G900F [ROM][4.4.2][XXU1ANG7] *21.11.14* XtreStoLite v.1.5

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[ROM][G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 & H][4JUL] XtreStoLite v.1.2.1a/b [541 MB] [XXU1ANE4] [Extremely Debloated | The Lightest, Cleanest & Smoothest TW Rom | AROMA Add-on Package | Call Recording | ART Compatible]

This will be the lightest TouchWiz ROM you ever will see! Just 541 MB

G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 version ROM Details:
  • Based on the latest Samsung Stock G900F NEE XXU1ANE4 firmware (Base build date: 27-5-2014)
  • Stock XXU1ANE4 Kernel (build date: 27-5-2014)
  • De-bloated ROM to 541 MB!!
  • All the standard features of Stock Android will work, so it's like an AOSP ROM with the TouchWiz launcher & SystemUI
  • Unique separate Aroma Add-on Package which includes all the removed Samsung 'bloatware' apps, so that you can flash at any time your missing app back... SEE POST #2
  • ROM still includes the original Samsung Gallery, Camera, Dialer, Messages, Music, Alarm & Calculator apps
  • Latest Google Keyboard (You can install the Samsung keyboard with the Aroma add-on package from post #2)
  • Latest SuperSu & BusyBox integrated
  • KNOX fully removed
  • Native Call Recording
  • Optional working Private Mode (with the Aroma add-on package)
  • At every boot the FsTrim command will be excecuted, to keep your Phone smooth and the internal memory fast! (Make sure you enable the included Universal Init.d app for this, or use any custom kernel!)
  • SD-card write permissions
  • Odexed (to keep it ART Runtime compatible, and to keep 100% original stock files = faster)
  • ART Runtime works (Make sure you haven't the Xposed Framework installed when using ART)
  • Option to add or remove the secondary symbols to/from the Samsung Keyboard
  • A few build.prop tweaks, like: Fewer WiFi scans, Faster Boot animation speeds, Disabled logging, Disabled call ring and Proximity delay.
  • This ROM supports the following models: G900F, G900I, G900T, G900M, G900W8, G900L, G900S
  • Separate XtreStoLite G900H & G900T versions available
  • Option to choose between American or European regional values (to show the American 4G/LTE or European H+/4G data icons and the correct date/time format)
  • 100% Original Stock files (No modded APK, Framework & lib files), this gives you the most stable, fastest & smoothest experience.

  • See Post #2 for the Aroma Add-on Package, so that you can choose which Samsung Apps / functions you want back.
    You can use this Aroma add-on package at any time after flashing this rom (So you can first use the rom barebone and look for yourself which app/feature you want to have back)
  • The ART runtime is still experimental, and I don't recommend to use it. You will also get slightly better performance with the Dalvik runtime.
  • The aim of this ROM is to keep it as close to the stock firmware as possible. Because this way the ROM is the most stable you can get, and also you don't have any mods that can have influence on the performance and/or battery life of the ROM.
    Also you can tweak the interface on your own nowadays with Xposed Framework plugins like: Wanam Xposed, GravityBox & Xposed G-TouchWiz.
  • With the Xposed G-TouchWiz plugin you can remove/hide the S-Finder & QuickConnect buttons in the notification panel.
    And with the 'Galaxy S5 Widgets' Xposed module you can get widgets on your lock-screen.
    So please don't ask in this thread if I can add an mod for those functions.
  • If you use the included stock kernel, then open the included Universal Init.d app, and switch it on, to have init.d support with the stock kernel! (make sure the app also has root rights in the SuperSu app)
    This enables the included FsTrim command at boot, to keep your internal storage fast & your phone smooth!
    When using an custom kernel (with init.d support built-in), then you can disable the Universal init.d app.
  • If you do use Philz/CWM recovery, then you can get an warning when you try to reboot after flashing, that the su binary is not installed or to restore the recovery... always answer NO to those questions (otherwise you will lose root)
  • I strongly recommend to install SVoice with the Aroma add-on package, even if you don't use SVoice, just to disable the Home key SVoice launch delay in SVoice. (Svoice -> Menu key -> Settings -> De-select: Open via the home key)
    After disabling this option, the home key will react much quicker when you press it.
    You can disable the Svoice app if you want after this (Settings -> Application Manager -> All -> S Voice -> Disable), but do not delete the app data of it.
  • I recommend to set all the 3 Animation settings to 0.5 in the Developer settings menu, for much faster animations (and experience).
    How to:
    - Enable the Developer Options (Settings -> About Device -> 8x tap the Build number)
    - Go to the Developer Options (Settings -> Developer options)
    - Scroll down, and set:
    'Window animation scale' to 0.5
    'Transition animation scale' to 0.5
    'Animator duration scale' to 0.5
    - Enjoy the faster animations!
  • All the Google Play Store apps are NOT included in the ROM (or Aroma add-on package), you can download those by yourself in the Play Store.
  • If you choose to use the ART runtime, then the first reboot after you did choose the ART runtime will take a very long time to boot up. The bootscreen shows up longer than usual (around the 3 minutes), and after that the 'Android is upgrading...' screen will take a few minutes)



