Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
- 52

*Be sure you come from Stock JVR Gingerbread ( for best results )
*everything about it here
*Flash this Custom Kernel
*everything about it here
*Copy Blockbusterx.x to internal SD Card
*Reboot into Recovery Mode ( press volume up button + home button + power button )
*Flash Blockbusterx.x via CWM (all your data will be wiped)
*Automatic Reboot - Wait for phone to start up
*First start takes a while...
*Now is the Blockbuster Rom installed
*Reboot into Recovery Mode
*Install Customizations via CWM
*Based on XXJVT Gingerbread 2.3.5
*Busybox 1.18.4
*Big APN List
*Multi CSC
*3D Fix, no more blur from 3d apps
*OC/UV ( use Voltage vontrol by Xan )
*Voodoo Sound v10
*Scripts and Tweaks for better performance
*Bln ( download Neldar Bln control )
*Long Battery Life
*Automatic Convert to Ext4
*Extended Power Menu
*9 Lockscreens ( use edt app )
*Tv Off Animation ( Go Settings -> Display -> Animation and set to "All Animations")
*Drop In Animation
*Themed Gingerbread Keyboard
*White Overscroll glow animation
*Apps and Framework optimized
*3 Keyboards (Swype, Samsung Keyboard, Gingerbread Keyboard)
*PNGs optimized
*TitaniumBackup Free
*Hacked Camer
*Hacked Browser
*Go Launcher
*Miui Music
*SGS 2 Email and Email Widget
*GTalk 1.3
Topas-Kernel Thread
*Based on latest source from Samsung Open Source Release Center
*EXT4 and RFS support with autodetection
*OC/UV ( use Voltage Control )
*Voodoo Sound v10
*Voodoo Color settings ( download Voodoo Control app from Market do adjust color settings )
*Voodoo Lagfix ( use Voodoo Control App or CWM to activate Voodoo Lagfix )
*340 Ram
*XZ kernel compression
*BLN support
*100/200/400/800/1000/1200MHZ CPU steps
*CPU clock speed switch is now faster
*SIO / VR IO Schedulers
*OC/UV support up to 1.2ghz
*Lowmemorykiller tuning
*init.d support
*Bootanimation support /system/media/sanim.zip


