[ROM][CM10][4.1.2][Dec 10] temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD V103 [eingestellt]

  • 2.429 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum

Wie findet ihr das Build?

  • Besser als CM10 Offiziell

    Stimmen: 81 36,5%
  • Schlechter als CM10 Offiziell

    Stimmen: 17 7,7%
  • Mir wuaast :D

    Stimmen: 124 55,9%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
Dann lade dir doch mal Better Battery Stats und CPU Spy wenn du diese Tools noch nicht hast. Einfach so kann dir hier niemand sagen warum du diesen Verlust hast. Better Battery Stats gibts hier kostenlos: klick

V83 ist da :)
V84 ist da ^.^
Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by a S3
Moin Moin,
nutze Siyah 1.7rc1 und die temasek V84 Rom. Hab die Checkrom V6 als second Rom. Habe aber das Problem, dass ich kein GPS-Signal bekomme.
Hab schon bischen gestöbert aber kein Fix gefunden.
Was meint ihr, liegt das an der Rom oder am Kernel?
Wollte mir gerade die V84 runterladen, da war´s schon die V85.

GPS funktioniert zumindest mit der V85 völlig normal, eben noch navigiert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dann pack ich mir nachher auch mal die V85 drauf. Vllt ist das schon die Lösung. Wäre ja grandios :)

Danke für die Info.
Mit 85 kann ich nicht mehr telefonieren der Lautsprecher geht nicht mehr.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300
Kannst du beheben indem du ein anderss Baseband flashst...

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3
Musst du selber testen. Bei mir hat geholfen: Stock Modem - > LH1 - > reboot und es ging wieder...

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3
Was sagt eigentlich der Akku inzwischen im Vergleich zu Stock oder Sammy customs?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Das gleiche wie immer: alles individuell :D

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3
gibt's für cm10 vielleicht ein theme dass eine 100% transparente Statusleiste enthält ???

bitte rettet mich danke:):):):):):)
Hier mal der Changelog der neusten Version und Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD - V86


MD5SUM: 5b3363cdb3543e736d49b3cab59c5a64


Change I8040f71b: msm8960-common: re-enable secure flag usage


# [General]
# NEW - Change I4132ca09: i9300: allow mass storage mode for external sdcard
# Change Id24995ed: Handle locations with more than 30 chars for lat/lon.
# Change I5b93a2e6: Fixes exif corruption issues in jhead.
# REVERTED - Change I82c8ba66: Proper handling of setting sys.usb.config to mass_storage
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# Change I4c4aad62: LockScreen: option to enable torch with home button long-press (1/2)
# Change I1a68f822: DevicePolicy: Fix lockNow() failing to turn off screen
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# MERGED - Change I45b37e24: Expanded desktop capability (2/2)
# Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# NEW - Change I917f1ff4: Add Recife timezone (1/2)
# Change Iafeede49: LockScreen: option to enable torch with home button long-press (2/2)
# Change Id5b9a811: Add Center Clock-Settings Part
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# MERGED - Change Ie35719f7: Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2)
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# NEW - Change Ie4bef0b5: Add Recife timezone (2/2)
# Change I4aa0b4ba: Fix for NPE in showAllAppsCling
# UPDATED - Change I2a95e142: Cleanup and improve T9 search code.
# UPDATED - Change Ia2a92c59: Also search nickname and organization in T9 search.
# Change Ied9440ec: Make keyboard hints a better visible
# Change I8a24a7bc: Browser: Add a menu item to close the browser
# Change I84aada70: restore soundrecorder interface
# Change I21f6a461: Trebuchet : Add a pref to set hotseat icon's number
# Change I1de4d2b0: Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar
# Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# Overlay for i9300 - Show Expanded Desktop preference
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_d...3c666edb5f4bd8
# Change-Id: I63f133d8: Makes the add button for new APNs appear in the action bar.
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_p...c69ca6e64603da
# Change-Id: I80cfef86: Add Center Clock-Framework Part by erezak
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_f...395b26b330bb58
# Nav Bar Height (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_f...cf9cc4b113a33b
# Nav Bar Height (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - ttps://github.com/temasek/android_packages_apps_Settings/commit/b148d56c60707879b8cec180f429e0d368fddc0d


