- 2.559
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg
oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "S4".
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
Daher flashen auf eigene Gefahr.

Dies ist das X-Note Rom für das Galaxy S4 (i9505).
Der Entwickler arbeitet normalerweise nur mit dem Galaxy Note (N7100 - N9005 - N5100) hat sich aber dazu entschlossen ein MultiDPI Touchwiz basierende Rom für das S4 zu entwickeln, was es zu einer Besonderheit macht.
- basierend auf der aktuellen Firmware MKF
- Kernel-Abyss --- Kernel Talexop
- Deodexed rooted busybox init.d script
- Zipalign neuer Programme beim booten und Datenbank Optimierung
- ohne Knox
- aroma installer - Auswahl verschiedener Programme und Mods beim installieren
- acdc sound mod (aroma)
- enable/disable einiger system sounds (aroma)
- X-Transformer feature ... Samsung Software wurde angepasst und mit allen DPI Einstellungen zu laufen
[*]X-transformer application für direkten Wechsel zwischen 480-450-420-390-360-330 dpi + custom dpi - You have to set 480 dpi (with included Xposed module) only for samsung gallery
- Philz recovery selection (aroma)
- TWRP recovery X-Note Themed
- launcher selection (aroma):
- TW launcher (multi dpi) reworked to fit all 6 densities edit mode always enabled and 9 homescreen
- Google 4.4 kitkat launcher updated and reworked to fit GS4 display (right grid and multi dpi)
- apex launcher
- nova launcher - fixed lockscreen to right visualization at all dpi screen density
- fixes from v. 1.0 already included (wifi and multidpi s-view cover, please report about s-view if needed other adjustments)
- stock launcher with edit mode always enabled and 9 homescreen
- mms max size 2048000 bytes, also increase the mms image size to 4096x2048
- sms 1000 unlimited recipient limit
- Sms will display sent time instead off received time
- No mms conversion
- disabled sms/mms, email from call logs
- quick office app from android 4.4
- ram bar in recent (xposed module)
- 4 System UI Styles in AROMA:
- Clock Center Without Traffic Meter
- Clock Center Without Traffic Meter With Screen off button
- Clock Right Without Traffic Meter
- Clock Right Without Traffic Meter With Screen off button - built in traffic speedmeter in statusbar under clock
- Built in Call recording feature
- no increasing ringtone enable/disable (xposed module)
- some graphic changes in systemui and framework
- Modded settings with link to X-NOTE APPLICATION, it include many options:
- Multi Window Manager credits to @Xperiacle for his awesome application
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- ad block
- pie-gesture control
- Hidden android 4.3 feature, you can revoke permissions to applications for privacy
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Battery bar fully customizable battery bar with animation all controlled by battery bar application (credits to pvyParts). To apply modification please restart only systemUI (read below)
- X wallpapers +60 wallpapers
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation... 101 BATTERY STYLES!
- Xposed installer + modules
- Lockscreen settings Circle / Ripple with new animation
- X-Note information page with link to Dropbox folder for Updates, Extra, Themes (work in progress)
- reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download) - customized some UI sound
- New X-Note bootanimation
- Xposed framework
- Xposed per app density (set many options for each app included dpi density)
- Call recording xposed module
- disabled infinite scrolling in launcher
- Enabled all rotation degree included upside down
- Fully themed notification panel, status bar, circle battery, framework, dialer, application icons etc. (See screenshots)
- Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
- Camera with shutter sound on/off option
- X note restart method application with option to restart only systemui to apply mods (it will asks root permissions)
- Browser with exit option
- Unlocked lockscreen torch option
- Unlocked call and message block settings
- Unlimited contacts join
- Greenify app
- Segoe UI extra font available (nice!)
- themed Samsung clock and little changes in keyboard
- donators, supporters names and greetings will be mentioned in X-Note application
- more to come
1. root dein Telefon und installiere die neueste custom recovery deiner Wahl...
3. lade dir die ROM herunter
4. gehe in die Recovery und WIPE DATA (nichts anderes!)
5. installiere die ROM und folge dem AROMA INSTALLER
6. starte dein Telefon neu
7. richte dein Telefon ein
8. Lade dir hier aktuelle Fixes für diese Rom herunter! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ba50nhgjx98e0s5/ef6KqHFgye
9. Fertig
Regelmäßige Updates kannst du im OTA Verzeichnis via X-Note app oder unter folgendem Link finden https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ba50nhgjx98e0s5/ef6KqHFgye)
Für SELinux permissive + Exfat support muss ein anderer Kernel geflasht werden zb. den @Talexop Kernel via here
X_Note_S4_Freedom_Edition_Build_3.0_MKF_Public.zip | by X-Note Team for Galaxy S4
Mirror: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23252070760972417
persönliche Screenshots:
* Nova Launcher, Tine White Icon pack, 360dpi, Zooper Widget, etc...
via XDA
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