- 9.438
I have had some success in getting the camera working in CM10 by recompiling the kernel with PMEM support and including the file from CM9. The kernel i have used is the latest from the cyanogen git repo so the patch should work fine with the FXP 141 release.
After applying the update zip file attached here you should be able to use the camera.
Anyone wanting to test this and feedback as to whether or not the tweaks in v0.2 have improved things for you, this would be most appreciated.
For me it seems that there are still a few small graphical glitches here and there but i am able to play hd video successfully and navigating around the fxp141 release seems acceptably smooth.
Release history
v0.2 - tweaked changes - should now have less impact on gpu. (10/Oct/2012)
v0.1 - first release - many gpu problems with this version. (4/Oct/2012) (5.65 MB)
Xperia S CM10 Cam patch - v0.2 released (testers needed) (not suitable for daily use) - xda-developers