[ROM][I9505][4.3][XXUEML1] *30.12.13* PhoeniX ROM v7.0 [OTA Update 7.3]

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Wie startet man den Task Manager und die Samsung Apps App?

Normal geht das doch mit dem Task, wenn der Home Botton lange gedrückt wird.

Hier passiert nichts.
In den Anwendungen stehen beide drin

Komme von der Duxter Rom v23
Tach zusammen!
heute wirds ernst! das erste Android 4.4.2 Phoenixrom ist im anmarsch!
der dev (tamirda) hat vor wenigen minuten folgendes gepostet:







And the best just got better!

As I promised before, I am releasing now PhoeniX ROM V8.0 based on official KitKat 4.4.2 XXUFNC9.
I have worked on that alot, so I hope you will like it.
HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to @_alex74_ for staying me all nights for tests and helped me alot!
Make sure you follow all steps!


let's begin with the base bugs:
Some Settings in the S5 Settings will give FC, not a big deal. Note 3 settings are better with alot more features.

Installation Instructions for v8:
Make sure you have CWM Recovery or Philz Recovery or TWRP(Still experimental, you may try)
Be Careful! If you make Super Wipe/ Full WIpe in Philz, you will get error in flashing! You will have to re-flash recovery via Odin.
Flash v8.
Choose your mods, etc.
Make the first setup.
If you don't have WiFi/3G/Signal Lost when screen is off, do this:
Reboot to Download Mode
1. Download this modem :
2. Open Up odin & connect you device in Download Mode
3. Untick Auto Reboot.
4. Open the file you have downloaded as PHONE in odin
5. Click start. Wait till it finishes.
6. When it is done, reboot again to download mod(Power + HOME + Vol Down)
7. Do steps 2-5 again
8. Reboot manually.(Hard press on Power key)
9. Check that your bashband is XXUFNC9


Several important notes:
Since this rom is using custom kernel, there is no need to update to KitKat bootloader. If you are on KitKat bootloader it is ok. If you are on 4.3 bootloader it means you can downgrade back to 4.3 after using this rom. The best is to be on KitKat bootloader to prevent any future problems.
Aroma includes the new EXT2InternalSD script. There are some changes that you must understand:
First of, thank you @mattiadj for awesome script.
You won't see in settings now Device Storage for example 64 GB, you will see 16GB and under SD card category you will see your SD card storage.
So, how can I check that the script works?
With a file explorer with root ability go into /sdcard. Check If in this location you can see your files of your EXTERNAL SD card and check if you can see in /sdcard/internal_sd/0 the content of INTERNAL sd.

After every reboot, give the system 2 minutes to be stable, then the script will start work.

In the folder storage/extSdCard/ you will see nothing.

When connecting the Phone to PC, you can access your EXT SD card in Phone, and to your internal SD card: Phone/internal_sd/0

Read everything about the script here:

Use this script only if you have external sd with 16/32/64 GB and you wish to use it as the internal SD.
This is important. 4.4.2 Android system got a better "butter project" and it is hell smooth. In my installation I didn't choose even one tweak. There is no need. There are several tweaks that already inside the rom. But if you really want to flash more tweaks, be careful because it might make your system slow. I have deleted some tweaks that can cause for lags.
Use V8 wisely. I mean, when selecting Apps/tweaks, don't try to "test" the rom. becuase choosing all option is not the best for you. Choose only what you need.
To enable multiwindow manager, go into PhoeniX Extra -> Xposed Installer. Install Xposed. go to Modules tab and select MultiWindow.
If you try to activate MultiWindow from the app itself, it will ask you to install xposed and when you click there(in the MW app) you will get FC. So follow the steps above.
Do not use Settings -> Display-> Battery , because it won't work well(will disappear after several hours). Use instead PhoeniX Extra -> Battery Chooser.
Then Stop asking why the battery percentage disappear, you need to enable it in Battery Chooser!
You will have there alot of good batteries to choose. You can access this app by clicking 3-4 times on the battery icon.
If you want to experience the best WaterColor effect, put picture that has many color, like the note 3 pictures(Already in the ROM)
For example, here is a picture from my device:

You must read it and understand before flashing V8.

I have workedalot and waisted tons of my time to make your the best ROM in the market, if you appreciate my work please click on the Thanks button and show me your love

Download links soon.


