Die Music App von Android 3.0 für Fans 
Quelle: XDA
Author: Google
Link: Android 3.0 Music App
Android 3.0 Honeycomb Music App for 2.2
Hey all I thought I would share the latest and greatest port which is free of the Android 3.0 Music App this app is a beautiful new version of the music app that is 2.2 only
Works amazing with Z's custom Froyo 2.2 ROM
Turn the phone sideways and it fans out similar to the famous Gallery 3D
Attached Files
com.google.android.music-1.apk (3.08 MB, 1446 views)
MfG Quercus

Quelle: XDA
Author: Google
Link: Android 3.0 Music App

Hey all I thought I would share the latest and greatest port which is free of the Android 3.0 Music App this app is a beautiful new version of the music app that is 2.2 only
Works amazing with Z's custom Froyo 2.2 ROM
Turn the phone sideways and it fans out similar to the famous Gallery 3D
Attached Files

MfG Quercus
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