[ROM][I9505][4.3][XXUEML1] *19.12.13* BoBCaTROM_v11 [OTA Update+Aroma]

  • 2.636 Antworten
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wuala link: https://wuala.com/BOBCAT.GS4/BoBCaTH...y=JlQf2o04ZlmL

XDAFileServer (xda fileserver is down)

INSTALLATION über v10/v10.1:
CWM (PhilZ): Wipe Cache, Wipe Dalvik, Format System
CWM (PhilZ): Flash ROM
testet by myself

Changslog/Features V11:
• Based Samsumg firmware XXUEML1 android 4.3

• CSC OLBEML1 choose in aroma default Set
• Kernel ==> Choose in Aroma
- Abyss v1.7.1F (thx @angelom)
- Ausdim Google 4.3v11 (thx @ausdim)
- Hacker Kernel V8 (thx @thehacker911)
- Talexop v1.3 MKE(thx @talexop)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- aLogCat
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge Animation (+70 battery to choose) thx @OsamaGhareeb
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- OTA Updateme, Extra, Applications, Theme, Mod,Fix ..., Pooldown images ....other
- Reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* MultiwindowManager
* Network Speed Indicator
* Wanam Xposed (Credits @wanam and his great application)
- Features list:
•Call Recording
•4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
•Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
•Secure Samsung Keyboard
•Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
•Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
•Flashlight trough volume button UP
•Skip Music with Volume buttons
•Save Call Logs View
•Enable Keyboard Symbols
•Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
•Enable Camera while calling
•Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
•Bypass Exchange Lock check
•Notification Panel Customization
•Long Home key behavior
•Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
•Disable increasing ringtone
•Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
•Disable Scrolling cache
•Enable Full rotations
•White/Colored Circle Battery
•Transparent Notifications panel
•Customize Clock format and size
•Customize Battery text helper size
•Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
•Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
•2 line formatted date on the panel header
•Dark themed Multi-Window
•Disable Boot sound
•Customize Two line date header format
•White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
•Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
•Default hidden SMS logs
•Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
•Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
•Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
•Disable Launcher page rotation
•Add Exit button to browser
•SMS Automatic input mode
•Disable Call number formatting
•Enable unlimited Contacts joining
•Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
•Set default Browser view to Desktop
•Hide Wireless charging popup
•Hide Full Battery Notification
•Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center)
•NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
•Hide Headset icon and notification bar
•Disable TW DVFS
•Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
•Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
•Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
•Disable Wake Home button
•Use separate Address field on Contacts
•Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
•Added SMS sent time details
•Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
•Disable low Battery warning
•Add custom carrier label on notification label
•Set low Camera battery level
•Change System Holo Dark/Light background
•Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
•Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
•And much more to come

• BOOTANIMATION QMG,icons,Signal, Wifi and 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Camera with shutter sound on/off option
• Browser with exit option
• Unlocked lockscreen torch option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Long Press Menu Button to kill app
• Hide sms from call logs
• Disable scrolling cache
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• Greenify app
• 3Way reboot menu
• Automatic Phone Recording Mods (Thx @mythtrandyr) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2498473
- Auto Call Recording on-off for incoming calls
- Auto Call Recording on-off for outgoing calls
- Increasing ringtone on-off
• more to come



Dieser Schritt ist wichtig, denn das XXUEMJ5 Modem kann zum Verlust von Ton/Sounds führen, wenn ihr die falsche Version nehmt. Es gibt eine Version für den neuen und eine Version für den alten Bootloader, wenn ihr sicher seid, das richtige zu haben, könnt ihr das hier ignorieren.
This step is necessary to be done correct because XXUEMJ5 LTE modem will break your sound on old Bootloader.
The modem install differs from the bootloader that you have,
If you already have the correct modems, ignore this step.
HINWEIS: Woher weiß ich, ob ich den alten oder den neuen Bootloader habe?
Starte Dein Handy in den Downloadmodus, wenn da was von "Knox warrenty void" steht, hast du den neuen Bootloader, sonst den alten!
....use ODIN 3.04....
- OLD BOOTLOADER XXUB ==> flash GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUBMH1.tar file with odin by selecting PHONE.
- NEW BOOTLOADER XXUD ==> flash GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUEMJ5.tar file with odin by selecting PHONE.

Modems gibts hier, lest euch etwas dazu ein bitte, für den neuen Bootloader ist es zur Zeit MJ7 soweit ich sehen kann (22.11.2013)

Und dann, Schritt für Schritt:

1. Macht ein Backup
2. MD5 der heruntergeladenen Datei prüfen und die ROM-Datei auf euer Gerät übertragen
3. Gerät ausschalten und den Akku für ein paar Minuten entfernen (>5min).
4. Akku wieder einsetzen und in den Download-Modus starten (Power button + Home button + Volume down button).
5. Das entsprechende Modem mit Odin flashen (beachte die Versionen für alten und neuen Bootloader und die Odin Version)
6. Ins Recovery booten ==> macht einen fullwipe
7. Die Nachricht "Root fix" im Recovery ignorieren (wenn ihr kein root mehr habt, hilft euch vielleicht das ===> SUperSU

Solltet ihr kein Modem flashen können, versucht die alternative Anleitung: hier (in englisch)

HINWEIS: Wie immer gilt, Ihr flasht auf eigene Gefahr, das aufmerksame Lesen dieses und ggf. auch des XDA-Threads gehört dazu. Weder ich, noch AH, noch Apachi/BoBCaT oder sonstige an der ROM mitwirkende übernehmen eine Garantie dafür, dass alles funktioniert.

