- 171
also ich möchte diese doch sehr gute Rom für unser geliebtes Note 3 kurz vorstellen,da es hier nicht erwähnt ist.
Es gibt ein paar Dinge zu beachten aber das rom ist absolut alltagstauglich!
Ein Vorteil ist das es weiter entwickelt wird;hat das Note 3 sehrwohl verdient,lässt aber ganz schön nach in letzter Zeit.Finde schade das da nicht mehr passiert aber
was da so an Smartphones rausgehauen wird von den Herstellern ist schon überreichlich.
Umso besser das es Leute gibt die was daran tun;wie hier bei AUDAX L !
XDA :http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-3/development/rom-n9005-audax-v9-0-t2847013
- Based on Official Firmware XXUGBOD6
- Fulgor Kernel (credits and Thanks to my big friend @slim80)
- Deodexed All Apps (credits to JoelDroid)
- Busybox
- Zipalign
- SQLite Optimized
- Rooted with SuperSU (credits to chainfire)
- init.d support (credits to alexndr)
- New updater-script (credits to alexndr)
- Aroma Installer (credits to amarullz)
- Added Wipe Data Choice in Aroma
- Auto Wipe Cache, Dalvik-Cache e Format System before flashing the Rom
- Auto Kernel Cleaning
- Multi CSC
- Tweaks in init.d
- Tweaks in Build.prop
- Removed Bloatware and Knox
- Kernel Cleaning Audax L in OTA
- Audax L Settings (Custom Settings - credits to Ficeto)
- Audax Update
- Audax Bootanimation in Aroma by Pescixx79 (thanks to @luigimak)
- Note Edge Touchwiz 5x6 Fast and Sroll in Aroma (credits and thanks to and2)
- S6 Folders in TW Edge
- Flipboard Briefing for Note Endge TW
- Touchwiz 5x5-dock6-fast scroll in Aroma
- Support Touchwiz SecThemeChooser
- Add Touchwiz Theme
- Statusbar Audax with Home/Lock Button and 3Minit in Aroma
- Statusbar with Center Clock and 3Minit in Aroma
- 3Minit Battery Mod (credits to gharrington)
- Remove Sfinder/Quick Connect in Modded Statusbars
- More Statusbar Choices in OTA
- New Signal Icons by Pescixx79
- New Trasparent Toggles by Pescixx79
- Added more Toggles
enable all Toggles flashing Enable_Toggles from Audax L Settings/Audax Update/Fix and Restore
- S6 Weather Widget in Aroma
- S6 Browser in Aroma
- S6 Calculator in Aroma
- S6 My Files in Aroma
- S6 Touchwiz in Aroma (credits to Manh_IT)
- S6 SPlanner Widget
- S6 Samsung Magnifier in Toolbox
- S6 Keyboard in Aroma
- S6 Lockscreen Style
- S6 Optical Reader
- S6 Fonts
- S6 Sounds
- Note4 UPSM (Some Bugs)
- Note4 Camera in Aroma (Some Bugs) (credits to Darklord Team)
- Note4 Gallery in Aroma
- Note4 Weather Themed Audax by Pescixx79
- Note4 Weather Widget Black by Pescixx79
- Note4 Smart Remote
- Note4 SReminder
If you choose to install SREMINDER, be careful how to set the "DAILY ROUTINE" and what controls associated to him: may cause BLOCK CALLS or wrong ALARM, be careful, otherwise don't select it in Aroma.
- Note4 Activity Zone
- Note4 Geo News Widget
- S5 Contacts
- New Audax Icons in Contacts
- S5 Clock
- New Settings with Torchlight and App Ops
- Lockscreen Effects App (credits to Xperiacle)
- Audax Banner in Info Device
- Audax Reboot Menu
- 3Dots Menu
- Remapped Keys (Menù / Home)
- White Android L Keyboard in Aroma (credits to thanhfhuongf)
- Keyboard Android L Audax in Aroma (thanks to Pescixx79)
- Air Command Mods in UpdateMe Audax
- AOSP Calculator in Aroma
- More and more System Fonts
- Sound Boost
- Added Android L Sounds
- Added Note4 Sounds
- Added S5 Sounds
- Integrated apps (Faster GPS, Ad Away)
- Fix WiFi password
- Choice Disable Increasing Ringer in Aroma
- Added Apps in Multiwindow
- Added Secondary Symbols Keyboard
- Added Option Exit in Browser
- Added Call Button in Logs
- Added Call Recording
- Add Camera Shutter Sound in Camera Settings
- Increasing Camera
- Camera No Limitations on Low Battery
- Enable Camera During Call
- Floating Message (credits to alemtro)
- Message Support Priority Sender
- Message Support Emoticon
- External SD Card Write Fix
- Add Ringtones in Ringtones List:
- Added Audax Wallpape
Durch den Aromainstaller kann man verschiedenste Dinge an-oder abwählen.
Ich persönlich nutze die Kamera und Galerie dann vom Note 3,die vom Note 4 gehen aber auch.
Akkuzeiten sind sehr gut;auch wohl bedingt durch den ständig weiter entwickelten FulgorKernel.
Das Rom wird weiter entwickelt und der Dev ist ein ganz Netter der auch bei Problemen hilft.
So,viel Spass mit der oder dem Rom.

so siehts bei mir momentan aus:
also ich möchte diese doch sehr gute Rom für unser geliebtes Note 3 kurz vorstellen,da es hier nicht erwähnt ist.
Es gibt ein paar Dinge zu beachten aber das rom ist absolut alltagstauglich!
Ein Vorteil ist das es weiter entwickelt wird;hat das Note 3 sehrwohl verdient,lässt aber ganz schön nach in letzter Zeit.Finde schade das da nicht mehr passiert aber
was da so an Smartphones rausgehauen wird von den Herstellern ist schon überreichlich.
Umso besser das es Leute gibt die was daran tun;wie hier bei AUDAX L !

