[ROM][N7100][XXUFNE1][4.4.2] *28.05.14* Omega v29 [Omega Files][Themes]

  • 1.810 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Ich habe das Problem, das mein Note 2 zwischendurch immer einen Neustart macht.
Habe die aktuelle Version 24 drauf, hat jemand eine Idee was ich machen kann?
Den MJ5 Bootloader oder neuer hast du drauf? Ansonsten könnte ein Factory Reset Abhilfe schaffen.

Bootlaoder habe ich einen neueren drauf weil w LAN nicht ging bei der vorhergehenden Version. Welche genau weiß ich nicht. Werde ich mal testen.
Genau einen Tag nach Beginn meines 2 wöchigen Urlaubes bringt Omega nen Update, typisch -.- Thread nun wieder up-to-date! ;)

Werd gleich mal flashen und schauen wie der Omega Kernel so geht.
Ich habe es schon drauf, allerdings mit Agni Kernel. Läuft ganz gut, wenn auch vielleicht ein wenig zäher als die Android Revolution. Werde jetzt versuchen die Note3 mods zu flashen. Übrigens, ich habe es nur geschfft mit der kostenpflichtigen Omega Files pro die 2.4 zuladen! Finde ich ein wenig, na sagen wir seltsam!
ich weiß es soll keine anderen Mirrors geben aber trotzdem, habe keine lust per Torrent zu laden und der Direkte download geht nicht :( hat jemand die Datei irgendwo anders in einer Dropbox oder Mediafire oder so?

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 17:50 Uhr wurde um 19:38 Uhr ergänzt:

Jo, danke das ihr mir antwortet tollste community ever :thumbup: jetzt muss ich NUR 11 Stunden dieses ROM laden ist ja fast geschaft oder?
Solche User habe ich am liebsten. Du solltest immer bedenken, dass dieses Forum hier eine Community auf freiwilliger Basis ist. User helfen hier freiwillig User, so gut es ihnen möglich ist. Das geht aber auch nur, wenn sie es können. Wenn nicht, kommt halt eben mal keine Antwort. Also kannst du dir deinen Sarkasmus sparen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Logel, gizmoau, stevebiker und eine weitere Person
man hätte mir wenigstens schreiben können: Nein oder nein tut mir leid aber ich habe ja nicht mal eine antwort bekommen es ist mir natürlich bewusst das ich sozusagen kein Anrecht darauf habe das mir keiner antwortet trotzdem wäre es schön gewessen...
In der Regel wird hier sofort geholfen, es gibt kompetente Moderatoren und sehr viele kompetente hilfsbereite User.
Ich habe es so interpretiert, dass niemand das File rumliegen hat, wenn 100 schreiben "Nein ich nicht" ist es auch nicht so spannend.


Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Logel, DirtyKlot und Denowa
So sieht es aus ... wo würde das erst enden, wenn hier jeder Posten würde, wenn er NICHT helfen kann :flapper:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: gizmoau, Logel und DirtyKlot
Omega v25 Opening Post and Download Center:
Please read this post carefully.
Here you will find all information you need for to the latest Omega Rom.
Do not download and flash before reading all the info provided here!
Download Center can be found at the end of this post

Based on firmwareXXUENC1 Android 4.3 (Date: 13/02/2014)
Kernel XXUENC1
Omega Kernel is available at Omega Files Free and Pro
Backup manager for apps & data by bartito - This is the full paid version only for Omega Users

S Note
Samsung IAP
Accounts Sync Profiler
Dolphin JetPack
Google Play Games
Google Search
Google Play Music
Google TTS
HP Print Service Plugin
Multi Windows Manager
Notification Manager
Recycle Bin
Samsung Link
Samsung Push Service
You Tube
All mods from previous Omega JB 4.3 versions added
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Rom is No Full Wipe
Omega Files:
Omega Files Pro:

xda's support thread for suggestions and feedback!

Direct Links for Omega v25 added to Omega Files Pro with resume option
Update repo to Omega Files Pro to get the updates for v25
Please read the following before flashing v25:
Bootloader - Knox:
Omega does not include bootloader and will not change your knox warranty status.

Backup your device (nadroid backup, titanium backup, efs backup ... etc), in case you ever need to restore!

Full wipe is needed if you are coming from another rom or stock firmware or Omega 4.1.2 versions
and format of internal sdcard is needed if you are coming from Android 4.1.2 because updating to Android 4.3 will change the location of your internal sdcard

Installation Instructions:
1. Copy rom to your device
2. Boot to recovery and flash Omega and then reboot system.