Bloatware (z.T. über Aroma wählbar)
(zum Teil könnt Ihr im Aroma auswählen, ob die App installiert werden soll, den Rest müsstet ihr auf die übliche (hoffentlich bekannte) Weise deaktivieren/einfrieren/löschen)

AccuweatherPhone2013.apk ------------------> is the clock/weather widget​

AlarmWidget.apk ------------------> Widget that can be placed in the Home Screen to see and set alarms.​

AllShareCastPlayer.apk ------------------>
AllSharePlay15.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareControlShare.apk ------------------>
AllshareFileShare.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareFileShareClient.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareFileShareServer.apk -----------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
Blurb.apk ------------------> An app to make Albums from pictures in your phone, and also allows you to print at random locations. Read more here.
ChatONV_J.apk ------------------> This is a chat application like WhatsApp. Market link
ChocoEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
Chrome.apk ------------------> This is a phone browser made by Google. Market Link
ColorBlind.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
CoolEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
DigitalClock.apk ------------------> Clock Widget that you can add to your home screen.
DigitalClock21.apk ------------------>Same as above.
DroidSansSherifItalic.apk ------------------> Alternative font type to use for your phone.
Dropbox.apk ------------------> Cloud storage application by http://dropbox.com . It's like Google Drive/Sugar Sync. (Normally 2GB of space, but because you own a SGS4 you get 50GB)
DropboxOOBE.apk ------------------> I think is the Dropbox section of the initial phone setup
Earth.apk ------------------> Like Google Maps, but with more features. Market Link
EasyFavoritesContactsWidget.apk ------------------> Widget for your Home Screen. It shows your favorite Contacts.
Episodes.apk --------------------> If you remove it, remove Blurb.apk too, since Blurb is used for print ordering of albums made with this app
Flipboard.apk ------------------> Application for reading RSS news.
FotaClient.apk -----------------> "Software Update" shortcut widget. If you are rooted, you probably can't update either way.
GroupPlay_20.apk ------------------> Application for sharing with other Samsung Galaxy devices Pictures, and Music at the same time.
InteractiveTutorial.apk ---------------->Tutorial: "Help" app that guides you through your phone's features and provides info when needed
KNOXStore.apk -------------> Samsung KNOX Mobile Security
kies.apk ------------------> The Kies app to use for your phone and pc.
kieswifi.apk ------------------> Kies to use over Wifi. (Wireless)
Lookout_TMO.apk ------------------> T-mobile tmobile annoying app that scans all apps for viruses. It's the little green thing that always shows up on the notification bar.
NoiseField.apk ------------------> Live wallpaper - 'Bubbles'
PolarisViewer5.apk ------------------> allows you to view documents/Polaris Office documents. (word, excell, powerpoint..)
Peel.apk ------------------> Part of the WatchOn app, the remote control part I think
PhaseBeam.apk ------------------> Phase Beam Live Wallpaper
PhotoRetouching_fhd.apk ------------------> Photo Retouch camera FEATURE
PlusOne.apk ------------------> Google+ (A type of Facebook / Sociale Networking)
RoseEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font to use on your phone.
S-Voice_Android_phone_J.apk ------------------> Application to record voice, and make voice notes.
SHealth2.apk ------------------> Application for Health. Tracks steps, cardio, gym, etc.
SMemo2.apk ------------------> Application for writing notes. You can write notes on text, or use your finger to paint.
SamsungHubUpdater.apk -----------------> Samsung Hub updating app
SamsungGames.apk ------------------> A type of Android Market where you can download games.
SamsungHub.apk ------------------> Samsung Hub app
SamsungOCR2.apk ------------------> Application with which you can take pictures of text, and it converts them to text, and can also translate to other languages.
SamsungSans.apk ------------------> Another font to use for your phone.
SamsungVideo.apk ------------------> Application to watch videos on your phone.
SamsungWatchON.apk ------------------> Application to turn ON and OFF TVs. around your house, office, etc.
SimpleWidget.apk ------------------> Widget to place on Homescreen. All it does is display a number of how many apps you have currently running in the background.
StoryAlbumWidget.apk ------------------> is the widget for Story Album
SyncmlDM.apk --------------------> Software Updates
talk.apk ------------------> Application by Google to talk with your Gmail friends/contacts (Gtalk , Google Talk)
TravelService.apk ------------------> Trying to install it shows up as Travel Wallpaper? Could be related to the S-Travel App
TravelWidget.apk ------------------> The S-Travel Widget
TripAdvisor.apk ------------------> TripAdvisor.com application. To help you plan trips, hotels, etc.
WeatherWidgetDaemon.apk ------------------> Widget that you can place on the HomeScreen and will tell you the weather.
YahoonewsPhone2013.apk ------------------> Application by Yahoo.com to read news.
YahoostockPhone2013.apk ------------------> Application by Yahoo.com to check Stocks $.
YouTube.apk ------------------> Youtube.com application. An application to watch Youtube.com videos.
Com2usPoker_ASGC.apk ------------------> Poker game app made by Com2US
KNOXStore.apk -----------------> Samsung KNOX Mobile Security
KNOXAgent.apk -----------------> KNOX is Samsungs very own security app. For example: It tells you that
an application tried to change something on your phone and advises you
to reboot your phone due to security reasons. Can be very annoying on a rooted phone.
Match3VS.apk ------------------> Online game
Music2.apk ------------------> Google Play Music Application to play music on your phone. You can also download a music APK from the PlayStore​

Weiterhin viel Spaß!!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: daVirus, P4RTYH4RTY, voyi1994 und 16 andere
BoBCaT ROM History

zur Aroma Auswahl hinzugefügt:
1. ViPER4Android FX v2.3.1.3 (need poweramp player)
2. Beats Audio

ein paar Bugs gefixed
1. NFC Payment
2. Call Rec Manual
3. installation calendars

Andere Batterie:

1. Battery Bar

weitere kleine Optimierungen,

ein paar app Updates
über Version 10.0 ohne Wipe flashbar


BoBCaT ROM V10.0




Changslog/Features V10.0:
• Based Samsumg firmware XXUEMKE android 4.3
• CSC OXAEMKE choose in aroma default Set
• Kernel ==> Choose in Aroma
- Abyss v1.7.1F (thx @angelom)
- Ausdim Google 4.3v11 (thx @ausdim)
- Hacker Kernel V7 (thx @thehacker911)
- Talexop v1.3 (thx @talexop)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- aLogCat
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation (+70 battery to choose) thx @OsamaGhareeb
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- OTA Updateme, Extra, Applications, Theme, Mod,Fix ..., Pooldown images ....other
- Reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* MultiwindowManager
* Network Speed Indicator
* Wanam Xposed (Credits @wanam and his great application)
- Features list:
•Call Recording
•4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
•Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
•Secure Samsung Keyboard
•Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
•Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
•Flashlight trough volume button UP
•Skip Music with Volume buttons
•Save Call Logs View
•Enable Keyboard Symbols
•Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
•Enable Camera while calling
•Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
•Bypass Exchange Lock check
•Notification Panel Customization
•Long Home key behavior
•Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
•Disable increasing ringtone
•Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
•Disable Scrolling cache
•Enable Full rotations
•White/Colored Circle Battery
•Transparent Notifications panel
•Customize Clock format and size
•Customize Battery text helper size
•Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
•Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
•2 line formatted date on the panel header
•Dark themed Multi-Window
•Disable Boot sound
•Customize Two line date header format
•White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
•Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
•Default hidden SMS logs
•Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
•Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
•Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
•Disable Launcher page rotation
•Add Exit button to browser
•SMS Automatic input mode
•Disable Call number formatting
•Enable unlimited Contacts joining
•Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
•Set default Browser view to Desktop
•Hide Wireless charging popup
•Hide Full Battery Notification
•Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center)
•NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
•Hide Headset icon and notification bar
•Disable TW DVFS
•Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
•Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
•Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
•Disable Wake Home button
•Use separate Address field on Contacts
•Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
•Added SMS sent time details
•Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
•Disable low Battery warning
•Add custom carrier label on notification label
•Set low Camera battery level
•Change System Holo Dark/Light background
•Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
•Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
•And much more to come

• BOOTANIMATION QMG,icons,Signal, Wifi and 180battery (thx @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Camera with shutter sound on/off option
• Browser with exit option
• Unlocked lockscreen torch option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Long Press Menu Button to kill app
• Hide sms from call logs
• Disable scrolling cache
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• Greenify app
• 4Way reboot menu
• Automatic Phone Recording Mods (Thx @mythtrandyr) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2498473
- Auto Call Recording on-off for incoming calls
- Auto Call Recording on-off for outgoing calls
- Increasing ringtone on-off
• more to come