XDA :http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-3/development/rom-n9005-audax-v9-0-t2847013
- Based on Official Firmware XXUGBOD6
- Fulgor Kernel (credits and Thanks to my big friend @slim80)
- Deodexed All Apps (credits to JoelDroid)
- Busybox
- Zipalign
- SQLite Optimized
- Rooted with SuperSU (credits to chainfire)
- init.d support (credits to alexndr)
- New updater-script (credits to alexndr)
- Aroma Installer (credits to amarullz)
- Added Wipe Data Choice in Aroma
- Auto Wipe Cache, Dalvik-Cache e Format System before flashing the Rom
- Auto Kernel Cleaning
- Multi CSC
- Tweaks in init.d
- Tweaks in Build.prop
- Removed Bloatware and Knox
- Kernel Cleaning Audax L in OTA
- Audax L Settings (Custom Settings - credits to Ficeto)
- Audax Update
- Audax Bootanimation in Aroma by Pescixx79 (thanks to @luigimak)
- Note Edge Touchwiz 5x6 Fast and Sroll in Aroma (credits and thanks to and2)
- S6 Folders in TW Edge
- Flipboard Briefing for Note Endge TW
- Touchwiz 5x5-dock6-fast scroll in Aroma
- Support Touchwiz SecThemeChooser
- Add Touchwiz Theme
- Statusbar Audax with Home/Lock Button and 3Minit in Aroma
- Statusbar with Center Clock and 3Minit in Aroma
- 3Minit Battery Mod (credits to gharrington)
- Remove Sfinder/Quick Connect in Modded Statusbars
- More Statusbar Choices in OTA
- New Signal Icons by Pescixx79
- New Trasparent Toggles by Pescixx79
- Added more Toggles
enable all Toggles flashing Enable_Toggles from Audax L Settings/Audax Update/Fix and Restore
- S6 Weather Widget in Aroma
- S6 Browser in Aroma
- S6 Calculator in Aroma
- S6 My Files in Aroma
- S6 Touchwiz in Aroma (credits to Manh_IT)
- S6 SPlanner Widget
- S6 Samsung Magnifier in Toolbox
- S6 Keyboard in Aroma
- S6 Lockscreen Style
- S6 Optical Reader
- S6 Fonts
- S6 Sounds
- Note4 UPSM (Some Bugs)
- Note4 Camera in Aroma (Some Bugs) (credits to Darklord Team)
- Note4 Gallery in Aroma
- Note4 Weather Themed Audax by Pescixx79
- Note4 Weather Widget Black by Pescixx79
- Note4 Smart Remote
- Note4 SReminder
If you choose to install SREMINDER, be careful how to set the "DAILY ROUTINE" and what controls associated to him: may cause BLOCK CALLS or wrong ALARM, be careful, otherwise don't select it in Aroma.
- Note4 Activity Zone
- Note4 Geo News Widget
- S5 Contacts
- New Audax Icons in Contacts
- S5 Clock
- New Settings with Torchlight and App Ops
- Lockscreen Effects App (credits to Xperiacle)
- Audax Banner in Info Device
- Audax Reboot Menu
- 3Dots Menu
- Remapped Keys (Menù / Home)
- White Android L Keyboard in Aroma (credits to thanhfhuongf)
- Keyboard Android L Audax in Aroma (thanks to Pescixx79)
- Air Command Mods in UpdateMe Audax
- AOSP Calculator in Aroma
- More and more System Fonts
- Sound Boost
- Added Android L Sounds
- Added Note4 Sounds
- Added S5 Sounds
- Integrated apps (Faster GPS, Ad Away)
- Fix WiFi password
- Choice Disable Increasing Ringer in Aroma
- Added Apps in Multiwindow
- Added Secondary Symbols Keyboard
- Added Option Exit in Browser
- Added Call Button in Logs
- Added Call Recording
- Add Camera Shutter Sound in Camera Settings
- Increasing Camera
- Camera No Limitations on Low Battery
- Enable Camera During Call
- Floating Message (credits to alemtro)
- Message Support Priority Sender
- Message Support Emoticon
- External SD Card Write Fix
- Add Ringtones in Ringtones List:
- Added Audax Wallpape
Durch den Aromainstaller kann man verschiedenste Dinge an-oder abwählen.
Ich persönlich nutze die Kamera und Galerie dann vom Note 3,die vom Note 4 gehen aber auch.
Akkuzeiten sind sehr gut;auch wohl bedingt durch den ständig weiter entwickelten FulgorKernel.
Das Rom wird weiter entwickelt und der Dev ist ein ganz Netter der auch bei Problemen hilft.
So,viel Spass mit der oder dem Rom.

so siehts bei mir momentan aus:
Zuletzt bearbeitet: