[ROM][I9505][5.0.1][QG1] *16.12.2017* Imperium LL Rom v18.2 [Letzte Version]

  • 674 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum


Imperium LL Rom v18.2

  • Based on the official 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHQG1
  • Fully Themed like Android Marshmallow (Thanks to HITMAN-CREED)
  • Deodexed
  • Zipaligned
  • Busybox
  • Aroma installer (Thanks to amarullz)
  • Auto format system before flashing the ROM
  • Custom Settings for Imperium ROM - (Thanks to ficeto and Goldie)
  • Knox Free
  • Compatible with Old Bootloader

  • Imperium Kernel

  • Some GAPPS and Bloatware

  • AdAway Material Design (thanks to mrRobinson and Lozone)
  • Android System Info
  • FasterGPS

  • Xposed framework (thanks to rovo89 and arter97)
  • Xposed app Material Design (Credits to @DVDandroid)
  • Wanam Xposed - (credits to wanam)
  • Greenify - (thanks to oasisfeng)
  • GravityBox - (thanks to C3C076)

  • Viper4Android (thanks to viper520 and zhuhang)
  • 3Minit Battery Mod (thanks to gharrington)
  • 5 Way Reboot
  • Multi CSC
  • Lock Button on statusbar
  • Home Button on statusbar (OTA)
  • 3dot menu (choice in aroma)
  • Toolbox
  • S5 Mirror Link
  • S5 Gallery
  • S5 MyFiles (Archivio)
  • S5 Memo (Promemoria)
  • S5 MirrorLink
  • Note3 One Hand
  • Note4 Side Key Panel
  • Note4 popup MultiWindows
  • S7 wallpapers
  • S7 and S6 Edge Plus sounds
  • S6 boot and shutdown animations
  • S6 wallpaper
  • S6 keyboard
  • S6 Browser
  • S6 My Files
  • S6 Magnifier
  • S6 TouchWiz, Widget Meteo and fonts
  • S6 Peel SmartRemote
  • S6 Optical Reader
  • S6 SnapBizCard
  • AOSP Clock
  • Android M wallpaper
  • Android M sounds
  • Android M calculator
  • Android M bootanimation
  • Note5 sounds
  • Note5 bootanimation
  • Added Theme Support (thanks to @thehacker911) with more themes for S4 TW (thanks to Albe95 and @HITMAN-CREED)
  • Note5 theme for S4 TouchWiz (thanks to binh24)
  • Enabled TorchLight in Settings/Display
  • Enabled "Edit after screen capture" option in Settings/Display
  • Enabled more additional lockscreen effects
  • Enabled Ambient Display on Settings
  • Enabled Grey Scale in Power Savings
  • Enabled many other hidden features
  • Disable/Enable boot sound in aroma
  • Enable/Disable Cam sound when you START and STOP a video
  • Enable/Disable LOW Battery alarm sound in aroma
  • Hide Sms/Mms in the call log
  • Added Call Recording
  • No increasing ring tone
  • Secondary Symbol on the keyboard (choose it in aroma)
  • Scrolling wallpaper in home for S4 TouchWiz users (choose it in aroma)
  • and more...

  • build.prop tweaks
  • 3G tweaks
  • Fix Color Fade Memory Leak
  • Performance, moderate and battery saver

  • Recovery custom (Philz or TWRP)

Flashable tar with odin:
PG1 Modem (CP section in odin)
PG1 Bootloader (BL section in odin)

How to install:
  • Flash a Custom Recovery like TWRP or Philz Touch.
  • Copy the zip Imperium_LL_Rom_vX.X into your SD Card.
  • Reboot into Recovery mode.
  • Install "Imperium LL_Rom_vX.X.zip".
  • Follow the Aroma Installation Wizard.
  • Push "Next" and Restart the device.
  • After reboot open Themes & Select Galaxy Note 5 Themes.
  • Done!
  • N.B.: if there is signal issue, needs to flash the tar files with odin
*** KNOX FREE ***

