[ROM] Galnet Miui Weekly 2.3.7

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Viele schöne Worte. Jedoch kaum konkrete Aussagen.

Aber wir werden ja sehen was das WIRKLICH für uns bringen könnte.

Galnet hat schon vor vielen Wochen versprochen, das Batterieproblem zu lösen, das 720p Recording, das FM Radio.

Warten wir es einfach ab, ich sehe das emotionslos. Entweder wird es richtig gut, oder eben nicht. Bevor wir das nicht KONKRET ausprobieren konnten sind alle Erwartungen reine Spekulation.

... und ...... es MUSS 100% zu MIUI kompatibel sein, sonst bringt es wenig.........
News by lttldvl /xda: KLICK


Just to give you a bit of an update (it's nothing i've not already said on the official forums already), but here's some frequently asked issues I can clear up.

  • Battery Life: With the development version im currently running now, it's everybit as good as, and in my opinion better than stock battery life.
  • UI: It will for all intents and purposes look identical to what you are used to seeing. All the original theme compatability will still be there.
  • ROM Base: It will be based on 2.3.5
  • Speed: If you think v6 is fast, wait until this is released!

We are working on getting things running a good as we can get them at the moment, but please be patient. All the "When will it be released?" questions are just annoying to be blunt. We want this released as much as you do, but we WILL NOT release it until we feel it's good enough. We are picky as anything, and if it isn't good enough for us to use as a daily ROM, we won't expect anyone else to use it.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: marx1201 und SlntBob
...das klingt ja fast zu schön um wahr zu sein oO
Es ist davon auszugehen das es so kommt,
denn CM7 & MIUI.us ist schon die Android Version 2.3.5
Ich bin gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen! Hoffentlich habe ich nicht zu hohe Erwartungen an das Ding!
Wir müssen Uns wohl noch weiter gedulden!

Originaltext von Galnet: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/content/forum/announcements/eta-of-release/

The Development of the rom is taking longer than expected. We are testing, and retesting everything in order to make sure that this release is THE BEST rom on the Samsung Galaxy handsets.

Asking when the release is going to be is only delaying the launch, we are working day and night to get this perfect.

Think about it... it has taken MIUI over 40+ weeks to develop we are trying to do this in weeks..!

Whats more we are trying our hardest to overcome issues set by the CM, MIUI and Samsung teams.

We have come up with a simple solution to these requests, for everytime we hear "When is it being released, we will add 1 HOUR onto the release time"..!

So be patient and give us time!

Hi, könnte ich von FitMiui hier einfach rüberwechseln per install zip von SD???


Normal reicht Cache Wipe , System Wipe und Data Wipe ...

Aber musste auch schon einen Fullwipe machen ...

Einfach mal das erstere Probieren , wenn das nicht geht dann Full...
Wann kommt den was neues raus von galnet? Ich muss echt sagen das die v6 mir nicht gefällt, ich bin wieder auf die v5.2 gegangen weil der Akku da besser ist und ich da auch keine fc's habe als bei der v6!
@ flatulenzius
Cache und System formiert Galnet 6.0 eh automatisch. Würde den Dalvik Cache löschen und dann die Rom installieren. Dürfte eigentlich so klappen, ansonsten Fullwipe!
zash schrieb:
Viele schöne Worte. Jedoch kaum konkrete Aussagen.

Aber wir werden ja sehen was das WIRKLICH für uns bringen könnte.

Galnet hat schon vor vielen Wochen versprochen, das Batterieproblem zu lösen, das 720p Recording, das FM Radio.

Warten wir es einfach ab, ich sehe das emotionslos. Entweder wird es richtig gut, oder eben nicht. Bevor wir das nicht KONKRET ausprobieren konnten sind alle Erwartungen reine Spekulation.

... und ...... es MUSS 100% zu MIUI kompatibel sein, sonst bringt es wenig.........

Das ist ähnlich zu Bewerten, wie das Ankündigen von Mambo04 (Comming Soon), liegt auch schon die zweite Woche zurück.

Gelesen und Gesehen hat man von Ihm aber nichts mehr!

Abwarten und Tee trinken, ;)
Komplett: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/content...twooey!/?PHPSESSID=0dbs8k2vnfo4cb35fs4uugeeu6
We know that you have all been really excited about the development of the new ROM, and I am pleased to be able to give you all an update as to our progress!

Firstly, get ready to say hello to the next version of GalnetMIUI Twooey!

Here's a shortlist of the features of the rom:

MIUI 1.7.22 level of features: This has been found to be the most stable in our test builds so far.
Rom Base: The rom will be based on Gingerbread 2.3.5
Multi-Language Capability: Due to it being 1.7.22 equivalent, this will mean that the existing v6 Multi-Language pack will work with the next rom.
Battery Life: Outside of the current test I have been doing with the development version of the ROM I am using, Galnet has reported 48% remaining after 2 days (yes, 2 days) of uptime on the release ready version of the rom.
Brand New Boot animation
Brand New default theme: This is still a work in progress

Our primary focus has been on speed, stability and battery life for this first release. The use of MIUI 1.7.22 above was due to the fact that MIUI 1.7.29 is simply too full of bugs to be able to provide a stable ROM, however we have further developed 1.7.22 to have some of the features of 1.7.29.

