[ROM][I9505][6.1]*27.02.16* Super WizCyan - S6 Port [debloated, rooted + Addons]

  • 18 Antworten
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Da es aus irgend einem Grund gar keinen Thread für meine aktuelle Lieblingsrom gibt, mach ich einfach mal einen auf :)

Persönlicher Eindruck / Wieso diese ROM?
Die ROM ist extrem schlank. In der Grundinstallation ist nur das notwendigste vorhanden (Telefon, Kamera, Galerie, Browser usw. Alles andere kann bei Bedarf über den Aroma Installer nachinstalliert werden.
Zusätzlich bietet die ROM bereits von Haus aus für mich sinnvolle Optionen (QuickUnlock, Musik mittels Lautstärketasten steuern usw.). Hierdurch brauch ich nicht mal Xposed zu installieren / benutzen.
Die Geschwindigkeit bei der ROM ist ziemlich ordentlich. Hierbei meine ich nicht Benchmarks (interessieren mich nicht) sondern die Geschwindigkeit im Alltag.
Das reicht im Moment, später ergänze ich vielleicht den Text noch etwas :)

Stand: 02. März 2016.
ROM-Version: 2.6

Thread bei XDA: [ROM] Super WizCyan - S6 Port [debloated - 543.7MB, rooted + Addon Package]-27-Feb-16

XDA DevDB Information
Super WizCyan - S6 Port, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S 4

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop

Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.5
Stable Release Date: 2016-02-17

Created 2015-11-29
Last Updated 2016-03-01

Android 5.0.1 I9505XXUDOL2 Base with frameworks and SystemUI from Aurora S6 Port Thanks to @alemtro95
deodexed, debloated, rooted , Busybox installed, without knox and init.d support
--> All S6 Edge 5.0.2 apps
--> Nova Launcher & Omniswitch included
--> Application permissions and Autostarts option enabled under settings-->applications
--> Toolbox enabled (floating app bar) with provision for 12 apps
--> Ultra Power Saving - install from add-ons
--> Ambient Display enabled and set to 6 seconds
--> Multiwindow with S6 Edge app with scaling & floating windows enabled
--> Note4 EasySidePanel (Enable from Display settings)
--> ViPER4Android (Thanks to zhuhang, more info here ViPER4Android | ViPER's Audio)
--> Floating notifications and floating settings activated
--> Added charging animation when phone is powered off.
--> Enabled AirView (works only in supported apps e.g. gallery, messages, etc.)
--> Enabled Call pop-up, blocking and proximity settings in dialer
--> Enabled Call alert settings to control vibration & tone for connect / ending call, minute minder, etc).
--> Some tweaks for better RAM management and power saving.
--> Complete Stagefright fixes
--> Separate Super WizCyan settings with
____o Omniswitch
____o Power menu options
____o System Notifications & warnings options
____o Navigation & lockscreen options
____o Status bar settings - Thanks to Aurora ROM
____o Advanced System Settings - Thanks to Aurora ROM
____o Advanced System Function Menu (requires test applications to be installed from addons) - Thanks to Aurora ROM
____o Wifi Password Management - Thanks to Aurora ROM

Weitere Apps und Funktionen können über ein Add-on Paket (siehe nächsten Beitrag) nachinstalliert werden!

Bekannte Fehler / Was funktioniert nicht
- Automatic brightness has a minor bug, just untick and tick it back on, and it should work fine until you reboot your device.
- Model will show as SM-A9000 to get themestore working and device & product name is set to zerolte to enable S6 features

  1. Check your bootloader and modems, you may have to update to the latest one for your device (below XXXXNE5 - KitKat will have issues)
  2. Backup your device, in case you want to revert back.
  3. Delete all folders starting with a period ('.') on your internal sdcard (This is a must if upgrading from a kitkat or non TW ROM, these are files created by android system that can cause issues)
  4. Factory reset (If using PhilZ recovery do not use 'Clean to Install a New ROM) Absolutely required as this is a S6 port
  5. Flash the ROM
  6. Reboot

  • The aim of this ROM is to keep it as close to the stock firmware and light as possible. Because this way the ROM is the most stable you can get, and also you don't have any apps that run in the background that can have an influence on the performance and/or battery life of the ROM.

  • See next Post for the Aroma Add-on Package, so that you can choose which Samsung Apps / functions you want back.
    You can use this Aroma add-on package at any time (multiple times) after flashing this rom to add / remove features (So you can first use the rom bare-bone and look for yourself which app/feature you want to have back). DO NOT install apps that you do not use to save battery and improve performance

  • All apps available on Google Play Store are NOT included in the ROM (or Aroma add-on package), you can download those by yourself in the Play Store.

  • On first install untick 'Report Diagnostic information' (you can do it later from Settings-->Privacy and Security) to ensure that you do not have issues with signal dropping.

  • Automatic brightness has a minor bug, just untick and tick it back on, and it should work fine until you reboot your device.

  • Do not restore apps from older android version through titanium backup, install the apps from Play Store (so the version of apps installed are compatible with the ROM version of android) and only use Titanium backup to restore the app data for non system apps.

  • I am not much of a fan of the Xposed Framework plugins and do not use it, however it should work on this ROM. If you prefer to have these directly in the ROM and in case you think of any features you can send your suggestions with complete details so that I can look into it (No promises made here).

  • Refer to post #4 for further mods and tips

Download Links
NOTE: Ensure that you have read the Installation and TIPS section above for a better experience

Thanks to
- Samsung for the 5.0.1 firmware & kernel sources
- alemtro95 for Aurora S6/S6E Port - Do not forget to go to his thread at http://forum.xda-developers.com/gala...-port-t3063408 and give him thanks too.
- tdunham for the THE GALAXY S5 UNIFIED MODS THREAD, Android L Music Control - Volume Music Skip and many others
- Morningstar for Status Bar Network Traffic (Separate In/Out)
- zak.ns for TouchWiz Launcher modding
- zhuhang & ViPER520 for ViPER4Android
- alex22280, bunbury, Max195 & Pho3nX for testing the initial ROM before release
- stanguay for extensive testing of the V02 ROM and his prompt and valuable feedback to resolve the various bugs
- Max195 & fusion600 for their time, effort and most importantly patience in testing and providing me with the logcats to get Screen Mirroring working
- lordodin912 for testing the fix for m919 users
- Rick1684 for helping me fix the icons in the new S6 Edge ported Phone and messaging apps.
- And of course the entire XDA community for so much information and tools to make porting easy.
- In case I have forgotten anyone, just PM me and I will update it here.

Change log - ROM Package
Version V2.6 -27-Feb-2016
  • Fixed sensor bug
  • Fixed issue with custom wallpaper on lockscreen
  • Fixed lockscreen pattern showing white upon white in settings
  • Fixed issue with APN's not showing in LTE selection
  • Identified issues with video calling that came up in v2.5 and this is fixed
  • Easy one hand now works perfectly (responds to touch in all areas)
  • Removed cpu & gps fps set to auto as this was causing some animations to go faster than normal
  • Dowgraded SuperSu to v2.46
Version V2.5 -17-Feb-2016.
- Fixed lag due to higher number of apps being retained in memory.
- Sound fixes & tweaks
o Fixed sound issue for screen mirroring on TV
o Some more changes to sound libs & audio effects (ported from Note 4) - Do let me know if this is better compared to the previous one
o Fixed Viper4Android not processing audio unless the app is opened.
- Updated SuperSu to BETA-v2.67.
- Fixed issue with Mobile HotSpot quick setting tile not being displayed.
- Enable cutom sort in TW launcher - app drawer. (has a bug, sorting A-Z gets reset on every reboot)
- Updated bootanimation & shutdown animations (shorter start-up).
- Some more that I cannot remember now

Version V2.4 -02-Feb-2016
- Fixed Screen mirroring over WiFi
- Ported back autobrightness from S4 I9505XXUHOL2 build
- Updated ViPER4Android (FX)
- Fixed issue with autoenhance in photo editor

Version V2.3 -29-Jan-2016
- Enabled init.d scripts
- Replaced sound lib's with those from Note 4, as some had reported poor sound.
- Disabled scrolling cache
- Defaulted all animations to 0.5x (you can change them from Developer options)
- Debloated the ROM further (size is now 545.9 MB) by
o removed extra libs that were not being used and occupying system space
o removed Samsung File Manager (You can install it from addons)
o removed wallpaper picker (you can install it from addons)

Version V2.2 -23-Jan-2016
- Updated base to OL2
- Updated imperium kernel V3.3 (with old touch drivers)
- Fixed gallery FC without installing videoeditor
- Wifi hotspot working
- Fixed date and time reset issue on reboot without network connection
- Fixed autobrightness issue in manual mode
- Settings for WFD back ported from S4 (to match with the S4 allshare addons)
- Some edits to framework for fixing issues with SNote and other minor one's
- Some more that I cannot remember now

Version V02.1 -10-Jan-2016
- Fixed FC in contacts & incall for some contacts with picture
- Reduced brightness for Auto Brightness to save battery
- Fixed shareshotservice FC in Screen mirroring
- Fixed sim toolkit not showing in drawer
- Some fixes to telephony as some user had reported reduced data speed
- Fixed settings not able to activate show password.
- Fixed some unlock effects not working as well as added sparkling bubbles
- Fixed rotation issue in S6 camera gallery
- Fixed lags and battery consumption should be much better now
- ported multi-window from S6 to fix some issues reported earlier
- Removed the camera mod on lockscreen (to pick any other app)

Version V2.0 -23-Dec-2015
Fresh base with Stock OJ2 firmware (including libs), most apps from S6 Edge OE2 firmware and only frameworks and a few libs from previous version 1.0
- S6 Edge Phone Apps - Now calls and data should work for m919 users and other variants that used to work with 9505 stock LP ROM
- Video Telephony now works with the above (no need for addons)
- Almost all of the other issues reported earlier on V1.0 fixed.

Version V01 -29-Nov-2015
First version based on Aurora ROM + my update 1.7.1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Stand: 02. März 2016
Aroma Add-on Version: 6.3

Aroma Add-on Package Details
  • You can use this package to choose which app or feature you want on your Phone!
  • Flash this package any time after flashing the ROM, Only choose what you will use, every option that you will install, will 'bloat' your system more and more and have an impact on performance.
  • You can remove an installed add-on with this Aroma Add-on package at anytime if you do not want it on your Phone.

Included Applications
► AllShare/Wifi-Direct/S-Beam/Screen Mirroring
► Android L Launcher
► Beep 'n Go Beaming Service
► ColorBlind (Settings -> Accessibility -> Vision-> Color adjustment)
► Miscellaneous Accessibility functions This addon contains: Access Control, Import/export accessibility settings, S-Talkback & Virtual Softkey)
► Galaxy S6 Edge features (with people swipe notifications)
► Gear Manager & ANT+
► Google Search/Now system app (to give you the 'OK Google everywhere' function in the Google Search app)
► Hearing Adjust (Adapt Sound)
► Headphone notification
► Live Wallpapers Picker
► Native Chrome Cast support
► NFC SmartCard service
► Power Saving & Emergency (Ultra powersaving mode - You also need to have the Samsung keyboard installed, otherwise you will get FC's in U-Power Saving Mode))
► Samsung Air Wake Up (the gesture to turn on your screen, to see the time and if you have any notifications)
► Samsung Baby Crying
► Samsung SBrowser (Internet browser)
► Samsung Clock Widgets
► Samsung Dictionary
► Samsung Drive Mode (Install TTS & S-Voice as well)
► Samsung Easy Mode (+ Easy Mode widgets)
► Samsung E-Mail
► Samsung File Manager
► Samsung FindMyMobile (Remote controls)
► Samsung Fonts
► Samsung Keyboard
► Samsung Kies Sync
► Samsung Magnifier (available from the Toolbox function)
► Samsung Mirror Link
► Samsung My Magazine
► Samsung Quick Connect (Also needs the AllShare add-on to be flashed)
► Samsung SCloud (to get the Scloud backup/restore function working you need to also install the Samsung E-Mail app)
► Samsung SmartRemote (IR app)
► Samsung Store + Samsung account support
► Samsung Test applications (which you can access with secret codes from the dialer)
► Samsung TTS (needed for S-Voice voice feedback)
► Samsung Video Studio (does not work need 32 bit libs)& HighLight Video service (Also needed to play the recorded slow motion videos)
► Samsung Wallpaper picker (required to set wallpaper Settings -> Wallpaper etc.)
► Samsung Weather Widget
► Samsung Voice Note (voice recorder app)
► SFinder(available from the Notification panel)
► SHealth (version 3.5 as newer versions are known to cause freezing of sensors)
► SPlanner
► Smart Manager (Junk cleaning tool & Anti-virus)
► Smart Switch support
► SMemo
► SNote (requires S-Pen support files)
► S-Pen support files (Needed for S-Note etc.)
► S-Print
► S-Voice (flash also the TTS add-on to get voice feedback)
► Nova launcher
► Theme Manager
► TouchWiz launcher
► VPN Connection Support

Customization add-ons
► Option to choose between Stock Samsung S6 Messages app & Android L Messenger app (Each uninstalls the other)
► Option to choose between Ported S6 Camera & Stock Samsung S4 Camera (Each uninstalls the other)
► Option to choose between Galaxy S6 system font & Android Roboto L system font
► Option to enable or disable ads across system and apps
► 3 different Emoji system fonts (iOS, Samsung & Stock Android KitKat emoji's) (works with Google/Samsung/SwiftKey etc. keyboards)
► Option to choose betwee S6 Samsung boot animations & Stock Android L boot animation screens
► Enable extra quick setting tiles


