- 85
Zuerst einmal sorry Canök das ich deine post einfach so änder
aber ich denke das du da nix gegen hast und es bestimmt auch getan hättest...
Im Download Verzeichnis von mir gibt es jeweils mirrors zu der aktuellen Open Recovery:
Zeige Open Recovery - Droid Download Archiv - Powered by PHCDownload
Die features kann man sich ja im Original Thread anschauen
So, dann kommen wir mal dazu, was ich hier vor hab
Die OpenRecovery wurde von skrilax_cz erstellt und bei modmymobile.com Vorgestellt, hier der Link zum Original Thread:
Open Recovery v1.14 [06/11/2010]
Wir haben einen feedback Thread hier im Forum:
Dort können bugs die sich in der OpenRecovery befinden gepostet werden, aber nur bugs, die wirklich in der OpenRecovery sind, nicht anwendungsfehler oder sonstige kleinteile...
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, postet eure Frage hier...
Wie man die OpenRecovery benutzt oder was man benötigt könnt Ihr auch nochmal hier nachlesen:
Bei fragen bezüglich der OpenRecovery postet hier einfach...
Hier nun eine Übersicht der aktuellen features der Aktuellen Version (kopiert aus dem Original Thread)
Weiter unten befinden sich auch die download-links...
Im Download Verzeichnis von mir gibt es jeweils mirrors zu der aktuellen Open Recovery:
Zeige Open Recovery - Droid Download Archiv - Powered by PHCDownload
Die features kann man sich ja im Original Thread anschauen
So, dann kommen wir mal dazu, was ich hier vor hab
Die OpenRecovery wurde von skrilax_cz erstellt und bei modmymobile.com Vorgestellt, hier der Link zum Original Thread:
Open Recovery v1.14 [06/11/2010]
Wir haben einen feedback Thread hier im Forum:
Dort können bugs die sich in der OpenRecovery befinden gepostet werden, aber nur bugs, die wirklich in der OpenRecovery sind, nicht anwendungsfehler oder sonstige kleinteile...
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, postet eure Frage hier...
Wie man die OpenRecovery benutzt oder was man benötigt könnt Ihr auch nochmal hier nachlesen:
Bei fragen bezüglich der OpenRecovery postet hier einfach...
Hier nun eine Übersicht der aktuellen features der Aktuellen Version (kopiert aus dem Original Thread)
Weiter unten befinden sich auch die download-links...
Open Recovery
Version: 1.30a TESTING, 1.14 STABLE
Credit for mankind (from alldroid) for the CustomUpdate, on which this recovery is based,
credit for poseidon (also from alldroid) for ADBRecovery,
credit for koush for mtd-utils and nandroid (uses script based on it),
credit for nadlabak for keyboard layout change script.
- on-phone console (limited) - MILESTONE ONLY!
- rooting the phone from menu (using ChainsDD su and SuperUser.apk (version 2.2.2))
- nandroid backup/restore from menu
- apply update *.zip files from menu (located in OpenRecovery/updates folder under the sdcard root folder, there is a sample one (just unpacks a file named "babble" to /system), no signatures are needed![]()
- wipe data (factory reset)
- wipe cache
- wipe dalvik-cache
- adb in recovery, using bash shell
- run a script located in /sdcard/OpenRecovery/scripts folder under the sdcard root folder, the script can interactively prompt for a menu (sample included)
- recovery options for applications
1) You need to have the vulnerable recovery with exploit, see this thread how to flash it: New SBF - to flash only the rootable recovery
2) Download and unpack the archive on the sdcard.
1) Reboot into recovery (hold 'X' button on bootloader 90.78, on others hold camera button; until you see triangle)
2) Apply the update.zip
3) You are now in Open Recovery
Notes to console usage:
- no signalling implemented (such as Ctrl+C)
- arrow keys or colors are not implemented
- scrolling (pressing volume keys by a row (or eight rows if ALT is pressed))
- don't forget to select correct keyboard layout (under settings menu), turn off coloured output for bash
- search key is tab
- Alt+A prints "|" instead of Euro, Alt+F prints "$" instead of Dollar
Version 1.30a
- Console layout for QWERTZ / AZERTY fixed
- Error message when ext2 partition on sdcard doesn't exist fixed
Version 1.30
- on-phone console
- keyboard layout changer included
- new nandroid, with support of backing up and restoring ext2 partition on sdcard (Note: uses new format of the backup, new backups are located in /sdcard/nandroid/openrecovery, there is a backwards compatibility to restore the old backups)
- ability to create compressed backups (and autoreboot when done)
- better nandroid menu
- menus wrap around
- theming for the recovery (3 themes included, to apply just rename the "res.*" folder to "res"); color settings can be manipulated in the ui.prop file under the res folder)
- new commands for menu (tag, label, break)
- scripts (command "shell") are able to show menu interactively when requesting user feedback (sample included)
- the OpenRecovery folder is same for all supported phones
- only 10 MB stock update file is used
- Logo, Cdrom and Linux bootloader can be backed up / restored with nandroid
- keyboard is lit
- mountable partitions are mounted by default
- nandroid fixed
- fixed likely crash, when scripts prints '%', like '%s'
- menus don't blink when navigating from one to another
- LED diode blinking enhanced
Version 1.14
- UI
- switch.sh is separated (menu creation is in init_recovery.sh and called later by the recovery)
- Volume keys and Camera key can be used to navigate in Open Recovery
Version 1.12d
- wipe commands working properly
- Bash Settings menu, to enable/disable coloured output (preset to disabled), this is persistent settings, it will last through reboots
- ability to wipe dalvik-cache only (via script)
Version 1.12c
- reboot command is working properly
- the content of the sdcard is no longer changed when running, everything is being copied into the ramdisk
- minor fixes
- removed the 'init' command, instead uses 'scripted_menu'
- adbd uses bash (interactively) instead of sh
- payload installs also bash and toolbox
- different the menu system (deprecated 'init' command, used), each menu must be generated from a script (notes later)
- added init folder, scripts (with extension *.sh) are ran there on startup of the open recovery.
- the diode is blinking in blue instead of red.
- the recovery prints the output of the scripts / programs (prints their stdout)
- application menu (described later)
- new su and SuperUser.apk by ChainsDD
- if sdcard has ext2 partition, it is noted in fstab under "/sddata" (the module is inserted automatically)
Version 1.05
- fixed a bug in payload making it dependant on the system
- there is now nothing in the /system folder when unmounted
- toolbox linked statically
- busybox now installs symlinks, instead of copying itself
- fixed a bug in adb about the shell being in /sbin/sh instead of /system/bin/sh
- cleaned up, removed unecessary libraries and binaries
- switch.sh now initializes the Open Recovery completely, no other script is used for initialization
- permissions set correctly
- added option to wipe
- menu's now have header (the menu file structure has been changed)
- added the possibility to run scripts, with .*sh extension located in scripts folder under OpenRecovery folder (shell is /sbin/sh or /sbin/bash)
Version 1.02
- fixed root installation
Download (v1.30):
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Download (v1.30 -> v1.30a):
Download (v1.14):
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