Die nächste Custom Rom basierend auf dem Leak XXELK4
Quelle XDA
Quelle XDA
I'd like to bring you Hazard the best of both world speed and battery life. I have built this rom from ground up by myself, This is the first leaked rom that is JellyBean 4.1.2 which brings some of the galaxy note 2 features. i have decided to tweak it up a little bit to give it that extra bit of boost that it really needs. The improvements are amazing. But don't take my word for it try it yourself and tell me if you think it is a good rom or not. I am hoping to make more tweaks to the Ui in the future, As of now how ever it is a stock looking rom with tweaks. If you want to see an app added please tell me.
- Deodexed.
- Zipaligned.
- BusyBox.
- Cleaned up updater script.
- Supercharged Thanks to zeppelinrox.
- Battery tweaks
- Better WiFi and 3G signals
- Unlimited SMS Recipients.
- Large APN list thanks to Cyanogenmod team.
- GPS Fix.
- init.d support with a few tweaks.
- Build prop tweaks.
- Smoothness Tweaks.
- Speed tweaks.
- Acid sound mod thanks to r-ikfoot
- Modem XXELJ2.
- Full hardware rendering enabled.
- Added Multi CSC thanks to wanam.
- Siyah Kernel 1.7 latest. gokhanmoral
- Blue and black playstore 3.10.9 Thanks to Kryten2k35
- Call recording and no increasing ringtone.
- Removed a few apps.
- 4 Way reboot menu.
- Added Facebook and twitter.
- Added Pop up browser.
- Added Transparent Acuraweather Widget.
- Black notification bar and blue theme thanks to raubkatze.
- Added AdAway.
- Transparent multi view bar.
- Fully rooted.
- Resolved camera freeze issue.
It is split into parts so i can upload it to zippyshare. All you have to do is use 7zip to extract the CWM Flashable zip and then transfer it to your phone's memory and flash away...
How to install:
Fresh Install
Please make full wipe.
That is wipe data factory reset,
Wipe cache and Wipe dalvik cache.
After that simply install and have fun.
No wipe.
Simply download the rom.
Install it over your current
rom without any wipe.
You should be good to go.
I would recommend that you all install it fresh with full wipes for best experience.
Hazard V4.0 D/L:
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.001
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.002
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.003
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.004
HazardROM V4.7z.001
HazardROM V4.7z.002
HazardROM V4.7z.003
HazardROM V4.7z.004
Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Default camera files for stock kernel + Stock Kernel if anyone wants to go completely stock..
Credits by Meemo23
Gruß "D"
- Deodexed.
- Zipaligned.
- BusyBox.
- Cleaned up updater script.
- Supercharged Thanks to zeppelinrox.
- Battery tweaks
- Better WiFi and 3G signals
- Unlimited SMS Recipients.
- Large APN list thanks to Cyanogenmod team.
- GPS Fix.
- init.d support with a few tweaks.
- Build prop tweaks.
- Smoothness Tweaks.
- Speed tweaks.
- Acid sound mod thanks to r-ikfoot
- Modem XXELJ2.
- Full hardware rendering enabled.
- Added Multi CSC thanks to wanam.
- Siyah Kernel 1.7 latest. gokhanmoral
- Blue and black playstore 3.10.9 Thanks to Kryten2k35
- Call recording and no increasing ringtone.
- Removed a few apps.
- 4 Way reboot menu.
- Added Facebook and twitter.
- Added Pop up browser.
- Added Transparent Acuraweather Widget.
- Black notification bar and blue theme thanks to raubkatze.
- Added AdAway.
- Transparent multi view bar.
- Fully rooted.
- Resolved camera freeze issue.
It is split into parts so i can upload it to zippyshare. All you have to do is use 7zip to extract the CWM Flashable zip and then transfer it to your phone's memory and flash away...
How to install:
Fresh Install
Please make full wipe.
That is wipe data factory reset,
Wipe cache and Wipe dalvik cache.
After that simply install and have fun.
No wipe.
Simply download the rom.
Install it over your current
rom without any wipe.
You should be good to go.
I would recommend that you all install it fresh with full wipes for best experience.
Hazard V4.0 D/L:
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.001
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.002
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.003
Zippyshare.com - HazardROM V4.7z.004
HazardROM V4.7z.001
HazardROM V4.7z.002
HazardROM V4.7z.003
HazardROM V4.7z.004
Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Default camera files for stock kernel + Stock Kernel if anyone wants to go completely stock..
Credit and thanks to:
Credits by Meemo23
Gruß "D"
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