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Δ AndyX ROM v3.1 - Android ICS 4.0.3 - Tweaks - Battery % - No TouchWiz - and more Δ![]()
Δ AndyX ROM v3.1 - Android ICS 4.0.3 - Tweaks (performance, battery saving, better signal, etc) - % Battery - No TouchWiz Launcher - And much more Δ
★ Based on Stock Firmware XXLP2 Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
★ Rooted with CF-Root
★ Deodexed
★ Zipaligned
★ Busybox
★ Removed Samsung TouchWiz Launcher
★ Ice Cream Sandwich Interface
★ Applications AOSP ICS 4.0 (Music, MMS, Browser, etc)
★ Includes Superuser.apk
★ Includes FM Radio.apk
★ Includes Widget Time and News .apk
★ Includes Camera.apk
★ Includes Flash Player.apk
★ Includes AndyX ROM Gallery .apk
★ Includes FaceUnlock.apk
★ Performance Tweaks:
* Improved speed data connection
* Improved speed internet connection
* Improved stability
* Improving the quality of images. Jpg and videos. Mp4
* etc
★ New icons (FMRadio, Gallery, Music, Phone, SMS, etc ...)
★ And much more ...
How to install Rom
1 - Being Root
2 - Copy from the PC. AndyX_ROM_v3.0_ICS_4.0.3_XXLP2.zip zip on the SD card
3 - Restart the phone in Recovery Mode
4 - Make Wipes:
* Wipe data
* Wipe cache
* Wipe Dalvik cache
* Wipe battery stats
5 - Install zip from sd card
6 - Locate the file and mark AndyX_ROM_v3.0_ICS_4.0.3_XXLP2.zip as i begin to flash the ROM
7 - Reboot system now
8 - Ready, enjoy the Rom!
* As with any Rom ICS may have its faults, I did not give me any so far, no FCs and no rebootS.
* The data I have gone well, but each phone and data company is a different world, so I will comment you.
* Any damage please report it as a comment on this topic to go to all improving Rom.
* Not 100% themed, missing many aesthetic arrangements, which updates it will change.
* DO NOT use a different kernel than the one that brings the Rom or CyanogenMod (CM9), if u change the Siyah not start the phone.
* If you can change the modem, they can start testing the comment you want and which do best in stability data.
* IMPORTANT: rom should let it settle and with 3 cycles of loading greatly improves battery is tested by me and many users.
Update 1 for v5.1
* Fixed sound notifications in Gmail app
* Fixed DSP Manager.apk
* Added Maps.apk (last version)
* Added ICS Clock.apk
* Added Samsung TTS.apk
* Fixed shutdown (shutdown options)
* Added Flash Player.apk (last version)
* New camera app improvements and themed style with ICS
* New script EFSBackup
* Arrangements in the Framework, System.UI and Settings
Changelogs v5.1
★ Kernel CF-Root fixed
★ 15 in Status Bar Toggles (JKay style) with better changes
★ CRT Effect Off
★ All Languages (Multi CSC)
★ Removed Launcher Trebuchet
Download Trebuchet here: http://depositfiles.com/files/8cahg5d6b
★ Removed Launcher Nova
Download Nova here: http://depositfiles.com/files/2e8fpcqx6
★ NO more crashes or reboots
★ NO more Fc
★ FM Radio working!
★ Added MMS. Apk AOSP (Messaging) working fine now
★ Internal arrangements in the Framework, System.UI and Settings
★ Data and WiFi fixed (hairline in WiFi off)
★ All apns for data...
★ Google Apps Updated to last version (v11)
★ Removed some unnecessary apps...
★ And much more...
Changelogs v5.0
★ Based on Stock Rom XXLPB
★ Modem: XXLPB
★ Kernel CF-Root fixed
★ 15 in Status Bar Toggles (JKay style)
★ CRT Effect Off
★ All Languages (Multi CSC)
★ Added Launcher Trebuchet
★ Added Launcher Nova
★ NO more crashes or reboots
★ NO more Fc
★ FM Radio working!
★ Added Google Messenger.apk
★ Added Samusng service (Account Samsung)
★ Added Google+.apk
★ Data and WiFi signal more better
★ Google Apps Updated to last version (v11)
★ New Bootanimation
★ And much more...
Changelogs v3.1
★ New Modem LP6 (improves stability of the Data)
★ New Kernel LP6
★ 15 in Status Bar Toggles (JKay style)
★ CRT Off effect
★ More Tweaks in build.prop
★ Added AOSP Contacts.apk
★ Added AOSP Phone.apk
★ Added AOSP MMS.apk
★ Added AOSP Calendar.apk
★ Added AOSP Calculator.apk
★ More stability
★ Google Apps Updated to v10
★ And other things I'm forgetting now ...
Download Link v3.1
Thanks to:
* Sammobile by Stocks Roms.
* @Chainfire by the Kernel Root.
* @lidroid
* XDA for giving me this opportunity to share this project with everyone.
* ALL XDA users who support me, help improve this ROM and for the good comments.
* All great Devs of this site, every day you learn a lot from them.
Mi Custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy SII - Android ICS 4.0.3
>>> ROM UPDATE!!!! <<<
Changelogs v5.2
★ Fixed problem to install apps from the Market (sd)
★ Kernel LP6 (improved tactile response failures and lets you install apps on the sd)
**READ** By putting in the v5.2 kernel LP6, the radio stops working, but do this, after having installed the ROM, install all apps that want to market and then flashed by Recovery and without wipes LPB to the kernel will run the radio.
Link to download the Kernel LPB (only those who want them to work the Radio)
★ Fixed dark buttons (for TheAyden)
★ Fixed effect on signal icons
★ Added Polaris original Office
★ Fixed and added Flash Player
★ Arrangements aesthetic in Framework, Settings and System.UI
★ New Icons in Status Bar (Bluethoot, USB, Music, Emails, etc) (blue ICS)
★ Added Widget News and Time (Transparent widget)
★ Added Samsung AccuWeather Widget
★ As with v5.1, Nova and Trbuchet Launcher removed, install them by Recovery.
Trebuchet Launcher Deposit Files
Nova Launcher Deposit Files
★ And other things but I do not remember ...
PLEASE, READ: ROM v5.1 IS NO-WIPE, only wipe Dalvik Cache. If something is wrong you must make 4 wipes! I personally I recommend the 4 wipes, but you may choose to not do so
UPDATE 1 Verfügbar!!
>>>> Download Hier <<<<
<< HERE >>
DOWNLOAD 5.1 Update!!!
<< HERE >>
Download 5.2
Download 7.1
Download 7.2
UPDATE 1 Verfügbar!!
>>>> Download Hier <<<<
<< HERE >>
DOWNLOAD 5.1 Update!!!
<< HERE >>
Download 5.2
Download 7.1
Download 7.2
Und hier noch Kernel fix, und Modem fix, fall irgendetwas davon nicht funktionieren sollte:
Modem Fix: ModemKG5.zip
Kernel Fix: kernel_cm_9_SGS2_01112012.zip
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