Hallo Zusammen, habe den Weekly- mit dem Stable Beitrag zusammen geführt,
so ist dieser nicht mehr nötig und kann geschlossen werden. Danke!
GalnetMIUI - 1.12.9 Weekly (2.3.7) - 2.11.26 Stable ( ICS Framework 4.01)

Welcome to Chameleon2.3.7
so ist dieser nicht mehr nötig und kann geschlossen werden. Danke!
GalnetMIUI - 1.12.9 Weekly (2.3.7) - 2.11.26 Stable ( ICS Framework 4.01)

Welcome to Chameleon2.3.7

Weekly & Stable Builds
von Sakaschi. Danke!
Das deutsche MIUI Funktion Handbuch
Empfehle ich für alle Neulinge unter euch!!! Handbuch Download
- - Heruntergeladene Miui zip auf die interne sdkarte legen des sgs
- - Boote in die CWM (Clockworkmod Recovery)
- - Wenn du von nem anderen Rom kommst mache ein FULL WIPE (beinhaltet /system /cache /data /dalvik)
- - installiere die Heruntergeladene miui zip von eurer internen SD Karte
Download - Weekly & Stable Builds
Ich oder Android-Hilfe.de übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!

Zukünftig Download direkt bei
- Weekly BUILDS – 1.12.9
Samsung Galaxy S
File Size: 113MB
Languages Supported: English

Stable 2.10.21 - Based on 1.10.14
Our stable roms are based on older versions of MIUI,
the reason behind this is that these builds have been developed to run smoothly on the given framework.
If you are after a newer framework then please look at our weekly builds, these are based on the latest releases from China.
Our roms are packed so all you have to do is copy them across to your Internal SD Card, enter Recovery and Flash.
Please check our forums for detailed guides on how to prepare your phone should you be on your Mobiles Stock Firmware.
File Size: 123MB
MD5: 612258feffcf5d5849e2b50d009758ad
Languages Supported: English

Fullrom: LP: LP-EnDe-miuiscotland_I9000-2.10.21
by mmuuhh. Thanks!
- Weekly BUILDS – 1.12.9
Samsung Galaxy S
File Size: 113MB
Languages Supported: English

Stable 2.10.21 - Based on 1.10.14
Our stable roms are based on older versions of MIUI,
the reason behind this is that these builds have been developed to run smoothly on the given framework.
If you are after a newer framework then please look at our weekly builds, these are based on the latest releases from China.
Our roms are packed so all you have to do is copy them across to your Internal SD Card, enter Recovery and Flash.
Please check our forums for detailed guides on how to prepare your phone should you be on your Mobiles Stock Firmware.
File Size: 123MB
MD5: 612258feffcf5d5849e2b50d009758ad
Languages Supported: English

Fullrom: LP: LP-EnDe-miuiscotland_I9000-2.10.21
by mmuuhh. Thanks!
Multi Sprachpaket von flo2075: I9000-1.12.3-MULTI-flo.zip
My Multidownload (geht schneller):
Support & Anspechparter bei Galnet: Language Packs

Multi Sprachpaket von flo2075: I9000-1.12.3-MULTI-flo.zip
My Multidownload (geht schneller):http://www.multiupload.com/C466D9CHA3
Für 1.12.3 - selbst nicht getestet - von Ben86 das SGS 2 gemacht
MultiLang support for i9100 - Download

Zubehör & Archiv
- Over 100 themes created by fans available
- Original third-party theme-changing program
- Massive online themes for your choice
Calls & SMS
Over 30 optimizations
- T9 smart dialer, easier and faster calls
- Group sending short messages for festivals
- SMS, contacts, call logs backup
Interactive development
- MIUI Developer Team, over 100,000 MIUI fans
- Weekly update of new features
- Keep up with the latest Android system
Privacy protection
- Precise interception of harassing calls and junk messages
- Desktop folders encryption, hiding important programs
- Unique guest mode, hiding all messages and call logs
- I9100 No Signal Issue Resolvement
- I9100 Correct KI4 Modem Flash
- I9000, I897, Vibrate Correct Update-Script (Thanks to MintBerry)
- I9000, I897, Vibrate Battery and Ram Improvements
- I9000, I897, Vibrate & I91000 WIFI Improvements (signal)
- Improvements to Ram and Battery within other builds
- System tweaks for UI Scrolling across all builds
- Corrected Stagefright on I9000, I897, Vibrate Builds
Galnet Themes & Lockscreen
post 2
Our Team
Galnet - Lead Developer
LttlDvl - Developer and PR
RosieKins - Graphics
Thaddeus - Graphics
Trialsrider1 - Tester
Dara - Tester
Zach - Kernel Developer
Social Network

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*jeweilige Liste die Euch gefällt, Informiert fühlt
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