- 268

Based on European Samsumg firmware XXU1ANH6
Base rom and Aroma thanks to @_alexndr >> [ROM][G900F][ALEXNDR] ★ ANG7 ★ K… | Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums
Deodexed busybox root zipalign
Wipe/no Wipe
CSC Country Set
Sound Options
Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @wuby
* Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control application, it include many options:
- BatteryBar - thx @pvyParts [MOD] Battery Bar for All ROMs - Updated 31/… | Android | XDA Forums
- OG Battery Mod (83 types)thx @OsamaGhareeb and special Thanks for Kitkat porting @xentrix Xnote Team
- Xposed Intelli3g module
- Multi Window Manager
- FLOATING Pen-Windows app
- 4 multiwindow MOD
- Notification Toggle
- BusyBox Manager
- Viper4AndroidFX (thx @zhuhang)
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes, link to XDA thread and donation BUTTON
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to DOWNLOAD it directly
- Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @Wuby986
- Tw Theme Manager
- Keyboard Black-Blue
- Keyboard Black-Glass
- SystemUI Honeycomb Styles
- SystemUI EVO 2
* Xposed INSTALLER + modules
- Xposed DPI settings
- Intelli3g module
- Greenify
- Multiwindow Manager
- YouTube Adaway (thx @wanam)
- Boot Manager
- Phone Info
- IMEI Tool
- X-plore
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- AdAway
- Language Enabler
- LogCat
- MD5 checker
- Boot manager
- GPS Fix
- Led Manager
All SMS/MMS Mods
Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
Browser with exit option
Unlocked call and message block settings
Additional camera effects available by default
Email Policy Hack
Call Rec
- 5 way Reboot menu
more comming soon !

BobCatRom v2.0
Based on European Samsumg firmware XXU1ANH6
Deodexed busybox root zipalign
Wipe/no Wipe
CSC Country Set
Sound Options
Knox free
Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @wuby
* Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control application, it include many options:
- BatteryBar (thx @pvyParts http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...php?p=19878267 )
- 3Minit Battery Settings mod (Thx @gharrington and 3Minit Team) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2799958
- Xposed Intelli3g module
- Multi Window Manager
- Floating Pen-Windows app
- 4 multiwindow MOD
- Notification Toggle
- BusyBox Manager
- Viper4AndroidFX (thx ViPER520 @zhuhang http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2191223)
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes, link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @Wuby986
- Full Screen Call (OTA Download] (Thx [B @tdunham http://forum.xda-developers.com/spri...-call-t2892320
- Tw Theme Manager
- Gradient Statusbar (@thx potatoinc)
- Theme Engine
* Android Apps Themes Engine pro (thx @SArnab©® Vishalln11 )
* Holo Themer Engine (thx @hamzahrmalik)
- Keyboard Black-Blue
- Keyboard Black-Glass
- Dropdown
(this features requires root a modified Recovery (CWM or TWRP)
and active internet connection. The file will be downloaded into "Download" folder in your sdcard,
after the download the phone will reboot into recovery and automatically install the file
(to use it or turn off wanam exposed/gravitibox).
* 14 dropdown images
* INVERTED APPS (thx @Gunthermic DarkHorse) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2490100
- Hangouts 2.3.75731955 v1(09/18)
- Google Play 4.9.13 v3 (10/03)
- YouTube 5.11.4 (10/05)
- Xposed DPI settings
- Intelli3g module
- Greenify
- Multiwindow Manager
- YouTube Adaway (thx @wanam)
- Boot Manager
- Phone Info
- IMEI Tool
- Zip Installer
- X-plore
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- AdAway
- Language Enabler
- LogCat
- MD5 checker
- GPS Fix
- Led Manager
- TouchWiz DVFS
All SMS/MMS Mods
Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
Browser with exit option
Unlocked call and message block settings
Email Policy Hack
Call Rec
- 5 way Reboot menu
more to come
Based on European Samsumg firmware XXU1ANH6
Deodexed busybox root zipalign
Wipe/no Wipe
CSC Country Set
Sound Options
Knox free
Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @wuby
* Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control application, it include many options:
- BatteryBar (thx @pvyParts http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...php?p=19878267 )
- 3Minit Battery Settings mod (Thx @gharrington and 3Minit Team) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2799958
- Xposed Intelli3g module
- Multi Window Manager
- Floating Pen-Windows app
- 4 multiwindow MOD
- Notification Toggle
- BusyBox Manager
- Viper4AndroidFX (thx ViPER520 @zhuhang http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2191223)
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes, link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Advanced Reboot menu in English and Italian thanks @daxgirl and @Wuby986
- Full Screen Call (OTA Download] (Thx [B @tdunham http://forum.xda-developers.com/spri...-call-t2892320
- Tw Theme Manager
- Gradient Statusbar (@thx potatoinc)
- Theme Engine
* Android Apps Themes Engine pro (thx @SArnab©® Vishalln11 )
* Holo Themer Engine (thx @hamzahrmalik)
- Keyboard Black-Blue
- Keyboard Black-Glass
- Dropdown
(this features requires root a modified Recovery (CWM or TWRP)
and active internet connection. The file will be downloaded into "Download" folder in your sdcard,
after the download the phone will reboot into recovery and automatically install the file
(to use it or turn off wanam exposed/gravitibox).
* 14 dropdown images
* INVERTED APPS (thx @Gunthermic DarkHorse) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2490100
- Hangouts 2.3.75731955 v1(09/18)
- Google Play 4.9.13 v3 (10/03)
- YouTube 5.11.4 (10/05)
- Xposed DPI settings
- Intelli3g module
- Greenify
- Multiwindow Manager
- YouTube Adaway (thx @wanam)
- Boot Manager
- Phone Info
- IMEI Tool
- Zip Installer
- X-plore
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- AdAway
- Language Enabler
- LogCat
- MD5 checker
- GPS Fix
- Led Manager
- TouchWiz DVFS
All SMS/MMS Mods
Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
Browser with exit option
Unlocked call and message block settings
Email Policy Hack
Call Rec
- 5 way Reboot menu
more to come