3. If you are having the old bootloader WiFi will not work, flash this Fix N7100_wifi_fix_for_old_bootloader.tar file with odin. Credits to dr.ketan for the WiFi Fix
If you are using the new bootloader you do not need to flash this fix, WiFi will work.
To check your bootloader go to download mode and if you have an entry: KNOX WARRANTY VOID then you are having the new bootloader.

4. If you are using CWM based recovery ignore "Disable Recovery Flash" and "Fix root (/system/xbin/su)" messages at all times, just select "NO", else selecting YES will break root.


Multi csc included in Omega

Remove bloatware:
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation

Note 3 apps:
Galaxy Note 3 features for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100
Read more at OmegaDroid's article by Tamirda. Credits to Tamirda and dr.ketan
Omegas Official & Exclusive Themes::

kalagas mixed theme is available only at omegadroid.co
Download Center:

Please do not make mirror links
Pledgie for Samsung Galaxy S5:
If you like Omega v25 + Omega Files app and you use them please consider a donation.

Enjoy the new Omega
  • Danke
Reaktionen: LightDr@gon
Omega v26 Opening Post and Download Center:
Please read this post carefully.
Here you will find all information you need for to the latest Omega Rom.
Do not download and flash before reading all the info provided here!
Download Center can be found at the end of this post

Based on firmware XXUENC3 Android 4.3 (Date: 07/03/2014)
Kernel XXUENC3
Omega Kernel is available at Omega Files Free and Pro
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Play Store
Es File Explorer
Dolphin Browser
Dolphin Jetpack
Wanam xposed
Xposed Installer
Google Search
Recycle Bin
Notification Manager
All mods from previous Omega JB 4.3 versions added
Rom is Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
Rom is No Full Wipe
Omega Files:
Omega Files Pro:

xda's support thread for suggestions and feedback!

Direct Links for Omega v26 added to Omega Files Pro with resume option
Update repo to Omega Files Pro to get the updates for v26
Please read the following before flashing v26:
Bootloader - Knox:
Omega does not include bootloader and will not change your knox warranty status.

Backup your device (nadroid backup, titanium backup, efs backup ... etc), in case you ever need to restore!

Full wipe is needed if you are coming from another rom or stock firmware or Omega 4.1.2 versions
and format of internal sdcard is needed if you are coming from Android 4.1.2 because updating to Android 4.3 will change the location of your internal sdcard

Installation Instructions:
1. Copy rom to your device
2. Boot to recovery and flash Omega and then reboot system.

3. If you are having the old bootloader WiFi will not work, flash this Fix N7100_wifi_fix_for_old_bootloader.tar file with odin. Credits to dr.ketan for the WiFi Fix
If you are using the new bootloader you do not need to flash this fix, WiFi will work.
To check your bootloader go to download mode and if you have an entry: KNOX WARRANTY VOID then you are having the new bootloader.

4. If you are using CWM based recovery ignore "Disable Recovery Flash" and "Fix root (/system/xbin/su)" messages at all times, just select "NO", else selecting YES will break root.


Multi csc included in Omega

Remove bloatware:
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation

Note 3 apps:
Galaxy Note 3 features for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100
Read more at OmegaDroid's article by Tamirda. Credits to Tamirda and dr.ketan
Omegas Official & Exclusive Themes::

kalagas mixed theme is available only at omegadroid.co
Download Center:

Please do not make mirror links
If you like Omega v26 + Omega Files app and you use them please consider a donation.

Omega v24 + v25 had thousands of download and 2 donations

Enjoy the new Omega
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa und LightDr@gon

ich habe seit nen paar wochen das Problem, das ich dauern W-LAN-Abbrüche habe und das WLAN auch sehr viel akku saugt, und dadurch das Handy oft hängt.

Hat einer schon erfahrungen damit und weiß eine Lösung?

Ansonsten muss ich mal warten wenn das problem wieder auftritt und die BBS-Stats posten, habe die nun gerade nicht zu hand
Omega v27 Opening Post and Download Center:
Please read this post carefully.
Here you will find all information you need for to the latest Omega Rom.
Do not download and flash before reading all the info provided here!
Download Center can be found at the end of this post