Mod's & kernel
Weitere Anpassungen finden sich im folgenden Beitrag
Mod's & kernel - Post #4

Change log - Add-on Package
Version 06.3 - 23-Jan-2016
- SNote in addons fixed and all options are now working
- Drive link in addons replaced with the one from samsung store
- All Share apps replaced with stock S4
- Samsung Test apps have been updated

Version 06.2 - 13-Jan-2016
- Updated the allshare apps with stock S4 one's for testing
- Added the camera modes to stock camera
- Replaced the ad blocker file with a smaller one as someone had reported issues with talpatalk
- SBrower replaced with 5.0.2 (previously was 5.1.1)

Version 06.1 - 10-Jan-2016
- Added N5 Snote thanks to alemtro95
- Added ad blocking & removal option in addons.
- Changed the allshare apps to match the changes.

Version 06 - 23-Dec-2015
- Replaced Acuweather apps and widgets from Aurora ROM (should take care of the shadow)
- Included SNote from S5 as I could not find one for S6
- Fixed Icon Issue with Voice Recorder
- Removed Samsung Video Telephony as not required anymore
- Added option to choose the S6 Ported Camera or the Stock S4 Camera

Version 05 - 29-Nov-2015
First release
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Interessantes Rom. Mal am WE ausprobieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab die Rom jetzt seit zwei Tagen am laufen und bin echt überrascht. Sie läuft flüssig und schnell.
Das einzige was ich vermisse ist die Option Apps zu verstecken. Hat da schon jemand was gefunden bei der Rom? Außer einer App womit man das machen kann
Ich nutze diese Rom schon seit 2 Monaten.Davor hatte ich noch die Rom THOR S7 Style Rom v1.5.Diese wird aber leider nicht mehr weiter entwickelt!Somit ist diese unbrauchbar geworden!Wer eine gute Standard Rom mit allem drum und dran haben will ist noch mit der Imperium LL Rom v16.0 gut bedient!Diese Rom hier basiert auf Android 5.02.Und läuft in der Tat sehr flüssig!Ist für mich zurzeit die beste Rom für das S4!Das gute ist,dass sie von den Macher weiter entwickelt wird:)Hier mal ein Video von dieser Rom
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sie basiert auf 5.0.1 nicht auf 5.0.2

Android 5.0.1 I9505XXUPPI1 Base with frameworks and SystemUI from Aurora S6 Port Thanks to @alemtro95
deodexed, debloated, rooted , Busybox installed, without knox and init.d support
Es gibt ein Update von der Rom auf v3.1 und von dem Add On Package auf v06.8 sind am 02.10.16 hochgeladen worden.
Nachtrag: Habe die neue Rom und das neue Add On Package geflasht.Läuft soweit gut.
Aber VORSICHT bei XDA steht auch das man eine CSC Zip flashen soll bevor man die neue Rom startet,danach hat mein S4 meine Simkarte nicht mehr erkannt.Also hab ich es nochmal ohne die CSC Zip geflasht und sie da es läuft.
Man kann beides über die alte Rom flashen,man sollte nur wissen was man bei der Add On Zip im Aroma Installer angeklickt hat.
Der Smart Manager und eine neue Seitenleiste sind auch mit dabei.Allerdings nur für 5 Apps.
Was ich im Launchner noch sehr vermisse:crying: ist die Funktion Apps auszublenden ! ! !
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Version 3.2 ist seit heute draußen;)
Schade das ihr nie die Changelog postet

New ROM Version 3.2 - Changelog
  • CSC updated in the ROM to fix contact name not displayed in messages app
  • Better RAM management with fixes to services.jar and build.prop edits to remove/reduce lag
  • Fixed no sound issue in call recordings
  • Reverted Keyboard to S7 one that fixes the issue with condensed mode
  • Fixed issue in Camera app with condensed mode
  • Updated messenger app and brought back floating notifications.
  • Themed the Contacts App to look like the S7 one [thanks to KTMNiko]
  • Updated Wallpaper apps
  • Themed the framework-res.apk and tw-framework-res.apk to have S7 like UI
  • Blur effects in recents [thanks to KTMNiko]
  • Added fast boot & safe mode options to reboot in power menu (thanks to JasBob)
  • Some more changes to framework and ROM base.

Thanks to all the testers and users who have provided their feedback in identifying and fixing the issues.

