[Diskusion] Group of Ten 2.2.1 (Froyo) Testbuild Release

  • 2.624 Antworten
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Ich dachte immer, sie wollen es nicht releasen? Hmmm ... ich bin am überlegen, ob ich noch lieber warte und auf das CM6 von nadlabak warte ...
für den G.O.T. 2.2.1 release machen wir nen neuen thread auf und gut is.
edit: lol jetzt war ich zu spät ^^
und okorn versucht's trotzdem nochmal :p
mailtoalf schrieb:
Es muss halt wieder ein extra Thread aufgemacht werden wie bei Cm 6 und da werden dann nur nützliche Infos drin released. Und hier kann man darüber weiter diskutieren. Wäre die beste Lösung, weil wenn das Ding erscheint gehts rund. :)
alle wichtigen infos findet man bei G.O.T. immer im blog ;) also wozu neuen thread?

und man kann ja darüber hier diskutieren, aber es ist viel OT hier dazwischen was nervt ^^

und wenn man was downloaden kann, und es dann probleme gibt, kann man noch immer einen "support" thread aufmachen wo man über bugs, fehler und co diskutieren kann
KisteBier schrieb:
was willst´n vergleichen? deinen stein mit meinem stein? sind beide schwarz, nehm ich an :D

G.O.T. und Moto ;)
Sind schon 23 min um! Was los ¬¬
Man könnte ja auch im ersten Post eine Inhaltsangabe mache:

Seiten 1-50 OT und Spam :p
Ab Seite 50: 1st Release v1.0
Ab Seite XX: 2nd Release v1.1
etc. pp.
G.O.T. 2.2.1 released! G.O.T 2.2.1 released G.O.T.'s Blog

G.O.T 2.2.1 released

G.O.T is proud to finally be in a position to present to you the 2.2.1 firmware files you have all been waiting for.

We have also finished our work on our OpenRecovery modification for this and previous builds.

Lets start with the Credits:

- The entire G.O.T theme for sticking with me during the past week and the numerous IMs/calls/chats we have had to get this done in time. I, personally, feel honored to work with you guys!!
- The great nadlabak and skrilax_CZ. None of this would have been possible without your continuous dedication and support. Nadlabak, go-go-go with your CM6 We are sure once you launch your new edition of CM6, our firmware will no longer be needed by the users!!!
- DAGr8 and -fufu-. Your ideas and cooperation with us (especially our coders/scripters) took our OR to a whole new level. As such, the incremental jump to V2 of the OR is all due to you guys.
- he_stheone64 for agreeing to “licence” his Theme “SummerBlues” to us as the new and improved G.O.T theme. Thank you so much.
- All the other help we had from the people that worked with us day and night and who would like to remain “silent” contributors. You know we owe you a lot!!!

Here is what you need to know:

a) Contrary to previous releases, we would strongly recommend you to use our GOT OR V2.0.
One of the first things you should do is use the “Fix 2.2.1 bugs” selection in the new OR 2.2.1 menu after you flash the sbf file.
This tweak will fix some of the issues with the generic sbf build such as dual USB notifications, replacing some stock Motorola applications such as the old launcher/mediagallery and adding the Wireless Tethering application.
DO NOT USE after installing the G.O.T. theme, as the services.jar is different between both versions. If you did it anyhow, simply install the G.O.T theme again.
b) The sbf firmware files are all modified by us including the vulnerable recovery, so you can flash and root straight away (same as with our previous releases)
c) If you flash the firmware, you might encounter a reboot after the first boot. This is normal and expected behavior, so do not be alarmed
d) We can only provide you with full sbf releases at this moment. We strongly recommend not to use any backup from 2.1 related kernels as you are bound to get into trouble. The best approach is to install the apps you need from the market, set up your accounts and customize your device by hand. This is the only way you can guarantee that any issues encountered are not due to an incompatible data/settings backup.
e) Performing and restoring nandroid backup from 2.1based kernels will result in a bootloop unless you use our G.O.T V2.0 OpenRecovery (or any other ORs that have been updated to V1.43 of skrilax_CZ base). The simple reason is that we have worked together with Skrilax_CZ as we, and him, encountered issues when trying to restore 2.1 based nandroid images on top of the flashed 2.2.1 firmware. We are very happy our cooperation with him was as good as it was, and as such be in a position to already have solved this issue at launch.
f) We are extremely proud to give to you the new G.O.T Theme for 2.2.1. Some of you may see the familiarities to the SummerBluesTheme of he_stheone64. There is a reason for it – we are proud to be able to announce that he_stheone64 has worked with us, and agreed, that his SummerBluesTheme is now the new G.O.T theme.
g) NOTE: On some devices, we have encountered that rooting directly after flashing without rebooting after the initial flash can bring some issues with RootExplorer not asking for root permissions. To be safe, reboot after flash so that the “welcome to milestone” menu comes up, set up the device in general, then reboot to recovery and root the device as well as apply our 2.2.1 tweaks with Launcher, Services.jar fix and Wireless Tethering app.

Testing experience from our team regarding features and functionalities:

- AGPS works reliably, no trouble found
- Bluetooth works reliably, no trouble found
- WLAN works as before, no trouble found
- GPRS/HSDPA data works fine, no trouble found
- Framelimit of 30fps lifted
- Kernel 2.6.32 includes and supports the generic 2.2 features known
- Tethering app (3G Hotspot) included, but did not work for us (network provider needs to support this feature failures). We don’t know whether this is possible with your operator, but we have included the wireless tethering app in the Stock 2.2.1 tweaks
- Market needs fixing to show protected apps, bug solved by using the G.O.T fingerprint of build.prop and market fix (provided in 2.2.1 menu)
- Overclocking works fine with the modified overclock2.2.apk written (2.2.1 overclock menu will install it)


G.O.T OpenRecovery V2.0









These are all the firmware files we can provide at the moment. If we locate further sbfs, we will let you know. RTEU should work with most countries that have the European UMTS frequencies.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Nudelholz, schrimpi und TimeTurn
Es ist drauf - LOL :lol:
alles nur danke einheimser :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: edehahn, AleviDroid und he_stheone64
isch ja gut :D bin schon am Downloaden ;)


Danke! Thx G.O.T. you are the best :thumbsup:

noch 13%
Und schon wer geflasht? *g noch 10% *grrrr
so, files sind fertig geladen, aber: wer traut sich? :D
ich weiß ich bin noch skeptisch :D ich glaub ich machs nicht :p LoL
alles pfeifen hier, dann mach ichs!
Bleh bei mir fehlen noch 19 min :(

Ich mache nandroid backup und dann 2.2.1 :p

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