- 10.436
4.3 MKF Firmware
Kernel 3.4.0 Talexop-1.3+
4Themes zur Auswahl :
Gold, Silver, Blue & Stock
Mehr als 3.500 icons modified/created/redesigned
Kernel 3.4.0 Talexop-1.3+
4Themes zur Auswahl :
Gold, Silver, Blue & Stock
Mehr als 3.500 icons modified/created/redesigned
HDR not working (on all 4.4.2 Roms here)
IR not worked..
VOIP not worked and the screen is rotated to 180 grad
IR not worked..
VOIP not worked and the screen is rotated to 180 grad
Full Deodexed & Rooted
- Knox free
- Boost volume
- Custom Audio UI
- CRT Effect
- Full transparency
- System UI Tweaked
- Extended Reboot
- SuperSU updated
Integrations mod Kill Apps
Gauge Gold battery is installed by default
The AROMA Installer has been redone, it now allows to choose: - The installation language (French or English)
- The position of the hour (Center or Right)
- Color keyboard (Shinny Gold, Dark Gold or Stock)
- Applications to install (add app Fast Dormancy of GokhanMoral)
Blurb.apk | ChatONV_J.apk | ChatON_feature.apk | Chrome.apk | ELMAgent.apk | EnterprisePermissions.apk | Episodes.apk | Flipboard.apk | Hangouts.apk | InteractiveKeyguardTutorial.apk | InteractiveTutorial.apk | Kies.apk | LocalFOTA.apk | Magazines.apk | MobilePrint3.apk | MobilePrintSvc_CUPS.apk | MobilePrintSvc_CUPS_Backend.apk | MobilePrintSvc_Epson.apk | MobilePrintSvc_HP.apk | MobilePrintSvc_Samsung.apk | MobilePrintSvc_WFDS.apk | PolarisViewer5.apk | SamsungHub.apk | SamsungHubUpdater.apk | sCloudBackupApp.apk | sCloudBackupProvider.apk | sCloudDataRelay.apk | sCloudDataSync.apk | sCloudQuotaApp.apk | sCloudSyncCalendar.apk | sCloudSyncContacts.apk | sCloudSyncSBrowser.apk | sCloudSyncSNote.apk | SecSafetyAssurance.apk | SecSetupWizard2013.apk | SensorService2_5.apk | SHealth2_5.apk | StoryAlbumWidget.apk | YahoonewsPhone2013.apk | YahoostockPhone2013.apk
M3A1 V2.1
Für Modding / Theming hier bitte schauen: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] [4.3] [I9505] - M3A1 v2.1 - [MKF] [AROMA][THEMED] UPDATE 26 01 2014
Auswahl an:
The themes for this Rom
MOD Sound Connection
MOD clock in normal position
MOD for Removed APKsOptional
Erstes Fazit:
- Nicht alle Menus werden korrekt ins deutsche übersetzt. Einige Unterpunkte sind Englisch oder Französisch.
- Die Theming Möglichkeiten sind sehr vielfältig. Unterstützt wird das durch die App "Repository". Dort können Batterieicons und Keyboards ausgewählt werden
- ROM läuft sehr flüssig, wie alle 4.3er
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