Changslog/Features V9.0:
• Based Samsumg firmware XXUEMK8 android 4.3
• CSC OXAEMK8 choose in aroma default Set
• Kernel ==> Choose in Aroma
- Abyss v1.7.1F (thx @angelom)
- Ausdim Google 4.3v11 (thx @ausdim)
- Hacker Kernel V7 (thx @thehacker911)
- Talexop v1.3 (thx @talexop)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- aLogCat
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation (+70 battery to choose) thx @OsamaGhareeb
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- OTA Updateme, Extra, Applications, Theme, Mod,Fix ..., Pooldown images ....other
- Reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* MultiwindowManager
* Network Speed Indicator
* Wanam Xposed (Credits @wanam and his great application)
- Features list:
•Call Recording
•4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
•Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
•Secure Samsung Keyboard
•Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
•Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
•Flashlight trough volume button UP
•Skip Music with Volume buttons
•Save Call Logs View
•Enable Keyboard Symbols
•Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
•Enable Camera while calling
•Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
•Bypass Exchange Lock check
•Notification Panel Customization
•Long Home key behavior
•Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
•Disable increasing ringtone
•Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
•Disable Scrolling cache
•Enable Full rotations
•White/Colored Circle Battery
•Transparent Notifications panel
•Customize Clock format and size
•Customize Battery text helper size
•Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
•Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
•2 line formatted date on the panel header
•Dark themed Multi-Window
•Disable Boot sound
•Customize Two line date header format
•White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
•Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
•Default hidden SMS logs
•Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
•Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
•Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
•Disable Launcher page rotation
•Add Exit button to browser
•SMS Automatic input mode
•Disable Call number formatting
•Enable unlimited Contacts joining
•Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
•Set default Browser view to Desktop
•Hide Wireless charging popup
•Hide Full Battery Notification
•Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center)
•NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
•Hide Headset icon and notification bar
•Disable TW DVFS
•Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
•Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
•Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
•Disable Wake Home button
•Use separate Address field on Contacts
•Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
•Added SMS sent time details
•Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
•Disable low Battery warning
•Add custom carrier label on notification label
•Set low Camera battery level
•Change System Holo Dark/Light background
•Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
•Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
•And much more to come

• NEW BOOTANIMATION QMG and icons 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Camera with shutter sound on/off option
• Browser with exit option
• Unlocked lockscreen torch option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Long Press Menu Button to kill app
• Hide sms from call logs
• Disable scrolling cache
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• Greenify app
• 4Way reboot menu
• Automatic Phone Recording Mods (Thx @mythtrandyr) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2498473
- Auto Call Recording on-off for incoming calls
- Auto Call Recording on-off for outgoing calls
- Increasing ringtone on-off
• more to come



Dieser Schritt ist wichtig, denn das XXUEMJ5 Modem kann zum Verlust von Ton/Sounds führen, wenn ihr die falsche Version nehmt. Es gibt eine Version für den neuen und eine Version für den alten Bootloader, wenn ihr sicher seid, das richtige zu haben, könnt ihr das hier ignorieren.
This step is necessary to be done correct because XXUEMJ5 LTE modem will break your sound on old Bootloader.
The modem install differs from the bootloader that you have,
If you already have the correct modems, ignore this step.
....use ODIN 3.04....
- OLD BOOTLOADER XXUB ==> flash GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUBMH1.tar file with odin by selecting PHONE.
- NEW BOOTLOADER XXUD ==> flash GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUEMJ5.tar file with odin by selecting PHONE.

Modems gibts hier, lest euch etwas dazu ein bitte, für den neuen Bootloader ist es zur Zeit MJ7 soweit ich sehen kann (22.11.2013)

Und dann, Schritt für Schritt:

1. Macht ein Backup
2. MD5 der heruntergeladenen Datei prüfen und die ROM-Datei auf euer Gerät übertragen
3. Gerät ausschalten und den Akku für ein paar Minuten entfernen (>5min).
4. Akku wieder einsetzen und in den Download-Modus starten (Power button + Home button + Volume down button).
5. Das entsprechende Modem mit Odin flashen (beachte die Versionen für alten und neuen Bootloader und die Odin Version)
6. Ins Recovery booten ==> macht einen fullwipe
7. Die Nachricht "Root fix" im Recovery ignorieren (wenn ihr kein root mehr habt, hilft euch vielleicht das ===> SUperSU

Solltet ihr kein Modem flashen können, versucht die alternative Anleitung: hier (in englisch)

HINWEIS: Wie immer gilt, Ihr flasht auf eigene Gefahr, das aufmerksame Lesen dieses und ggf. auch des XDA-Threads gehört dazu. Weder ich, noch AH, noch Apachi/BoBCaT oder sonstige an der ROM mitwirkende übernehmen eine Garantie dafür, dass alles funktioniert.