Achtung !!!
.... Flasht Ihr ein Reocery, wird der KNOX Counter auf 0x1 getriggert und kann NICHT mehr zurückgesetzt werden! ...
NG2 Bootloader / Modem update! Mehr Infos dazu: DOWNLOADS - Post #3 - XDA Forums
INSTALLATION (KNOX 0x0) =====> Weitere Infos: [GUIDE][G900F] UPDATE TO G900FXXU1ANG2 + ROO… | Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums
1. BACKUP your Internal SD to your PC
2. Go to Settings/Security/and UN-TICK "Automatic updates"
3. Go to Settings/Security/Security policy updates/ and UN-TICK "Reactivation lock"
4. Go to Settings/Security/ and UN-TICK "Send security reports"
5. Check the MD5 of the DOWNLOADED file (http://getmd5checker.com/download)
6. Mobile Odin PRO (root erforderlich) - open file using "OTA/Update ZIP" option. UNTICK "Everroot", weil die Rom Prerooted ist, mit dem neusten SuperSu and binary Update! Drücken "Flash Firmware". Das ist eine Installationsmöglichkeit um den Knox Counter NICHT zu triggern. (Thx to Towerloot and updating ROM's via Mobile Odin PRO only)
Installation (KNOX 0x1)
1. Check the MD5 of the DOWNLOADED file (http://getmd5checker.com/download)
2. Macht ein BACKUP (nadroid, efs... etc)
3. Flasht die Stock firmware mit Odin 3.07 oder das NG2 bootloader / modem update! Weitere Infos dazu findet ihr hier : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...06&postcount=3
4. Flasht die Custom Recovery (KNOX 0x1)
5. Boote ins Recovery, und Flashe die BoBCaTROM ZIP mit einem Full Wipe
6. Neustarten
7. Installiert Xposed framework & aktivert die Module (BoBCaTROM Control)
8. Neustarten
- fertig

öffne BoBCaTROM Control > Ota Update > Wuala Home Update:
[S5]_UpdatedPack Oktober_BoBCaTROM_v1.0_NG2.zip ( Herunterladen und im Recovery Flashen! )
Neu hinzugefügt:
+ The 3Minit BATTERY Settings mod Thanks @gharrington and 3Minit Team
+ Flashlight and Screenshot in Power BUTTON Menu thx @tamirda (PORTING @Wuby986)
+ 34Toggle thx @tamirda for the help
+ Fix widget sizes TWLauncher thx @daxgirl
+ Fix graphics
UPDATE 03.10.2014
öffne BoBCaTROM Control > OTA Update > Wuala Home Update > ROM_UPDATES FOLDER:
[3]_Update_ThemeChooser_BoBCaTROM_V1.0.zip ( Herunterladen und im Recovery Flashen! )
zuerst muss das Update Pack ZIP geflasht werden! ==> [1]
UpdatedPack Oktober_BoBCaTROM_v1.0_NG2 zip ( Herunterladen und im Recovery Flashen! )

Gradient Statusbar
öffne BoBCaTROM Control > Theme Customization > Gradient Statusbar:
- Zwischen 2 & 4 Farben entscheiden
- Transparent auswahl
- & Latzierungen ( von oben nach unten / links nach recht / ect pp ...

Hinzugefügt in OTA ORDNER:
öffne BoBCaTROM Control > Ota Update > Wuala Home Update:
FullScreen.Call V2 with info call
Downloaden und im Recovery Flashen!

Witere Infos dazu hier: [Mod/Theme/Guide] Galaxy S5 FullScreen Call | Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums
@ BobCatRom
@ _alexndr für Base-ROM und Aroma
@ daxgirl @ Wuby986
@ soloilmeglio "'XnoteTeam"
@ Xentrix "'XnoteTeam"
@ Wanam für Wanam Xposed und Sprache Enabler
@ dsixda - Für dsixda Küche
@ gharrington und 3Minit-Team für " The 3Minit Akkueinstellungen mod "
@ pas2001 für Icons und QMS
@ Chainfire - Für Superuser und eine Reihe von Dingen
@ rovo89 - Für Xposed Rahmen
@ Tungstwenty - Für Xposed Modul (custom dpi Dichte)
@ OsamaGhareeb für Batterie Mods
@ pvyParts für Battery Bar
@ Ficeto für die Steuerung BoBCaTROM App
@ tamirda Taschenlampe und Screenshot in das Power-Menü und das Hinzufügen schaltet
@ tdunham für alle seine Führungen >> [Guides & Links] THE GALAXY S5 UNIFIED M… | Samsung Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums

Original Thread

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