--> Download <--

>>> Change log & Tweaks post 2<<<


v16.0 - 10/09/2016
* Based on the last Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHPG1
* Updated Imperium Kernel v4.6
* Updated SuperSU v2.78
* Updated Xposed Framework v86.2 (credits to @dkcldark)
* Updated Material Design Xposed Installer (credits to @DVDandroid)
* Updated Greenify v2.9.5 beta1
* Updated Note5 MM theme v5.5 (credits to @binh24)

ältere Changelogs:

v15.0 - 10/08/2016
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHPF4
* Updated Imperium Kernel v4.5
* Updated 3Minit Battery app v4.1.1
* Removed Mirror Link

v14.0 - 02/08/2016
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHPF3
* Updated Imperium Kernel v4.4
* Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v4.1
* Updated Google Play Services v9.4.52
* Updated Google Play Store v6.9.15.G
* Updated Peel Smart Remote v8.8.1
* Updated Xposed Framework v85 (credits to @dkcldark)
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.4.3
* Updated Greenify v2.9 FINAL
* Updated SuperSU v2.76
* Updated AdAway v3.1.2

v13.1 - 02/04/2016
* Updated Imperium Kernel v3.8
* Updated Peel Smart Remote v8.7.2
* Updated Note5 MM Theme v5.2 (credits to @binh24)
* Updated SuperSU v2.71 beta
* Updated BusyBox (credits to @dorimanx)
* Reworked BusyBox installation (credits to @osm0sis)
* Fix hidden Video Player in the TW launcher
* Fix Google Play Store issue with apps installed on the Ext SdCard (back to v6.0.5)
* Fix PowerOn sound issue (back to stock S4)
* Fix S Memo FC
* Fix BusyBox issue with Viper4Android
* Fix other little issues with Viper4Android

v13.0 - 07/03/2016
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOL4
* Added S7 edge wallpaper
* New S7 and S6 Edge Plus MM sounds
* Fixed SPlanner widget FC
* Updated Imperium Kernel v3.6
* Updated Peel Smart Remote v8.6.7
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.3.6
* Updated Google Play Store v6.2.13
* Updated Google Play Services v8.7.03(2645110-238)

v12.1 - 27/02/2016
* Fully themed like Android Marshmallow (credits to @HITMAN-CREED)
* Removed S6 TW (only S4 TW themed by @HITMAN-CREED)
* Note5 sounds (removed all other sounds)
* Removed S4 Keyboard (only S6 keyboard)
* Removed AOSP clock (you can find it on the Play Store)
* Removed AOSP calculator
* Added "home button on the statusbar" choice in aroma installer
* Updated Imperium Kernel v3.4
* Updated Viper4Android v2401
* Updated Peel Smart Remote v8.6.6
* Updated Gmail v5.11
* Updated Google Play Store v6.2.10
* Updated Google Play Services v8.07.2
* Replaced SuperSU v2.66 with the old v2.52
* Fixed Viper4Android issue
* Minor changes in aroma installer

v12.0 - 20/01/2016
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOL2
* Added Note5 theme for S4 TouchWiz (thanks to binh24)
* Updated SuperSU v2.66 beta
* Updated Imperium Kernel v3.3
* Updated Busybox v1.24.1
* Updated Wanam Xposed v1.3.0
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.3.4
* Updated Google Play Services v8.4.89
* Updated Google Play Store v6.0.5
* Updated S6 Peel Smart Rremote v8.6.2

v11.0 - 28/10/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOJ2
* Removed S5 Gallery
* Updated Imperium Kernel v2.9
* Updated ITV csc
* Updated SuperSU v2.52 beta
* Updated AdAway v3.1 buil 09/10/2015
* Updated Google Play Services v8.3.00
* Updated Google Play Store v5.10.30
* Updated Xposed framework v75 by arter97
* Updated Wanam Xposed v1.2.2
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.3.1

