[ROM] Galnet Miui Weekly 2.3.7

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Ich muss leider meine Aussage von vorhin revidieren. Es sah bis Mittags sehr sehr gut aus. Kaum Akku verbraucht und danach gings auf einmal rapide Berg ab. Also von 7 bis 16 Uhr recht stark genutzt dann Feierabend und dann werde ich es wohl gleich wieder anstecken müssen. Schade. Naja mein neuer Akku solltebald kommen. Vllt bringt der etwas.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Bitte nicht schlagen, vieleicht bin ich einfach zu blind ...
Wo kann ich das Rom auf Deutsch umstellen?
Es steht ja En/De da?!
Bei läuft die ganze Zeit der Prozess android os. Der zieht mein Akku leer. Hat jemand eine Ahnung was da schief gelaufen ist. Habe JVS und galenet final drauf.

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mach einmal

advanced task killer
[auch deaktivieren, dass es nicht beim hochfahren automatisch gestartet wird bzw. im Hintergrund geladen bleibt]

usage timelines
[abschalten, dass es beim hochfahren startet -> [ ] autostart ]


autokiller memory optimizer


diese sollten anzeigen, was genau im Hintergrund läuft

evtl. noch mit Titanium Backup unnötige Programme sichern & dann de-installieren
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Danke. Ich habe galnet noch mal neu drauf gemacht. Werde deinen Rat befolgen. Bei meinen Apps muß ich mir halt die Arbeit machen alle neu runterzuladen. Ich will sie nicht über TB drauf machen. Ich nehme an da liegt das Problem.
Nach erneutem Flash hab ich das Rom nun auf Deutsch...allerdings finde ich nicht die Option wo ich die Vibrationintensität einstellen kann. Weil das vibriert mir standartmäßig zu viel.
gibts net
Vibration ist leider entweder an oder aus. Nur bei eigenen Tastaturen kann man die Intensität einstellen.

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-MaD- schrieb:
Vibration ist leider entweder an oder aus. Nur bei eigenen Tastaturen kann man die Intensität einstellen.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Das ist traurig. :crying:

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Little Devil (LttlDvl)hat mal wieder Neuigkeiten:

"Big News! We Made Contact with MIUI!
« Topic Start: Today at 07:43:45 pm »
As the subject says, we have been in contact with MIUI over the last few days, and things are good!

We have both been discussing ways to make MIUI better, and as a result, we have both decided to work closer together in order to produce a much better ROM for everyone!

This means that we have direct access to the originators of the ROM, so we will be able to put forward suggestions from ourselves, as well as everyone here to MIUI themselves so that we can both improve things for everyone, with the ultimate goal of becoming the ROM of choice for Android devices.

While there has been alot of opinions from people regarding "which ROM is better than stock MIUI", we feel that we have had a symbiotic relationship with MIUI. After all, without them continuing to develop the ROM, we wouldn't have our alternative version of the ROM to release to everyone.

In order to commemorate this incredible event, we are going to be changing the whole site over time. This will begin with a brand new main site on Friday. This is the first design collaboration between Galnet and myself as far as the website has gone. The original design was all my own work, and the site we currently have was a collaboration of the whole team. Since Galnet and myself have our own Web Design businesses, we decided to pool together our skills and create the first of hopefully many sites together.

We have the site itself about 98% complete, but we're not letting the cat out of the bag early on this You will just have to be patient and wait for it.

Once the new site is fully rolled out, there will be drastic changes to the way that things are run. I will release another announcement on this when the time is right to tell you all about this.

As you will hopefully agree, this is truly a momentus event! We have had around 3 million downloads and have a userbase of around 300,000 people from all over the world, speaking many different languages, we are so proud of our achivements to date, I am actually at a loss to say how proud we are, and how thankful we are to everyone who has been a part of the ride so far.

One thing I will add to this though, is, long may it continue!Big News! We Made Contact with MIUI!
« Topic Start: Today at 07:43:45 pm »
As the subject says, we have been in contact with MIUI over the last few days, and things are good!

We have both been discussing ways to make MIUI better, and as a result, we have both decided to work closer together in order to produce a much better ROM for everyone!

This means that we have direct access to the originators of the ROM, so we will be able to put forward suggestions from ourselves, as well as everyone here to MIUI themselves so that we can both improve things for everyone, with the ultimate goal of becoming the ROM of choice for Android devices.

While there has been alot of opinions from people regarding "which ROM is better than stock MIUI", we feel that we have had a symbiotic relationship with MIUI. After all, without them continuing to develop the ROM, we wouldn't have our alternative version of the ROM to release to everyone.

