Wiederherstellung eines gebrickten Note

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frank e.

Einige sind bei XDA ganz aufgeregt weil wohl der User @Forest1971 es geschafft hat sein oder ein gebricktes Note wieder zum laufen zu bringen.
So wie ich das sehe, geht das über meinen Horizont hinaus und kann leider nichts dazu schreiben als zu bitten das sich Profis von hier das mal anschauen und gucken ob das nichts für den ein oder anderen hier von nutzen sein kann.
quelle: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Guide]How to revive your bricked Gnote
1. For those who can get SS guarantee service to fix it for free then you should go there asap, and do not need to try.
2. If you do not know about adb. This method is not for you.
3. Partition can be delete and recreate like in a computer hdd but requires more skills. So if you are not confident do not jumped into this method
4. And do not try to hold me responsible if you mess things up further than your current state in your phone.

1. The tools:
- Download the screen shot of the Note’s partitions for your reference information
- download the kernel zip. This kernel has the partition tools with it. It just need to be used to provide the partition tools. After complete re-partition you can use cwm to flash a gb kernel of your choice before installing the system rom. (Thanks Matiasg85 for providing this).
- Or download the zip file attached (it has parted partition manager and other format conversion tool) use as another method to provide partition tools.

2. Set up the tools:
method 1: Get into recovery (CMW) and flash the attached kernel file zip file which has the partition tools on it for use.
method 2: use adb to push the files in "the parted and related files" to root /sbin folder, set permission. Parted maybe already there so just skip it if it is the case.

3. connect to computer using usb cable.

4. Then run cmd and cd to the adb folder of your computer

Then run following commands.

adb devices

it should give you some number then it means your device is connect in adb

then run:

adb shell

it should give you the sign like this: ~ #

Then run (noted that umount is without N):

~ # umount /cache

This is to unmount cache and partition. (in some case you may need to also "umount /data" as well using adb commands or cwm).

Then run the parted.

~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0

It should give you bellow:

parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
Then run:

(parted) print

It will give you a picture of your Note’s partitions as in the screen shots I have attached.

5. Now start with changing your partition to remove the faulty one and create new ones to replace it:

(parted) rm 9

this will remove factoryfs. This area is faulty so then you just leave it unused.

(parted) rm 10

This will remove datafs so as to make rooms for new partitions

2. To create new factoryfs partition:
(parted) mkpartfs primary ext2 1174 2100
(parted) name 9 factoryfs

this will create factoryfs partition but the format is ext2. to convert it to the original ext4 run following commands (one by one)
(parted) quit
~ # tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
~ # tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p9

If e2fsck complains that it needs to be run manually, you should omit the -p flag. This happened to me the second time I ran through this process, but the first time it did not. I'm not entirely sure why. In that case, the e2fsck commands simply become:

~ # e2fsck -fD /dev/block/mmcblk0p9

Which will cause it to ask if you want to fix the group descriptors. Just answer 'Y' and let it run through.

After this you will have a new factoryfs partition in ext4

You can check again by:
(parted) print .

Then follow the same procedures for partition 10:
(parted) mkpartfs primary ext2 2100 3322
(parted) name 10 datafs

Now convert to ext4:
(parted) quit
~ # tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
~ # tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
~ # e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p10

You can check again if the partition table is ok by:

(parted) print .

Then once successful you can go back to odin to flash your GB kernel and rom again and see if it work.

6. More Notes:

It is now clear that people may have faulty blocks in different area somewhere in the factoryfs or datafs partition. Therefore after remove the original partitions 9 and 10 one need to try different options to create new partitions since the suggested option above may not work. Then the size of new partition need to be a bit experimental.

With this procedure you will have a smaller datafs partition (just about 1gb) I believe that 1gb space is quite enough for data.

If someone needs a larger datafs partition then they need to resize or recreate (remove and then recreate is a more simple way) UMS partition as well. The command to create UMS is simple and it does not require any conversion since it is in fat32 format:
(parted) mkfs 11 fat32
(parted) name 11 ums

For documentation of parted go here:

Another note: As the method is evolving and need to be tested with those semi-brick phones. There could be some points in the guide that need to be further improved as the feedback from testing come in.

And press thanks if it helps.
parted and related files.zip -
CWM_4pda_kernel.zip -

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