  • Deleted all the .odex files! (ROM is deodexed now, and still ART Runtime compatible!) (this is the most proper way of deodexing you can get!) (this also removes another 96 MB from the ROM!) (Thanks @_alexndr for this!)
  • Re-done ALL the mods... So that they are now ART Runtime compatible (except the High volume warning mod) (+ I did all the mods on an much proper way than I did with previous versions) (thanks @_sale_ & @_alexndr for this!)
  • Added optional 'Remove increasing ringtone' mod (also ART Runtime compatible!)
  • Added 12 apps Toolbox mod at default (this mod is not choosable because it's too big in size if I will make it optional)
  • Updated SuperSu to v.2.27 - Updated Google Play Services to v.6.5.86 - Optimized the installation and wipe scripts (thanks @_alexndr for this) - Added init.d permissions script (to set the correct permissions for your init.d scripts automatically at boot) (thanks to @_alexndr)
  • Removed Roaming warning for the Samsung Messages app
  • Updated Adam kernel to v.1.3
  • Added various lines to the build.prop file to disable KNOX & Secure Storage completely with custom kernels (this fixes S-Health FC's when on ART Runtime)
  • Reverted ro.config.knox build.prop line (that I did change with v.1.3.9, it caused some internal sd-card permission problems for some)

  • Replaced the APN list with the one from the Android L developer preview (it's newer & supports more carriers)
  • Updated Google Keyboard to v.3.1.20003.1236599 Android L version (Original port by me)
  • Updated SuperSu to v.2.01
  • Cleaned up the CSC (removed the Nordic countries carrier stuff from it)
  • Rom is now even more lite (541 MB)
  • Optimized the Aroma installer & installation script a bit

  • Performance optimizations (ROM feels smoother/faster now!)
  • Optimized the installation script a lot... Added the (correct) Chcon context labels for all the files. All the permissions and Chcon labels should be 100% correct now, same as on an stock Odin firmware!
  • Now you have the choice between European and American regional settings (to show the correct data icons, date/time format and units)
  • Automatic language recognition on first boot (when you do an clean flash)
  • The flashable zip is now signed

  • Removed the Multi-CSC feature for now, it seems that the older CSC's are not working correctly with the new XXU1ANE4 base.
  • So the NEE (Nordic Countries) CSC is only included in this version of the ROM.
  • NOTICE: I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you do an Data/factory reset before installing the ROM if you come from another CSC than the NEE CSC.

  • Updated ROM to XXU1ANE4 base firmware (build date 27 May 2014)
  • Added Native call recording (thanks to @tdunham)
  • Updated NEE CSC from the XXU1ANE4 firmware
  • Updated SuperSu to v.2.0 (no more false 'root access denied' messages!)
  • Included G900L/S WiFi & Bluetooth fix (thanks to @arronov)
  • Fixed some permissions in the installation script again.
  • Enabled LogCat again (the 'disable logcat' mod was draining more battery)

V.1.1.5: (Full-Wipe strongly recommend)
  • Updated stock kernel to ZHU1ANE3 (build date 17 May 2014) for the G900F/M/W8/T models, this kernel seems a bit faster than the XXU1ANE2 stock kernel!
  • Updated G900I NFC Fix, kernel and NZC CSC to G900I base NE2 (build date 30 May 2014)
  • Moved the Universal init.d & Google keyboard apps to the Data partition (instead of the System partition)
  • Enabled the FindMyMobile functions again in Settings -> Security (because the add-on for this is now available in the Aroma add-on package!)
  • Made some minor changes to a few build.prop models
  • Added fewer Wifi scans tweak to the build.prop file, for better battery life
  • Removed the 'Other Model' option from this Aroma installer (it was useless)
  • Optimized the Installation script a bit (permissions etc.)