Changslog/Features V8.0:
• Based Samsumg firmware XXUEMJ9 android 4.3
• Kernel ==> Choose in Aroma
- Abyss v1.7.1F (thx @angelom)
- Ausdim Google 4.3v11 (thx @ausdim)
- Hacker Kernel V7 (thx @thehacker911)
- Talexop v1.3 (thx @talexop)
• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Language Enabler Thx @wanam
- Fast Dormancy
- aLogCat
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation (+70 battery to choose) thx @OsamaGhareeb
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes , link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- OTA Updateme, Extra, Applications, Theme, Mod,Fix ..., Pooldown images ....other
- Reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download)
- Xposed installer + modules
* App DPI settings
* Greenify
* MultiwindowManager
* Network Speed Indicator
* Wanam Xposed (Credits @wanam and his great application)
- Features list:
•Call Recording
•4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
•Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
•Secure Samsung Keyboard
•Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
•Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
•Flashlight trough volume button UP
•Skip Music with Volume buttons
•Save Call Logs View
•Enable Keyboard Symbols
•Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
•Enable Camera while calling
•Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
•Bypass Exchange Lock check
•Notification Panel Customization
•Long Home key behavior
•Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
•Disable increasing ringtone
•Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
•Disable Scrolling cache
•Enable Full rotations
•White/Colored Circle Battery
•Transparent Notifications panel
•Customize Clock format and size
•Customize Battery text helper size
•Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
•Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
•2 line formatted date on the panel header
•Dark themed Multi-Window
•Disable Boot sound
•Customize Two line date header format
•White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
•Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
•Default hidden SMS logs
•Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
•Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
•Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
•Disable Launcher page rotation
•Add Exit button to browser
•SMS Automatic input mode
•Disable Call number formatting
•Enable unlimited Contacts joining
•Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
•Set default Browser view to Desktop
•Hide Wireless charging popup
•Hide Full Battery Notification
•Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center)
•NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
•Hide Headset icon and notification bar
•Disable TW DVFS
•Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
•Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
•Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
•Disable Wake Home button
•Use separate Address field on Contacts
•Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
•Added SMS sent time details
•Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
•Disable low Battery warning
•Add custom carrier label on notification label
•Set low Camera battery level
•Change System Holo Dark/Light background
•Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
•Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
•And much more to come

• NEW BOOTANIMATION QMG and icons 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Camera with shutter sound on/off option
• Browser with exit option
• Unlocked lockscreen torch option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Long Press Menu Button to kill app
• Hide sms from call logs
• Disable scrolling cache
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• Greenify app
• 4Way reboot menu
• Automatic Phone Recording Mods (Thx @mythtrandyr) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2498473
- Auto Call Recording on-off for incoming calls
- Auto Call Recording on-off for outgoing calls
- Increasing ringtone on-off
• more to come

Changelog/Feature V7.0:
Based Samsumg firmware XXUEMJ5 android 4.3
• MultiCSC OXAEMJ5 set ITV
• Kernel ==> Choose in Aroma
- Ausdim Google 4.3v11 (thx @ausdim)
- Hacker Kernel V7 (thx @thehacker911)

• Deodexed busybox
• Zipalign new applications at boot and db optimize
• Knox free
• Modded settings with link to BoBCaTROM Control , it include many options:
- Ad Away
- Multi Window Manager
- Cpu monitor
- Torchlight in lockscreen
- Cpu monitor
- Cpu spy
- Fast Dormancy
- Change battery icon on the fly and select battery charge animation (+54 battery to choose) thx @OsamaGhareeb
- OTA Update Home with link to WUALA folder for Updates, Extra, Themes (work in progress), link to XDA thread and donation button
- OTA Update Pro, automatic alerts of new release with possibility to download it directly
- OTA Updateme, Extra, Applications, Theme, Mod,Fix ..., Pooldown images ....other
- Reboot menu three way (normal, recovery, download)
- Xposed installer + modules

* Wanam Xposed (Credits @wanam and his great application)
- Features list:
•Call Recording
•4 Ways Reboot (Reboot, Recovery, Hotboot, Download)
•Full Color/Transparency customization for Status bar and Notification drawer elements
•Secure Samsung Keyboard
•Option to keep "Add Call" button with Call recording menu
•Disable Camera shutter sound (+Screen Capture)
•Flashlight trough volume button UP
•Skip Music with Volume buttons
•Save Call Logs View
•Enable Keyboard Symbols
•Enable Hangouts Calls trough cellular
•Enable Camera while calling
•Unlimited and Customizable Multi-View support
•Bypass Exchange Lock check
•Notification Panel Customization
•Long Home key behavior
•Long Back key to kill App (+ white list)
•Disable increasing ringtone
•Messaging Tweaks (raise limits and conversion)
•Disable Scrolling cache
•Enable Full rotations
•White/Colored Circle Battery
•Transparent Notifications panel
•Customize Clock format and size
•Customize Battery text helper size
•Customize Quick Settings buttons number per row
•Collapse Quick Settings after toggle
•2 line formatted date on the panel header
•Dark themed Multi-Window
•Disable Boot sound
•Customize Two line date header format
•White/Black Email App background (Supported on some devices)
•Transparent Quick Settings buttons background
•Default hidden SMS logs
•Add Call button to Logs and Contacts list
•Disable Accounts icons on Contacts list
•Custimize Wifi AP Clients number
•Disable Launcher page rotation
•Add Exit button to browser
•SMS Automatic input mode
•Disable Call number formatting
•Enable unlimited Contacts joining
•Enable Gallery Rotation trough button
•Set default Browser view to Desktop
•Hide Wireless charging popup
•Hide Full Battery Notification
•Clock position Status bar (Hide, Left, Right, Center)
•NFC behaviors (UN/Locked on Screen ON/Off)
•Hide Headset icon and notification bar
•Disable TW DVFS
•Enable TW DVFS Boost Benchmark mode
•Hide Smart Stay, Alarm, NFC icons on status bar
•Launcher: Enable Scroll wallpaper and Hide Dock labels
•Disable Wake Home button
•Use separate Address field on Contacts
•Add Fast PIN unlock (to be used with caution)
•Added SMS sent time details
•Enable Screen ON options on Messaging App
•Disable low Battery warning
•Add custom carrier label on notification label
•Set low Camera battery level
•Change System Holo Dark/Light background
•Acces hidden Lockscreen shortcuts menu
•Disable SEAndroid/Knox notifications
•And much more to come

