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welche tft datei muss ich denn einspielen?
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snoopy-1 schrieb:Zum einen schreibst du es wäre vom Erwerb an immer schon im Bootloop gewesen, sei aber angeblich eine Cyanogenmod drauf, die immer wieder abgestürzt ist.
snoopy-1 schrieb:Sieht man allerdings deinen ersten Log von Seite 1 an, dann hast du eine 6.0.A.3.75 geflasht, wo aber laut Log vorher eine 6.2.B.1.96 drauf war, also eigentlich die aktuellste Version.
snoopy-1 schrieb:Woher hast du z.B. die 6.0.A.3.75, weil diese in deinem verlinkten Beitrag gar nicht vorhanden ist? Ist diese überhaupt auch eine Firmware für dieses Gerät?
snoopy-1 schrieb:Das mit dem Akku könnte übrigens schon der Fall sein, zumal im das Flashen, insbesondere wenn es falsche Versionen sind schon ziemlich zusetzt. Also nicht nur Stundenlang ausgeschaltet lassen, sondern eben auch am Ladegerät dran lassen. Eventuell ist aber auch ganz schlicht und einfach nur der Akku defekt und es reicht ihm halt nicht mehr zum booten.
snoopy-1 schrieb:Grundsätzlicch ist das so wie hier von uns beschrieben die beste Möglichkeit das Gerät wieder zum laufen zu bringen!
snoopy-1 schrieb:Mach mal bitte über den Taskmanager alles weg, das nicht unbedingt benötigt wird und flashe bitte die aktuellste Version, die du über das Flashtool selbst herunter laden kannst. Dazu am besten irgend eine German, Euro oder zur Not World version nehmen.
Aaskereija schrieb:Natuerlich ist es auch noch moeglich das es einfach endgueltig eine der system partition zerschossen hat die nicht wiederherstellbar ist. So ein Handy hab ich leider auch daheim, ohne genaue Kenntnisse ueber die partitionstabelle des handys und seht gute Android /adb Kenntnisse ist ein retten unmoeglich
22/003/2014 19:03:38 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 08-25-2014 23:00:00
22/003/2014 19:03:38 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
22/003/2014 19:03:38 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
22/003/2014 19:03:38 - INFO - Proxy found for firefox
22/003/2014 19:03:39 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
22/003/2014 19:03:39 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
22/003/2014 19:03:44 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
22/003/2014 19:03:47 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
22/003/2014 19:03:49 - INFO - List of connected devices (Device Id) :
22/003/2014 19:03:49 - INFO - List of ADB devices :
22/003/2014 19:03:49 - INFO - - none
22/003/2014 19:03:49 - INFO - List of fastboot devices :
22/003/2014 19:03:49 - INFO - - none
22/003/2014 19:03:52 - INFO - Device disconnected
22/005/2014 19:05:06 - INFO - Saving firmware to C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96
22/005/2014 19:05:06 - INFO - Downloading FILESET_279059061
22/005/2014 19:05:06 - INFO - Downloading FILESET_280111977
22/005/2014 19:05:30 - INFO - Downloading FILESET_280130340
22/005/2014 19:05:30 - INFO - Downloading part 1 of 3
22/011/2014 19:11:39 - INFO - Downloading part 2 of 3
22/017/2014 19:17:04 - INFO - Downloading part 3 of 3
22/019/2014 19:19:49 - INFO - Decrypting FILESET_279059061
22/019/2014 19:19:49 - INFO - Decrypting FILESET_280111977
22/019/2014 19:19:50 - INFO - Decrypting FILESET_280130340
22/020/2014 19:20:24 - INFO - Decryption finished
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Adding loader.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\loader.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Adding kernel.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Adding system.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:03 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\system_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:37 - INFO - Adding fotakernel.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:37 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\fotakernel_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding amss_fs_2.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\amss_fs_2_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding amss_fs_1.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\amss_fs_1_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding partition-image.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\partition-image_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-MBR.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding apps_log.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\apps_log_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding amss_fsg.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\amss_fsg_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding userdata.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\userdata_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Adding cache.sin to the bundle
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\Downloads\LT26i_o2_DE_6.2.B.1.96\cache_S1-SW-LIVE-DE72-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
22/022/2014 19:22:38 - INFO - Creating torrent file : C:\Flashtool\firmwares\LT26i_6.2.B.1.96_o2_DE.ftf.torrent
22/022/2014 19:22:39 - INFO - Torrent file creation finished
22/022/2014 19:22:39 - INFO - Bundle creation finished
22/022/2014 19:22:57 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia S (LT26i). FW release : 6.2.B.1.96. Customization : o2_DE
22/022/2014 19:22:57 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
22/023/2014 19:23:03 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
22/023/2014 19:23:11 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
22/023/2014 19:23:11 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Reading device information
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Current device : LT26i - CB511YAQ2F - 1257-6921_R3H - 1252-0023_6.2.B.1.96 - WORLD_6.2.B.1.96
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Start Flashing
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:12 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:13 - INFO - Processing of loader.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:14 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_de72 - Version : R5C011 / Boot version : R10CA003 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
22/023/2014 19:23:15 - INFO - Processing partition-image.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:15 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:15 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:18 - INFO - Processing of partition-image.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:18 - INFO - No bootdelivery to send
22/023/2014 19:23:18 - INFO - Processing kernel.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:18 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:18 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:22 - INFO - Processing of kernel.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:22 - INFO - Processing fotakernel.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:22 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:22 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:27 - INFO - Processing of fotakernel.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:27 - INFO - Processing amss_fs_2.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:27 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:27 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:30 - INFO - Processing of amss_fs_2.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:30 - INFO - Processing amss_fs_1.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:30 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:30 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:31 - INFO - Processing of amss_fs_1.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:31 - INFO - Processing amss_fsg.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:31 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:31 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:33 - INFO - Processing of amss_fsg.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:33 - INFO - Processing apps_log.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:33 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:33 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:36 - INFO - Processing of apps_log.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:36 - INFO - Processing cache.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:36 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:36 - INFO - Flashing data
22/023/2014 19:23:41 - INFO - Processing of cache.sin finished.
22/023/2014 19:23:41 - INFO - Processing system.sin
22/023/2014 19:23:41 - INFO - Checking header
22/023/2014 19:23:41 - INFO - Flashing data
22/026/2014 19:26:54 - INFO - Processing of system.sin finished.
22/026/2014 19:26:54 - INFO - Processing userdata.sin
22/026/2014 19:26:54 - INFO - Checking header
22/026/2014 19:26:54 - INFO - Flashing data
22/027/2014 19:27:05 - INFO - Processing of userdata.sin finished.
22/027/2014 19:27:06 - INFO - Ending flash session
22/027/2014 19:27:06 - INFO - Flashing finished.
22/027/2014 19:27:06 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
22/027/2014 19:27:06 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
22/027/2014 19:27:07 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode