G900F [ROM][4.4.2][XXU1ANJ1] *26.10.14* Omega v11.0 [Omega Files][Kernel]

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gibt es eigentlich auch empfohlene Themes für das S5 wie bei dem Samsung S3 von Omega ?

Omega v9.1 Opening Post and Download Center
Please read this post carefully.
Here you will find all information you need for the latest Omega Rom.
Do not download and flash before reading all the info provided here!
Download Center can be found at the end of this post
Based on firmware XXU1ANH6 Android 4.4.2 (Date: 22/08/2014)
Kernels included in aroma installer:
Omega Kernel v1.3 updated to work with the new XXU1ANG2 bootloader
Stock Kernel G900F XXU1ANH6
Stock Kernel G900I DVU1ANG3
G900I variant to aroma installer
Call Recorder mod updated
Play Store
ES File Explorer
NFC for G900I variants
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Rom is No Full Wipe
Omega Files:
Omega Files Pro:

Direct Download Links for v9.1 with resume option added to Omega Files Pro
OTA Update Notifications
Update repo to Omega Files Pro to get the updates for v9.1
Please read the following before flashing v9.1:
Omega Rom can be flashed only with a custom recovery.
This mean the knox will be triggered and your warranty will be void, more info:
All you wanted to know about KNOX Void Warranty 0×1

This Omega version is a No Full wipe rom, but Full wipe is strongly recommended if you have issues!
If you are coming from another custom rom or from stock firmware or from an Omega rom with previous android version, Full wipe is needed

Make sure to make and keep in a safe place an efs backup - nadroid backup - titanium backup - etc, in case you ever need to restore!

1. Backup your device (nadroid backup, titanium backup, efs backup ... etc) and save the backup to a safe place.
2. Flash a custom recovery
3. Boot to Recovery and flash Omega

The new XXU1ANG2 firmware has a new bootloader
New bootloader XXU1ANG2 - old bootloader XXU1ANE2
The new Omega v9.1 will not boot with the stock kernel if you do not update the bootloader.
Omega Kernel is modified at the new v9.1 to work with both bootloaders.
You can download the new bootloader here and flash it with odin

Installation only for G900I variants:
*The new G900I Bootloader DVU1ANG3 is needed for v9.1 to nfc to work ok
Download the new bootloader from here: G900IDVU1ANG3_Bootloader.tar
and flash it with odin v3.09 by selecting either AP or BL then boot to android and check if the new bootloader flashed ok
To check this you can use Phone INFO Samsung app from play store - screenshot
**If you are on the new bootloader you can flash v9.1 with full or no full wipe and select G900I variant and G900I kernel at aroma.
***If you do not want to update to the new bootloader you can flash v9.1 to your G900I variant but you have to select G900F variant and kernel at Aroma (nfc will not work this way)
Credits to tangcla and r35gtr for helping me with many flashes and tests.

Omega Files Repo:
Omega Files repo is ready and included in Omega Files Free and Pro

Opens SuperSu and update SU binary, then choose normal and reboot device.

Dialer contacts::
If you flashed with No Full Wipe and your contacts do not appear to phone and you are having only numbers remove your google account reboot and then add it again to fix it.

Remove bloatware:
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation - Screenshot with Omega de-bloated

Multi csc included in Omega
You can change csc with this application - THIS WILL WIPE ALL YOUR DATA AND INTERNAL SDCARD

* You can change Governors and I/O schedulers to Omega kernel and to any kernel with Omegas Team app CPU Adjuster -> Screenshot
*To change Battery icons use 3minit batteries app, more than a thousand battery icons included.
*For Accuwheather widget transparent go to Accuwheather widget Settings and select the Widget transparency you like
*Hide It Pro app (included in Omega) can be used instead of Private Mode
Download Center:

Please do not make mirror links
If you like Omega v9.1 + Omega Files app and you use them please consider a donation.

Enjoy the new Omega
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bierbauer
Läuft wie immer gut, einzige Problem bei der 9.1, unter Einstellungen, Anzeigetyp, Registerkartenansicht, da ruckelt es sehr stark wenn ich die Seiten wechsel.
Noch ein Problem Entdeckt, beim hintergrunfbild Wechsel kommt Meldung, Einstellungen angehalten, ich hatte das schon mal, weiß aber nicht mehr wie ich es wegbekam :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann es sein das du eine Wallpaper App deinstalliert hast?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: SemperFi-72
Japp das war es, danke. Jetzt nur noch das ruckeln weg dann geht's
Hey Leute,
könnte mir vll. einer sagen wo ich die Modem daten her bekomme also das beste oder neuste was ich installieren sollte ? alles andere hab ich schon wie bootloader recovery etc. nur die modem files find ich nich :sad:
das installieren kann ich auch.

Benutze das Omegaapp
9.2 ist online
Mir ist aufgefallen, das über Nacht ohne Neustart immer wieder NFC ausgeschaltet wird. Woran kann das liegen?
wie sind die richtigen Einstellungen für das flashen des neuen stock Bootloader stock kernel in Odin 3.09? wo muß die Dateien einfügen und welche haken müssen gesetzt werden?
kann den neuen bootloader nicht mit odin installieren, er macht alles aber bei kontrolle ist immernoch der alte drauf (NE2) was mache ich falsch ??? kann nur mit omegakernel flashen, sonst bleibt es beim samsunglogo stehen...
Versuch es mal mit odin 3.0.7
Habe es geschafft, mußte feststellen, dass ich eine irische O2 csc (G900FO2I1ANH1) habe. Ist das normal für die Omega Rom?
Omega kommt