• NEW BOOTANIMATION QMG and icons 180battery (thx) @pas2001)
• Enabled secondary symbols on stock samsung keyboard
• Camera with shutter sound on/off option
• Browser with exit option
• Unlocked lockscreen torch option
• Sms will display sent time instead off received time
• Unlimited contacts join
• Fix NFC Payment
• Long Press Menu Button to kill app
• Hide sms from call logs
• Disable scrolling cache
• Email with Exchange Security Disabled
• Greenify app
• 4Way reboot menu
• Automatic Phone Recording Mods (Thx @mythtrandyr) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2498473
- Auto Call Recording on-off for incoming calls
- Auto Call Recording on-off for outgoing calls
- Increasing ringtone on-off
• more to come

Update auf Version 6.0
Wie Ihr mitbekommen habt, wurde keines veröffentlicht, also lasst euch überraschen (PS: einen richtigen changslog hat es ja noch nie gegeben, sondern nur eine Auflistung, was alles drin ist).

im Wesentlichen mit v5.1 vergleichbar

Update auf Version 5.1 (XXUDMH8):

Die ROM basiert auf der offiziellen XXUBMH8 Firmware und ist für das GT-I9505 gedacht.

HINWEIS: An Bootloader und Root wurde im Vergleich zu V4.1 nichts verändert, so dass ein "Downgrade" möglich sein sollte.

OriginalThread (XDA):
[ROM][GT-I9505][XXUDMH8][09 September]{~BoBCaTROM_v5.0~}|OTA Update


• MultiCSC - set BTU
• KERNEL - choose in aroma
• Deodexex
• Zipaligned
• Root + Busybox
• Battery mod 1%
• Call Recording
• Hack Stock Email App
• CRT OFF and Kill app (thx Criscan)
• Fix NFC payment and NFC Screen Locked/Screen Off(thx OptimaKiller)
• MMS Hack
• 4Way Reboot
• Disable SMS in Call Log
• No Ascending Ringtone
• CSC Features
• Pulldown Mod ( pulldown mod choose the image from Ota
or change with your picture inside the downloaded zip with back.9.png)
• initd support
• Bootanimation support
• BoBCaTROM Extra Settings
- UpdateMeRom
- MD5 Checker
- LightManager
- Fast Dormancy
- Language Enabler
- ADFree
- Faster Fix GPS
- CSC Select
- aLogCat
- Xposed Framework (thx rovo89)
- Wanam Xposed(thx Wanam)
- Nottach Xposed(thx Nottach)
- Customize DPI Density (thx tungstwenty)
- Greenify(thx oasisfeng)
- Icon Themer(thx ruqqq)
- Cpu Spy
- OS Monitor
- Cpu Control
- Samsung Secret Codes
- Idle Wifi Time Manager
- Reboot - Recovery - Downlod
• Other...

gibt es hier und hier zu sehen

1) Es wird die Installation einer Stock Firmware empfohlen, wer von Version 4.1 kommt sollte einen FullWipe durchführen und dann Version 5.0 flashen (hab es selbst noch nicht getestet)
2) Ihr solltet prüfen, ob WiFi und LTE (so vorhanden) korrekt funktionieren
3) Root ist erforderlich
4) CWM ist erforderlich

a) md5-checksum prüfen
b) Zip-Datei auf SD-Karte kopieren
c) ins Recovery booten
d) Full Wipe durchführen (empfohlen)
e) Zip-Datei auswählen
f) Installation durchlaufen lassen und Gerät neu starten
g) Wenn LTE nicht funktioniert:
mit einem Dateimanager (z.B. Root Explorer) ins Verzeichnis
> system> data> property> wechseln und die Datei
persist.radio.Iteon.xml öffnen. Einstellungen von "false" auf
"true" ändern, speichern und neu starten.
ODER: Folgende Datei flshen: I9505_Enable_LTE.zip (Thx Indie)
Bloatware (z.T. über Aroma wählbar)
(zum Teil könnt Ihr im Aroma auswählen, ob die App installiert werden soll, den Rest müsstet ihr auf die übliche (hoffentlich bekannte) Weise deaktivieren/einfrieren/löschen)

