Green Lantern
- 203

VillainROM 1.1 für Samsung Galaxy S 2
XDA-Thread: [25/5] [ROM-XWKE7] VillainROM 1.1 for Galaxy S II <<< MOARRR Battery Life Here - xda-developers
Weder ich noch der Developer übernehmen Verantwortung für Schäden und/oder Datenverlust durch das flashen von Roms. Jeder der eine Custom-Rom flasht ist selbst für sein Handeln verantwortlich und muss sich darüber im Klaren sein was die Folgen sein können.
- ROM itself is rooted
- XXKF2 deodexed firmware
- Fully resigned, but with Samsung apps left using stock signatures
- Optimised APKs for speed
- Stock "touchwiz"
- Busybox added (CF Root does this)
Infos zum Flashen:
Step 1- flashing cf-root.
- If you have already flashed cf-root then move onto step 2.
First things first, check what stock rom you are on, go to menu > settings > about and look for key phrases like "KE2" or "KE4" etc this is your kernel number. Make sure this is not the number in the "baseband" line as this is your MODEM version (radio) not kernel.
Then go to this thread - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1103399 and download the kernel for the same version type as you just identified, once downloaded extract from the .zip so you have the .tar file.
Download ODIN if you have not already done so, also in that thread above and extract from the zip.
Install samsung KIES from this link (for drivers) - http://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mo...OFTWARE.MANUAL
Once you have done all this power down your phone and then power back on in download mode. To do this you need to turn the phone on by pressing volume down, home and power all at the same time. You will get a screen asking you to press volume up to confirm.
Now plug your phone into your PC and let it install the drivers.
You are now ready to open ODIN.
Go to the "PDA" box and direct it to the .tar file of the CF-ROOT kernel you downloaded then hit "START". DO NOT TICK OR UNTICK ANY BOXES LEAVE IT AS IT WAS BY DEFAULT.
Once complete the phone will reboot, you can now unplug it, you have root on a stock rom.
Step 2- How to install VillainRom
WARNING, DOING THIS YOU WILL LOSE ALL DATA (that includes apps and sms's, call logs etc etc) BACKUP OR BE PREPARED TO LOSE THEM
Download the latest VillainRom this is a .zip file DO NOT EXTRACT IT!!.
Plug your phone into your pc and place this .zip file onto the root of your internal (or external) SD card.
Once down, unmount, unplug from your PC and then turn off the phone.
Boot into ClockWorkMod recovery by powering on with volume UP, home and power held.
Go to BACKUP and run a backup
Once this is done go to "wipe data/factory reset" then do "wipe cache".
Now you need to go "Install Zip from SD" find your .zip file of VillainRom and flash.
Once complete you can reboot the phone, you will be on VillainRom.
If for some strange reason you get stuck into a boot loop (meaning its taking longer than 10 minutes to boot into the rom) you will need to hold power till the phone turns off, boot into CWM and repeat the wipe and flashing steps above.
Step 3 - Updating CF-ROOT Kernel
Now you are on VillainRom you will need to update the kernel to match the rom. At the time of writing this is the KG1 kernel (but check in IRC or on the rom post if your not sure). This time you will want to keep this as a .zip file.
First of all, install VRTweaks from http://www.villainrom.co.uk/forum/sh...v1.3.1-(29-May), and install it.
Place the CF-ROOT .zip file onto your phone and then open the "CWM" app, once open go to "flash kernel" and point it to that .zip file.
The phone will reboot.
Download the reccomended modem from the rom thread this will be a tar.md5 file DO NOT RENAME IT (it may be in a .zip, if so extract it)
Put your phone into download mode and open Odin.
Click "PHONE" and guide it to the tar.md5 file
Press Start
Phone will reboot and your done
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