- 1.168
WanamLite ROM for Galaxy S4! - YouTube
Eine Installationsanleitung, Screenshots usw findet Ihr auf der Wanamlite Seite..
V1.5 --> WanamLite XXUBMH1 V1.5 Android JB 4.2.2 Xposed -
Eine Installationsanleitung, Screenshots usw findet Ihr auf der Wanamlite Seite..
V1.5 --> WanamLite XXUBMH1 V1.5 Android JB 4.2.2 Xposed -
Features :
Based on the latest FW
Based on the latest FW
Stock Odexed & Rooted & Busybox
Adam Kernel 1.6
Large APN list
Debloated (removed Samsung Apps and Social Hubs, available on a separate patch)
Clean build.prop for best Market compatibility
Stock Keyboard with all supported languages enabled
Kies support
Wanam Xposed App with all usual features and much more
Auto wipe cache & dalvik-cache before flashing
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