AccuweatherPhone2013.apk ------------------> is the clock/weather widget
AlarmWidget.apk ------------------> Widget that can be placed in the Home Screen to see and set alarms.
AllShareCastPlayer.apk ------------------>
AllSharePlay15.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareControlShare.apk ------------------>
AllshareFileShare.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareFileShareClient.apk ------------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
AllshareFileShareServer.apk -----------------> Removing will impact Wifi-Direct function [Info from here]
Blurb.apk ------------------> An app to make Albums from pictures in your phone, and also allows you to print at random locations. Read more here.
ChatONV_J.apk ------------------> This is a chat application like WhatsApp. Market link
ChocoEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
Chrome.apk ------------------> This is a phone browser made by Google. Market Link
ColorBlind.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
CoolEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font that you can use on your phone.
DigitalClock.apk ------------------> Clock Widget that you can add to your home screen.
DigitalClock21.apk ------------------>Same as above.
DroidSansSherifItalic.apk ------------------> Alternative font type to use for your phone.
Dropbox.apk ------------------> Cloud storage application by http://dropbox.com . It's like Google Drive/Sugar Sync. (Normally 2GB of space, but because you own a SGS4 you get 50GB)
DropboxOOBE.apk ------------------> I think is the Dropbox section of the initial phone setup
Earth.apk ------------------> Like Google Maps, but with more features. Market Link
EasyFavoritesContactsWidget.apk ------------------> Widget for your Home Screen. It shows your favorite Contacts.
Episodes.apk --------------------> If you remove it, remove Blurb.apk too, since Blurb is used for print ordering of albums made with this app
Flipboard.apk ------------------> Application for reading RSS news.
FotaClient.apk -----------------> "Software Update" shortcut widget. If you are rooted, you probably can't update either way.
GroupPlay_20.apk ------------------> Application for sharing with other Samsung Galaxy devices Pictures, and Music at the same time.
InteractiveTutorial.apk ---------------->Tutorial: "Help" app that guides you through your phone's features and provides info when needed
KNOXStore.apk -------------> Samsung KNOX Mobile Security
kies.apk ------------------> The Kies app to use for your phone and pc.
kieswifi.apk ------------------> Kies to use over Wifi. (Wireless)
Lookout_TMO.apk ------------------> T-mobile tmobile annoying app that scans all apps for viruses. It's the little green thing that always shows up on the notification bar.
NoiseField.apk ------------------> Live wallpaper - 'Bubbles'
PolarisViewer5.apk ------------------> allows you to view documents/Polaris Office documents. (word, excell, powerpoint..)
Peel.apk ------------------> Part of the WatchOn app, the remote control part I think
PhaseBeam.apk ------------------> Phase Beam Live Wallpaper
PhotoRetouching_fhd.apk ------------------> Photo Retouch camera FEATURE
PlusOne.apk ------------------> Google+ (A type of Facebook / Sociale Networking)
RoseEUKor.apk ------------------> Alternative font to use on your phone.
S-Voice_Android_phone_J.apk ------------------> Application to record voice, and make voice notes.
SHealth2.apk ------------------> Application for Health. Tracks steps, cardio, gym, etc.
SMemo2.apk ------------------> Application for writing notes. You can write notes on text, or use your finger to paint.
SamsungHubUpdater.apk -----------------> Samsung Hub updating app
SamsungGames.apk ------------------> A type of Android Market where you can download games.
SamsungHub.apk ------------------> Samsung Hub app
SamsungOCR2.apk ------------------> Application with which you can take pictures of text, and it converts them to text, and can also translate to other languages.
SamsungSans.apk ------------------> Another font to use for your phone.
SamsungVideo.apk ------------------> Application to watch videos on your phone.
SamsungWatchON.apk ------------------> Application to turn ON and OFF TVs. around your house, office, etc.
SimpleWidget.apk ------------------> Widget to place on Homescreen. All it does is display a number of how many apps you have currently running in the background.
StoryAlbumWidget.apk ------------------> is the widget for Story Album
SyncmlDM.apk --------------------> Software Updates
talk.apk ------------------> Application by Google to talk with your Gmail friends/contacts (Gtalk , Google Talk)
TravelService.apk ------------------> Trying to install it shows up as Travel Wallpaper? Could be related to the S-Travel App
TravelWidget.apk ------------------> The S-Travel Widget
TripAdvisor.apk ------------------> TripAdvisor.com application. To help you plan trips, hotels, etc.
WeatherWidgetDaemon.apk ------------------> Widget that you can place on the HomeScreen and will tell you the weather.
YahoonewsPhone2013.apk ------------------> Application by Yahoo.com to read news.
YahoostockPhone2013.apk ------------------> Application by Yahoo.com to check Stocks $.
YouTube.apk ------------------> Youtube.com application. An application to watch Youtube.com videos.
Com2usPoker_ASGC.apk ------------------> Poker game app made by Com2US
KNOXStore.apk -----------------> Samsung KNOX Mobile Security
KNOXAgent.apk -----------------> KNOX is Samsungs very own security app. For example: It tells you that
an application tried to change something on your phone and advises you
to reboot your phone due to security reasons. Can be very annoying on a rooted phone.
Match3VS.apk ------------------> Online game
Music2.apk ------------------> Google Play Music Application to play music on your phone. You can also download a music APK from the PlayStore​
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
-- Reserve --
Kannst mal die schrift farbe auf weiss bitte ändern, kann mit tapatalk nix lesen.

