- 9.864
Gibt doch tatsächlich nun ein ROM von Mike1986. Bekanntgeworden ist er ja durch seine Android Revolution ROMs. War auch damals mein erste Custom ROM für mein damaliges Desire HD. Nun gibt es es auch fürs S3.
Proudly presenting you...
Users experience with Android Revolution HD
"My phone is now perfectly smooth, fast, stable. I do not expect much more from my phone!"
"This release is amazing! ROM feels super fast! Great job Mike & the team! (...) Never noticed any lag. 1 word: brilliant."
"Feels a lot smoother in use - scrolling, swiping between sense screens. Much nicer feel. This is a real good one, Mike. Many thanks
>>> Very fast | rock stable | stock look | great support <<<
» Performance Tweaks, % battery mods, & other add-ons:

» You can easily customize my ROM and make it LITE by removing some components with ROM Cleaner:

» If you want to flash different custom kernel, you can do it easily using Kernel Update Utility by jkoljo:

Android Revolution HD 28.0
Android Revolution HD 32.0
--- release date: 26 June 2013 ---
- If your current firmware version doesn't match ROM firmware version, wiping data inside AROMA is highly recommended!
Android Revolution HD 28.0 [4.1.2]
--- MD5 Checksum: 98E048563FBDCC4D3C5090CD358A1160 ---

Android Revolution HD 32.0 [4.2.2]
--- MD5 Checksum: AA5C47338F5CD992A50C924D74E4FFE0 ---

Alternative Mirror Downloads
Super Wipe
--- This script will erase and format your data (including Internal SD Card), system and cache partition ---
--- Your External SD Card will remain untouched FAT32 and it's recommended to leave it like that ---
--- Your Internal SD Card (/data/media) will be wiped ---
--- You need to copy ROM .zip file to your External SD Card before using Super Wipe ---
Gibts nicht mehr optional. Ist in den AROMA mit implementiert!!
Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 15:56 Uhr wurde um 15:59 Uhr ergänzt:
Performance Tweaks for Android Revolution HD
This mod will turn ON data_writeback for all 3 partitions - system, data and cache. This will drastically improve I/O performance (mostly on write operations) at the expense of file system integrity in certain situations, like unexpected system shutdown. The risk is not extreme, but still bigger then regular. Use this to improve your system performance, but you flash it at your own risk!
Download here:
Android Revolution HD EXT4 Tweaks v.0.1
This mod is working similar to "Render GUI with GPU" option in Development Settings. Flashing this will force whole system to use GPU rendering (instead of CPU) for all kind of 2D/3D operations. This might improve 2D operations performance, but keep in mind that some apps are not working correctly with GPU rendering. After using this mod you no longer need to tick "Render GUI with GPU" in settings. Even if un-ticked it will be still working. Flash it at your own risk!
Download here:
Android Revolution HD GPU Rendering v.0.1
Edit: Auf neue Version 28/32 geupdatet

Proudly presenting you...

Users experience with Android Revolution HD
"My phone is now perfectly smooth, fast, stable. I do not expect much more from my phone!"
"This release is amazing! ROM feels super fast! Great job Mike & the team! (...) Never noticed any lag. 1 word: brilliant."
"Feels a lot smoother in use - scrolling, swiping between sense screens. Much nicer feel. This is a real good one, Mike. Many thanks


>>> Very fast | rock stable | stock look | great support <<<

System details:
- Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) - latest unofficial Samsung I9300XXUFME7 firmware
- Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) - latest official Samsung 9300XXEMF1 firmware
- This is improved version of stock ROM - no visual changes!
- Very fast, clean & stable!
- Full Samsung TouchWiz Interface
- Multi-language (WWE)
- For Samsung Galaxy S3 (I9300)
- Thanks to Samsung for the base firmware
- Video Review by MohammedAzi
Included kernel details:
- Stock kernel (the most stable)
ROM details:
- Removed software (CPU) rendering - full Exynos 4 Quad (GPU) rendering
- Fully optimized and tweaked
- Root access
- Unsecured boot.img
- Newest BusyBox
- RAM optimizations
- System signatures check enabled for system security and safety
- Improved virtual memory management
- Speed optimizations
- Enabled GPU UI rendering
- Data, cache and system partitions mounting tweaks
- Bloatware applications removed
- All /system applications updated to latest available
- All /data applications updated to latest available
- Improved CPU governors performance
- Most optimal system scheduler
- Disabled kernel debugging for better performance
- Zipaligned (Improved RAM management)
- Zipalign on boot (for user applications on data partition)
- Fully de-odexed
- init.d scripts (BusyBox run-parts) support
- Auto init.d permissions set on boot
- sysro/sysrw commands support
- Excellent battery life!
- Improved EXT4 performance
- OpenVPN support
- Most up-to-date system files permissions
- Adobe Flash Player support
- Support almost 24h a day
- ...and many more!
You need:
How to flash:- Samsung Galaxy S3 (I9300)
- Custom recovery
- Download ROM and place it on your virtual SD card
- Boot your phone in recovery mode (vol down + power)
- In main menu, select "install zip from sdcard"
- Select "choose zip from sdcard" and browse to the location of Android Revolution ROM
- You can use data wiping option in AROMA (optionally if coming from earlier version of my ROM, obligatory if coming from stock or other custom ROM)
- After flashing process is complete, reboot the device
» You can easily customize my ROM and make it LITE by removing some components with ROM Cleaner:
» If you want to flash different custom kernel, you can do it easily using Kernel Update Utility by jkoljo:

Android Revolution HD 28.0
Android Revolution HD 32.0
--- release date: 26 June 2013 ---
- Based on latest official Samsung 9300XXEMF1 firmware (28.0)
- Based on latest unofficial Samsung I9300XXUFME7 firmware (32.0)
- Re-designed and updated AROMA installer
- Zipaligned using SDK r22
- Other minor changes and fixes
- Included and updated components:
--- Data partition ---
Adobe Flash Player (For Android 4.0+)
Adobe Flash Player (For Android 2.0+)
Adobe Reader 10.6.0
Dropbox 2.3.8
ES File Explorer 3.0.4
Facebook 3.3
Twitter 4.1.1
--- System partition ---
Google Play 4.1.10
Gmail 4.5 (For Android 4.1+)
Gmail 2.3.6 (For Android 2.3.5)
GmsCore 3.1.36
SuperSU 1.30 (Only Samsung devices)
--- Aroma installer ---
Google Hangouts
Google Maps 6.14.4
Google Plus
Google Street
Google YouTube 4.5.17
Google TalkBack 3.3.1
Google Chrome 27.0.1453.90
Google Music 5.0.1052J.707098
Google Keep 1.0.79
Google Search (For Android 4.1+)
Google Search (For Android 4.0.3)
Google Search (For Android 2.3.5)
Adobe Flash Player (For Android 4.0+)
Adobe Flash Player (For Android 2.0+)
Adobe Reader 10.6.0
Dropbox 2.3.8
ES File Explorer 3.0.4
Facebook 3.3
Twitter 4.1.1
--- System partition ---
Google Play 4.1.10
Gmail 4.5 (For Android 4.1+)
Gmail 2.3.6 (For Android 2.3.5)
GmsCore 3.1.36
SuperSU 1.30 (Only Samsung devices)
--- Aroma installer ---
Google Hangouts
Google Maps 6.14.4
Google Plus
Google Street
Google YouTube 4.5.17
Google TalkBack 3.3.1
Google Chrome 27.0.1453.90
Google Music 5.0.1052J.707098
Google Keep 1.0.79
Google Search (For Android 4.1+)
Google Search (For Android 4.0.3)
Google Search (For Android 2.3.5)
- If your current firmware version doesn't match ROM firmware version, wiping data inside AROMA is highly recommended!

Android Revolution HD 28.0 [4.1.2]
--- MD5 Checksum: 98E048563FBDCC4D3C5090CD358A1160 ---
Android Revolution HD 32.0 [4.2.2]
--- MD5 Checksum: AA5C47338F5CD992A50C924D74E4FFE0 ---
Alternative Mirror Downloads
Fullwipe Normalveraltete Versionen
v23.2 : http://fs2.filegir.com/amirsh77/Andr...-SGS3_23.2.zip
v30.4 : http://fs2.filegir.com/amirsh77/Andr...-SGS3_30.4.zip
Für alle die die Probs mit dem Super Wipe haben, machen einfach nen ganz normalen Fullwipe wie bei jedem anderen ROM auch, Wipe Data/Factory Reset, Wipe Cache, Wipe Dalvik Cache, Format System(dabei sicher sein das ein ROM auf dem Handy ist)
Super Wipe
--- This script will erase and format your data (including Internal SD Card), system and cache partition ---
--- Your External SD Card will remain untouched FAT32 and it's recommended to leave it like that ---
--- Your Internal SD Card (/data/media) will be wiped ---
--- You need to copy ROM .zip file to your External SD Card before using Super Wipe ---
Gibts nicht mehr optional. Ist in den AROMA mit implementiert!!
Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 15:56 Uhr wurde um 15:59 Uhr ergänzt:
Performance Tweaks for Android Revolution HD
- data_writeback journalism for /system, /data and /cache partitions.
Download here:
Android Revolution HD EXT4 Tweaks v.0.1
- Force GPU rendering on 2D operations.
Download here:
Android Revolution HD GPU Rendering v.0.1
Edit: Auf neue Version 28/32 geupdatet
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