CriskeloRom V36.1, JKAY 13.9, ICS Theme-BLN-CallREC-PWR-M-Esxt-(XWKL1-2.3.6)

  • 462 Antworten
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Offensichtlich geht das nicht mehr so einfach. Ich mache das über den Root-Explorer. Wenn man auf die entsprechende Funktion lange drückt, öffnet sich das Menü Galerie / Root-Explorer. Über Root-Explorer nach Criskelo-Addons gehen, dann JKay Deluxe und das entsprechende Icon aussuchen.
Falsche Info von mir.Post einfach vergessen

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Welchen post?

Gesendet mit der
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hab es schon gelöscht gehabt
alles was von mir noch da steht stimmt alles

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

habe folgendes Problem. Seit einiger Zeit funktioniert mein Mikrofon beim telefonieren nicht.

Auch wenn ich während des Telefonats ein Headset einstecke, hört mich der Gegenpart kaum. Es funktioniert nur wenn das Headset vor dem Telefonat angeschlossen ist. Ist das hard- oder softwarebasierend.

Problem taucht erst seit kurzem auf. Seit dem ich Criskelo 29 und shij 2.1 habe.
Wenn es hardwarebasierend ist, habe ich darauf Garantie?
Wenn ich über die Sprachmemo was aufnehme, funktioniert alles perfekt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Du könntest den Text noch mal überarbeiten, das man auch was versteht. ;)

Warum schreibst du nicht im Criskelo Thread?
Danke für die korrektur.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ich habe es jetzt in den Thread des ROM verschoben, bitte editiere Dein erstes Posting mit der Fehlerbeschreibung, so kann man das nicht vernünftig lesen!


Kann mir keiner helfen
interessant wäre, ob Du das Problem auch mit ANDEREN Roms hast...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
ich würde auch sagen du probierst mal eine andere dieses problem ist mir nämlich nicht bekannt

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Egal welche rom?
egal, ja...FullWipe, andere ROM drauf, probieren und berichten....und keine alten Backups zurückspielen!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hab ich gemacht. Jetzt hört man mich ohne unterbrechung. Aber immer noch komplett leise
Dann liegt es scheinbar am Handy
Versuch mal eine reine Samsung Kernel und so
Wenn es dann immer noch ist, ist es ein Hardware fehler

Oder hast du evtl ein case drum?
Wenn ja mach es mal ab
Kann evtl auch daran liegen

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Hab die Original Rom installiert. DAs Problem besteht weiterhin. Case habe ich keins.
cabiol schrieb:
Hab die Original Rom installiert. DAs Problem besteht weiterhin. Case habe ich keins.

Dann wird es an der Hardware liegen
Bist du bei allen leise oder nur bei einer oder bestimmten Personen?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
V31 is on

criskelo schrieb:
Hi Guys ;)

Before install, please remove Jkay 12.1 apk !


* New KJ3 Firmware
* Root + Busybox
* Deodexed
* Zipaligned
* New application to select 25 funds wallpapers interesting
* Included My subject
* Wifi color signal
* Astronaut Boot Animation
* No incremental tone
* Transparent in the shade of notifications and Logo criskelo
* Progress bar + tuned volume
* Animation of old TV off
* Transition Animations
* Battery circular%
* New naming RoleTube application automatically downloaded videos (thanks to @ Julian)
* More wallpapers GalleryCriskelo
* New Market
* On calls by recording
* Photo of extended contact
* Camera Hack (take pictures by pressing VOL + / - focuses Mantero drop down takes the picture) not only for video capture
* Camera Hacked MOD (Better sound 64kbps/16khz -192kbps/44.1Khz compared to standard)
* Hosts updated to remove apps and web advertising
* Added multilanguage T9 Dictionary
* Backup of EFS during flashing folder in / sdcard / EFS_BACKUP By @ Intronaut
* Removed the need to activate roaming on Spanish MVNO (Telstra, Pepephone, etc.).
* Rom version is added in Settings / About phone
* Removed Sound by pressing + / - Volume (bother to take pictures)
* Added AppWidgetPicker (Groups Widgets for alternative application launchers)
* Added Font pack in SDCARD / CRISKELO-ADDONS (apk installed as a normal) Thanks to Syps54
* Added Mod for SMS are not shown in the call log.
* Retouching Graphics icons in Browser, Email etc. ..
* New Look for the calculator Thanks to @ Syps54
* Pack of icons JKay in sdcard / criskelo-addons and more Thanks to @ Syps54
* In CriskeloRom app updates are optional, DialPad3D, rom Lite and other
* New Walpapers In tw app samsung Thanks to @ Syps54
* Fix applied CRT
* New re armed Phone.apk from zero (no tone PhotoContact enlarged + incremental) and No Auto Rotate
* 2 new sources thanks to @ josechufa
* New systemUI (fixed some aesthetic details) PNGs @ Syps
* New Tab Window in the lockscreen thanks to @ SYPS
* New icons for mod Jkay Thanks A @ SYPS See Here
* In-AddOns Criskelo is Jkay Deluxe application setting (it is important first of all uninstall the old one)
* Added app (homeMYhome.apk) lets you select which application opens when you double-click on the HOME button for @ C3K
* New Waplpapers pack for @ SYPS
* New Ringtones, alarm sounds and notifications
* Updated SUPERUSER.apk and Binaries
* Updated Flash Player 11
* Updated Google maps
* The file is added. Nomedia Jkay the icons to prevent display in gallery
* New app in system / app CriskeloRom (see tutorial)
And much more I can not remember

Features in v13 (bold is added since v12.1):
* Added Status bar battery icon on / off toggle
* Added Status bar icon alarm on / off toggle
* Added Status bar icon silent vibration on / off toggle
* Added haptic feedback Home button on / off toggle
* Added Status bar 'Themed clock' toggle on / off: Makes clock and battery level green or whatever color is the theme (blue, gold ...)
* Added Status bar 'Battery Level' toggle on / off: show / hide Battery Percentage battery icon next to
* Added 'No lock screen' as lock screen option selection.
* Added Custom / Temporary quick time-out Screen toggle panel Called 'Screen on'. Temporary Will Set Your screen time-out to a value Between 1 and 210 minutes and reset back to original screen off timeout at.
* Added Quick Launch Panel: Fully customizable quick launch panel (as a toggle, select and / or reorder launch buttons - Including Reboot, Recovery, Download and Power off)
* Fully customizable quick settings panel (select and / or quick setting reorder buttons)
* Fixed security bug (Deluxe uninstall Would Settings turn off secure mode)
* Fixed graphical bug HTC (when Deluxe panel button and no text selected WAS)
* Added: Auto collapse statusbar on / off
* Added: 6 button panel quick on / off
* Removed code from sound toggle padding
* Changed the default shortcuts on lock screen (now only Unlock and Sound toggle at center, so glass left, right and up Will all be unlock and down Will Be silent)
* Added Flashlight to quick toggle panel (It Keeps on screen! So remember to turn it off using button or power button)
* Added Auto brightness panel toggle to quick
* Added Secure toggle to quick panel (Will your unlock screen lock switch to your selected screen while not secure)
* Fixed toggle vibration on panel quick and Phone options dialog (now CORRECTLY switches vibration According To state: always off, always on, only in silent mode, only if not in silent mode)
* Toggle panel for quick Deluxe (requires reboot, Then it's off if only the 5 stock quick That panel buttons are shown)
* On Bluetooth Toggle for notification
* Toggle vibrate icon for status bar (show Only When in silent mode)
* Toggle for charging lock screen info
* Toggle screen lock for next alarm info
* Toggle date for lock screen
* 'Next Alarm' information on lock screens
* Use clock AOSP deluxe style lock on all screens (as a toggle)
* Long date format on all deluxe lock screens (like Monday, September 26 as a toggle)
* Charging information screens on all deluxe lock
* Center clock, date and charging Info on all deluxe lock screens (as a toggle)
* 2 lock screens (Glass JKay JKay AOSP Deluxe and Deluxe)
* Support for Transparent wallpaper!
* Support for Live Wallpapers on Unlock screens (pattern / pin / password)!
* A toggle to remove leading zero of the clock on the lock screen
* A quick toggle button to remove the text (requires reboot)
* A toggle on effect for CRT TV (bypassing Animation setting!)
* To toggle off effect for CRT TV (bypassing Animation setting!)
* A toggle to hide the clock from statusbar (move it over next to date, requires reboot)
* A toggle to remove the carrier from the notification bar label (requires reboot)
* 'Show When secure lock screen' toggle (shows AOSP / Glass lockscreen aka Before unlock screen pattern / pin / password)
* Support for Skipping music track / fm radio station is using vol-up/down-keys when to screen off (as a toggle)
* 15 seconds timeout ... (As a toggle)
* Flashlight on / off toggle lock from Deluxe JKay Both screens (5 mins timeout)
* Sound on / off toggle lock from Deluxe JKay Both screens
* Screenshot from the Power Options dialog
* Full charge notification on / off toggle
* Low battery notification on / off toggle
* Confirm shutdown on / off toggle (Asks for confirmation When using Reboot, Recovery, Download and Power off)
* Correctly colored glow overscroll pngs (for the glow overscroll users out there)
* Support for custom lock screens from launch actions
* Support for custom icons on screen lock JKay Deluxe AOSP
* Support for disabling Home button double click
* Support for home screen on lock screen wallpaper (use live wallpapers on the lock screen like on the good old SMS!)
* Support for lock screen clock on / off
* Support for no animation Unlock
* Long Will click quick launch buttons panel respective menu settings
* Horizontal quick scrollable panel toggles with 4 new Data / Flight mode / Sync and Vibrate
* Support for Vibrate on / off When unlocking
* Support for Dark background on / off
* Supports customizable Power Options Dialog
* Supports SIP & VOIP
* Support for WiFi statusbar icon when to change Fully connected
Falls auch hier die frage aufkommt, die jkay apk ist die app "deluxe settings"

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Habe leider keine Statusbar. 2x alles gewiped.
Also zurück zu Omega.


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