Dann nimm doch eiinen Browser.
Die Anleitung bzw. der Post wurde mal mit Mühe erstellt und ist kein langweiliges dahingetippe.

Finde aber auch keinen Download-Link - so wird das nix mit dem beliebt machen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schriftfarben geändert und Links hinzugefügt.
LG und Danke
Snake3 schrieb:
Dann nimm doch eiinen Browser.
Die Anleitung bzw. der Post wurde mal mit Mühe erstellt und ist kein langweiliges dahingetippe.

Finde aber auch keinen Download-Link - so wird das nix mit dem beliebt machen.

Es gibt auch leute die mit tapatalk sehr oft online sind, und wenn man dann nix lesen kann ist das nicht so prickelnd.

Thx mack !!!
Mein Galaxy S4 hat einen integrierten Browser - scheint aber nicht serienmäßig zu sein.

Übrigens, die Downloadverlinkungen haben verschiedene Schriftgrößen.
so bin nun daheim und kann mir die rom auch mal anschauen. die sieht ja klasse aus soweit,werde mein s4 heute oder morgen auch rooten und dann werde ich die rom mal flashen.

bin gespannt, wie die läuft.
Snake3 schrieb:

Übrigens, die Downloadverlinkungen haben verschiedene Schriftgrößen.

bei mir nicht :D, was nun?
Spaß beiseite, werd mir den Quellcode bei Gelegenheit nochmal anschauen, Danke für den Hinweis
so habe sie geflashed.
Standard Language ist Italenisch, was auch der Prüduktcode bestätigt.
Somit gibt es ein paar Meldungen die man nicht lesen kann (bei der µSD aufgefallen).
Ansonsten teste ich noch.
Ich finde sogar, es ist mehr Bloatware oben als mit original Samsung FW.
Haue sie jetzt wieder runter - sind mir zu viele Sachen dabei die ich nicht will7benötige/Spiellerein.

Läuft alles super und sieht auch schick aus, aber das rericht MIR nicht.
Beim nächsten Update darf mann dann wieder von vorne entbloaten - daher nein Danke.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mack75
Also ich find das rom hammer. Freu mich auch die weiterentwicklung. Multiwindow unlimited wäre super wenns drin ist.
Hat jemand etwas gefunden was nicht funktioniert?
So Leute, bin ich gertern auch zum Flashen gekommen und muss sagen, gefällt mir. Auch wenn ich das eine oder andere noch per TB deaktivieren bzw. deinstallieren möchte/muss (je nach pers. Vorlieben) find ich die ROM Klasse.

Bisher hat lediglich meine 64GB Speicherkarte (SanDisk) mit dem 1.2-Adam-Kernel nicht funktioniert, mit 1.3.1 geht es aber.

Akkulaufzeiten und Performance werde ich mal beobachten und berichten.

Weterhin also allen VIEL Spaß

läuft sehr gut, aber LTE geht nicht!

Hast du nach Installation der Stock geprüft, ob LTE da ging? Ich lann es bei mir auch nicht auswählen, hab aber auch kein LTE gebucht, insofern ist es für mich nicht so wichtig.
Ansonsten schlag ich vor, noch mal neu aufzusetzen und die Prüfung durchzuführen.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
weiß jemand ob es das Theme von der Rom auch separat gibt ?
hab ich bisher noch nix gefunden, aber Du kannst ja mal versuchen, daraus eins zu machen :D:D:D
Mack75 schrieb:
hab ich bisher noch nix gefunden, aber Du kannst ja mal versuchen, daraus eins zu machen :D:D:D

bin gerade dabei, hab zwar kaum erfahrung aber so lernt man am besten.......:D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Mack75
Recht so, learning by doing. gibt hier nen interessanten Thread dazu: Anleitung - Themes selber verändern Ist zwar aus dem S2 Bereich, funktioniert bei S4 aber ähnlich, nur die Grafiken liegen in anderen Ordnern und haben abweichende Auflösungen. Viel Erfolg bei Themen,
  • Danke
Reaktionen: strammi
Mack75 schrieb:
Recht so, learning by doing. gibt hier nen interessanten Thread dazu: Anleitung - Themes selber verändern Ist zwar aus dem S2 Bereich, funktioniert bei S4 aber ähnlich, nur die Grafiken liegen in anderen Ordnern und haben abweichende Auflösungen. Viel Erfolg bei Themen,

werds erstmal mit der Wanam testen, und mich wenns klappt weiterentwickeln, denk mal das is erstmal der einfachste weg....:smile:

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