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Um den neuen Bootloader zu entfernen fand ich folgendes auf xda.EP76 schrieb:Ging leider nicht, den neuen Bootloader kann man anscheindend nicht so einfach wieder entfernen.
Ist aber nicht so schlimm, ich hab noch ein Triangle Away das wenigstens so lange den Counter resetet bis zum nächsten reboot. So funktioniert mein AllshareCast Dongle wenigstens.
Laut Chainfire muss man einen Stockkernel und ein Stockrecovery haben, damit man den Counter dauerhaft
reseten kann. Ich habe das versucht, sobald ich aber wieder ein Custom Rom, in dem Fall die Ultima Rom flashe, kommt wieder das rote Ausrufezeichen.![]()
I used to get the red exclamation mark on my phone from the very first time I rooted and flashed custom Roms or kernel.
I haven't flashed this new boot loader but for those trying to get rid of it follow these steps:
- Use Triangle Away to reset the flash counters, and pull the battery immediately after rebooting starts
- Boot into recovery and perform a wipe, and pull the battery immediately after rebooting starts
- Go to SamMobile and get the stock firmware for your region
- Flash that stock firmware on your device
- Let Android boot, go through device setup (without doing any logins) until Android is fully usable again
- Reboot
- Wait at least 10 minutes
- Check Settings->About device->Status and make sure Device status is not "Modified"
- Perform another factory reset
- Boot into download mode and make sure the flash counter and system status are all set to official
These steps are given by chainfire and they helped me get rid of it. But main thing is to make sure not let your phone boot after resetting counter and wherever it says to pull battery do it as said and wait for at least 15 seconds before reinserting the battery. I had to do this whole thing twice to get it correctly. So do try this and give your feedback if it works with this new boot loader.