Option to Set Settings text color
- Option to Set Settings Icon color
- Option to Set Keyboard background wallpaper
- Option to Set keyboard key shadow color
- Option to Set keyboard background color
- Option to Set keyboard text color
- Option to Set keyboard function key bg color
- Option to Set keyboard main key bg color
- Option to Set keyboard disabled key bg color
- Some stock email text content colour options
- Option to Set Wifi Icon Color, Signal Color, Settings Button Color
- Option to Set Notification icons Color, Notification Text Color, Ticker Text Color, Carrier Color
- Option to Set Traffic Color, Alliance Logo Color
- Option to Set Toggle Color
- Option to Set Toggle Text Color
- Toggle background style -* Thanks @TiredStoreman for images
- Option to Set Phone Text Color, secondary text color, in app button text color popup header color, in app list text color all with toggles to return to default
- Option to Set Power menu text Color, Settings Text Color, Toast Text Color Lockscreen text Color
- Option to Set Power Menu Color,
- Option to Set Brightness Slider Color
- 3 Minit Battery
- Option to set statusbar Clock size
- Option to enable Clock seconds
- Option to set Clock font style
- Option to set date style
- Option to set date format
- Option to Set Clock Position
- Option to Set Am/pm Style
- Option to Set Day of Week Style
- Option to Set Dropdown date Format
- Option to Set Dropdown date shortclick/longclick action
- Option to set Dropdown Date size
- Option to show statusbar icons in dropdown
- Option to add Aosp Clear Button, Lock Button, Recents Button, Settings Button, hide Dropdown Header
- Option to enable/disable Sfinder, Brightness Slider
- Option for any app for sfinder button
- Option for alliance button in expanded header to launch alliance settings or any app
- Option to Set Custom Carrier Text
- Option to Battery Bar, Bar Style, Bar thickness, Bar Anim
- Option to add Omni traffic meter with options for left or right side, update interval, hide when inactive and download/upload colors
- Option to pick Data Icon Type (Att/Tmo)
- Option to pick number of signal bars used 4, 5, 6
- Option to enable or disable signal in/out icon
- Option to enable or disable wifi in/out icon
- Option to hide/display toggle text, circle background
- Option to set number of toggles in view
- Option to hide Blocking Mode Notification, Ime Icon, Low storage notification, Unstable Wifi Notification
- Option to hide Alarm Icon, Bluetooth Icon, Sound Icon, SmartStay Icon, Nfc Icon
- Option to Double tap statusbar sleep
- Option to disable/enable HeadsUp Notifications with Blacklist
- Option to set HeadsUp Notifcation fade speed
- Option to Hide/Show Data Toggle
- Option to Hide/Show Airplane Toggle
- Option to Hide/Show Accesibility Shortcut
- Option to Hide/Show Power Off Shortcut
- Option to Hide/Show Restart Menu
- Option to Hide/Show Sound Mode Toggles
- Option to Hide/Show Emergency Mode Toggle
- Option to Hide/Show Screenshot Toggle
- Option to Hide/Show Screen Record Toggle
- Enable/Disable Record Button/Add Call Button In Phone
- Option to enable/disable increasing Ringtone
- Option to restart Phone and InCallUI
- Option to turn ink effect on/off
- Option to Select Custom Ink Effect Color
- Option to Enable Random Ink Effect Color
- Option to Enable/Disable Lockscreen Sounds
- Stock Lockscreen Settings Shortcut
- Choose from 9 functions for long press back - Default, Now, Custom App, Kill, Screenshot, Lock Screen, Torch, Recents, Menu
- Choose from 9 functions for long press home
- Choose from 9 functions for long press menu
- Choose from 9 functions for double press home
- Choose from 9 functions for short press menu
- Power longpress timeout choices
- Double tap timeout choices
- Long Press Volume Music Controls With Screen Off
- Listview Animation Style Picker
- Listview Interpolator Picker
- Toast Animation Picker
- Disable home key wake toggle
- Full charge noti toggle
- Enable/Disable Wake when plugging
- Enable/Disable Wake when unplugging
- Enable/Disable Low Battery Popup
- Enable/Disable Full Charge Notification
- Enable/Disable USB Connect Sound
- All rotation toggle
- Ime cursor control with vol buttons
- Added option to use private mode with insecure lockscreen
- Added option to disable the ongoing Private Mode notification
- Added Nfc option for screen off, onlockscreen or unlocked only and nfc icon type
Step 1-
ROM auf die SD Karte speichern
Step 2-
Bootloader und Modem aktualisieren
Step 3- Booten in die Recovery
If coming from kitkat or any other ROM a full wipe is highly recommended
Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat, kernel or theme. Choose install. Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat, kernel or theme. Choose install.
Step 4- Wait....a.....long.....time! Due to ART It will take at least 15 minutes to boot the first time and can be up to 25
Step 5- Nach dem Booten in den Alliance Manager wechseln- dies wird benötigt damit sich die Ordnerstrukturen aufbauen können
Step 6 -
Genießen !
ROM auf die SD Karte speichern
Step 2-
Bootloader und Modem aktualisieren
Step 3- Booten in die Recovery
If coming from kitkat or any other ROM a full wipe is highly recommended
Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat, kernel or theme. Choose install. Select install from zip. Choose whether to install samsung bloat, google bloat, kernel or theme. Choose install.
Step 4- Wait....a.....long.....time! Due to ART It will take at least 15 minutes to boot the first time and can be up to 25
Step 5- Nach dem Booten in den Alliance Manager wechseln- dies wird benötigt damit sich die Ordnerstrukturen aufbauen können
Step 6 -
Genießen !
Alles , was Ihr mit eurem Phone macht , geht auf eigene Gefahr
Happy Flashing!!
XDA-Thread :
[ROM][OH4][5.0]AllianceROM�v10 Lite Available - 18 Themes - Huge Customisation 13/10
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