Ambitioniertes Mitglied
- 52
Dieser Thread ist "nur" eine Kopie des Originals auf XDA. Ich werde diesen hier aktuell halten und für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen. Weiterhin werde ich nach und nach noch den Rest übersetzen (kann ein paar tage dauern :/ ).

Nameless Official Support Arena

Join Nameless Bugs And Fixes
Ich oder mein Team übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für Schäden oder ähnliches die eventuell durch die Verwendung dieser ROM oder des Kernels entstehen können. Es ist deine alleinige Entscheidung unser ROM und Kernel zu verwenden und alles was daraus resultiert liegt in deiner Verantwortung.
Nutze nichts von unsere Arbeit ohne uns zu kontaktieren und um Erlaubnis zu bitten!
General Features
★ Multi Dpi
★ NamelessKernel
★ Rooted
★ Zipaligned
★ Deodexed
★ Busybox
★ SuperSU
★ Android Lollipop Memory Leak Fix
★ 300 Fonts
★ Init.d Support
★ KNOX Free
★ Data/App Support
★ Multi-User Support
★ Clock Mod
★ 3Minit Battery Mod
★ Torchlight Option Mod
★ Working Private Mode
★ No Increasing Ringtone
★ Auto Call Recording Mod
★ Auto Start Management Mod
★ Maximum Status-Bar Brightness
★ External SD Card Read/Write Fix
★ Disabled Signature App Verification
★ Disabled Package Verifier As Default
★ 5 Way Reboot
★ TouchWiz Smooth Scrolling
★ Build.prop And CSC Feature Tweaks
★ All Apps In Multi-Window
★ Disabled SMS Log History In Call Logs
★ Install Older Versions Of Apps On Top Of Newer Versions
★ Improved Performance And Enhanced 3D Gaming Experience
★ Removed Knox And Security Software Version Info In About Device Screen
★ Increased Samsung Camera JPEG Image Quality Up For Normal Mode And Burst Shot To 100%
★ Enabled App Ops Permission Manager
★ All Apps Multi-Window Multi-Instance, Unlimited Multi-Window Pen-Window Pop-Up On Display Apps With Multi-Instance Mod
★ Unlimited Favourites Contacts, SMS/MMS Max Slide Count, Recipient Limit, Messages Per Thread, Max Subject Length, And Maximum Email Address Length
★ Enabled Floating Air Message, Combine And Forward Message, Chat Settings, CallBack Number, MMS Mobile Data Off, Sender Information When Forwarding Message, Message Priority/Validity, MMS Send Delivery Reports, MMS Delivery Time, Add Subject Field, Manage SD Card Messages, And Copy To SIM/Save To Draft/Reply All/Priority Level In Composing List Mods In Stock Messaging App.
★ SMS to MMS threshold increase to 999
★ Enabled Call and Message block in Settings
★ Disabled Scrolling Cache
★ Save And Restore Text Messages Using The Messaging App
★ Enabled Group Conversations In Stock Messaging App
★ Shutter sound on/off in camera settings
★ Performance And Battery Enhancements
and much more.....
Nameless Customs
★ Phone Mods
★ Quick Setting Panel Mods
★ Nameless Optimizer
★ Statusbar Mods Options
★ SystemUi Mods
★ Dpi Changer
★ Ad Away
★ Tw Launcher Settings
★ Backup & Restore
Change Log
Version 6
For the ROM
Hey Guys Here's a changelog for v6
Dont Expect too Long of this from me
☆ Based on N910GDTU1COL2_N910GOLB1COL3_MM1
☆ Few knox libs removed
☆ Reverted su to 2.52 latest one had system mounting issue
☆ New Rom Customizer App ☆Redesigned☆
☆ New Edits For performance
☆ Fixed 6X6 home 6 dock and 6 menu Tw Launcher * just use this at lower dpi then stock*
☆ Added new 6X6 home 6 dock and 6 x7 menu
☆ Added flash light and screenshot in power menu ^ thanks to senthil360*
☆ Added dialer themeing options added
☆ Added compatiable xposed in customizer app for v6
☆ Added lock screen rotation with toggle in Rom Customizer
☆ Added ability to install older version of apps on newer
☆ Fixed safe volume warning * added in SystemUI Based mods
☆ Fixed sms multi language with floating message included
☆ Fixed side panel and one hand operation
Changelog For the OptimizerVersion 6
For the ROM
Hey Guys Here's a changelog for v6
Dont Expect too Long of this from me

☆ Based on N910GDTU1COL2_N910GOLB1COL3_MM1
☆ Few knox libs removed
☆ Reverted su to 2.52 latest one had system mounting issue
☆ New Rom Customizer App ☆Redesigned☆
☆ New Edits For performance
☆ Fixed 6X6 home 6 dock and 6 menu Tw Launcher * just use this at lower dpi then stock*

☆ Added new 6X6 home 6 dock and 6 x7 menu

☆ Added flash light and screenshot in power menu ^ thanks to senthil360*

☆ Added dialer themeing options added

☆ Added compatiable xposed in customizer app for v6

☆ Added lock screen rotation with toggle in Rom Customizer

☆ Added ability to install older version of apps on newer
☆ Fixed safe volume warning * added in SystemUI Based mods
☆ Fixed sms multi language with floating message included
☆ Fixed side panel and one hand operation

[5.1.1]||G/F||Tw☆Nameless☆Rom||Kernel★V6★Multi Dpi☆Light★Fast★BatteryFriendly - Post #2748
★ Mods & Fixes
New Mods_fixes
★ Special Thanks To
My family
My Team
Xda Community
Samsung For Source File
Paget96 For L Speed and being one amazing helpful person , mate thanks alot
sawdoctor for spending his time solving my problems , your a great person bro
SuperR. for his amazing linux based kitchen
thereassaad for countless help on uncountable things
Psycho_666 for all the help regarding mods , amazing dev he is
murat25750 thanks bro for always helping me out whenever i need
tdunham for his amazing guides
remuntada78 for his lock screen clock mods and amazing work
Morningstar for internet meter
MattBooth for Ota updates
iHelp101 for insta downloader but specially being a very amazing helpful dev
daxgirl and all the member who have some how helped me in any way
kmokhtar79 n Didact for various guides
svadev For Lollipop Deodexer
Dr.Ketan For all the help here on xda , i have learnt alot from you mate
gharrington For 3 Minit Battery Mod
please pm me if i have forgotten someone
Er. Aditya, Crimsonthunder, psyntific, Senthil360, AlexMullerSA, vbaschen
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