*Speedmod Kernel
hardcore*Titanium Backup
matrixrewriter*SD Speedfix
Brainmaster*Ram optimization Script
Juwe11*9-Lockscreen Source
Whitehawkx *Theme
regedy1 & philippsp *3D-Fix
raksan*Hacked Browser
Steven1811*Hacked Camera
All Donaters*TSM Parts 2.0
sbrissen*Modded Tw4
Fr4gg0r *Superuser
birgertime*Help development
diamond69*EEv4 Kernel
Lukiqq *Beta testing
Argyelus *Ext4 Tool
Chainfire *Voltage Control
xan thank's all devs they answer my question
***Blockbuster 2.1***
*Fix SGS2 Unlock
*Update TitaniumBackup.apk
*Update Superuser.apk and Binary
*New Statusbar
*Themed Market
*Rotary Unlock size fix
*Add Voltage Control by Xan
*Add Faster Fix for better GPS
*Update Gtalk 1.3
*Add GenieWidget.apk
*Test S_loopy_smoothness_tweak
***Blockbuster 2.2***
*New update-script
*Add /system/etc/init.d/S_volt_scheduler
*Add /system/etc/init.d/S98system_tweak
*Remove Protip.apk
*Remove Pressreader.apk
*Remove syncmlds.apk
*Remove syncmldm.apk
*Remove SetupWizard.apk
*Remove DownloadProviderUi.apk
*Remove InfoAlarm.apk
*Remove Juwe Ram optimization Script
*Remove /system/lib/plugins
*Remove SamsungWidget_CalendarClock.apk
*Improved performance
*Fixed SU Issues
*System Speed Tweaks
***Blockbuster 2.3***
*Fix call reboot
*Phone.apk more themed
*Screen rotary unlock fix
*Recompile android.policy
*Back to stock market
*Fix Extended Power Menu
*Change Kernel to 0.3.1 Talon 1200mhz
*Add Dolphin Browser
*Other small fixes
***Blockbuster 2.4***
*Add skype thanks theos0o
*Add JVQ Browser thanks ykk_five
*Add SGS2 Email und Widget.apk
*Now blue text is white
*New ui sounds
*Statusbar fix
*4 lockscreen einherjar is now message
*Change kernel to EEv4 final + Voodoo Colore
*Copy, paste, cut right size now
*Update Titanium Backup
*Remove Dolphin Browser
*Remove Quickpic
*Phone-fix thanks fallenfuzz
*Fix Unlock text now is correct if battery low
*And much much more which I do not know
*Uncountable Fixes
***Blockbuster 2.4.5***
*Update Galaxian Kernel 1.3
*Android Market 3.026
*New Statusbar Backround
*New Transition Effect
***Blockbuster 2.5***
*Update Galaxian Kernel to EE1.6
*Add Bootanimation
*Add Blockbuster app
*New Startup and ChargerConnection Sound
*Update Titanium Backup
*Add TouchWizCalendar
*Add CF-Root-ext4-v1.3-Addon
*New Wallpaper
*Remove Ramscript
***Blockbuster 2.5.1***
*Fix Call Phone FC
*Update Galaxian Kernel to EE1.7
*Add non_wipe Version
***Blockbuster 2.6***
*Remove Blockbuster App
*Update Galaxian Kernel EE2.2
*Remove SnsAccount.apk
*Remove SnsProvider
*Remove CF-Root-ext4-v1.3-Addon
*Remove Adw-launcher
*Black Popup Window
*Ext4 by default
*Update Go Launcher
*Edt Tweak work now
*Blacker Market
*Update Titanium Backup
*JVQ Lagfree Browser
*New Bootanimation
***Blockbuster 3.0***
New Bootanimation look
Remove Stock Mp3Player
Add MiuiMusic now all lockscreen use MiuiMusic
Remove Gallery3D
Add QuickPic
Update Voltage Control
SmartAss Governor
Update Google Apps to 2.3.5
Add Neldar BLN Control Free
Remove Auto Exr4 Converter
Add CF-Root-ext4-v1.3-Addon
Update LatinIME.apk
Update /system/etc/hosts
New Backround Phone.apk
Update Kernel to Galaxian EE2.7
***Blockbuster 3.5***
*Update to JVR
***Blockbuster 4.0***
*Full APN list, all networks for 2.3.4 GB thanks Ronaldo_9
*Edited LogsProvider.apk Thanks juffo for source
*Remove Go Launcher
*Add TW4.5 Launcher
*Some Fixes
*Update Galaxian Kernel to GalaxianGT_SP1
***Blockbuster 5.0***
*Youtube v2.1.6 with Download Extension!!! thanks rolle3k
*Themed tw3 thanks pawitp for mod
*New Wallpaper
*Dockbar in settings
*JVR Browser fix useragenet 8 tab
*Change some color twframework-res.apk
*Remove TW4.5
*Update Titanium Backup
*Update Quickpic
*Some color changes in apks
*Change Battery and data icons
*Battery restore thanks Galnet
*MiuiMusic V3
*Arabic patch 0.810 thanks madmack see attachments
*Themed Calculator
*Clean up
*Update Galaxian Kernel latest EE
*And some some other i forgot
***Blockbuster 5.5***
*Change Wallpaper
*Fix Bln now works on stock sms
*Update Market 3.1.3
*Add missed Fonts
*Update Titanium Backup
*Update GoLauncher
*Update Galaxian Kernel
*New Call Backround
*Add [TWEAK] S.A.S / Samsung Adrenaline Shotv6 thanks Team Acid and dsexton702
*Update Flash Player
*Gtalk work now with FFC
*no increase ringtone thanks no.one.writeme
***Blockbuster 6.0 aka Topas Edition***
*Update some Apps
*New Kernel
*Minor Bugfixes
*Update CSC and Modem
*More faster more smoother than ever
*Themed Android 2.3.5 Keyboard with Vibration
***Blockbuster 7.0***
*Rom is now based on JVT
*New Blockbuster Speed Script for better Ram usage
*New Lockscreens
*Change your Lockscreens in Settings.apk
*Changed Wallpaper
*Upgraded Market 3.2.0
*Add new ICS Font
* Re - build hole Rom -> More Speeedddd....
Blockbuster Rom ...and living is easy...
und falls nicht:
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Fragen/Probleme/Anregungen gerne hier
Blockbuster Rom ...and living is easy...
und falls nicht:
Du hast eine Frage, die nicht warten kann???
Dann schick doch eine SMS an +4915703845389 direkt zum Entwickler*
Deine Frage wird schnellstmöglich beantwortet
*Da dies eine ganz normale Handy-Nummer ist werden dir nur die Standardkosten einer SMS berechnet
Gefällt dir meine Arbeit? Dann unterstütze mich doch mit einer kleinen Spende.
Du kannst uns damit zB einen Developer Account im Market ermöglichen,
mit dem wir eine App für einfacheres flashen veröffentlichen können.

Fragen/Probleme/Anregungen gerne hier
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