[ROM][CM10][4.1.2][Dec 10] temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD V103 [eingestellt]

  • 2.429 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum

Wie findet ihr das Build?

  • Besser als CM10 Offiziell

    Stimmen: 81 36,5%
  • Schlechter als CM10 Offiziell

    Stimmen: 17 7,7%
  • Mir wuaast :D

    Stimmen: 124 55,9%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
V79 ist raus und Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

temasek schrieb:
temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD - V79

  • Some pickings reverted
  • Some new pickings
  • Some new features merged (not in my pickings) - read by your own :p


Change Ida18d647: hikari: consolidate common prop into fuji

# [General]
# MERGED - Change I21eb93f3: Build only modules required by the current product.
# Change I82c8ba66: Proper handling of setting sys.usb.config to mass_storage
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# NEW - Change I6d274391: frameworks/base: Fix for UI freeze issue with headset insert/removal
# NEW - Change I09f81f4f: PhoneWindowManager: Release wakelock after headset detection.
# NEW - Change Ia6f26af8: frameworks/base: Add support for wired headset detection
# NEW - Change I416b6179: EventHub: Modify the keyboard layout file name for headset button
# NEW - Change I03a77666: frameworks/base: Fix for headset switch detect
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change Id8b6a1ab: SettingsProvider: Revert default WiFi sleep policy to "never"
# Change I978d18ec: Bugfix: Dock events can have state greater than 1
# Change I2dd395c7: Expanded desktop capability (2/2)
# Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# REVERTED - Change I90d6c81d: telephony: Fix MMS for when operator has different APNs for Data and MMS
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# Change Ibf2587da: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (2/2)
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change Ia06708f4: SystemUI: Clock - right/center/off (Part 1 of 2)
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I978f7757: Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2)
# Change Ie165d055: Changed the way that date format selector is shown excluding ambiguity when day and month have same value
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# Change I8d23ee78: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (1/2)
# Change I47611b41: Settings : Clock - right/center/off (Part 2 of 2)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# NEW - Change I8a24a7bc: Browser: Add a menu item to close the browser
# REVERTED - Change I21f6a461: Trebuchet : Add 2 Hotseat preferences
# Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_frameworks_base/commit/f1c481a783ee8ce31311b2272e61259acfc132b2
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_...mmit/7668da20cffa563e88555296095cc76c288e316d


I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by a S3
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Lazy79
Habt ihr eigentlich auch ab und zu das Problem, dass euer S3 einfach mal freezt und dann neustartet?
Hab das ca. 3 mal am Tag >.<
Jetzt sind Sie aber schon dicht dran ^^ ENDLICH kann ich auch übers Dock wieder laden leider funktioniert aber die Soundfunktion nicht übers Dock. Die Funktion Audio ist nicht anwählbar wenn mein ibolt angesteckt ist ---schade!
Liegt leider IMMER noch NUR an JB mit ICS funktioniert alles ohne Probleme.

Bei mir keine FCs
Hab die Rom+Siyah Kernel jetzt wieder seit ca. 1 Woche drauf und habe keinerlei Probleme.
p.s. gibt es hierfür ein Theme mit der ich die Statusleiste wieder 100% transparent bekomme?

Danke & Gruß
Und die v80 ist da,

# [General]
# NEW - Change Id24995ed: Handle locations with more than 30 chars for lat/lon.
# NEW - Change I5b93a2e6: Fixes exif corruption issues in jhead.
# Change I82c8ba66: Proper handling of setting sys.usb.config to mass_storage
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# Change I6d274391: frameworks/base: Fix for UI freeze issue with headset insert/removal
# Change I09f81f4f: PhoneWindowManager: Release wakelock after headset detection.
# Change Ia6f26af8: frameworks/base: Add support for wired headset detection
# Change I416b6179: EventHub: Modify the keyboard layout file name for headset button
# Change I03a77666: frameworks/base: Fix for headset switch detect
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# MERGED - Change Id8b6a1ab: SettingsProvider: Revert default WiFi sleep policy to "never"
# Change I978d18ec: Bugfix: Dock events can have state greater than 1
# Change I2dd395c7: Expanded desktop capability (2/2)
# Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# Change Ibf2587da: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (2/2)
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# NEW - Change I018344b5: App manager: Enable fast thumb scrolling
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I978f7757: Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2)
# Change Ie165d055: Changed the way that date format selector is shown excluding ambiguity when day and month have same value
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# Change I8d23ee78: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (1/2)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# Change I8a24a7bc: Browser: Add a menu item to close the browser
# Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_f...61259acfc132b2
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_p...5cc76c288e316d
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Lazy79 und gewürzwiesel
Und die v81 ist raus:

# [General]
# NEW - Change I8f8e000c: libc: extend ARCH_ARM_USE_NON_NEON_MEMCPY to linaro
# Change Id24995ed: Handle locations with more than 30 chars for lat/lon.
# Change I5b93a2e6: Fixes exif corruption issues in jhead.
# Change I82c8ba66: Proper handling of setting sys.usb.config to mass_storage
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# Change I6d274391: frameworks/base: Fix for UI freeze issue with headset insert/removal
# Change I09f81f4f: PhoneWindowManager: Release wakelock after headset detection.
# Change Ia6f26af8: frameworks/base: Add support for wired headset detection
# Change I416b6179: EventHub: Modify the keyboard layout file name for headset button
# Change I03a77666: frameworks/base: Fix for headset switch detect
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I978d18ec: Bugfix: Dock events can have state greater than 1
# UPDATED - Change I2dd395c7: Expanded desktop capability (2/2)
# Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# MERGED - Change Ibf2587da: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (2/2)
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# NEW - Change Id5b9a811: Add Center Clock-Settings Part
# MERGED - Change I018344b5: App manager: Enable fast thumb scrolling
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I978f7757: Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2)
# Change Ie165d055: Changed the way that date format selector is shown excluding ambiguity when day and month have same value
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# MERGED - Change I8d23ee78: Allow airplane and silent power toggle (1/2)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# NEW - Change Ic16c7b4b: LatinIME: Add accents to german keyboard
# NEW - Change I7fd4165a: Mms: Add new feature 'Add SMS to Calendar remind'.
# NEW - Change I3d3aec3e: Calculator: New Features Part 2
# REVERTED - Change I8a24a7bc: Browser: Add a menu item to close the browser
# UPDATED - Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# NEW - Change-Id: Id21a9138: Added DPI Changer (frameworks) by erezak
# - https://github.com/erezak/android_fr...8d9b18a8b81127
# NEW - Change-Id: I7ff95bb7: Added DPI Changer (settings) by erezak
# - https://github.com/erezak/android_pa...bfbe8e0d3f3d70 (settings)
# NEW - Change-Id: I80cfef86: Add Center Clock-Framework Part by erezak
# - https://github.com/erezak/android_fr...6904c8ccd31e77
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_f...61259acfc132b2
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_p...5cc76c288e316d
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Lazy79 und gewürzwiesel
Threadtitel aktualisiert :D

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by a S3
Hallo, wie kann ich hier die dpi verändern? Mit
LCD Density Modder Pro komm ich immer in einem bootloop.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300
Mit dem Rootexplorer in der build.prob :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: QuesT
temasek's UNOFFICIAL BUILD - V82

  • New feature - Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in Status Bar
  • Updated cherry-picks - newer patches
  • Those who wants the EXIT setting in stock browser, I'll pick it back in V83
  • Reverted - Change I8f8e000c: libc: extend ARCH_ARM_USE_NON_NEON_MEMCPY to linaro. I only just found out that i9300 doesn't use this in the boardconfig.mk



Change I12306c2f: tf700t: switch to grouper media_codecs.xml
Gerrit Code Review

# [General]
# NEW - Change I0aa834b6: NullPointerException in HeaderIterator
# REVERTED - Change I8f8e000c: libc: extend ARCH_ARM_USE_NON_NEON_MEMCPY to linaro
# Change Id24995ed: Handle locations with more than 30 chars for lat/lon.
# Change I5b93a2e6: Fixes exif corruption issues in jhead.
# Change I82c8ba66: Proper handling of setting sys.usb.config to mass_storage
# Change I0423fd58: bionic: Add ARMv7 optimized string handling routines
# UPDATED - Change I624b5f6d: Add group mms threading (3/3)
# Change Idd8cd277: Update tcp buffersize with CAF values
# Change I2cfce9d9: LatinIME: Add Bulgarian predictive dictionary

# Change I02e2b76a: Enable DOCK support in MAX77693

# [Framework]
# Change I6d274391: frameworks/base: Fix for UI freeze issue with headset insert/removal
# Change I09f81f4f: PhoneWindowManager: Release wakelock after headset detection.
# Change Ia6f26af8: frameworks/base: Add support for wired headset detection
# Change I416b6179: EventHub: Modify the keyboard layout file name for headset button
# Change I03a77666: frameworks/base: Fix for headset switch detect
# Change I67277749: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# MERGED - Change I978d18ec: Bugfix: Dock events can have state greater than 1
# Change I2dd395c7: Expanded desktop capability (2/2)
# Change I5e921d23: core and telephony: Additional HSPAP support
# Change Ia6cd4a39: Add group mms threading (2/3)
# Change I87f12bb1: optional encryption password sync
# Change I4a4ec23c: frameworks/base: Implementation of AtCmdFwdService
# Change I23a508fa: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 1/2

# [Settings]
# Change Id5b9a811: Add Center Clock-Settings Part
# Change Id6628200: Allow the statusbar to show both network technology and signal strength text
# Change I978f7757: Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2)
# Change Ie165d055: Changed the way that date format selector is shown excluding ambiguity when day and month have same value
# Change I71a31e7a: optional encryption password sync
# Change If44de6dd: Wi-Fi: Region Code: Added Brazil (code BR: 25)
# Change I5716f8c4: Navigation Bar: Ability to enable on every device 2/2

# [Apps]
# NEW - Change I21f6a461: Trebuchet : Add a pref to set hotseat icon's number
# NEW - Change I1de4d2b0: Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar
# Change Ic16c7b4b: LatinIME: Add accents to german keyboardChange I0aa834b6: NullPointerException in HeaderIterator
# UPDATED - Change I7fd4165a: Mms: Add new feature 'Add SMS to Calendar remind'.
# UPDATED - Change I3d3aec3e: Calculator: New Features Part 2
# UPDATED - Change I339c1956: Add group mms threading (1/3)
# Change Id143325b: Zero Shutter Lag Mode on Front Camera

# Change-Id: Id21a9138: Added DPI Changer (frameworks) by erezak
# - https://github.com/erezak/android_frameworks_base/commit/643340ad92c0924cde11651f3b8d9b18a8b81127
# Change-Id: I7ff95bb7: Added DPI Changer (settings) by erezak
# - https://github.com/erezak/android_p...mmit/37147c3d7b8836ef7f3f39f8eebfbe8e0d3f3d70 (settings)
# Change-Id: I80cfef86: Add Center Clock-Framework Part by erezak
# - https://github.com/temasek/android_frameworks_base/commit/265537767fd4f9944f54e4175f64f96e49e4da66
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (frameworks) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_frameworks_base/commit/f1c481a783ee8ce31311b2272e61259acfc132b2
# realtime change size of OnScreenButtons (settings) by Francesco Foresta
# - https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_...mmit/7668da20cffa563e88555296095cc76c288e316d
  • Danke
Reaktionen: steuerboy und Kiray1982
Hat das ROM hier immer noch keinen 8 apps lockscreen + pattern unlock?
gewürzwiesel;4319016 schrieb:
Mit dem Rootexplorer in der build.prob :D
temasek schrieb:
# Change-Id: I7ff95bb7: Added DPI Changer (settings) by erezak
unter Einstellung/Anzeige gibts doch den Menüpunkt zum ändern.
Leider funktioniert dies noch nicht, eventuell nur ein Platzhalter?
Könnte durchaus sein. Ich persönlich bin kein großer Fan davon und mach es immer mit dem Rootexplorer, ist der sicherste Weg :D

I am Weasel
and you've been SPANK'd by a S3
klar, ich stells auch nur einmal ein, und lass es laufen. sollte es doch ma probleme geben, ists per UI einfach schneller wieder auf stock gestellt.

Originally Posted by Kiray1982>
nice feature, buuuut, it doesnt work after reboot. manually via build.pro works fine.
posted by temasek>I missed a commit for that. Will be in next build.
Seit der 82 ist das charging deutlich langsamer...
Kann ich nicht bestätigen, läd wie gewohnt

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2
Ich habe nur ab und zu das Problem, das er erst beim zweiten ankoppeln anfängt zu laden.
Wobei dies evtl. auch mit dem Kernel zu tun haben kann.
Hab seit der V82 einen ziemlich hohen Akkuverbrauch, verliere in 6 Stunden über Nacht ca. 10%.


  • Screenshot_2012-10-26-09-53-55.png
    20,4 KB · Aufrufe: 288

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