  • G900F kernel is now pure stock (previously it was extracted from my device, the file size was different than the one in the Odin tar file)
  • Updated SuperSu to v.1.99r4
  • Updated G900I NFC Fix & Kernel to G900I NE1 base, and made them odexed and ART Runtime compatible!
  • Added official support for the G900S model
  • Added XSA (Australia), ZTO (Brazil), USC (American Cellular), TUR (Turkey), PCT (Puerto Rico) and NEE (Nordic Countries) CSC's
  • Updated G900T files to base NE6
  • Corrected G900I, G900L, G900W8, G900M build.prop files
  • Hidded Samsung Find My Mobile from 'Settings -> Security' (it wasn't working, use Google Device Manager from the Play Services for now)

  • Updated SuperSu to v.1.99r3 (+ fixed the context' of the SuperSu files)
  • Moved Universal Init.d app from the Data partition to the System partition (to make sure it gets always flashed on every S5 model)
  • Updated USA T-Mobile CSC from the new NE5 G900T base firmware
  • Updated the G900L kernel from firmware base: G900LKLU1ANE5
  • Made the Bootanimation and shutdownanimation faster with an build.prop tweak
  • Misc. fixes (in the installation script, new Aroma theme etc.)
  • Added Russian (SER), Swedish (HTS) & Portugal (TPH) CSC's

  • Moved the USA T-Mobile apps from the ROM to the XtreStoLite Aroma add-on package (hopefully this fixes some FC's for some G900T users)
  • Updated SuperSu to v.1.99 (Thanks to Chainfire for making this new version compatible with this ROM!!)
  • Corrected SuperSu & BusyBox permissions in the installation script
  • Disabled Logcat by default (Made an add-on in the XtreStoLite Aroma add-on package to enable it again)

  • Corrected and added many permissions & symlinks in the installation script
  • Tweaked the build.prop a little bit more.
  • Added G900L (Korean) Model selection in the Aroma installer of the ROM (this flashes the G900L kernel + G900L build.prop file)
  • Corrected the 'Other Model' build.prop file, so that it's compatible with the Samsung Store.
  • Moved some more lib files from the ROM to the Aroma add-on package.
  • Fixed that you can't turn off the shutter sound from the camera for all the included CSC's.
  • Added option to disable the Boot sound (when you turn on your phone) in the Aroma installer of the ROM.

V.1.1: ONLY use XtreStoLite Aroma add-on package v.1.1 with this ROM update, because of the rebase.
  • ROM Totally re-based on the newest firmware base: XXU1ANE2 (Base build date: 8-5-2014)
  • This new base has the following new things:
    • Better Performance
    • Better RAM Management
    • Faster Camera & Gallery
    • Better Fingerprint scanner recognizing
    • And many more fixes!
  • The G900L model is now supported (fingerprint scanner works now!)
  • Fixed OpenGL ES v.3 lib file symlink
  • Fixed the G900M build.prop file, so that it shows the European data icon set again, and not the American 4G LTE icon.

  • Added USA (T-mobile G900T) CSC, choose this CSC also if you live in the USA and have another operator than T-Mobile. (To have the correct American values, like Fahrenheit etc.)
  • Added USA T-mobile WiFi calling for the G900T model
  • Added for each S5 model an separate build.prop file, to set the correct settings (to have the 4G LTE logo and to show the correct model number in Settings etc.)
  • Fixed the problem that the Universal init.d app sometimes didn't got installed
  • Cleaned up the installation script a LOT!
  • FsTrim will be executed at the end of the installation of the ROM (to keep your internal memory fast)
  • Added some missing lib files that gave for some a few FC's
  • Re-added the Google Search/Now lib file that got removed in ROM v.1.0.2, to fix some Google Now FC's that some people were getting

  • Fixed kernel installation for the G900 M/T/W8 models (No kernel got installed on these devices with ROM v.1.0.3)
  • Integrated S-Pen lib/SDK files from the stock ROM, I think you will get a more responsive screen/input with those files
  • Moved some more lib files from the ROM to the Aroma Add-on package (to make the rom even more 'lite')
  • Added a few build.prop tweaks (disabled logging, disabled call ring delay, disabled proximity delay, disabled logcat and enabled Hardware Composition)
  • Added PHE CSC (Spain Unbranded)
  • Enabled automatic language selection (on first boot) for the BTU, PHE, PHN & CRC CSC.
  • Added a few tweaks to the PHN CSC (Netherlands), like: option to disable the camera shutter sound and Disabled Wifi Smart Network Switch by default.

  • Disabled Secure-storage in build.prop (this fixes problems with not working SHealth and maybe more)
  • Re-added the SD-card write mod
  • Installation script wipes 'preload' partition again on the G900F model, for all other models it will not wipe this partition (so that your internal storage will not be wiped)
  • Moved Samsung Video Telephony support from the ROM to the Aroma add-on package
  • Moved a few more lib files from the ROM to the corresponding add-on in the Aroma Add-on Package (ROM is now: 534,7 MB).

  • Fixed the Busybox binary (will work with any kernel now)
  • Changed from Omega kernel to Stock (G900W8 model is supported now)
  • Added Universal Init.d app, to have Init.d support with stock kernel (Open this app and enable it, to have init.d support with the stock kernel)
  • Removed DCMProvider apk (I think it isn't needed, and it seems the ART runtime is more compatible after removing this apk)
  • Removed Google Now lib file (isn't needed since this rom doesn't come with Google Search/Now)
  • Fixed some permissions in the installer script
  • Reduced logging (in build.prop)

  • Fixed the missing G900I NFC Fix files (finally really working now)
  • Fixed the installation script so that it doesn't wipe the internal memory anymore on the G900T
  • So finally the rom is fully compatible with the G900 F/I/T models!

  • Added Aroma installer to the ROM
  • Integrated the G900I Root & NFC Fix
  • Added Multi-CSC
  • Fixed laggy video playback!
  • Fixed the root issues some people had (hopefully)
  • Added a few missing essential files
  • Removed the SD Card write mod & Sqlite3 tweak (ART is now more compatible because of this)
  • Cleaned up installation script (faster and cleaner installation)

  • First Release!

How-to Install:

Root & Install custom recovery: (Only needed if you haven't done this yet)
- Flash CF-Root for your model with Odin
- Make sure you have an custom recovery installed (CWM / PhilZ / TWRP) (This trips your KNOX warranty counter!)

Install the ROM
- Make sure you're on an recent Bootloader/Firmware
- Copy the ROM (& Aroma add-on package) zip files to your internal or external memory of your Phone
- Do a Data/Factory reset first in your recovery
- Start the installation
- Reboot
- Enjoy the Rom! :D
- Optionally: Flash the Aroma add-on Package, to restore some of the removed Samsung Apps/Functions that you want (You can do this anytime!)

I would NOT recommend to restore system apps or app data of your apps with Titanium backup, only the apps themselves.
Restoring App data or System apps can cause many problems. (This applies to any ROM!)

Download links for:

G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 version

ROM XXU1ANG7 V.1.5: (525,7MB)



MD5: b945c1a3bde83fa2bbce020065199aad

(check the MD5 of your download before flashing)

Stock G900F/T/M/W8 Kernel,
Stock G900I Kernel & Stock G900L/S Kernel

(for when you did flash an custom kernel and want to have the stock kernel back)

Quelle: [ROM][G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 & H][4JUL] XtreStoLite v.1.2.1a/b [541 MB] [XXU1ANE4] [Extremely Debloated | The Lightest, Cleanest & Smoothest TW Rom | AROMA Add-on Package | Call Recording | ART Compatible] - xda-developers


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XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package 1.5
G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 version

Choose which Samsung App or feature YOU want to have in the XtreStoLite ROM

Aroma Add-on Package Details:
  • You can use this package to choose which Samsung app or feature you want back on your Phone!
  • You can flash this package at any time after flashing the rom, so you can first use the rom, and look what exactly you want to have back
  • Only choose what you will use, every option that you will install, will 'bloat' your system more and more.
  • It's also possible to remove an installed add-on with this Aroma Add-on package (since v.1.2.1)
  • All the options in this Aroma installer are 100% original/unmodded stock files, and ART runtime compatible

Aroma Add-on Package Contents:

The following Apps & Features are included in the XtreStoLite Aroma Add-on Package:

  • Samsung AllShare
  • Samsung Group Play
  • Samsung Link Platform
  • Samsung Drive Mode (this needs to be installed BEFORE first boot of the ROM!)
  • Samsung Baby Crying Monitor
  • Samsung E-Mail app + Exchange support
  • Samsung Easy One Hand Mode
  • Samsung Extreme Power Saving & Emergency Mode (You also need to install the Samsung keyboard, otherwise you will get FC's in U-Power Saving Mode)
  • Samsung Finger Print Scanner support
  • Samsung Gear Manager support
  • Samsung Kids Mode (Widget)
  • Samsung Multi Window support
  • Samsung Quick Connect (available from the Notification panel)
  • Samsung File Manager app
  • Samsung Keyboard
  • Samsung Wallpaper Picker (with the stock S5 Wallpapers)
  • Samsung SBrowser (internet browser)
  • Samsung SCloud (to get the Scloud backup/restore function working you need to also install the Samsung E-Mail app)
  • Samsung SFinder (available from the Notification panel)
  • Samsung SHealth app
  • Samsung SMemo
  • Samsung SPlanner
  • Samsung SPrint support
  • Samsung SView cover support + Weather on lockscreen support
  • Samsung SVoice app
  • Samsung TTS and Google TTS voices (needed for SVoice voice feedback)
  • Samsung AccuWeather Widget (including the Weather daemon)
  • Samsung Fonts (4 system fonts)
  • Samsung My Magazine + FlipBoard
  • Samsung App Store + Samsung account support
  • Samsung SmartRemote (IR app)
  • Samsung Photo Studio (to edit your photos)
  • Samsung Video Studio (to edit your videos)
  • Samsung Voice Note (voice recorder app)
  • VPN connection support
  • Google Play Store app backup/restore function
  • Samsung Clock Widgets
  • Samsung Video App (The Video Player it self is already included in the ROM, this is only the app that shows up in the app drawer)
  • Samsung Air Wake Up (the gesture to turn on your screen, to see the time and if you have any notifications)
  • Samsung Assistant Menu (floating buttons for different functions)
  • Samsung Video Telephony support
  • Samsung Active applications widget
  • Samsung Easy Mode (+ Easy Mode widgets)
  • Samsung Headphone shortcut notification pop-up
  • Google+/Picasa Media (picture & video) sync
  • Samsung Live Wallpaper Picker
  • Samsung Test Mode applications (which you can access with secret codes from the dialer)
  • USA T-Mobile Apps
  • FaceBook Calendar & Photo sync plug-in
  • Samsung Geo News
  • Samsung Private Mode (NOT compatible with S-Health & Xposed Framework, and also works ONLY with the G900F model)
  • Samsung Find My Mobile (Remote controls)
  • Samsung Kies Desktop Sync
  • Samsung S-NameCard (you can find this in the menu of the Contacts app)
  • STK (Sim Toolkit) app
    Customization add-ons:
  • Android Roboto L system font (and possibilty to flash back the stock Samsung fonts)
  • 3 different Emoji system fonts (iOS, Samsung & Stock Android KitKat emoji's) (works with Google/Samsung/SwiftKey etc. keyboards)
  • Stock Android L boot animation screens (and possibility to flash back the Samsung boot animations)
  • Enable/Disable system-wide Ad-blocking


  • Removed all the .odex files! (all add-ons are deodexed now) (thanks @_alexndr for this!)
  • Modded Private Mode add-on is now also ART Runtime compatible (thanks @_alexndr for this!)
  • Removed Original Private Mode add-on (Doesn't work anymore because the ROM is now deodexed, you have to use the modded Private Mode add-on now)
  • Updated S-Health to v. & Health service to v. (Works only on ART Runtime with an custom kernel)
  • Updated Sequence & Animated photo camera modes to the latest versions
  • Added 4 new add-ons: Samsung Magnifier, Samsung Dictionary, Samsung Help & Beep 'n Go Beaming Service
  • Fixed and updated Geo news widget (works now also with custom kernels)
  • Updated S-Pen support files to the latest version (from the Galaxy app store)