Based on firmware XXUFND3 Android 4.4.2 (Date: 08/04/2014)
Kernel Stock
csc multi set to BTU
Aroma Installer
Installation is fully customizable by user and there is options to install everything or remove all Bloatware
aroma installer now has the option to remove more then 620 mb of almost 80 bloatware apps, widgets and services
Option to full wipe from aroma installer
Option to Remove all Bloatware from aroma installer
Option to install or not all Omega addon apps from aroma installer
Wipe cache partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe Dalvik Cache automatic during installation
Wipe preload partition automatic before roms installation
Wipe System automatic before roms installation
efs Backup (added the option to create efs backup during installation)
Omegadroid Walk Bootanimation by Jorq1H and anbech
Omegas Emblem Shutdown Animation by anbech
OmegaDroid Kit Kat Wallpapers by our artist Jorq1H
Omegadroid wallpapers added in default wallpapers
Call Recording
Phone with no increasing ringtone
4-way reboot menu
Battery % mod
Hide sms from call logs
No sms to mms conversion
Unlimited contacts to sms - mms
sms/mms Backup - Restore
Increased sms hour limit to 1000
Disable scrolling cache
Email with Exchange Security Disabled
All supported languages enabled
All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
Exit button to stock browser
Join more unlimited contacts in the contacts
Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
Task manager shortcut app by indie
Omegas addon applications:
Omega Files
OmegaDroid - The official application of www.omegadroid.co
Xposed Framework Installer by rovo89 - read more about Xposed here
Android Camera 4.4.2 with Photoshare
Android Keyboard 4.4.2 - available at Omega Files
Flash player Support
Dolphin Browser with Flashplayer support
Dolphin Browser Jet Pack
Notification Manager by RYO Software - Omega Rom users can monitor 3 apps instead of 1
Accounts Sync Profiler by bartito
Recycle Bin by RYO Software
Es File Explorer
Hide It Pro
Hi-Q MP3 Recorder
FastDormancy Toggle for I9300 by gokhanmoral
Removed (Can be added from Omega Files):
Boot sound
Charger Connection Sound
Stock Theme Changes:
Accuwheather widget transparent by indie
Omega Theme for aroma installer by our artist anbech
Bloatware :
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation
Rom is Deodexed + Zipaligned
Rom is Full Wipe
Omega Files:
Omega Files Pro:

xda's support thread for suggestions and feedback!

Direct Links for Omega v27 added to Omega Files Pro with resume option
OTA Update Notifications
Update repo to Omega Files Pro to get the updates for v27
Please read the following before flashing v27:
Bootloader - Knox:
Omega does not include bootloader and will not change your knox warranty status.

Backup your device (nadroid backup, titanium backup, efs backup ... etc), in case you ever need to restore!

Full wipe is needed if you are coming from another rom or stock firmware or Omega with another android version
and format of internal sdcard is needed if you are coming from Android 4.1.2 because updating to Android 4.3 will change the location of your internal sdcard

Installation Instructions:
1. Flash Omega v27 with full wipe from recovery and then boot to android, setup your device
2. Omega v27 is not rooted, to root boot again to recovery and flash UPDATE-SuperSU-v1.94.zip
Done, enjoy kit kat Omega

NOTICE: If you are having the old bootloader WiFi will not work, flash this Fix N7100_wifi_fix_for_old_bootloader.tar file with odin. Credits to dr.ketan for the WiFi Fix
If you are using the new bootloader you do not need to flash this fix, WiFi will work.
To check your bootloader go to download mode and if you have an entry: KNOX WARRANTY VOID then you are having the new bootloader.


Multi csc included in Omega

Remove bloatware:
You can remove all bloatware during Omegas installation

Note 3 apps:
Galaxy Note 3 features for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100
Read more at OmegaDroid's article by Tamirda. Credits to Tamirda and dr.ketan
Download Center:

Download Center

Please do not make mirror links
If you like Omega v27 + Omega Files app and you use them please consider a donation.

Omega v24 + v25 +v26 had thousands of downloads and 3 donations

Enjoy the new Omega
  • Danke
Reaktionen: LightDr@gon und Denowa
Hallo Fan Gemeinde,würde das Rom mal probieren.Kann man auch Themes nutzen?
Gruß Fiedl

Download funtioniert leider nicht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Download geht ohne Probleme.
Nur sehr langsam
Bei mir kommt immer die Meldung:
All Download Slots for this Direct Link are Full
Please try again later

Hab`s jetzt über den Torrent Link geladen.Das ging auch ziemlich flott.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann ich von v26 ohne Probleme flashen, also ohne Fullwipe?

Und ist es empfohlen das dazugehörige (laut Omega files) Modem XXUFND3 dazuzuflashen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die v26 ist ja noch Android 4.3. Da würde ich schon doch ein Full Wipe machen.
Gruß Fiedl
Und wie im vorigen Post reineditiert, würdest du auch empfehlen, die aktuelle Modemversion XXUFND3 dazuzuflashen?

Weiß ja nicht inwieweit die kompatiblen im Europäischen Raum ist

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