- 1.852
!!!Weder ich noch Android-Hilfe übernehmen eine Haftung sollte durch das flaschen dieser Rom euer Note 4 defekt werden!!!
Willkommen zum Omega's Thread für das Samsung Galaxy Note 4 N910F
Omega v1.2 Android 4.4.4
Basierend auf der Firmware XXU1ANK4 Android 4.4.4 (Date: 17/11/2014)
Die Rom enthält folgendes:
Euer Note 4 sollte bereits ein Custom Recovery haben. Ich empfehle TWRP (T-Mobile Variante verwenden)
1. Kopiert das Rom auf euer Note 4
2. Startet in das Recovery und macht ein komplett Backup von der vorhandenen Rom
3. Macht einen kompletten Full Wipe (System, Data, Cache und Dalvik)
4. Nun installiert ihr das Rom und danach macht ihr am besten noch einen Cache Wipe (muss aber nicht gemacht werden)
5. Startet nun euer Handy
Da ein direkter Download Link nicht erlaubt ist verweiße ich auf die Omega Seite wo man denn Download Link dann findet:
Omega Files
Omega Files Pro
Omegas Team:
Screenshots sind im Anhang zu finden.

Willkommen zum Omega's Thread für das Samsung Galaxy Note 4 N910F
Omega v1.2 Android 4.4.4
Basierend auf der Firmware XXU1ANK4 Android 4.4.4 (Date: 17/11/2014)
Die Rom enthält folgendes:
Stock kernel
extSdSard fixed write permissions
Wipe cache automatic before roms installation
Wipe dalvik cache automatic during installation
Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe System automatic before roms installation
Omegas Emblem Bootanimation by our artist anbech
Omegas Emblem Shutdown animation by our artist anbech
OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers by our artist Jorq1H
Omegas multi csc
Applications developed by Omegas Team (bartito & indie):
Omega Files by indie
OmegaDroid - The official application of www.omegadroid.co by indie
OmegaDroid Wallpapers application - Screenshot by indie
Accounts Sync Profiler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Backup manager for apps & data - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
CPU Adjuster - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Notification Manager - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Recycle Bin - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
Wireless Scheduler - xda thread for support & suggestions - Play Store link - by bartito
more to come ....
if someone wants to help with our app development, with beta testing, suggestions, translations and be part of our app dev team please sent me a pm.
Call Recorder
Phone with no increasing ringtone
3MinitBattery Mod - Full credits to gharrington
4-way reboot menu
TW Launcher with scrolling wallpaper (can be disabled from Omega Files)
Email with Exchange Security Disabled
Disable scrolling cache
No sms to mms conversion
Unlimited contacts to sms - mms
sms Backup - Restore
Increased sms hour limit to 1000
Hide sms from call logs
Exit button to stock browser
Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
Camera shutter sound on-off
Removed S Finder Big Buttons from Notification bar - Can be Restored from Omega Files
build.prop tweaks
Addon applications:
Xposed Framework Installer by rovo89 - read more about Xposed here
Flash player Support
Dolphin Browser with Flashplayer support
Dolphin Browser Jet Pack
Es File Explorer
Phone INFO Samsung
Universal Init.d
App Settings xposed module
Kids Mode - Can be removed
Idea Scetch - Can be removed
S Translator - Can be removed
Optical Reader - Can be removed
Evernote (Can be added from Play Store)
Facebook (Can be added from Play Store)
WhatsApp (Can be added from Play Store)
Instagram (Can be added from Play Store)
Removed (Can be added from Omega Files):
Boot sound
Charger Connection Sound
To remove about 850 mb of 130 bloatware apps, widgets and services open Omega Files Free or Pro and go to Bloatware.
Read all the info there before removing Samsung's bloat apps - List of the Bloat apk's that can be removed
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Euer Note 4 sollte bereits ein Custom Recovery haben. Ich empfehle TWRP (T-Mobile Variante verwenden)
1. Kopiert das Rom auf euer Note 4
2. Startet in das Recovery und macht ein komplett Backup von der vorhandenen Rom
3. Macht einen kompletten Full Wipe (System, Data, Cache und Dalvik)
4. Nun installiert ihr das Rom und danach macht ihr am besten noch einen Cache Wipe (muss aber nicht gemacht werden)
5. Startet nun euer Handy
Da ein direkter Download Link nicht erlaubt ist verweiße ich auf die Omega Seite wo man denn Download Link dann findet:
Omega Files
Omega Files Pro
AEL Kernel v6.1
N910G support
unit.d support
Busybox v1.23.0
Universal Init.d
All mods from previous Omega Kit Kat 4.4.4 versions added
Omegas Team:
anbech - Thread |OP| & Beta testing & Graphics
batrito - app developer
Bartman007 - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
cooza - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
Jorq1H - Thread |OP| & Beta testing & 3D Graphics
gimmick56 - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
gnarg - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
kalagas - Themes
kantjer - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
klarmacker - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
KeesStolk - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
motomoto00 - Thread |OP| & Beta testing & themes
MMWolverine - Thread |OP| & Beta testing & themes
mythtrandyr - Thread |OP| & Beta testing & Mods
MVKA - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
Ninolina - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
petrusconsult - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
Terry666 - Thread |OP| & Beta testing
Screenshots sind im Anhang zu finden.
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