As we now move on to building on the foundation that we have made, we will be able to easily integrate features from any future MIUI release, but in a way that provides the best possible integration for the Galaxy S and derivative devices.

What is left to be done:

The ROM itself is now ready to be launched, however we still need to finish work on the theme that will be released with Twooey, and we also need to continue some kernel development before we feel it is ready to go.

But you can rest assured that the release of GalnetMIUI Twooey is getting closer and closer, and we will keep you up to date as much as we can with the progress of what we have left to do!

We have also developed a new theme for the forum so that it ties in with the new UI design, so when you see the site change you'll know that Twooey is either released, or will be released that day
  • Danke
Reaktionen: SlntBob und marx1201
News von Galnet!

Originaltext: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] GALNET MIUI v6 VERSION, BASED ON OFFICIAL 1.7.22 - 22/07/11 - STABLE

GalnetMIUI - Twooey - Announcement
Firstly let me appologise for not being active on the forums for ages, however I think you will agree, spending my time developing a perfect rom is time better spent.

So what is GalnetMIUI Twooey?

It is a blend of Stock (Samsung), CM7 and MIUI Frameworks. It is based of 1.7.22 MIUI Release and Samsung JVP, and the lastest nightly build of CM7.

The framework has been setup to allow for "TWEAKS" to be added quickly whilst providing the best possible MIUI Experience to the end users.

What's included?

Everything you have been used to with MIUI, themes and speed. Now with additional battery life and an overall improvement to the system and reduced force closing.

Applications which struggled to run correctly on MIUI Framework should now run smoothly on the new framework due to the additional coding added from the STOCK samsung Framework.

Sensors are more reponsive and colours more vibrent. We have even fixed the Vibration issues caused by the MIUI Developers.

What about TV Out and FM Radio?

We are developing our own Application to handle FM Radio, as we have all the required drivers and source for this to work, we find it better to develope our own application to handle this. We can swear FM Radio is coming soon!

TV Out, again this requires a custom Toggle to be made, and this is in the works as I type this, who knows before release this might actually be fixed and working.. no promises, but again we are testing and testing again.

Source Code

Galnet Internet Services & Chameleon Webhosting are the companies sponsoring this build, and as Galnet Internet Services & Chameleon are companies, we are in agreeance that any coding that we have added or excluded will be published in due time.

You have to respect that we are dealing with 2 companies who like to keep their coding Private (Closed Sourced) as such we CAN NOT and will NOT publish any coding we have found whilst developing this rom belonging to Samsung or MIUI.

GPL will be published, and can already be found "Simply search Vorbeth GitHub" and your find it.!


We are aiming to release the rom by the end of this week..!

Final Comment

We (MY TEAM) are greatful to all the developers who have worked on the Samsung Galaxy S and in no manner whatsoever are we disrespecting any of the developers PAST or PRESENT. I having always shown respect to fellow developers and will always continue to do so. Anyone wishing to mix my words can personally contact me where I will be happy to resolve any differences.

Kindest Regards,


GalnetMIUI - Twooey Online!
wie läuft die twooey? anmerkungen gibt es fc? etc pp ?
Habe es gerade erst Heruntergeladen.

  • Installation wieder wie Vorher gewohnt
  • 4 Way Reboot funkioniert, wie auch schon beim MIUI.us, Vollständig
  • Basiert auch auf 2.3.5 - Changelog Post 1 entnehmen
  • neuer Kernel von Vorbeth integriert

  • Es ist zu Empfehlen vor dem Reboot ein Voll Wipe zu machen
  • das MultiSprachpaket 1.7.22 kann nachinstalliert werden - Geht!

Erster Eindruck:

  • es läuft sehr Flüssig

  • Backup funkioniert auch gewohnt, ohne komplikationen

Weiteres gibt es im laufe des Tages
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ist das jetzt eine neue ROM?
ja ich würde mal sagen so ein zwitterding ;) es ist die china miui base mit (mehr) code aus dem original samsung framework und cm7 basierend auf 2.3.5

naja sobald mein sgs vollgeladen ist wirds ausprobiert, bin ja schon sehr gespannt auf die akkuleistung
Battery Life: Outside of the current test I have been doing with the development version of the ROM I am using, Galnet has reported 48% remaining after 2 days (yes, 2 days) of uptime on the release ready version of the rom.

ich kanns nicht ganz glauben, aber es wäre schon der burner wenn das wirklich stimmt...
Wo kann ich die runterladen? Weil ich sehe kein Link! Oder bin ich zu böld gerade :D
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