As usual fresh install with Factory Reset is recommended

WizCyan_Lollipop_S4_Snapdragon_V3.2_1610301856.zip | by JASONRR for Galaxy S4
  • Danke
Reaktionen: brotpeter
Hallo, weis jemand wie ich Google now (Sprachsteuerung) installiert bekomme, bei den add ons habe ich es nicht gefunden..
Hallo,weis jemand was mit mit der Funktion "Quick Unlock" in der Custom Rom SuperWizCyan 3.1 auf sich hat? Egal was ob ichs aktivier oder nicht ich merk nicht...also was mach das wen ich's aktiviere?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Bild gespoilert, Gruß von hagex
Wie kann man bei der Rom die dpi ändern?
Hat noch jemand das Problem nach dem xposed flash in einer bootschleife zu landen
Hat schon jemand versucht VPN einzurichten? Ich arbeite mit Sperrmuster, aber im VPN kann man das Sperrmuster zeichnen so oft man möchte. Es gibt den Punkt nicht frei.
Hallo Forumgemeinde, Frohe Weihnachten,
hbe den aktuelen ROM Version 3.3 deflasht mit Addon aroma installer 6.10.
Es läuft so weit gans gut, ich habe jedoch Problemen mit Bluetooth und MirrorLink.
Bluetooth läst sich zwar aktivieren der Buton Scannen funtioniert nicht.
MirrorLink läst sich auch aktivieren beim anschliessen ans Autoradio deaktiviert sich edoch gleich.
Hat vileicht jemand eien Tip für mich ?




New ROM Version 3.3
New ROM Version 3.3 - Changelog

  • Merged the update patch into the ROM having the following changes
    o Updated soundfx libs (to stock) and audio_effects.xml
    o updated framework-res & SystemUI (themed as S7E MM)
    o Patched SecSettings to remove dependency for TTS voices while enabling permissions for greenify, nova, others
    o Removed some tweaks from build.prop
  • Updated base to I9505XXUHPK2 (DBT) firmware with November security patch
  • Got the service codes working (Finally!!!)
  • Updated the following apps
    o Google Play services to 10.0.84
    o Google Play Store to 7.3.07
    o Music to 16.1.90-14
  • Brought back a couple of removed tweaks in build.prop
  • Reverted boot and shutdown animations to the new S7 one (Note 7 were too bright)
  • Updated ramdisk in kernel to I9505XXUHPK2

Thanks to all the testers and users who have provided their feedback in identifying and fixing the issues.

As usual fresh install with Factory Reset is recommended

Download Link
NOTE: Ensure that you have read the Installation and TIPS section in OP for a better experience

url: WizCyan_Lollipop_S4_Snapdragon_V3.3_1612201302.zip | by JASONRR for Galaxy S4
md5: 3b5b6555ea1825192f5224d86a89bf1f

Addon aroma installer 6.10
Addon aroma installer 6.10 - Changelog:

  • Updated the following
    o Stock Camera App (I9505XXUHPK2)
    o Flipboard
    o Galaxy App Store
    o Gear Manager
    o Samsung Mobile print
    o SBrowser
    o Game Tuner
    o SHealth
    o Side Sync
    o Smart Remote
    o Smart Switch
    o Samsung Test Applications
    o Android Messaging app
    o S7 boot and shutdown animations

Download link
url: WizCyan_LP_Add-on_Package_Aroma_v06.10_1612181416.zip | by JASONRR for Galaxy S4
md5: 278d7e8bfeb72861fa9931be7a5a440f
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: magicw - Grund: großes Bild gespoilert von @magicw
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Holomen
Danke für die Info. Da der Bluetooth-Scan nicht finktioniert werde ich erst einmal nicht updaten.

Die 3.2 läuft bei mir jetzt ganz gut. Ich hatte jetzt noch einen aktuellen Bootloader und Modem geflashed. Damit hat sich auch das VPN-Problem gelöst.
Hallo, ich habe zZ die Slim V2 geladen, Bootloader und Modem XXUHOJ2. Ich bin aber nicht zufrieden und möchte
diese ROM hier flashen. Unsicher bin ich welchen Bootloader und Modem ich flashen soll, bzw. kann ich meinen jetzigen nutzen?
Mich würde aber auch interessieren, wie man die Google now (Sprachsteuerung) installiert bekommt.
Vielen Dank.

Aktuell habe ich mit der 3.2 folgende Config am Start, die absolut problemlos läuft:
Bootloader: BL_I9505XXUHOE2_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT
Modem: I9505XXUHOF2

Daher würde ich davon ausgehen, dass auch deine Kombi funzen sollte.
Danke, werde es mal probieren...:biggrin:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: robin001

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