[ENGLISH] Open Recovery feedback

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sorry for the English but my German is too bad for me to write in it.

I'm releasing a new version soon. I've noted there were several modifications made to the Open Recovery and I'd like to know if I got all the feedback.

First to say, the "generic" OR will not contain any "extra" scripts like installing busybox or apps2sd. Things I've noted are:

- running scripts & interactive menu -> implemented; from a script you can call a binary to show a menu interactively in the recovery binary during script execution and wait until responded (sample will be provided)

- better support for theming -> added a ui.prop file to res folder to be able to set the colors, thus no fully themable without recompiling the binary.

- nandroid bugs -> menu is redesigned and script is cleaned up, added several more paritions, also added the ability to compress backup and automatically reboot after backup / restore

- ext2 parition on sdcard -> supported by nandroid (mounted as /sddata)

- mounts -> the filesystem partitions are mounted by default, they are unmounted only when needed - this is done to easen the work with adb

- UI -> menu fixes; there is not the annoying blink when changing the menu, menus wrap around, when going up level in the menu /running a shell script etc. , the selected item is not reset to the first, menu items expanded by ("tag", "label", "break")

- update.zip -> a 10 MB update.zip, instead of 30 MB, is used

A completely new feature is a on-phone console, though it's a mid-release, not all things are implemented:

New backup format is used since 1.30. The recovery supports restoring the backups in the old format.
The backups in old format (there is a file "nandroid.md5" file in the folder) go to folder /sdcard/nandroid/adbrecovery/.
The backups in new format (there is a file "*.md5" file for each partition) go to folder /sdcard/nandroid/openrecovery/.

The md5 checksum files in the new nandroid in version 1.30 to 1.36 (fixed in 1.37) are not generated. The backups will restore normally, but there might be potential corruption.


Version 1.30

Version 1.30 -> 1.30a

Version 1.30a -> 1.32

Version 1.35

Version 1.36

Version 1.37


Version 1.30a
- fixes QWERTZ and AZERTY layout in Console

Version 1.32
- hopefully definitely fixes the error message being thrown if the ext2 partition is not present
- fixed the bug with imenu when ran more than once in one script
- cursor in console blinks
- when applying any update.zip package, there is a confirmation menu
- ui.prop contains more options
- pressing MENU + ALT + C forcibly quits the console

Version 1.35
- fixed unyaffs not restoring sticky bit / suid / sgid
- fixed displaying long menus (it will not be truncated, instead a scrollbar appears)
- fixed error in switch.sh for XT701
- fixed color24.console.front in the themes -> default is supposed to be #E5E5E5
- update.zip no longer need to have the "update-binary", a default one is used if not found
- update.zip can be in new OR format using a shell script (described lower, there are samples of each one)
- console has now signalling implemented (menu key = CTRL)
- console has arrow keys implemented
- console has support for displaying front colors; thus it is no longer needed to disable bash colors
- console supports calling clear
- switch files (.nobashcolors, .kdb_qwertz, etc.) are now located in /etc
- manual settings of the timezone (/etc/timezone), applied if the env. variable TZ doesn't exist
- scripts in scripts folder are dos2unixed (on -FuFu- advice)
- recovery binary will exit if not run by init (to prevent running it from adb or console)

Version 1.36
- fixed nandroid when doing "Backup All" and not having apps2sd; which would fail complaining that /sddata could not be mounted
(Ticking all partitions in the menu and selecting "Backup Selected" was working properly and the backup has been done correctly.)
- fixed console cursor blinking
- squirtle theme fixed

Version 1.37
- fixed nandroid restore not properly restoring yaffs2 partitions in old format
- fixed nandroid restore not restoring compressed backups
- fixed nandroid backup not taking md5 checksums
- console buffers up to 1000 lats printed lines (extended from 200)


color3.LED=#100 <- led diode color (3-bit RGB, use only 0 or 1)
color32.background=#000000A0 <- recovery background color
color32.menu=#FF3705FF <- recovery menu color
color32.selection=#FFFFFFFF <- recovery selected item color
color32.script=#FFFF00FF <- recovery script color

#Console color properties
color24.console.header=#FFFF00 <- console header color
color24.console.background=#000000 <- console background color
color24.console.front=#FFFFFF <- console foreground color

(The example values are used by default when the property is not found.)