  • Added option to choose between 3 different Emoji fonts (The Standard Samsung Emoji's, iOS Emoji's & Stock Android KitKat/L Emoji's)
  • Added option to choose between the default Samsung Roboto system fonts and the Android L Roboto (2014) system fonts
  • Added option to flash the Stock Android L boot animation (also possible to flash back the Samsung S5 animations)
  • Added option to enable/disable system-wide Ad-blocking
  • Added Sim Toolkit app add-on
  • Added S-Pen support files add-on (moved from the ROM to this Aroma add-on package)
  • Added Samsung Name-card add-on
  • Updated Samsung Account app to v.2.0.0110
  • Updated Samsung Billing app to v.2.01.06
  • Updated Samsung In app purchase app to v.2.00.16
  • Updated Samsung Push service to v.
  • Updated FlipBoard (part of My Magazine add-on) to v.2.3.3
  • Optimized the removal process of /data apps

  • It's now also possible to Delete the add-on's!
  • If you flash the S-Health add-on then the Private Mode will be automatically disabled now (and also vice versa) (because you can't have both installed/working)
  • When you install the Samsung Keyboard then the Google Keyboard gets automatically un-installed.
  • Added the correct Chcon labels for all the included files
  • Updated Nok Nok fingerprint passport to v.
  • Updated GroupPlay Cam recorder to v.1.0.023
  • Updated the USA T-Mobile files to base ANF6

  • Fixed that S-Health sometimes doesn't get flashed.

  • Updated all the files to the XXU1ANE4 base firmware
  • Added the stock Android Live Wallpapers to the Live Wallpaper picker add-on
  • Updated Group Cam-recorder to v.1.0.022
  • Removed Google TTS (since it's an Google app which you can find in the Google Play Store)
  • Removed the 'Enable logcat mod', it's enabled now at default in the ROM (v.1.2)

  • Added Samsung Kies sync option
  • Added Samsung Find My Mobile option
  • Updated GroupCast to v.3.0.189 & Group Camrecorder to v.1.0.016
  • Updated FlipBoard to v.2.3.2
  • Updated G900T USA T-Mobile apps to the NE6 base firmware
  • Made the Samsung / Google Play Store apps data apps again (instead of system apps), this will give you more luck with setting up the ART Runtime.
  • Corrected some descriptions of the Add-ons in this Aroma installer, to make it more clear.

  • Fixed Google TTS (This wasn't working in Aroma add-on package v.1.1.3)

  • Moved all the Data apps to the system partition (this fixes that some didn't got flashed on the previous 2 versions for some people)
  • Updated S-Health to v.
  • Updated Health service to v.1.1.011
  • Updated the USA T-Mobile (G900T) apps to the newest G900T base firmware, and made them Odexed and ART Runtime compatible
  • Updated Google TTS to v.
  • Updated FlipBoard (part of the My Magazine add-on) to v.2.3.1
  • Updated Samsung Billing service (part of the Samsung Store add-on) to v.2.01.01
  • Updated Nok Nok Fingerprint billing passport (part of the fingerprint scanner add-on) to v.
  • Added Samsung Geo News option (warning about dangerous situations in your region)
  • Added Samsung Private Mode option (ATTENTION: This add-on is incompatible with S-Health, S-Health will be deleted when selecting this, it can also give problems with setting up the ART Runtime)

  • Moved the USA T-Mobile apps from the ROM to this Aroma add-on package as an option
  • Fixed the Scloud add-on so that DropBox sync does work again with the Samsung Gallery & Video app.
  • Added FaceBook Calendar & Pictures sync option
  • Added Nok Nok Fingerprint passport apk to the Fingerprint scanner option (this should enable the PayPal fingerprint function)
  • Added option to enable LogCat system logging (is now disabled at default in the ROM)
  • Updated Group Camcorder app (part of the Group Play add-on) to version v.1.0.016
  • Updated Flipboard to v.2.3.0 (part of the My Magazine add-on)

  • Separated GroupPlay & Link Platform from the Allshare add-on option.
  • Added GroupCamcorder to the GroupPlay add-on.
  • Updated the following 10 apps to it's newest version from the Samsung Store & Google Play Store:
    • Google TTS (v.
    • Samsung Group Play (v.3.0.186)
    • Samsung Link (v.2.0.1618)
    • Samsung S-Health (v.3.1.0039)
    • Samsung Health Service (v.1.0.019)
    • Samsung App Store (v.14040104.21.007.0)
    • Samsung Billing (v.2.00.21)
    • Samsung In app purchases (v.2.00.14)
    • Samsung Push Service (v.
    • Flipboard (needed for Samsung My Magazine) (v.2.2.10)

  • All Add-ons are updated to XXU1ANE2 base/firmware files.

  • Added Live Wallpaper Picker option
  • Added Samsung Test applications option (which you can access with secret codes from the dialer)
  • Cleaned up the installation script a LOT!
  • FsTrim will be executed at the end of the installation of the ROM (to keep your internal memory fast)
  • Added an warning to the description of the Ultra Power Saving Mode that you also need to install the Samsung Keyboard to get it working (without FC's)
  • Fixed Emergency Mode (added missing Emergency apk file)
  • Fixed the com.sec.msc.android.proxy FC's that some were getting with the AllShare add-on (this fix needs the v.1.0.5 ROM)

  • Added more lib files from the rom to this Add-on package
  • Added DCMProvider apk to the Photo Studio add-on (this enables the categories in the Samsung Gallery)
  • Added Samsung Headphone shortcut notification pop-up option
  • Added Google+/Picasa Media (picture & video) sync option
  • Removed the S-Pen support option (is now as default in the ROM integrated)

  • Added Samsung Video Telephony support (video calling from within the Samsung Dialer)
  • Added Samsung Galaxy Note S-Pen support option
  • Added Samsung Active Applications Widget
  • Added Samsung Easy Mode (including the Easy Mode widgets)
  • Added DirectConnectManager (DCMProvider.apk) to the AllShare add-on
  • Merged Samsung Weather lockscreen support with SView cover support option (weather lockscreen wasn't working without SView)
  • Moved some lib files from the ROM to this Aroma add-on package.

  • Added Samsung Air Wake Up support
  • Added Samsung Assistant Menu support

  • Added Samsung Clock widgets
  • Added Samsung Video App (The Video Player is already in the rom included, but this is the Video app that shows up in the app drawer)
  • Cleaned up the installation script (for faster installation)

  • First Release!

Download links for:

Aroma Add-on Package:

G900F/I/T/L/S/M/W8 version

Full Aroma Add-on Package V.1.5 for XXU1ANG7: (853,1 MB)


MD5: feb9b3d557bbf10b92d3f2957f85c66c
(check the MD5 of your download before flashing)


Separate Flashable Add-ons (for XXU1ANG7):


FingerPrint Scanner

Samsung Wallpaper Picker

Samsung Keyboard

Ultra Power Saving Mode (+ Samsung Keyboard)

Android L Keyboard (DP2) (Default keyboard in the ROM)

If you like this rom, feel free to donate.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: stöbener
Funktioniert damit screen mirroring?

ja funktioniert. ;)

Ansonsten ist die Rom einfach schön nackich. :)
Wie geht man denn am besten vor wenn man nun ein Update von XtreStoLite_ROM_v1.0.1a auf 1.0.2 machen möchte?

Im übrigen habe ich die Rom heute getestet und bin echt super zufrieden. Die Verbindung meines Telefons ist auch in Funklöchern richtig klasse. Keine Abrüche. Saubere Bluetooth Übertragung. Navigon läuft auch ohne das ich GPRS am laufen habe.

Wer kein Schnickschnack haben will und so oder so seine eigenen Apps einsetzen möchte der ist hier absolut richtig. Auch die Gear 2 habe ich gekoppelt. ;)

Noch eines zum Schluss.... ich frage zwar oben nach der Update-Möglichkeit. Aus der Vergangenheit weiss ich aber das es einfach besser sit alles neu aufzusetzen. ;) Bin gespannt ob sich das lohnt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Also echt.... bin ich denn hier ganz allein auf weiter Flur?

Diese Rom gefällt mir immer besser zumal ich gerade die AllianceROM_4.4 probiert habe. Gerade dort wurde mir klar was ich an der XtreStoLite so mag. Hier kommen meine eigenen Apps prima zum Einsatz ohne den anderen Ballast der nur Platz weg nimmt. Was mir auch auffiel... die Verbindung beim telefonieren in "Funklöchern" ist richtig gut. Es gibt fast keine Aussätzer die beim normalen Rom regelmäßig auftreten.

Einige Apps habe ich aus dem AROMA Add-on Package nachinstalliert damit z.B. S-Finder angesteuert werden kann. Desweiteren die Gear Unterstützung, Wetter und S Voice.

Nur warte ich auf die 1.0.4. ;)
Mensch @tes...du bist ja hier Alleinunterhalter :D
Wenn ich ja etwas Zeit hätte, würde ich die Rom mal testen...Wie siehts denn mit den Stock Apps wie zb S Health aus? Funktionieren?
Hast du Unterschiede beim Akku feststellen können? Vllt ne Änderung so in %?
borussemd schrieb:
Mensch @tes...du bist ja hier Alleinunterhalter :D
Wenn ich ja etwas Zeit hätte, würde ich die Rom mal testen...Wie siehts denn mit den Stock Apps wie zb S Health aus? Funktionieren?
Hast du Unterschiede beim Akku feststellen können? Vllt ne Änderung so in %?

Die Samsung Apk´s findest du im AROMA Add-on Package und können einzeln nachinstalliert werden. Also auch S Health.

Zum Akku kann ich noch nichts sagen da ich das S5 im Moment doch sehr in Anspruch nehme. Die Version 1.0.4 läuft erwartungsgemäß klasse. ;)

ich hätte auch Interesse an dem ROM. Ich habe nur eine Frage an die schon jetzt Nutzer, wie wird ein Update getätigt, geht das über OTA? Oder muss ich jedesmal Wipen und meine Userdaten sind weg?
Geht im Moment nur über Wipe.

Aber es lohnt. 1.0.4 läuft prima. ;)
Hmm, aber jedesmal neu einrichten?
Mach n Online Nandroid Backup und spiele hinterher die Apps, deren Daten und deine Einstellungen wieder ein.
Mal kurz ein Zwischenstand zum Akku. Das S5 läuft seit 6 Uhr ... habe im Moment noch 32% :)

Ich werde jetzt auch erst bei der 1.0.4 bleiben und in den nächsten Tagen beobachten ob mir was besonderes aufflällt. Geil finde ich auch das ich auf dem Sperrbildschirm den Camera-Button habe. Das erspart mir doch einige Klicks bis ich ansonsten die Cam erreichen konnte.

Hier müsst ihr allerdings die UK Version flashen. Wir am Anfang der Rom-Install angeboten. Stellt sich dann aber von der Sprache her selbständig auf Deutsch um.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Tach zusammen,

ich habe jetzt zunächst eine Sicherung von der 1.0.4 gemacht und mich dann doch an die 1.0.5 gemacht. Dieses mal habe ich die 1.0.5 ohne Wipe über die 1.0.4 drüber geflasht. All meine persönlichen Apps sind noch installiert. Nur die mit dem Aroma Installer gelieferten muss ich wohl nachinstallieren. ;)

Werde mir aber zunächst anschauen ob ich jetzt noch ohne die eine oder andere App aus dem Aroma auskomme. TTS z.B. läuft nun auch so. ;)
und weiter gehts: XtreStoLite v.1.1 [565 MB] [XXU1ANE2] :)
@tes wie ist die Akkulaufzeit bei dir? Habe gerade gerootet, hab nicht mehr ausgehalten und jetzt suche ich ne Customrom ^^ Akkulaufzeit ist mir sehr wichtig.

bin sehr zufrieden mit der Akkuleistung. Eine erhebliche Steigerung lässt sich noch mit der Option "Energiesparen" herbei führen. ;)
Hat das Rom eigentlich Ota Update?

wer aktuell G900FXXU1ANE2 nutzen möchte der muss zunächst die Stock-Rom flashen und sich dann in den Einstellungen vergewissern das sowohl bei Basisbandversion und bei Buildnummer "G900FXXU1ANE2" eingetragen ist. Ist das nach dem ersten Mal nicht der Fall dann wiederholt es einfach noch einmal. Danach gehts dann. ;)

Danach benötigt ihr erneut Root und PhilZ Touch 6.x Recovery. Erst dann könnt ihr die neuste XtreStoLite flashen und seit damit auf dem neusten Stand. :)
"Wenn einfach einfach einfach ist...." ;)

Update v.1.1.1 around this thursday/friday. :)

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