[ENGLISH] Open Recovery feedback

  • 121 Antworten
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And if you press Alt + Z or Alt + Y (with the .keyb_qwertz in it) - does it print 6 on Z or on Y?

Y = Z
Z = Y
ALT + Y = 6
ALT + Z = <
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
And if you set the keyboard to qwerty, it produces the exact same output (on Y, Z, ALT + Z and ALT + Y)

Y = Z
Z = Y
ALT + Y = <
ALT + Z = 6

hopefully i am on the right thread now.

I am running OpenRecovery 1.14 (TimeTurnMOD version as well as GOT version, but makes no difference - still same issue) on the Motorola Milestone with stock Android 2.1 (bugfix release).

My device was rooted with UniversalAndroot 1.6.1. After that i flashed the vulnerable system recovery SBF so OpenRecovery works.

Now i tried to update the old Superuser App installation with a new one. No matter i take the market version or the update from XDA-Thread ("[APP] Superuser - Now on the Market [2010-08-15] - xda-developers") it is necessary to update the old su binaries with an newer version via the recovery console.

Anyway, if i try to flash the update.zip through the OpenRecovery Console it always aborts with the following error:

E:Could not find the update-binary
The error occures with this http://bit.ly/su2321ef file as well as the su-binary update.zip from by the market version.

Can you please tell me if this is an problem of the update or a problem of my device?


Someone on XDA told me that OpenRecovery cannot handle such update files. But i don't understood what he means. --> here
As far as i understand only SPRecovery can handle such files.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ah I understand the problem now - it looks like the phone receives a KEY_Y event when you press Z on QWERTZ; I thought it will be receiving KEY_Z. Thus I've edited the layout to swap the ALT keys and kept the mapping for Z and Y, which results completely opposite result than intended. Thanks for testing.
Aexel schrieb:

hopefully i am on the right thread now.

I am running OpenRecovery 1.14 (TimeTurnMOD version as well as GOT version, but makes no difference - still same issue) on my Motorola Milestone with stock Android 2.1 (bugfix release).

My device was rooted with UniversalAndroot 1.6.1 and after that i flashed the vulnerable system recovery SBF so that OpenRecovery works.

Now i tried to update my old Superuser App installation with a new one. No matter i take the market version or the update zip from XDA-Thread ("[APP] Superuser - Now on the Market [2010-08-15] - xda-developers") it is necessary to update the old su binaries with an update.zip via the recovery console.

Anyway, if i try to flash the update.zip through the OpenRecovery Console it always aborts with the following error:

E:Could not find the update-binary
The error occures with this http://bit.ly/su2321ef as well as the su-binary update.zip from by the market version.

Can you please tell me if this is an problem of the update or a problem of my device?


Just add there the update-binary from the test flash in updates folder. But I've got some issues with the superuser.apk; that's why I use the 2.2.2 so far.
@Aexel: Das wäre eher was für den Thread zu meinem Mod gewesen.

Du musst nur die "Superuser.apk" in OpenRecovery/root ersetzen und dann nochmal mit dem Script rooten, Du brauchst also keine update.zip ausführen.

Just replace "Superuser.apk" in "OpenRecovery/root" with the new one and root the phone again - no need to execute the "update.zip".
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
Skrilax_CZ schrieb:
Just add there the update-binary from the test flash in updates folder. But I've got some issues with the superuser.apk; that's why I use the 2.2.2 so far.

Sorry, but what do you mean with "update-binary from the test flash"? Don't know what you mean.

TimeTurn schrieb:
@Aexel: Das wäre eher was für den Thread zu meinem Mod gewesen.

Du musst nur die "Superuser.apk" in OpenRecovery/root ersetzen und dann nochmal mit dem Script rooten, Du brauchst also keine update.zip ausführen.

Just replace "Superuser.apk" in "OpenRecovery/root" with the new one and root the phone again - no need to execute the "update.zip".

Ok i understand. But is there also a ways to use the Android market version of superuser.apk? This one seems to be updateed more regulary than the version in the XDA Thread.

Also the Superuser.apk tells me to update my su binaries after the first start with su-3.2-bin.zip from my sdcard. But i cannot apply this one because of the error described.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
same for me, i chance the keylayout to qwertz but its still qwerty...

and a question:
what numbers i must use for "color3.LED" to let the led blinks green or yellow?

i love the new console, now i have all i want in recovery ;) only sdcard mount to access it from my pc in recovery is missing ^^ like a option in recovery menu "mount sd for pc access" ;) maybe in next release? ;)

so long, tests will go on ;)
color3 is three bit color in #RGB format (only use 0 or 1, so yellow would be #110, green #010 etc.)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: -FuFu-
Skrilax_CZ schrieb:
color3 is three bit color in #RGB format (only use 0 or 1, so yellow would be #110, green #010 etc.)
thanks ;)
now that I look at it longer, it also struck me :D

nice work the whole thing
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
@Aexel: Replace "su" in "OpenRecovery/root" too, but remove or rename the "Superuser.apk" there. Remove and reinstall root. The script can't find the APK anymore and so it can't be copied to /system/app.

Now only the "su" command should be left un your system and you can install "Superuser" from the Market.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Aexel
TimeTurn schrieb:
@Aexel: Replace "su" in "OpenRecovery/root" too, but remove or rename the "Superuser.apk" there. Remove and reinstall root. The script can't find the APK anymore and so it can't be copied to /system/app.

Now only the "su" command should be left un your system and you can install "Superuser" from the Market.

Thanks alot! Now i understand why it doesn't work. Always thought there is something wrong with my phone.
@Skrilax_CZ: Some news about the bugfixes? :D

Great work so far :cool:
thanks for that ;)
now its qwertz in console...

now i can add my scripts and include some new features for my version
i dont know what i will do without your openrecovery ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Skrilax_CZ
is it possible to set more then one imenu in a script?
i just test to use RES and RES2 in same script to use 2 interactive menus, but both values from RES and RES2 the same, when i select in first imenu option 3 and in second imenu option 1, the value from RES and RES2 are both 3...

both imenus have different headers and different answers
Thanx alot, I already got the new OR in my Mod, just replacing the binary later this day.
-FuFu- schrieb:
is it possible to set more then one imenu in a script?
i just test to use RES and RES2 in same script to use 2 interactive menus, but both values from RES and RES2 the same, when i select in first imenu option 3 and in second imenu option 1, the value from RES and RES2 are both 3...

both imenus have different headers and different answers

Looks like another bug :)

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