- scrolling (pressing volume keys by a row (or eight rows if ALT is pressed))
- don't forget to select correct keyboard layout (under settings menu), turn off coloured output for bash (unsupported)
- search key is tab
- Alt+A prints "|" instead of Euro, Alt+F prints "$" instead of Pound
- MENU key acts as CTRL
- pressing MENU + ALT + C forcibly quits the console

OR update.zip format:
- the update.zip is extracted to "/sdcard/OpenRecovery/tmp/update"
- shell script, located in the archive in "META-INF/update-or.sh" is called; under env. variable PACKAGE is the root folder of the extraction: "/sdcard/OpenRecovery/tmp/update"
- the script can do the very same as script called from the menu (can call imenu)
- progress bar is not supported in this format

Source code:


(The module name is "open_recovery_SHOLS", it can coexist next to the stock one.)
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Nudelholz, -FuFu-, MotoRoPraStone und 10 andere
first sorry for my bad english ;)
the new OpenRecovery looks very nice and the on-phone console is that what i miss from the first day of your first release

thanks for that, when you ready to release, i test it ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Thx Skrilax - your OpenRecovery is my personal MVP on the MS. Theming would be much harder without the comfort of onboard flashing or nandroids. Thumbs up :cool:

So I`m sure that FuFu and TimeTurn will test it inside-out.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Yeah you're right :D :eek: :p I was ready to release a new version of my OR mod, but if there's a new OR I suspend that until I implemented the new OR if I could do so.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Awesome, i've been looking for a console for a long time.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Well, we would be nothing without the OR :) As he_stheone64 already said, definately one of the MVPs for the MS.

Actually, even now going to Amon Ras recovery from yours on my Nexus, I do miss some of your addons like like simply script support without adb :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
On-Phone Console :O you are the best skrilax
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Can't wait for the stable binary :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Sounds yery good! Thanks for the great work so far!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
There should be more people like you are, Skrilax. Can't wait to use it :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Released: Open Recovery v1.30 [08/17/2010]

Notes in that thread. The keyboard in the console is QWERTY by default, so don't forget to change it in the Settings menu. Oh and the console is still limited, singalling, colours and escape characters like arrows are not imlemented.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: -FuFu-, TimeTurn, kniffo80 und 4 andere
WOW! nice work skrilax! thx a lot. will try it in the evening (german time ;))
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0)
(No such device)
I removed every reference to that device from switch.sh (switch.sh now looks nearly like the one of OR 1.14) but Message still shows up after the main menu pops up and after starting any script.

//EDIT: Error shows up even if I use your unmodified OR 1.30

Do you have any advises where to look for that? I removed /cdrom from switch.sh and fstab, but nothing changed.

I do not use app2sd.
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i will try it out ;) looks very nice
FuFu probier das mal ohne App2SD bzw. ext2-Partition auf der SD-Karte, dann wirste vermutlich den gleichen Fehler bekommen wie ich.
ich hab keine sdcard ohne app2sd :D
ich hab auch erstmal Termin jetzt ;) ich teste heute abend ausführlich ^^
Ah, apparently error in ensuring about mounted partition. I've kept them mounted by default, and the ensuring takes place prior to running a script etc. Must be an error in detection of the partition and it is inside the recovery binary. Shouldn't cause any problems, just the error message.
Yes, the rest of my Mod works fine with it - would it be fixed if I replace the update.zip with the old one or would that remove the new features like menu colors as well? I think so?

//EDIT: Is there any way of cleaning the screen via script to remove that message? Something like cls in MS-DOS?
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update.zip is not really relevant to that. It's hardcoded into the binary which can't be replaced, it would break a lot of things. I can implement sending '\f' character to the console and script output for clearing it, shouldn't be difficult. I'll take a look on that in the evening.

Also test if the QWERTZ is mapped correctly in the console.
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Thanks a lot - Console is qwerty in my Mod, no matter if ".keyb_qwertz" is in "/bin" and "/sdcard/OpenRecovery/bin" or not - testing the original OR, stand by...

//EDIT: Same with tne original unmodified OR folder - console keyboard is "qwerty" even if set to "qwertz" in "settings"
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