Omega v10 (18/10/2014):
Based on firmware XXU1ANI4 Android 4.4.2 (Date: 12/09/2014)
Kernels included in aroma installer:
Omega Kernel v1.3
Stock Kernel G900F XXU1ANI4
Stock Kernel G900I DVU1ANG3
Added to Custom Install:
Phone INFO Samsung
Google Services
Samsung IAP
Dolphin Browser
Google Search
Paly Newsstand
HP Print Service Plugin
Wanam Xposed
All mods from previous Omega Kit Kat 4.4.2 versions added
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Rom is No Full Wipe

Quelle: [ROM][Kernel][G900F|I|M|T|W8][XXU1ANH6][04Oct]Omega v9.2●Omega Files● - Post #3 - XDA Forums
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sventehf und SemperFi-72
Ich würde die Rom sehr gerne ausprobieren, aber ich kann nur mit 30 kb/s herutnerladen und das bei 1,7 gb :(

Ok habe nicht gesehen das es auch Torrent gibt. Allerdings scheint die Version die ich herunterlade eine andere Codenummer zu haben.

Bei mir steht zum Schluss ANG2 aber hier ANH6 ist das richtig?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ja das ist richtig,die 9.2 ist ANH6
Omega v10 Opening Post and Download Center
For Galaxy S5 G900F – G900I – G900M – G900T – G900W8
Please read this post carefully.
Here you will find all information you need for the latest Omega Rom.
Do not download and flash before reading all the info provided here!
Download Center can be found at the end of this post
Based on firmware XXU1ANI4 Android 4.4.2 (Date: 12/09/2014)
Kernels included in aroma installer:
Omega Kernel v1.3
Stock Kernel G900F XXU1ANI4
Stock Kernel G900I DVU1ANG3
Added to Custom Install:
Phone INFO Samsung
Google Services
Samsung IAP
Dolphin Browser
Google Search
Paly Newsstand
HP Print Service Plugin
Wanam Xposed
All mods from previous Omega Kit Kat 4.4.2 versions added
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Rom is No Full Wipe
Omega Files:
Omega Files Pro:

Direct Download Links for v10 with resume option added to Omega Files Pro
OTA Update Notifications
Update repo to Omega Files Pro to get the updates for v10
Please read the following before flashing v10:
Omega Rom can be flashed only with a custom recovery.
This mean the knox will be triggered and your warranty will be void, more info:
All you wanted to know about KNOX Void Warranty 0×1

This Omega version is a No Full wipe rom, but Full wipe is strongly recommended if you have issues!
If you are coming from another custom rom or from stock firmware or from an Omega rom with previous android version, Full wipe is needed

Make sure to make and keep in a safe place an efs backup - nadroid backup - titanium backup - etc, in case you ever need to restore!

1. Backup your device (nadroid backup, titanium backup, efs backup ... etc) and save the backup to a safe place.
2. Flash a custom recovery
3. Boot to Recovery and flash Omega

The new XXU1ANG2 firmware has a new bootloader
New bootloader XXU1ANG2 - old bootloader XXU1ANE2
The new Omega v10 will not boot with the stock kernel if you do not update the bootloader.
Omega Kernel is modified at the new v10 to work with both bootloaders.
You can download the new bootloader here and flash it with odin

Installation only for G900I variants:
*The new G900I Bootloader DVU1ANG3 is needed for v10 to nfc to work ok
Download the new bootloader from here: G900IDVU1ANG3_Bootloader.tar
and flash it with odin v3.09 by selecting either AP or BL then boot to android and check if the new bootloader flashed ok
To check this you can use Phone INFO Samsung app from play store - screenshot
**If you are on the new bootloader you can flash v10 with full or no full wipe and select G900I variant and G900I kernel at aroma.
***If you do not want to update to the new bootloader you can flash v10 to your G900I variant but you have to select G900F variant and kernel at Aroma (nfc will not work this way)
Credits to tangcla and r35gtr for helping me with many flashes and tests.

Omega Files Repo:
Omega Files repo is ready and included in Omega Files Free and Pro

Opens SuperSu and update SU binary, then choose normal and reboot device.

Dialer contacts::
If you flashed with No Full Wipe and your contacts do not appear to phone and you are having only numbers remove your google account reboot and then add it again to fix it.

Remove bloatware:
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation - Screenshot with Omega de-bloated

Multi csc included in Omega
You can change csc with this application - THIS WILL WIPE ALL YOUR DATA AND INTERNAL SDCARD

* You can change Governors and I/O schedulers to Omega kernel and to any kernel with Omegas Team app CPU Adjuster -> Screenshot
*To change Battery icons use 3minit batteries app, more than a thousand battery icons included.
*For Accuwheather widget transparent go to Accuwheather widget Settings and select the Widget transparency you like
*Hide It Pro app (included in Omega) can be used instead of Private Mode
Download Center:

Please do not make mirror links
If you like Omega v10 + Omega Files app and you use them please consider a donation.

Enjoy the new Omega
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sventehf
Zahlt sich die V10 based on 4.4.2 überhaupt noch aus? Samsung verteilt ja schon offiziell die 4.4.4 - sollte also nicht mehr lange zur Omega Variante dauern :thumbup:
Das muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden....:confused2:
Ich bin immer noch bei der 7er und warte auf die Version 4.4.4 von Indie. Die zwischen Versionen haben sich bis dato nicht gelohnt. App Updates mache ich sowie so und was die Base angeht, ich nehme immer nur die - welche auch offiziell in Deutschland ausgerollt wird. Ich bin seit dem s2 dabei und unabhängig davon dass das Omega Rom immer am besten lief - es lief immer am besten mit den "offiziellen" Versionen. Die ganzen Asiatischen und anderen Basis und Modem Versionen hatten meisten irgendwo einen weg.

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