New in v8.0:
Rebuilt rom for 0! Rebased on the latest Official android 4.4.2 version XXUFNC9 (build date: 19/03/2014)
Stock Repacked kernel v2.5 NB8 is default in the ROM. thanks to talexop his thread
PhoeniX First Setup at first boot.
This ROM is 200% Knox Free - You can say "Cya Knox!"
Updated all Note 3 apps from NB7 base
All Good Note 3 Features from v7.3 are here!(Popup Multiwindow is not working because in 4.4 samsung removed this entire features from the codes):
- New Note 3 SPlanner

- New Working Action Memo

- New Weather & Calendar widget when you pull down the clock in lockscreen

- Note 3 Screenshot editor

- New Note 3 Keyboard - you have option to choose black or white during installation

- New Note 3 SMS app with hidden mods Mods:
* Folder View Option
* Backup/Restore SMS Option
* Split view option
* Change text size using volume keys option
* Screen On/Off for notification alerts option
* and more!!
- New Samsung Gear Support! (choose in aroma)

- Note 3 Multiwindow with the following features:
* Quad screen: you can split multiwindow up to 4 different apps!
* Note 3 Drag & Drop Multiwindow feature
* Abillity to open same app from this list(If you need any more app please make a list so I can add in the next release) :
- Note 3 Phone with Popup Incoming Call Notifications!

- Note 3 One Handed operation in any screen.

- Note 3 Voice Recorder

- Note 3 Gallery
Note 3 Air Command is HERE!!!! With all features - Action memo, scrapbook(won't work without SPen), SFinder, Screen write & Pen Window
Added NFC Icon to status bar when it is on.
PhoenIX Air Control - from now you can launch any app insead of SFiner in Air Command
Ported alot of S5 Features - Unique to PhoeniX Only!!:
- S5 Launcher with PhoeniX SlideLaunch

- S5 Accuweather

- S5 Calculator

- Lockscreen Effects:
* None
* Water Ripple with ink option
* Light effect
* Water Color Effect(from note 3)
* Particle Effect(from S5)

- S5 Launcher Themes option with 11 Themes!

- Wallpaper Chooser with S5 Wallpapers, Note 3 Wallpapers, S4 Wallpapers, PhoeniX Wallpapers, tamirda's wallpapers.

- S5 SBaro App

- S5 Audio files

- S5 Bootanimation(as an option in aroma)

- S5 Status bar with a working SFinder!!

- S5 My Files

- S5 SNote
Settings Dual Mode:
- S5 Settings
- Note 3 Settings
PhoeniX SlideLaunch - Instead of My Magazine in S5 Launcher you can choose any app you want to open, for example settings or gallery - amazing feature.
System UI Battery options(select in aroma) :
- OG Battery Mod with 70+ Batteries
- Stock Battery KitKat Icon with black numbers
Fixed SD Write permission in KitKat
Upgraded Power Menu with option for Screenshot & FlashLight!

Readers Hub
Bye Bye Knox
Nottach Xposed

All bugs from v7.3
Screen Mirroring is now working! Thank you @sorg his thread

74 CSCs. CSC Version: I9505OXEFNC1. How to change CSC?
First, install Stock Android Recovery
Second, select your CSC and install.
Third, Install PhilZ/CWM recovery
Updated busybox to the latest version
Updated Apps to their latest version:
- ES File explorer
- Adobe Flash Player
- GMS Core
- Play Store
- DropBox
- Gmail
- SPPush client
- Samsung apps
- Chaton
- Samsung IAP
- Chrome
- Earth
- Voice Search
- Youtube
- Superuser to 1.94
- Xposed to 2.5.1
- Wanam Xposed to 2.9.4
- App Settings to 1.7
- Update Samsung Link
- And more

Attention everyone!
To get a good battery performance, you have to make Battery Calibration. To make that, search Battery Calibration at Play Store.

Use PhoeniX Kitchen to get extra items easily!
Play store link:

Wait till I update the mods in the kitchen, using v7 mods on v8 100% will cause for bootloops.

And more that i must have forgotten

Aroma Changelog:

New in Aroma:
All Aroma Mods are available to install
Updated EXT2InternalSD to v6 - Read warnings in the link above.
Official mod thread & FAQ & How to use:
Updated Stock Android Kitkat Camera 4.4.2 from Nexus 5
Removed ODEX Option, makes FC to google apps.
System UI Battery options:
- OG Battery Mod with 70+ Batteries
- Stock Battery KitKat Icon with black numbers
Other things I don't remember

Good luck to all of us!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Der Thread wurde nun übernommen von BBF-Android, er hat sich bereit erklärt den Thread aktuell zu halten, danke! :)
Hat es jmd schon drauf? Geht Ok Google?
Ja Super :(

knapp 2 Stunden fürs bearbeiten, und dann gibts die Rom schon :(

Echt gute Übersicht hier...
Wir hatten gesagt das es für KitKat separate Threads gibt. Deswegen die Trennung hier. Grund, andere Android Iteration andere Bugs.
Ah ok
Und nu!? Jetzt gibt es 2 V9 Threads...:confused2:
Das klären wir gerade intern.:winki:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mikle_01
Wichtige Mitteilung !!!

Hallo und Guten Abend an alle.
Möchte Euch mitteilen, das ich mir ein Galaxy S5 geklauft habe und nun nicht mehr öffters hier im S4 Forum bin, da ich in den nächsten Wochen mein S4 Verkaufen werde.

Daher wäre dieser Thread Frei, für einen/r der Intresse hätte diesen Thread weiter zu pflegen, soll sich doch bei mir melden.

Besten Dank


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