In order to commemorate this incredible event, we are going to be changing the whole site over time. This will begin with a brand new main site on Friday. This is the first design collaboration between Galnet and myself as far as the website has gone. The original design was all my own work, and the site we currently have was a collaboration of the whole team. Since Galnet and myself have our own Web Design businesses, we decided to pool together our skills and create the first of hopefully many sites together.

We have the site itself about 98% complete, but we're not letting the cat out of the bag early on this You will just have to be patient and wait for it.

Once the new site is fully rolled out, there will be drastic changes to the way that things are run. I will release another announcement on this when the time is right to tell you all about this.

As you will hopefully agree, this is truly a momentus event! We have had around 3 million downloads and have a userbase of around 300,000 people from all over the world, speaking many different languages, we are so proud of our achivements to date, I am actually at a loss to say how proud we are, and how thankful we are to everyone who has been a part of the ride so far.

One thing I will add to this though, is, long may it continue!"
hi ich finde das galned miui sehr interresand,
da ich gerade auf cm7 + ginger boodloader habe,
wollte ich fragen ob man einfach das miui drauf flashen kann per cwm? und fals es mir doch nicht gefählt mit nem nandroid zurück?
Geht meist gut- mach halt ev noch ein Backup deiner Apps, Settings und SMS/Kontakte, falls es zu FCs kommt und du doch eine Wipeinstallation machen musst.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Green Horn
der neo thread ist woanders ;)
das bootlogo ist allerdings wirklich schrecklich :p

SGS MIUI-Galnet Chameleon Final JVR Modem - gesendet mit tapatalk
Ich geh erst wieder zurück auf Miui wenn HD-Aufnahme zuverlässig ohne Ruckler klappt, dass hat mir letztes Wochenende ne Konzertaufnahme total versaut. Die sollen mal weniger Show machen und mehr Taten sprechen lassen ;)
GalnetMIUI is Evolving - Update!

« Topic Start: Yesterday at 10:04:39 pm »

Originaltext: LttlDvl

Im sure that you have all seen Galnets teaser with regards to the new main site design. We would like to announce that the site has now been completed, and is ready to launch for Friday with new releases for everybody!

As I have said before, things will be changing. And this update reveals what some of these changes are. We feel that these will be welcome changes!

ROM Releases

We have decided to implement a popular choice as far as our release schedule goes. We will now be releasing both Stable AND Weekly releases!

What this means:

Weekly Releases: These will be the stock MIUI weekly release, but will contain some fixes from us in order to ensure speed and stability. We will also fix as many compatibility issues with the release as possible in the timeframe that we have to work on them. There is NO test period with these releases!

Stable Releases: This is the full on GalnetMIUI experience! This will include ALL of our fixes, but it will not be released weekly. This will be released on an as and when it's ready basis.

What does this mean for our Groupies?

This will not affect our groupies in any way. They will have access to our development releases of our stable build. These will be tested in house prior to being released to the groupies to iron out the vast majority of the bugs, however THESE WILL STILL BE RELEASED AS BETAS TO GROUPIES ONLY! We hope that our Groupies will be able to provide us with feedback regarding issues that are present in each release so that we can look into them prior to the next Stable release.

New Forum Rules

While we shouldn't really have to do this, we will be introducing a new series of forum rules to ensure that everyone is treated with the respect that they deserve.

Further to this, we will run a ZERO TOLERANCE policy to requests. While it's nice to post requests, these simply clutter up the forums. We will work with MIUI to deliver the best possible ROM for everybody, but we will do it over time. We don't want to have people feeling let down because their requests weren't included in future developments of the ROM. It really is better this way as it keeps the forums tidy, and saves announcement posts, or other threads from being cluttered.

We will also be including a posting guideline in order to help you get help faster. This will all become apparent in time.

We hope that these changes are exciting for you as they are for us!

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 10:09:18 pm by RosieKins »


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Test Application Published to Market

« Topic Start: Today at 04:01:59 pm »

If your on the Android Market and so happen to type "GalnetMIUI", your notice that there is a FREE applications which was released on 1 of the roms about a month ago!

It's a bit of fun, and can be downloaded onto any device.
Have a laugh, and see what you think.

Ich hab mir die app mal runtergeladen, dann wollte ich aus dem market zurück zum launcher aber das hat nur fc's verursacht. Nach deinstallation ging alles wieder.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Aschenbecher schrieb:
der neo thread ist woanders ;)
das bootlogo ist allerdings wirklich schrecklich :p

SGS MIUI-Galnet Chameleon Final JVR Modem - gesendet mit tapatalk

na dann mach doch bitte ein besseres Logo mit Bezug zum Thema :)

ich bin offen dafür :thumbup:

zum Thema:

jetzt werden hoffentlich einige Fehler schneller behoben bzw. Verbesserungsvorschläge schneller eingepflegt

mal schauen was die Zukunft bringt ^^
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