[ENGLISH] Open Recovery feedback

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okay i hope you find the bug ;)
i like this feature, makes a security-question so simple :D for user that dont know what they do ^^

all other features what i test at this time are working great ;)

maybe update the root files in final release? newest version i see 2.3.1... at this time you use 2.2.2
I got some problems with the latest SuperUser.apk (it would crash when I opened the SuperUser Whitelist).
i dont test it at this time
but i think 2.2.2 are works great, for me no reason to chance

in my OpenRecovery mod i include a dos2unix convert for the .sh in /scripts for the user that write there script with windows editor, maybe you want to include it in you release?
in switch.sh i only add
for SCRIPT1 in "/sdcard/OpenRecovery/scripts/"*.sh; do
busybox dos2unix -u $SCRIPT1
Ok, noted.
Ich wusste garnicht, das Busybox ein Kommando dazu hat :) Wieder was dazugelernt.
tja ;) busybox hat viel :D und ich nutz es nicht nur für die scripte ^^

nun muß ich meine OR umbauen :D zuviele neue schöne features ^^ aber ich bin schon fast fertig, aber ich bin noch nicht ganz zufrieden ;)
ich glaub ich mach nen neues menu :D aber release gibts dann erst wenns original fertig ist

one question :)
when use nandroid backup to create an backup, in foldername how to chance the time course its -2 hours. any variable to do this? or what i must chance in die nandroid script to show the time correct?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Kr0n05
Nandroid uses the "date" command to get date and time - seems like Recovery can't handle time zones and uses GMT instead.
-FuFu- schrieb:
one question :)
when use nandroid backup to create an backup, in foldername how to chance the time course its -2 hours. any variable to do this? or what i must chance in die nandroid script to show the time correct?

Implementing timezones to be set automatically would be quite difficult. It could be set manually though.

PS: Don't use German articles in English, "die" in English means "sterben" :p
sorry, sometimes not so easy for me to switch between german and english ;)
is there any way, to add 2 hours by using variables like
time='$date + 7200'
maybe its possible, i dont test it...
-FuFu- schrieb:
sorry, sometimes not so easy for me to switch between german and english ;)
is there any way, to add 2 hours by using variables like
time='$date + 7200'
maybe its possible, i dont test it...

du vergisst hier sommer- und winterzeit ;) ich denke, android nimmt einfach den unix timestamp und der ist immer UTC. du müsstest also wissen, in welcher zeitzone sich der nutzer befindet und dementsprechend rechnen ;)
Error message for ext2 device is still there, but console keymap is correct now, thank you :)

Wegen der Zeitzonen: Ich werde das so lassen wie das ist - und das entsprechend in die Dokumentation reinschreiben. Ich nutze das Datum auch noch für meine neue Dateisicherung als Namen für den Speicherordner. Zeitzone wär mir brot, da mein OR eh deutsch ist würde ich halt die MESZ oder MEZ nehmen - aber dann muss auch wieder eine Abfrage für die daylight savings (Sommerzeit) rein usw - das ist mir echt zu umständlich.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
och, ich will ja einfach nur eine fixe variable für mich haben :D mich stört das zwar nicht wirklich mit der zeit, da ich ja weis "achja, +2h dann passt es" ;)
es ist einfach eine sache, die mich interessiert :D
Skrilax_CZ schrieb:
Known bugs in 1.30 and 1.30a:
- when using the imenu (interactive menu) twice or more in one script, the answer from the second (and the latter ones) is the same as in the first menu
- when ext2 partition on sdcard doesn't exist, you get printed a message prior to running any script etc. (bug in testing if the ext2 partition exists)

- date and timezones (for manual settings)
- dos2unix and unix2dos applets for busybox back

Now; is there anything I missed to fix?
no other bugs at the moment ;) i have a ext2 partition on sdcard and no errors print and mounting to /sddata works perfect...

only thing that i find is, when i turn on color for bash, in the console on milestone no colors shown, only some syntax are shown... without any colors, the console is very confusing...

sorry for my very very bad english, i hope you understand what i mean ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
So, version 1.32 is out (in a form of patch from 1.30a) - download & fixes on the first page.
(note the init_recovery.sh modification is only menu item names in settings menu)

Mainly pressing ALT + MENU + C will forcibly close the console, so you don't have to reboot if you get stuck; and more fields in ui.prop (setting background color and console colors).

-FuFu- schrieb:
i dont test it at this time
in my OpenRecovery mod i include a dos2unix convert for the .sh in /scripts for the user that write there script with windows editor, maybe you want to include it in you release?
in switch.sh i only add
for SCRIPT1 in "/sdcard/OpenRecovery/scripts/"*.sh; do
busybox dos2unix -u $SCRIPT1

You can add it to /sdcard/OpenRecovery/init (with sh extension). It will get run automatically from init_recovery.sh (init_recovery.sh is called from OR binary prior to any menu creation). Which I've done; but forgot to pack the init folder into the 1.32 patch :)

TimeTurn schrieb:
Error message for ext2 device is still there, but console keymap is correct now, thank you :)

Hopefully the ext2 bug is finally fixed.

-FuFu- schrieb:
only thing that i find is, when i turn on color for bash, in the console on milestone no colors shown, only some syntax are shown... without any colors, the console is very confusing...

The color handling is not implemented yet; so keep them turned off.
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: -FuFu- und TimeTurn
ext2 error is completely gone now - thanks a lot :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
thanks, interactiv menu now works perfect

test go on ;) but dont think find more bugs

nandroid works greate also for ext2 partition, no more extra to do for me ^^ i love it :D

one bug found, when i nandroid my system an restore it, my root is gone :( dont know why, i must root the phone again
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Apparently it doesn't store (or restore) the sticky bit for su.
i dont know, its since you make the new nandroid script... befor i dont have that problem
maybe i'm the only one with this problem, for me its not a big problem ;) only root again after restore, 2 sek. more work, its dont matter ;)
I still use the old nandroid 'cause I translated it to german and thinned it out (removed online update, compression etc - everything that's not nessessary for OpenRecovery and is only used by ADBRecovery users) and I don't want to do that again - so I don't have that problem :)
New nandroid scripts are cleaned up and with better interaction with the user via menu. But the bug is in either mkyaffs2image-or or unyaffs-or.
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