v10.1 - 28/09/2015
* Tweaked GPS config
* Set pictures quality to 100% (removed compression)
* Moved Travel and Yahoo widget in aroma>bloatware
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v2.8
* Updated Google Play Services v8.1.15
* Updated Google Play Store v5.9.12
* Updated Android System WebView v45.0.2454.95
* Updated S6 Peel Smart Rremote v8.4.7
* Updated all S5 apps
* Updated Wanam Xposed v1.1.3
* Removed S Health (now, you can find it on the Play Store)
* Fixed PIN unlock issue
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v10.0 - 13/09/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOH2
* Added Tutorial and Samsung Link in aroma installer
* Added Note5 sounds
* Added Note5 Wallpaper
* Added AndroidM bootanimation
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v2.7
* Updated Xposed framework v71 by arter97
* Updated Greenify v2.7.1 (choice in aroma)
* Updated Wanam Xposed v1.1.1 (choice in aroma)
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.1.5 (choice in aroma)
* Updated Android System WebView v46.0.2490.23
* Updated Google Play Services v7.9.53
* Updated Google Play Store v5.9.11
* Updated OTA Updates v2.5.3
* Updated AdAway v3.0.2 build 08/09/2015 (thanks to mrRobinson)
* Updated S6 Flipboard Briefing v1.8.0 (for S6 TW)
* Updated S6 S-Health v4.5.0.0113
* Updated S6 SnapBizCard v5.7.6.0
* Updated S6 Peel Smart Remote v8.4.6
* Removed S6 Optical Reader
* Removed S6 bootanimation
* Disabled scrolling cache
* Removed "fix notification access for 3th-party apps" (cause Air Gesture FC)
* Fixed StageFright vulnerebility
* Fixed S6 TW and AccuWheater FC
* Fixed system ringtones issue
* Other minor bugs fixed

v9.1 - 26/07/2015
* Added Mirror Link
* Added S5 Gallery
* Updated Google Play Services v7.8.93
* Updated Google Play Store v5.7.10
* Updated Gmail v5.4.9737292
* Updated Google Maps v9.12.0
* Updated Google Clock v4.0.2(2047887)
* Updated OTA Updates v2.5.2
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v2.4
* Updated Xposed v65 sdk21 v5 krait (thanks to artex97)
* Updated Xposed framework v3.0alpha4
* Updated Wanam Xposed Lollipop v1.0.8
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.1.4
* Updated S6 TouchWiz from the last S6 FW (LP 5.1.1)
* Updated S6 Peel SmartRemote v8.3.6
* Updated Android System WebView 44.0.2403.90
* Finally fixed video HD lag
* Fixed S5 MyFiles installation issue
* Fixed S Memo FC with Note4 Accuweather Widget and fonts
* Fixed all issues with the Note4 Side Panel Keys
* Fixed Notification access issue
* Disabled security mdpp
* More tweaks for performance and stability improvement
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v9.0 - 26/06/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOF2
* Full memory leak fix from Lollipop 5.1.1 sources (credits to Google)
* Added S6 My Files (Archivio)
* Added S6 Browser
* Added S4/Note4 Accuweather Widget choice in aroma for S4 TW
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v2.2
* Updated Android System WebView 44.0.2403.64
* Updated OTA Updates v2.4.5
* Fixed Note4 AccuweatherWidget graphic issue
* Fixed Video HD lag
* Fixed S6 S Health profile FC

v8.0 - 20/06/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOE4
* Restored stock InCall UI
* S6 Weather and Camera icons style in lockscreen (credits to HITMAN-CREED)
* Replaced stock S4 Accuweather Widget with the Note4 Accuweather Widget (credits to HITMAN-CREED)
* Updated S6 theme for TW S4 (credits to HITMAN-CREED)
* Phone & Contacts like Galaxy S6 style (credits to HITMAN-CREED)
* Removed "Remove S-Finder and Quick Connect buttons" choice in aroma
* Added S6 SnapBizCard
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v2.1
* Updated GravityBox LP v5.1.3
* Updated Wanam Xposed Lollipop v1.0.5
* Updated Google Play Services v7.5.74
* Updated Xposed sdk (theanks to artex97)
* Updated S6 S-Health and Optical Reader
* Fixed memory leak (credits to @Kushan02)
* Fixed FC when push share button with S5 MyFiles
* Fixed OneHand touch issue

