- 9.458
v.0.9.6 (Complete Rom, 411 MB) (Data/Factory reset NEEDED!!! Because of the XXEMB5 REBASE)
- Total rebase on XXEMB5
- Bring the stock (XXEMB5) kernel back (Boeffla had issues with the mic in some apps sometimes)
- JKay 14.92.9
- Tweaked the init.d script + build.prop a lot! (Rom feels much smoother/faster now!)
- Increased the internal and external SD card Read-Ahead to 256 kb (from 128 kb) (this gives you a little faster read/write speeds)
- GPU rendering init.d script is working now really!
- New Zip-align and SQlite scripts/bins (will run only once in 2 days at boot)
- Removed the double Sony libs (result: rom is 27 MB lighter!)
- Removed 3 un-needed Sony apk's (^^)
- Updated some Sony framework files to the Xperia Z version
- Included the XXEMB5 modem/baseband now
- Picked some WanamLite 6.2 features:
- Updated TrackID to v.3.60.66
- - Unlimited SMS recipient list
- - Automatic SMS encoding (Arabic and other utf-8 encoding support)
- - Tweaked Pegasusq Governor for better Battery life
- - Disabled scrolling cache (smoother scrolling)
- - Larger APN list (If your data/3G wasn't working correctly with the previously versions of my rom, it does work now probably!)
- - Hacked Stock Email App (Exchange security warning removed) (as add-on in post #2)
- - Enabled all supported languages
- - Multi CSC (+126)
- Removed the SensMe slideshow menu option in the Sony Album app (since it wasn't working)
- Maybe some more changes that I forgot...
- Updated (nearly) all the add-ons in post #2 to the XXEMB5 versions
xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][9 MAR][XXEMB5] ~ XperianZe 0.9.6 ~ [Xperia Z inspired][411MB][JKay][Elegant]