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[MODEMS][CM7/MIUI/ICS]Nexus S Radios KB3 and KF1 for Galaxy S by pwneman / xda
[MODEMS][CM7/MIUI/ICS]Nexus S Radios KB3 and KF1 for Galaxy S by pwneman / xda
TESTED ON i897 Captivate MTD ROMS (Should work on Galaxy S MTD ROMS as well, let me know if it doesn't)
Alright, I just discovered something awesome.
So I found out that the Nexus S radios are indeed compatible with our device. I downloaded some of the hot radios for the Nexus S (KB3 and KF1) and opened them up and found that the Nexus S uses radios (similar to how the captivate/galaxy s uses modems). So I just renamed the radio.img from the Nexus S radios to modem.bin, placed it in an existing cm7 modem package and flashed it via CWM (ICS).
I reboot and get a constant 5 bars of signal. My signal hasn't dropped from this 5 bars of signal in the last 10 hours (usually it fluctuates from 5 to 3 bars). HSDPA speeds are pretty fast as well. I got speeds of 560 kb/s DL at 3 bars of signal and 140 kb/s Upload (see screenie). I've never ever gotten that high speeds.
Moreover, the call quality is just amazing. When I used it, the quality is crisp and nice, almost perfect. It seems as if the voice is exemplified over the background crap so that you can actually hear the person. Idk, it was a magical experience for me
The second row on that picture was the speeds I was getting with KF1 (Nexus S). Moreover, I noticed something interesting; that when I wasn't actually downloading or using data, the data indicator switched to "3G". However, when I started using my data, it automatically switched to "H". Something I thought was kinda cool.
Anyways, here are the download links for the modems (already packaged with the nexus s radios of course). Just flash in CWM with a CM7, MIUI, or ICS Rom and you should be good to go. IMPORTANT: DONT FLASH THIS WHILE PLUGGED IN. YOU WILL NOT GET SIGNAL
Also, to avoid problems while flashing the KB3 modem, flash the KF1 modem FIRST, and then flash the KB3 after a reboot in between
Original Nexus S Radio Link
Quelle: [MODEMS][CM7/MIUI/ICS]Nexus S Radios KB3 and KF1 for Galaxy S -
Download: KD1
Quelle: http://forum.xda
Alright, I just discovered something awesome.
So I found out that the Nexus S radios are indeed compatible with our device. I downloaded some of the hot radios for the Nexus S (KB3 and KF1) and opened them up and found that the Nexus S uses radios (similar to how the captivate/galaxy s uses modems). So I just renamed the radio.img from the Nexus S radios to modem.bin, placed it in an existing cm7 modem package and flashed it via CWM (ICS).
I reboot and get a constant 5 bars of signal. My signal hasn't dropped from this 5 bars of signal in the last 10 hours (usually it fluctuates from 5 to 3 bars). HSDPA speeds are pretty fast as well. I got speeds of 560 kb/s DL at 3 bars of signal and 140 kb/s Upload (see screenie). I've never ever gotten that high speeds.
Moreover, the call quality is just amazing. When I used it, the quality is crisp and nice, almost perfect. It seems as if the voice is exemplified over the background crap so that you can actually hear the person. Idk, it was a magical experience for me

The second row on that picture was the speeds I was getting with KF1 (Nexus S). Moreover, I noticed something interesting; that when I wasn't actually downloading or using data, the data indicator switched to "3G". However, when I started using my data, it automatically switched to "H". Something I thought was kinda cool.
Anyways, here are the download links for the modems (already packaged with the nexus s radios of course). Just flash in CWM with a CM7, MIUI, or ICS Rom and you should be good to go. IMPORTANT: DONT FLASH THIS WHILE PLUGGED IN. YOU WILL NOT GET SIGNAL
Also, to avoid problems while flashing the KB3 modem, flash the KF1 modem FIRST, and then flash the KB3 after a reboot in between
Original Nexus S Radio Link
- KB3
- KF1
- KD1
Quelle: [MODEMS][CM7/MIUI/ICS]Nexus S Radios KB3 and KF1 for Galaxy S -
Download: KD1
Quelle: http://forum.xda
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