v7.1 - 06/06/2015
* Added Xposed framework v3.0 alpha2 (choice in aroma) [Thanks to rovo89 & arter97)
* Added Greenify v2.6.2 (choice in aroma)
* Added Wanam Xposed v1.0.4 (choice in aroma)
* Added GravityBox LP v5.1.2 (choice in aroma)
* Added Note3 One Hand
* Added Note4 Side Key Panel
* Added Android M wallpaper
* Added Android M sounds (choice in aroma)
* Added Android M clock (choice in aroma)
* Added AOSP calculator (choice in aroma)
* Removed Mirror Link
* Updated Google Play Services v7.5.73
* Updated Google Play Store v5.6.8
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v1.9
* Fixed Video Player FC
* Fixed Alarm Clock FC (no needs wipe data)
* Other minor changes

v7.0 - 31/05/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOE2
* Added "hide sms/mms in the call log" choice in aroma
* Removed Google Chrome
* Fixed black statusbar with the S6 TW
* Fixed Video Lag
* Fixed "No Increasing Ringtone" installation issue
* Fixed MirrorLink issue (please, report me a feedback)
* Updated Google Play Services v7.5.71
* Updated Google Play Store v5.6.6
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v1.8
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v6.0 - 21/05/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOE1
* Added Kids Mode Installer (aroma>bloatware)
* Updated S6 Mirror Link from the last FW
* Updated Google Play Services v7.5.62
* Updated the Imperium LL Kernel v1.7a with the OE1 initramfs
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v5.1 - 19/05/2015
* Added S6 TouchWiz, Widget Meteo and fonts
* Added S6 Peel SmartRemote
* Added S6 Optical Reader
* Added aroma choice for disable Cam sound when you START and STOP a video
* Added aroma choice for disable LOW Battery alarm sound
* Updated 3Minit Battery Mod v3.1
* Updated Google Play Store v5.5.12
* Updated Imperium LL Kernel v1.7a and STweaks v1.7.3 (thanks to B--B)
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v5.0 - 03/05/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOD7
* Added S6 wallpapers in wallpaper picker by default (no needs to download it from OTA)
* Added "NO increasing ring tone" mod in aroma (no needs to download it from OTA)
* Added S5 Memo (Promemoria)
* Added S6 Magnifier
* Added Magnifier, Torch and Screen Capture in Toolbox by default
* Updated aroma installer v3.00beta1
* Updated Google Play Services v7.3.29
* Updated Imperium LL Kernel v1.6
* Fixed Scrolling Wallpaper issue
* Fixed icons theme issues

v4.0 - 18/04/2015
* Based on the Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOC6
* Removed Hangouts
* Removed S6 Launcher and fonts (for now)
* Added S5 My Files (Archivio)
* Added S6 theme for S4 TW
* New Settings UI (air gesture is back)
* Galaxy App moved in aroma
* Updated S6 Keyboard from the last official fw
* Updated AdAway v3.0
* Updated Google Play Services v7.3.27
* Updated Google Play Store v5.4.11
* Updated Imperium LL Kernel v1.5
* Fixed "int.utent.sist." stopping issue
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v3.1 - 06/04/2015
* Added Canada and Israel CSC
* Added "Edit after screen capture" option in Settings/Display
* Added "3dot menu button and Sx Soft Key as Recent Apps" choise in aroma
* Added S6 animations
* Added S6 lockscreen with centre clock and weather
* Added S6 Wallpaper
* Added S6 Keyboard
* Added S6 TW launcher
* Added Toolbox support (manage it in Imperium Settings)
* Bypassed 5 apps limit for Toolbox
* S6 fonts set as default
* Updated Google Play Store v5.4.10
* Updated Busybox v1.23.2
* Other changes and bugs fixed

v3.0 - 28/03/2015
* Based on the last official Lollipop 5.0.1 firmware I9505JVUHOC1
* Added S6 sounds
* Added S6 boot and shutdown animations
* Added S6 fonts
* Added search button to the Settings
* Added Note4 popup view MultiWindows
* Added MirrorLink support
* Added a new choise in aroma for enable the scrolling wallpaper in home (for TouchWiz users)
* Added again the hidden torch menu in settings\screen
* De-bloat:
* - Removed Samsung Hub
* - Removed Flipboard
* - Many others bloatware moved in aroma
* Updated Google Play Services v7.0.99
* Updated AdAway in material design
* Updated Imperium kernel v1.3
* Fixed graphic issue whit the colourable battery (for 3Minit battery mod users)

v2.0 - 19/03/2015
* Based on the last Samsung Lollipop 5.0.1 FW I9505XXUHOB8
* Added Imperium kernel v1.0
* Added Imperium OTA files
* Added "Silent" toggle (included in the I9505XXUHOB8 FW)
* Added many other unlock effects
* Updated and added more csc
* Updated 3Minit Battery Mod 2.3
* Updated Google Play Store v5.3.6
* Updated AdAway (thanks to mrRobinson)
* Fixed video HD issue
* Fixed Google Play Services issue
* Fixed Samsung Keyboard language FC with secondary symbol enabled
* Fixed lock button on statusbar that was installed always
* Fixed screen mirroring with custom kernel (thanks to xxjomamaxx)
* Other minor changes and bugs fixed

v1.0 - 05/03/2015
* Initial release based on the official FW Lollipop I9505XXUHOA7
* Deodexed
* Zipaligned
* Root with SuperSU v2.46
* BusyBox v1.23.1
* Removed Bloatware
* 5 Way Reboot
* ROM Control by Kryten2k35
* Lock Button on statusbar
* TorchLight (Settings/Display)
* Enabled more additional lockscreen effects
* Enabled Ambient Display on Settings
* Enabled Grey Scale in Power Savings
* Enabled many other hidden features
* Added Theme Support with more themes (Thanks to Albe95)
* Added Call Recording
* Secondary Symbol on the keyboard
* ...

Known issues:
- No Menu button on S6 Browser --> You have to choose "3dot menu" mod in aroma
- MAPS don't work in Note4 Weather Widget app integrated in the ROM--> You have to install the stock S4 Weather Widget app from OTA updates
- No SIM Card detect (no signal) --> needs PF3 modem and bootloader


For the framework:

  • You have to install the Xposed framework from aroma installer

For any modifications/modules that you want to install:
  • Download and install the module
  • Launch Xposed Installer, go to the "Modules" tab (you will also get there if you click on the notification warning you that the module is not enabled yet)
  • Enable the module by checking the checkbox
  • Reboot


Thanks to Google for Android OS, Samsung for Sammy FW and source, @JustArchi for the kitchen, @amarullz for aroma installer, @joeldroid for the deodex tools, Razvan Miron for the Imperium Main Banner and to all the authors of mods and tweaks on my ROM.

Quelle XDA


  • Imperium Rom v15.0.jpg
    Imperium Rom v15.0.jpg
    54 KB · Aufrufe: 1.089
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rainbowxxl, simonwest, COB93 und 4 andere
Läuft ;)
Komisch, da muss ich beim flashen irgendwo einen Haken übersehen haben, denn ich habe alle Samsung und Gapps mit drauf. Werde ich heute Abend noch mal prüfen müssen. Wahrscheinlich muss ich neu flashen. :confused2:

Kann ich denn dann das komplette Backup von TWRP auf das geänderte Lollipop, es werdenja dann einige Plunderapps fehlen, wieder zurückspielen? Ich hoffe dass das funktioniert, sonst muss ich ja wieder alles neu einstellen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ist in dieser Rom der APT-X-Codec eigentlich mit dabei?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: yog61
Goldfischl schrieb:
..... flashen ....alle Samsung und Gapps mit drauf

Die sind in der rom mit drinne solltes du da von sachen nicht brauchen kannste die mit titanium backup oder mit dem app runter schmeissen ;) habe ich auch gemacht mit (Titanium backup) ;)

Wer es noch nich mit bekommen hat mit dem app Imperium settings könnte ihr unter Imperium OTA updates / OTA filse ... Fix and script ; Kernels (imperium update von gestern ;) ; mod laden ;)

Greetz andy
HaBe sie seit Samstag drauf, läuft einwandfrei und gefällt mir sehr gut.
Ja, sie läuft, schaut gut aus und ist sparsam im Strom verbruzzeln.
Jetzt werde ich mit TB mal einigen Plunder einfrieren.
Bis jetzt bin ich sehr zufrieden!
Bin gestern von CM12 auf die Imperium gewechselt und muss sagen läuft richtig geil. Finde einfach dass die auf Samsung basierende Rom doch ein paar nützliche Dinge für das S4 mitbringt die bei CM einfach fehlen, leider vermisse ich die Tastatur von CM 12 gibt es eine Möglichkeit auf diese zu wechseln ?

