- 10.437

• Based on Official firmware XXUFNB8 android 4.4.2
• CSC OXAFNB8 choose in aroma default Set
• Kernel ==> Repacked Stock NB8 Kernel for OLD and New bootloader (special Thx @jeboo)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Es File Explorer
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- LogCat
- MD5 Checker
- Boot Manager
- Led Manager
- Gps Fix
- Notification Toggle
- Busybox Manager
- LMT (Pie-Gesture)
- Change DPI
- App OP
- Network Speed Control ON-OFF
- Ripple/Circle Effect Lockscreen
- Viper4AndroidFX thx @zhuhang - Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation thx @gharrington ==> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2633378[/COLOR]
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Reboot menu five way (normal, recovery, download, fast, only systemui)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* Intelli3G
* MultiwindowManager
* Youtube Adaway, Xposed Torch (Credits @wanam
- Gravity Box(Credits @C3C076==>http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2554049 )
• Features list:
- CyanogenMod Pie controls
- Expanded Desktop
- Statusbar QuickSettings tile management with tile reordering
- Lockscreen targets
- Statusbar icon coloring
- Statusbar Brightness Control
- Statusbar icon colors
- Additional QuickSettings tiles:
- Sync on/off, WiFi AP on/off, GravityBox shortcut, Torch, Network mode (2G/3G/2G+3G switch), Sleep, QuickRecord,
QuickApp, GPS on/off, Ringer mode, Volume tile, Camera tile, ...
- Quick pulldown - switches to QuickSettings when status bar is pulled down near edges
- Auto-switch to QuickSettings when there are no notifications
- Center clock in statusbar
- Battery indicator style
- Navigation bar tweaks including cursor control keys
- Low battery warning policy
- Disable LED flashing when battery low
- Disable LED while charging
- Advanced power-off menu (reboot, recovery)
- Volume key cursor control
- Skip tracks by volume key long-press while screen off (thanks to rovo89)
- More volume levels for music stream
- Option to control safe headset media volume
- Button for clearing all recent tasks at once
- CRT screen off animation
- Minimal brightness setting
- Autobrightness levels adjustment
- Lockscreen tweaks - show widgets maximized, lockscreen background style (color fill, custom image)
- Lockscreen rotation
- Hardware key actions - menu long-press/double-tap, back long-press, home long-press
- Dithered Holo background
- Option to use solid black Holo background
- Expandable volume panel
- Option to unlink ringtone and notifications volumes
- Notification drawer style (background color, image for portait/landscape, transparency)
- Button backlight modes (default, disabled, always on while screen is on)
- Dialer (Phone) tweaks
- Launcher tweaks
- Screen recording
... more to come
• BOOTANIMATION QMG,icons,Signal, Wifi and 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Browser with exit option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Phone Full Caller ID thx @Carotix
• Hide sms from call logs
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• 4Way reboot menu
• more to come
• CSC OXAFNB8 choose in aroma default Set
• Kernel ==> Repacked Stock NB8 Kernel for OLD and New bootloader (special Thx @jeboo)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Es File Explorer
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- LogCat
- MD5 Checker
- Boot Manager
- Led Manager
- Gps Fix
- Notification Toggle
- Busybox Manager
- LMT (Pie-Gesture)
- Change DPI
- App OP
- Network Speed Control ON-OFF
- Ripple/Circle Effect Lockscreen
- Viper4AndroidFX thx @zhuhang - Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation thx @gharrington ==> http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2633378[/COLOR]
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- Reboot menu five way (normal, recovery, download, fast, only systemui)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* Intelli3G
* MultiwindowManager
* Youtube Adaway, Xposed Torch (Credits @wanam
- Gravity Box(Credits @C3C076==>http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2554049 )
• Features list:
- CyanogenMod Pie controls
- Expanded Desktop
- Statusbar QuickSettings tile management with tile reordering
- Lockscreen targets
- Statusbar icon coloring
- Statusbar Brightness Control
- Statusbar icon colors
- Additional QuickSettings tiles:
- Sync on/off, WiFi AP on/off, GravityBox shortcut, Torch, Network mode (2G/3G/2G+3G switch), Sleep, QuickRecord,
QuickApp, GPS on/off, Ringer mode, Volume tile, Camera tile, ...
- Quick pulldown - switches to QuickSettings when status bar is pulled down near edges
- Auto-switch to QuickSettings when there are no notifications
- Center clock in statusbar
- Battery indicator style
- Navigation bar tweaks including cursor control keys
- Low battery warning policy
- Disable LED flashing when battery low
- Disable LED while charging
- Advanced power-off menu (reboot, recovery)
- Volume key cursor control
- Skip tracks by volume key long-press while screen off (thanks to rovo89)
- More volume levels for music stream
- Option to control safe headset media volume
- Button for clearing all recent tasks at once
- CRT screen off animation
- Minimal brightness setting
- Autobrightness levels adjustment
- Lockscreen tweaks - show widgets maximized, lockscreen background style (color fill, custom image)
- Lockscreen rotation
- Hardware key actions - menu long-press/double-tap, back long-press, home long-press
- Dithered Holo background
- Option to use solid black Holo background
- Expandable volume panel
- Option to unlink ringtone and notifications volumes
- Notification drawer style (background color, image for portait/landscape, transparency)
- Button backlight modes (default, disabled, always on while screen is on)
- Dialer (Phone) tweaks
- Launcher tweaks
- Screen recording
... more to come
• BOOTANIMATION QMG,icons,Signal, Wifi and 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Browser with exit option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Phone Full Caller ID thx @Carotix
• Hide sms from call logs
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• 4Way reboot menu
• more to come
Upload - AndroidFileHost
ON - xda.base-mail.us
ON - xda.base-mail.us
I remember putting the new bootloader knox goes to 0X1 with loss guarantee.
NB. with the latest philzTouch there were problems in the flash, I recommend philz_touch_6.07.9 jfltexx-tested and ready
- If you already have the correct bootloader and modem NA5, ignore step 3-4.
1. Backup your device... ROM... EFS...
2. MD5 checks the downloaded zip and copy it to your device
3. install new bootloader (ODIN) https://mega.co.nz/#!ZhYiHRKI!UJ3m7y...Hyjb6nPN8O6Qj0
4. install new modem and NHLOS NA5 (ODIN) https://mega.co.nz/#!UxBUVZjJ!JPFZH3...nj1lgXh74Mldqg
5.Flash Bobcatrom v12 NA5 with fullwipe
6.Install Xposed framework and enable the modules
if you have the old bootloader and want to try the rom,
after installing you can install this kernel http://d-h.st/2t2
is just to try it, there are bugs ... soft reboot when installing or uninstalling applications and are not uninstalled, you need a file manager with root permissions
for Fix security lockscreen (old bootloader)
edit bulid.prop with a file manager with root permissions
change to
if you have problems with wifi
edit bulid.prop with a file manager with root permissions
change to
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