I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3
V87 online :thumbsup:

Nur leider noch kein Changelog...
Danke und Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

I am Weasl
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3
gewürzwiesel;4361713 schrieb:
Das gleiche wie immer: alles individuell :D

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by an S3

Ja schon, aber als ich es das letzte mal drauf hatte war Stock oder CheckROM nach nem Tag bei 70% und CM10 von temasek bei 20 oder so, das ist schon ein krasser unterschied gewesen. Ich werd mir mal anschauen wie das mit dem Shiya Dualboot funzt, dann kann ich testen ohne dauernd hin und her zu wechseln via nandroid, das ist auf dem S3 nämlich arsch lahm im vergleich zu meinem alten Milestone
Im übrigen ist die v88 draussen.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
V89 ist da und Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

Hier der Changelog:

temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD - V89

[*]Picked ability to save to sdcard (camera). Camera may require a reset to default in the camera settings.[*]Picked ability to bean files in CM File Manager


MD5SUM: 7a12e992a4a99a2231cf6c79a4c1cad8


Change I1bc48b69: Revert "Czech: fixed transaltion, unified strings, added missing strings"
Gerrit Code Review


# [General]
# Change I3976ee4a: UMS support with any volume, not only primary (1/3)
# Change I4132ca09: i9300: allow mass storage mode for external sdcard
# Change Id24995ed: Handle locations with more than 30 chars for lat/lon.
# Change I5b93a2e6: Fixes exif corruption issues in jhead.
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# Change I67431f29: Frameworks/av: Fix for mediaserver crash in AudioFlinger
# Change I00a8338a: UMS support with any volume, not only primary (2/3)
# Change I1a68f822: DevicePolicy: Fix lockNow() failing to turn off screen
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# MERGED - Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# Change Ief89c994: UMS support with any volume, not only primary (3/3)
# Change I917f1ff4: Add Recife timezone (1/2)
# Change Id5b9a811: Add Center Clock-Settings Part
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# MERGED - Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# NEW - Change Ib786586a: add option to select storage location in camera
# NEW - Change I005db2eb: CMFileManager : Beam to send files
# NEW - Change Ibe52f0a0: CMFileManager : Allow rotation
# Change I824c7b48: GsmDataConnectionTracker: Allow automatic data connection to APN_TYPE_MMS
# Change Ie4bef0b5: Add Recife timezone (2/2)
# MERGED - Change I4aa0b4ba: Fix for NPE in showAllAppsCling
# MERGED - Change I2a95e142: Cleanup and improve T9 search code.
# MERGED - Change Ia2a92c59: Also search nickname and organization in T9 search.
# Change Ied9440ec: Make keyboard hints a better visible
# Change I8a24a7bc: Browser: Add a menu item to close the browser
# Change I84aada70: restore soundrecorder interface
# Change I21f6a461: Trebuchet : Add a pref to set hotseat icon's number
# Change I1de4d2b0: Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar
# Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# Overlay for i9300 - Show Expanded Desktop preference
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_d...3c666edb5f4bd8
# Change-Id: I63f133d8: Makes the add button for new APNs appear in the action bar.
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_p...c69ca6e64603da
# Change-Id: I80cfef86: Add Center Clock-Framework Part by erezak
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_f...395b26b330bb58
# Nav Bar Height (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_f...cf9cc4b113a33b
# Nav Bar Height (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - ttps://github.com/temasek/android_packages_apps_Settings/commit/b148d56c60707879b8cec180f429e0d368fddc0d

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  • Danke
Reaktionen: minimalbensn

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