Darf man fragen ob schon jemand die Echoe V46 im Vergleich getestet hat ?
Also ich benutze seit gestern abend die echoe rom v46 und kann nur sagen, dass sie seehr gut läuft :D
Akkuleistung da ist auch top. Die Imperium Rom hab ich auch getestet und sie gefiel mir auch, aber ich bin wieder zu Echoe, da dort ständig weiterentwickelt wird und ich viel Abwechslung brauche :D
...und genau deshalb bleibe ich bei Imperium. Ich brauche ein stabiles System, das aß ich nicht ständig zu pflegen habe.
ich hatte ne Zeit lang die Echoe V.39 (KitKat) mit S5 Port und davor Dack seineProjekt X KitKat Rom die waren klasse.

Dann bin ich auf die V.45 Lollipop gewechselt und die fand ich erstmal optisch nicht mehr so schön, und was gar nicht ging war bei der App Weather Pro bekamm ich das Widget 4/2 nicht über den kompletten Bildschirm, sowie das Widget für den Wecker war abgehakt.
Das Glance Viwe war auch weg, das wollte ich auf keinen Fall missen.

Dann habe ich die Imperium drauf gebügelt und bin wieder glücklich!
Ok Danke für die Antworten, ihr macht es einem nicht leicht xD
Also gegen ständige Weiterentwicklungen habe ich eigentlich nichts, kann man diese bei Echoe oder Imperium einfach darüber flashen wie z.b ein CM update oder ist jedesmal ein Fullwipe nötig ? Denn immer wieder alle neu einstellen ist auch mir zu blöd..

Weiß jemand wie ich an meine CM12 Tastatur kommen könnte ? Oder eine ähnlich aufgebaute ?
Innerhalb der Roms kannst du einfach drüber flashen, falls nicht anders erwähnt. Wenn du eine Rom wechselst ist ein Fullwipe Pflicht, wenn du keinen blinkenden Weihnachtsbaum an Fehlermeldungen riskieren willst ;)
Und ansonsten gibt es Titanium Backup, das macht das Einrichten schneller.
v3.0 - 27/03/2015
* Based on the last official Lollipop 5.0.1 firmware I9505ZHUHOC3
* Added S6 sounds
* Added S6 boot and showdown animations
* Added S6 fonts
* Added S6 wallpaper
* Added search button to the Settings
* Added Note4 popup view MultiWindows
* Added MirrorLink support
* Added a new choise in aroma for enable the scrolling wallpaper in home (for TouchWiz users)
* Added again the hidden torch menu in settings\screen
* De-bloat:
* - Removed Samsung Hub
* - Removed Flipboard
* - Many others bloatware moved in aroma
* Updated Google Play Services v7.0.99
* Updated AdAway in material design
* Updated Imperium kernel v1.3
* Fixed graphic issue whit the colourable battery (for 3Minit battery mod users)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Badwater, sonny1130 und Goldfischl
die v3 wurde wegen problemen wieder runtergenommen !!!!!
welche Probleme hat denn die Rom? Hab sie heute morgen geflasht. Bei mir funktionieren die mobilen netzwerke nicht...das wars auch
Jap das mobile netzwerk ist das problem^^

Du kannst ja mal probieren das modem zu flashen ob es dann funktioniert :D

€: Wäre ganz gut wenn das jemand testen würde, sonst würde ich es später mal tun...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: cordobah
v3.0 removed.
I'm sorry guys, but the Mobile data issue it's a very very strange problem. Never happened before!!!
I tried with OA7, OB7, OB8 and OC3 modem without success

also am modem soll es nicht liegen
Aber das ist doch irgendwie komisch, dass keine andere Rom dieses problem hat.
Bei dem Aroma installer mein ich, dass man irgendetwas zu dem bereich 3g model oder so auswählen muss, vllt liegt es ja daran und es funktioniert eine der drei funktionen...
Mal eine kurze Frage. Die Samsung Synchronisationssoftware is aber noch dabei oder?

Und was braucht die CM für Speicherplatz? Mir ist das normale Android mit TW nämlich viel zu fett.

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